13 Compare firepower with me, you are all younger brothers

Then, Li Rui checked again, and there were more than a ton of metal materials left in his system.

“This steel, almost enough to build a helicopter, is just right for use.”

The time of the day passed quickly.

By the next morning, the two arms dealers had brought several carts of weapons to the pirate leader of General Sark.

Quickly arm it and let its strength skyrocket.

Originally, this General Sack had more than 3,000 soldiers under him.

But in fact, there are really five thousand, less than a thousand.

And the real AK rifle, the main soldiers of this category, there are only seven or eight hundred people.

This situation is very common on Somali’s side.

They are all more people and few weapons.

This is also why, after Li Rui sold the first pirate leader 2,000 AK rifles, as well as other weapons.

The pirate leader can then sweep away his enemies and become the reason for the hegemony of one side.

“Here are a thousand AK rifles, but also bazookas, grenades and other weapons.

This time, you must kill the yellow-skinned monkey for me and raze their camp to the ground. ”

The arms dealer said to this General Sark.

Through these two days of inquiring, the two arms dealer salesmen have also learned something about Li Rui’s situation.

Knowing that Li Rui was yellow-skinned, this strengthened their judgment even more.

Li Rui should be a layman, just got involved in their industry, and he is not in their alliance.

Because, at this time, the world’s largest arms dealer alliance is from the clown country and the West Gull side, basically all white.

They are extremely xenophobic and unlikely to let outsiders in and share their cake.

Not to mention yellow-skinned people like Li Rui.

The two arms dealers brought these weapons to the pirate leader, and they thought it should be enough.

This General Sack, with these weapons, plus what they had before themselves, was enough to arm a contingent of two thousand men.

According to the intelligence they collected, there seemed to be dozens of people in Li Rui’s camp.

In their opinion, this battle should be a sure match.

“Don’t worry, I’ll do it.”

General Sark said in a deep voice.


Immediately, with a wave of his hand, he led more than 2,000 pirates straight to Li Rui’s camp to kill.

And at this time, Li Rui had already let Hei Da be on the camp side and was ready.

Just waiting for them to come.

Last night and night, Hei Da led the biochemical people under his command to deploy all the inside and outside of the camp.

Now, Li Rui’s camp is simply Longtan Tiger’s Den.

After more than an hour’s journey, General Sack took the two arms traffickers and 2,000 soldiers to Li Rui’s camp.

Along the way, such a huge team frightened many people around.

“Boss, they’re coming.”

Hei Da looked at the convoy in the distance with his glasses and said to Li Rui.

“Boss, do you want to start first?”

Kuro asked.

At this time, on Li Rui’s camp, artillery was also available.

At this time, this group of pirates had entered, and their artillery firing range could be hit.

“Don’t worry, do it now, it’s not to fight the grass and scare the snake!”

If we scare them all away, won’t we be blind and prepare for the night?

Put a long line to catch big fish! ”

Li Rui said without the slightest hurry.


“Surround me!”

When the group of pirates arrived, that General Sack directly ordered to surround Li Rui’s camp.

“General, quick victory!”

The two arms dealers next to him urged.


“You two, take someone to attack me, and leave no one.”

General Sack pointed at the two men next to him and said.

Not long after, the two pirate leaders each took two hundred pirates and launched an attack on Li Rui’s camp.

Soon, they entered Li Rui’s camp smoothly.

There was no obstruction, and the camp was even more silent and quiet.

“Hei Da, let’s start!”

Li Rui, who was in the room, had already seen these pirates coming in at this time.

To the black big next to him, said.

The next moment, Hei Da directly ordered the attack to begin.


Then, in the front three-story building, and several bungalows on both sides, the curtain hanging outside suddenly fell.

I saw a machine gun appear behind me.

Light and heavy machine guns, that’s dense.

Just the three-story building in front, all three floors are machine guns, the bottom floor is heavy machine guns, and the upper two floors are light machine guns.

All machine guns added up, and there were more than thirty in number.



With Kuro Da’s order, then all that remained in the world was a dense gunfire.

Compare firepower with me, you are all younger brothers!

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