"Congratulations to King Pilav, the wish will come true."

Xiao Wu and A Xiu, who were driving the helicopter, were flattering each other.

About twenty minutes later, the helicopter flew over the desert.

"It's coming, just in front, hurry up and drive over." Pilav shouted excitedly.


Soon the helicopter flew over a few people from the peak.

"King Pilav, the Dragon Ball should be in the hands of those people." Xiao Wu observed Gao Feng and the others through the telescope.

Axiu said: "King Pilav, let's go down and kill those now, (dbee) take their dragon balls."

Pilav shouted: "Idiot, rashly attacking is what a reckless man did. First launch a missile to frighten their courage. It will be easy for them to hand over the Dragon Balls at that time."

Xiao Wu and A Xiu immediately said, "King Pilav is wise!"

"Hmph, don't hurry up and launch."

on the desert.

The four of Gao Feng stayed under a large parasol, surrounded by eight refrigerators, constantly blowing cold wind towards the four of them.

Even in the desert, it is not hot at all, and the coolness is constant.

The cost is great.

Eating barbecue in the desert, only the rich will do this kind of thing, it's like using money to light a cigarette.

Of course, Boomer doesn't care, she has a lot of money, and this cost is a drizzle.

"Do you think being rich is very happy? You can't imagine the happiness of rich people." Gao Feng suddenly said this.

Boomer's eyes lit up, does Gao Feng want money?

There is not much else in her booma, except that she has a lot of money. If Gao Feng needs money, she can use the money to tie Gao Feng.

So Bouma said, "Mr. Gao Feng, do you need money? My family has a lot of money. If you need it, I can lend it to you..."

Boomer had meant to give, not lend.

But if you give it directly, wouldn't it be obvious that you are trying to please Gao Feng, and it seems that you are too reserved and too cheap.

If you borrow it, it's better not to come back then.

As long as Gao Feng becomes her boyfriend, what else is there to do?It's all a family, hehe.

Bidili said with a look of contempt: "MDZZ, what do you want to do, Boomer? Do you want to lure my master with money?"

"Hehe, do you think you have a few dollars to be great? My master still cares about your money. Let me tell you, you are insulting my master. Do you think you are taking care of your little white face?"

Bulma's face flushed, and she was speechless.

"I, I don't have such an idea... You don't talk nonsense." Buma hesitated.

"Then what do you think?"

"I, why should I tell you, I'm too lazy to care about you." Booma said angrily.

Bouma turns grief and anger into appetite.

She picks up a piece of roast from the grill, sprinkles it with cumin, peppers it, butters it, and gulps it down.

Immediately, his face was satisfied, and he felt a lot more relaxed.

Pick up the coke and pour it into your mouth.

Mood completely recovered.

Everyone, you come and go, clink glasses with each other, and eat very well.

Bidili said while eating: "Master, there is a helicopter on it, should we take care of it?"

Gao Feng smiled and said, "That's our baby boy, leave him alone for now, we'll talk about it after eating."

boom! ! ! !

At this moment, the gunship in the sky fired a missile downward.

The missile went straight towards the peak and bombarded several people. .

body 65, the sixth dragon ball is in hand

Gao Feng continued to eat barbecue, not caring about the missile that was launched.

Bouma stood up and said in a panic, "The missile is coming, let's run."

A flash of light flashed in Gao Feng's eyes, and the missile that was about to be bombarded immediately stopped, and was given by an invisible force.

Bidili gave Bulma a look of contempt: "What are you afraid of? With my master here, what is a mere missile? It seems that in Bulma's eyes, my master is not worthy of your trust. You don't believe that he can. protect you."

Bulma glanced at the anchored missile, but the missile did not come down.

"I, I'm not what you said, I trust Gao Feng Jun very much, I'm just, just..." Booma weakly defended.

"Just what?" Bidley asked wickedly.

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