The Most Generous Master Ever

Chapter 287: : Mistress, I want too


Nine days of turbulence, under this sword, the earth trembled, and the void distorted.

Lianfeng's sword can be said to be a full-blown sword, without any reservations.

At the moment when Yunxiao was cut out, his body seemed to be evacuated.

Just watching that sword qi cut through the sky and slashed at the seven true immortals.

Li Qiu gradually became crazy in the blood fog.

"Do not……"

"This seat is impossible to lose, give me the town."

The crushing force that the smashed fists can't suppress, this cage of order of heaven and earth seems to be a coffin specially set up for them.

No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't break free from this confinement.

I saw that sword energy slashed, and in an instant... a mass of blood mist filled the sky, and there was a loud bang.

The sky seemed to be raining blood, and the dyed East China Sea was flushed red.

Under the Underwater Asgard, a monkey hides in the dark, shivering.

"Oh my god, what kind of monsters are these? It's too scary. I'd better continue to hide."

The more the monkey looked, the more frightened he became, and he was also very puzzled. Didn't he accidentally lead out an underwater fairy palace.

How could he suddenly attract so many people? This one is more terrifying than the other. If he goes out at this time, he will definitely be the first to burp.

After thinking about it, the monkey directly tore off the seal of Asgard and sneaked in.

The people above did not know at this time that this monkey hiding in the dark was about to cause the greatest disaster in history.

Still in the style of Lianfeng's sword, unable to extricate himself.

When the blood mist in the nine heavens dissipated, the seven true immortals fell into the deep sea at the same time, and the battle ended.


Lianfeng vomited out a mouthful of blood, but he couldn't hold it any longer. He was short of qi and blood and almost fell into the deep sea.

Lin Qingzhu came from the air, caught her, and said with concern, "Miss, are you alright."

At this moment, she had already admitted her heartfelt concern for this stunning mistress.

Because, Lianfeng stepped forward at their most dangerous moment, and in order to save them, she even did her best to resist the seven true immortals.

Just rushing here, Lin Qingzhu has already decided in his heart that she is their mistress, and even if the master does not agree, he will be tied to the bed.

Such a good mistress, where can you find it?

Look, this face, this beauty, this strength, Master, you'd better not be ignorant.

If Ye Qiu knew what the disciples were thinking at this time, he would probably die of anger.


"Cough cough..."

Hearing this voice, a gentle smile appeared on Lianfeng's miserable face.

I don't know why, when I heard this, my wife felt a little more loving in my heart.

As if these two little girls were her apprentices, they were very relieved.

"I'm fine."

After slowing down, Lianfeng finally recovered, but she was just consuming too much spiritual energy, and she was not injured.

After a short breath adjustment, Lianfeng was able to stand firm, turned around and looked at the girl in front of him, who was as cold as himself, and was stunned.

But it was also a brief moment of daze, and soon recovered.

"Girl, this sword was given to you by your master, right?"

Lianfeng looked at Yunxiao in her hand, she was very familiar with this sword.

Because at the beginning, Ye Qiu used this sword to overwhelm the heroes in the Emperor's Curtain and became famous in one battle.

Seeing that he gave this sword to his disciple, he also understood in his heart that this disciple must occupy a very important position in his heart.

Aiwu Jiwu, Ye Qiu's valued disciple, Lianfeng naturally followed him and admired Lin Qingzhu very much.

Faced with Lianfeng's questioning, Lin Qingzhu was startled for a moment, and answered honestly: "Well... back to the teacher, the disciple is not good at learning, and the master is afraid that the disciple will encounter danger outside, so he specially handed down this sword."

Lianfeng nodded, handed Yun Xiao to Lin Qingzhu, and said: "Well, not bad... girl, take it, this sword is very strong, don't bury the prestige of this sword..."

After returning Yunxiao to Lin Qingzhu...

After thinking about it, Lianfeng felt that it was not quite right. This is an elder, should we give some gifts when we meet for the first time?

After all, they call themselves Mistresses.

But she wasn't very familiar with worldly etiquette, so if it was a joke, it would be bad.

After thinking about it, Lianfeng took out a jade pendant from his arms and hesitated for a while.

He brought it to Lin Qingzhu himself and said, "When we met for the first time, Mistress didn't have anything good, so I will give you this piece of Tianhan jade."

"This jade pendant is what I got in the Xuanji Land. It has been with me for many years, and it is of great help to my practice."

"Now my wife doesn't need this, so I'll give it to you as a gift."

Seeing this piece of Tianhan jade, Lin Qingzhu was shocked, this jade pendant could actually resonate with the mysterious ice bone in her body.

It shows that this jade is very suitable for her cultivation. If she wears it on her body, her cultivation will definitely go a thousand miles in a day.

Moreover, from the quality point of view, this Tianhan jade can be said to be a well-deserved congenital treasure.

"This... Mistress, this gift is too precious, the disciple cannot ask for it."

Lin Qingzhu said immediately, she could understand the elders giving gifts, but it was too sudden and so precious.

Seeing her refusal, Lianfeng frowned, a little confused, is it not in line with etiquette?

Did she do that part wrong?

She stayed in the forbidden area to practice all the year round. It was true that she didn't know much about the etiquette of the world. Seeing Lin Qingzhu's rejection, she subconsciously thought that her etiquette was wrong.

Just as she was about to speak, a fiery red figure came out from the side, and a handsome little girl looked at her with a smile.

"Hee hee, Mistress, mine, Senior Sister has gifts, doesn't Wan'er have any?"

When Lianfeng heard this, he was stunned.

"Well, I should be right."

Originally, she was still a little questioning herself, but Lianfeng suddenly strengthened her inner belief that she was not wrong.

After thinking about it, Lianfeng said again: "Yes, there are..."

Saying that, after looking around in the storage jade, I finally found a fiery red jade pendant.

"This piece of flame jade, and your senior sister's piece, are a pair in themselves, and the effect is very good, very suitable for fire attribute cultivation."

"I see that you have a fire-type immortal bone in your body. I think this jade is very suitable for I will give it to you today."

Taking the baby handed over by Lianfeng, Zhao Wan'er smiled sweetly and called out, "Thank you, Mistress."


Lianfeng's heart seemed to be melted, the voice of the teacher's mother called out, and her heart was crisp, as if she really had two very well-behaved and lovely little apprentices.

What a strange feeling.

Lianfeng liked this feeling very much. Although they only met for the first time today, she had to admit that she already fell in love with these two apprentices.

In particular, the voice of the teacher's mother is very sweet and very emotional.

Or, go back and discuss with Ye Qiu, let him send these two apprentices over and let him play?

"Um... that's possible."

As if she had made up her mind, Lianfeng had already begun to plan how to get these two girls to her own dojo and accompany her to practice.



There was a shock in Jiutian, and the battlefield that had calmed down once again swept up a gust of wind.

"what happened?"

Everyone was startled and looked up quickly, only to see that the sky was suddenly gloomy and thunderous.

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