103 eight warships, three submarines, black market live broadcast room

“Haha, this is the president of that ghost arms company? That’s silly!

Such a simple method of agitation, he has won the plan? ”

After Li Rui hung up the video, someone on the video conference side of the sixty-six arms companies couldn’t help but laugh out loud and said.

“Yes, I always thought that the president of this ghost arms company should be a powerful task.

It can make the Ghost Arms Company to the point where it is collectively besieged by us in less than two months.

This kind of thing has never happened before.

Such a character, I originally thought it should be very powerful.

I didn’t expect that I would be stimulated by such three words and two words, and such a person can also succeed, it is really hard to believe. ”

Someone said with emotion.

“Will there be fraud?”

At the same time, some people also raised the question of whether this would be intentional by Li Rui.

“It won’t!”

At this time, the president of the ‘Emerald’ arms company appeared again and said.

“This guy is a madman and a paranoid.

Before, I thought that he was really assassinated by us, but I actually regretted it in my heart.

It is because this madman has obvious weaknesses in his personality, and it is actually quite easy to deal with him.

Last time, we also used this agitation method, and he was fooled.

This time, I repeated my old trick, and the other party was also deceived.

There should be no fraud, if there was fraud, he would not have been fooled last time.

Now, this madman has not been killed, although we are counting 300 million funds.

But now I feel that we have earned it.

If this madman is killed and replaced with a more powerful person, I am afraid it will be more difficult to deal with than this madman.

Now, it’s still this madman who controls the mysterious submarine, and has won our agitation method, and is about to duel with us again.

But this time, we can mobilize the fleet forces of the past, not the ones we transferred last time.

At that time, it should be possible to take out the mysterious submarine of this madman. ”

Saying that, the president of the ‘Emerald’ arms company looked at the president of their alliance ‘Tai Lei Zi’ Group and asked: “How many warships and submarines can we transfer in five days?” ”

Others also look over, and this is also their concern.

“Well, I have to let people communicate, everyone wait.”

Half an hour, reply to everyone. ”

The ally of the ‘Tai Lei Zi’ group replied.

He was also not sure, he also needed to ask his secretary to contact the captains of the warships that had promised to support him before, as well as the captains of some submarines.

Ask them who is closest to the sea area designated by Li Rui and can be reached within five days.

If it’s too far to catch up, forget it.

After all, Li Rui’s side left them five days, and Li Rui waited there for five days.

However, five days, at the current speed of a warship, can actually allow a warship to sail a very long distance.

Half an hour, quickly passed.

The ‘Terai Zi’ group communicated with the commanders of all warships and submarines who had previously promised them to fight.

In the end, the result was obtained.

“We received a reply from our side, there are a total of eight warships, three submarines, you can rush over.”

The alliance master said to the crowd.

“Eight warships, three submarines, that’s enough.

Combined, these warships and submarines can form a small fleet, and it should be possible to deal with a submarine. ”

After someone listened, they thought it was okay.

However, the president of the ‘Emerald’ Arms Company said uneasily at this time: “I’m afraid it’s a little hanging.”

Last time, we were five warships on the move, and in the end, we were still in the hands of this mysterious submarine, and we suffered losses.

The submarine of this ghost arms company is definitely not simple.

It is better to send more warships and submarines over, it is more safe.

Or, among these eight warships and three submarines, there can be the kind of super performance.

For example, the warship is an Aegis-class destroyer, and the submarine is a “Seawolf-class” nuclear submarine of the clown country. ”

At this time, the president of the ‘Emerald’ arms company said again.

This time, he really wanted to kill Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine and completely destroy Li Rui, and did not want Li Rui’s Ghost Arms Company to rekindle.

Because he was worried that once Li Rui escaped this calamity again.

At that time, their ‘Emerald’ arms company, as the first to suppress Li Rui’s ghost arms company, also participated in the attack on Li Rui’s submarine twice.

How could it have a good ending.

So, at this time, they are the hardest-working and keep making good proposals.

“These eight warships, let me talk about them.

Among them, two fleets from the British Talkers, a ‘Brave-class’ destroyer and a ‘Norfolk-class’ frigate.

They are now resting at the Thin Mud Port in eastern Australia, just in time to get there.

Accompanying you, you can also bring an Australian warship, which is a ‘Hobart-class’ destroyer.

In addition, there are two warships from the clown country, one of which is a ‘Ticonderoga-class’ cruiser and one ‘Burke-class’ destroyer.

They were cruising across the Atlantic with a ‘Lafayette-class’ frigate from Gaul, just in time to come together.

In addition, there is a ‘Santa Maria-class’ frigate of the Matador Kingdom, and an Italian ‘Delabani-class’ destroyer, which can also rush over.

This is eight warships, and on the submarine side, there is a clown-nation ‘Los Angeles-class’ attack nuclear submarine, and a Britishman’s ‘Astute class’ attack nuclear submarine.

As well as the last Matador Kingdom’s ‘Agosta-class’ conventional submarine, which can also rush over.

That is, this time, we can reach the southern waters of the Atlantic Ocean in five days, and we have applied for support this time.

The strength is still very strong. ”

Soon, the alliance owner finished introducing the situation of these eight warships and three submarines.

“Haha, such a fleet is estimated to be able to surpass the navies of more than ninety percent of countries in the world.

This is a very powerful force, and I don’t believe that a submarine of the Ghost Arms Company can still deal with it. ”

After listening, someone immediately laughed and said.

The strength of these eight warships and three submarines is not strong, of course it is strong.

At this time, everyone present smiled with satisfaction.

“Well, they are the main warships and submarines of various countries so far.

In particular, the ‘Burke-class’ destroyers on the Joker-Nation side, as well as the ‘Hobart-class’ destroyers, are all ‘Aegis-class’ warships.

The other fighters also have good performance.

On the submarine side, although there are no most advanced submarines in various countries, it is also OK. ”

The president of the ‘Emerald’ arms company commented at this time.

To be honest, although these warships are the main warships of various countries at this time, many of them also know that they are old goods more than ten years ago.

Overall, it’s okay, the strength is not weak, but there are no surprises.

It’s normal to think about it.

How can the warships sent by various countries to serve these arms companies be the most advanced warships and submarines?

Being able to send these capital ships, even if it is the initial version of more than ten years, is already very face-saving for these arms companies.

Those most advanced capital ships, which are the trump cards of various countries, can not be sent out casually.

“Then it was decided that these eight warships and three submarines would rush to the southern waters of the Atlantic first.”

It would be best if this time this damned submarine could be solved over there in one go. ”

In the end, the ally of the ‘Tai Lei Zi’ group was hammered down.

They then informed the commanders of the ships and submarines and told them to set off immediately.

Five days, not very long.

At this time, Li Rui’s side was also rushing to that side.

Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine arrived in the sea area he demarcated in only one and a half days.

“It seems that no enemy warships have arrived yet!”

Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine sailed quietly underwater, not catching the movement of surface ships.

“These guys, I don’t know when they’ll arrive.

Black big, let you tinker with the black market casino and live broadcast room, how did you do it? ”

At this time, Li Rui entered the computer room again and asked Hei Da.

This way, Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine, sailing here, is not controlled by Hei Da, but Li Rui himself.

Now Li Rui, after this period of study with the Black University, can also perform the most basic operations on his Ghost nuclear submarine.

It’s just that such a normal voyage is not a dangerous underwater terrain, or a battle that breaks out in the enemy.

Li Rui can still handle it.

And Li Rui has now given Hei Da, another important task.

That is, let Heida use this unique computer room on his nuclear submarine, as well as Heida’s super hacking ability.

Let him open a casino on the black market side of the world, and a live broadcast room.

Li Rui now has a bold idea in his heart, that is, this time he will sit on his own and open a market on the global black market.

Moreover, he will also broadcast live on the black market this time, this time, he competed with these warships and submarines.

Li Rui dares to guarantee that such a live broadcast like him has already been such a market, even on the unscrupulous side of the world black market, it is definitely the first time it has appeared.

What underground racing, underground boxing, underground life and death fighting, etc., these things, will not have Li Rui’s excitement.

However, it is not easy to do this, so Li Rui let Hei Da and tinkered with this road.

“Almost done, boss.

The market on our black market side has been opened, and we have put a billion ugly yuan as a deposit.

This time, our bookmaker, who has not yet opened the market, is waiting for your order.

As for the black market live broadcast room, I have also set up and can start broadcasting at any time.

But viewing requires membership.

Also, want to make our live stream a success.

Now, we need to put a batch of miniature photography gadgets in this sea area.

They will float on the surface of the sea and provide us with high-definition live broadcasts when the time comes. ”

Hei Da stood up and reported to Li Rui happily and tiredly.

“Are the black market markets and live broadcast rooms almost ready?

Very good, on the Blackstone market, a billion deposit is a billion deposit, this time I promise we can earn it back.

As for the black market live broadcast room, after purchasing a membership, you can watch our battle with these warships and submarines.

This live broadcast, it is estimated that it will be unprecedented, and it is estimated that there will not be in the future.

That’s fun! ”

Li Rui said with a grin.

Then, Li Rui’s black market market here, after paying a deposit of one billion, can open smoothly and become a bookmaker.

At the same time, Hei Da controlled the Ghost nuclear submarine and threw a lot of miniature monitoring equipment into this sea area.

These monitoring equipment, like eyes, allow Li Rui to see the movements of the sea clearly in the underwater submarine.

“Hei Da, open the live broadcast room now, and at the same time, the black market market will also open.

Then, on the title of the live broadcast room, write clearly about the situation of this market. ”

After everything was ready, Li Rui said to Hei Da.

It didn’t take long for someone to find a live broadcast room on the black market, which immediately attracted countless people.

Live broadcast rooms like this have only recently appeared in the underground black market.

In the past, there was none.

It’s just that these underground black market live broadcast rooms, a lot of time is accompanied by underground casinos, everything appears.

The live broadcast room is for the market betting service.

Through the live broadcast room, the person who placed the bet can know the result at the first time, and there will be no doubt.

The world is progressing, and these underground black markets are also progressing.

So, it didn’t take long for people to appear on the underground black market, the newly appeared live broadcast room, and a title appeared.

[The mysterious submarine of the Ghost Arms Company VS the warships invited by the sixty-six arms companies. 】

Just this title is very attractive as soon as it is played.

People want to see what the mysterious submarine that appeared on Li Rui’s side looks like.

I am also very curious about how many warships and submarines there are in this time, 66 arms companies have been transferred.

It made them more curious and even saw a business opportunity.

It was the Ghost nuclear submarine on Li Rui’s side, those warships and submarines invited by other arms companies, and who won the victory in the end!

After all, Li Rui’s side has even opened the market.

At that time, they may be able to make a profit from it!

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