The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 988 get down one by one

The person who registered the information stared at Lin Tian and said, "boy, how dare you be so crazy in front of us? Do you want to die? "

Lin Tian doesn't think so. He replies, "I'm going in by myself? You'd better take me in! "

"You boy, you want to die!" The man was so stimulated that he wanted to show Lin Tian some color and hit Lin Tian with one hand.

As soon as Lin Tian turned to his side, the other side rushed into the air. The onlookers began to clamor, and the people of Nanhuang Temple stood out one after another to help.

Lin Tian glanced and smiled and said, "whoever wants to be on the ground like him, just come."

These people in Nanhuang Temple didn't take Lin Tian seriously, but Lin Tian was calm and still looked at the people with a smile.

People on the ground got up, clapped, clapped and stared, "boy, it was a mistake just now."

Finish saying, this person plans to sneak attack, then hit a palm from behind this person, but this person hasn't met Lin Tian yet, was hit to fly by the palm of Lin Tian's nine day formula of wind and thunder.

"Bang" that person, flies not far away, directly hits under a pile of rocks, momentarily head breaks blood.

The people of Nanhuang Temple immediately shouted, "kill him."

So these people plan to take Lin Tian down, and if Lin Tian dies, they will put them down.

All the people at the scene were stunned. They couldn't even believe that a man who crossed the border of robbery was so terrible.

"It seems that I can only go in by myself." Lin Tian smiled at a group of people lying on the ground.

After that, Lin Tian swaggered forward to the array channel, and several guards there looked at each other, immediately retreated, finally entered the array, and closed the channel.

In the array, those guarding disciples shouted at the outside.

"Boy, don't be crazy. There will be strong senior brother coming to kill you later."

"That's right, you just wait to die."

Lin Tian smiled and put his hand on the array. "One breaks the array and thinks I can't get in?"

When they heard this, they looked at each other, especially some people around them whispered.

Some people also said, "this boy, want to break the battle?"

"Who does he think he is? Even the immortal array will break? "

At the moment, countless people feel that Lin Tian is a bit arrogant. After Lin Tian put his hand on that moment, he clapped hard, and the array completely turned into nothingness and disappeared there.

The shouting people in the array immediately backed away, and Lin Tian walked step by step until a strong breath came from the hall.

"Who dares to go wild in Nanhuang temple?" At this time, a young man flew out of the Nanhuang palace.

When those people in Nanhuang hall saw him, they immediately became excited, "brother Luan."

Luan San, a gifted disciple of Nanhuang temple, still has a sign on his waist that says "two stars and 100 people will be killed".

People outside, see this person, one by one surprised, "chaos three all come."

"He's the one who won the title of" two stars and 100 people beheading. "

"Yes, and I have practiced the hundred chop technique. The power can be increased to a hundred times. It's very terrible." Some people worship.

In this mess, as soon as he came to Lin Tian, he released his breath and flew up to a great success. He stared at Lin Tian, "boy, if you don't give an explanation today, you can't leave!"

"Explanation? Explain what? " Lin Tian asked with a smile, "explain to those who hurt my Nanhuang temple and why they broke this array."

Lin Tian replied, "I, Lin Tian, the ancestor of tianshuimen, is this explanation enough?"

That disorderly three facial expressions changed after a while said, "originally you are that day Watergate ancestor."

"Now that you know it, do you want me to explain it?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and the disorderly sanhum said, "boy, these people may not be your opponents, but I am the one who won the title of" two stars and 100 people beheading "in Nanhuang hall."

"I don't care how many stars you have, but whoever stands in my way will have to pay." Lin Tian smiled rudely.

"That is disorderly 3 angry clench a tooth," do not give you a little color to see, you really take yourself seriously

Finish saying, this disorderly Trinity hand stretches out, then flies out a long and thin black rope, then entangles Lin Tian's hands and legs, and stares, "I can trap you with a rope."

When they saw that Lin Tian was trapped, they thought that Lin Naing had been caught, and those people in Nanhuang hall cheered one by one.

In particular, the person who just registered the information flew over from the ruins and looked at Luan San with blood all over his body and said, "brother Luan, you are so powerful."

"That disorderly three smugly smile way," a crossing to rob the boundary just, can have how fierce. "

Luan San's modesty was appreciated by many disciples of Nanhuang temple, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "a broken rope, you want to trap me? You look down on me too much. "

However, Luan San said confidently, "this rope is the rope of trapped immortals in my Nanhuang temple, that is to say, immortals can all be trapped, let alone you?"

"Is it?" When Lin Tian finished, the rope would open automatically and float in the air.

The mess was stupefied, while others were shocked. As for the fire beast, he blinked and muttered, "this boy, he's a little bit capable. He can even untie this kind of rope."

Disorderly three but unwilling, still stare at Lin Tian, "boy, don't be proud, I will let it lock you again now."

Finish saying, this disorderly three plans to fetter Lin Tian again, but the rope is still there, completely disobey orders.

"Disorderly three eyebrows tightly lock, in the heart dark scold," this guy, in the end did what? "

Lin Tian stares at the mess. "Do you want to continue?"

Disorderly three airway, "then I don't need rope, I let you taste my magic."

Only the red light on Luan San's body flickered, and then the spirit of fire became strong, and two huge balls of fire were gathered in his hands. The target was Lin Tian.

"Boom." The fireball hit Lin Tian heavily, but the flame just arrived in front of Lin Tian, and then gradually disappeared.

They all wondered where the fire went, and the beast blinked, "this guy is really not afraid of fire."

That disorderly three but stare at Lin Tian, "boy, you, do you have any magic weapon?"

"I really don't need magic to deal with you." In a word, Lin Tian completely enraged Luan San, and Luan San hummed, "then I will let you know the power of my hundred chop technique."

After that, there are hundreds of shadows behind the mess three, and the breath on the body soars.

The people in Nanhuang hall were excited one by one, while the onlookers envied, "what a powerful hundred chop technique."

"It's not. It's a magic that can increase 100 times the power."

But the fire beast looked at Lin Tian doubtfully, and muttered in his heart, "this guy, won't he carry it?"

For Luan San, he looked ferociously at Lin Tian and said, "boy, do you see that? This is my strength. "

"Rubbish!" Lin Tian sent two words.

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