73 unanimously complained, the military complained

“yes, that’s what I want to say.

Isn’t it to let a new arms company into the industry, in fact, the impact on us old arms dealers will not be great.

Over the years, in fact, it is not completely free of other arms dealers entering the industry.

We are not yet how to make money, how to make money!

Maybe we’ll work with this ghost arms company in the future.

Therefore, I think now we should give the young man surnamed Li a little chance.

As long as he is willing to admit his mistakes to us and compensate us for the loss of this time, we do not need to embarrass young people.

It is not easy for young people to start a business today! ”

At this time, even the boss of the strongest British’s ‘Indack’ arms company among their eight alliance arms companies said with a smile at this time.

Agree with this suggestion.

And, to put it bluntly, they are to take care of young people and give young people the opportunity to start businesses.

Anyway, these old things are very experienced in this aspect of ‘nonsense’, to find face for themselves.

“Haha, yes, yes, I also feel that we suppressed people too much some time ago.

It’s time to give young people a chance.

I agree with that. ”

“I agree too! So be it. ”

Suddenly, after the big brother ‘Indack’ spoke, the other younger brothers also echoed.

However, only the boss of the ‘Emerget’ arms company had a gloomy face at this time and did not express his position.

To be honest, the other seven arms companies can compromise with Li Rui.

Only the Emerald Arms Company is the most unwilling to compromise like this.

In fact, their losses were too serious, and at this time, people in the arms community around the world basically knew that this struggle was provoked by their emeralds.

But now, if their alliance admits it.

The worst hit in the face must be their Emerald Arms Company!

“Lester, what do you mean? Now it’s almost that you didn’t say anything. ”

A moment later, the presidents of the other seven allied arms dealers all agreed to the plan.

Lester, the president of the Emerald Arms Company, was left without speaking.

The president of the Indaq arms company immediately asked him.

Lester didn’t want to agree, but now that the other seven partners agreed, he would be isolated if he refused.

“That’s okay.”

Immediately, Lester said with a gloomy face.

“However, the Ghost Arms Company must compensate our company for the losses during this time.

And, let their president publicly apologize to our company.

Only then will I agree. ”

Lester added.

“Well, as long as you agree, the rest of the compensation and apology issues can be discussed!”

The president of the ‘Indaq’ arms company, after seeing Lester agree, said with a grin.

As long as they reach an agreement internally, then the matter will be easy to handle, and they will negotiate with Li Rui specifically.

I’m afraid that they can’t get along internally, so that’s trouble.

Di Di Di!

It was at this time that the bosses of these alliance arms dealers received calls.

They interrupt the video conference.

It wasn’t until half an hour later that they reconnected.

This time back, the presidents of these eight alliance arms dealers turned even more ugly.

“You all received calls from the military or government officials, over there?”

The boss of the ‘Indack’ arms company, with a gloomy face, said.


Everyone nodded.

“Just now the military called me, and the tone was very bad.

Saying that we deceived them, their captain reported.

What we asked them to deal with was not a private person or an old submarine at all.

It was simply a very advanced submarine that posed a serious threat to their warships.

The captains of those warships are collectively accusing us. ”

The president of the ‘Indaq’ arms company, with a gloomy face, continued to say to everyone.

“It’s too much, it’s clear that the warships they sent out are incompetent.

How could that submarine of the Ghost Arms Company be some kind of shit advanced submarine, where did he get advanced submarines from.

The only channel is a small submarine made by private people, or an old submarine converted from an old one.

I don’t know, what are those warships for, this little thing can’t be done.

Every year, we have to give the military so much dividends.

Now, it is impossible to even protect the ships of our company, and there are faces that accuse us.

I’m going to convene the board to consider reducing investment in the military this year. ”

Immediately, the presidents of other arms companies said unkindly

Anyway, for the high-level of their government, they cannot accept such accusations.

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