The Most Powerful BOSS In the Heavens

Chapter 237: Arriving at Soujingu Temple (1st update)

  Chapter 237 Arriving at Soujingu Palace (one update)

   "The God Slayer Project?"

  Bu Bai Suzhen was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, but soon there was a hint of emotion on her face, and she had already faintly guessed what Ning Que wanted to do.

  In today's world, there are not many strong people who claim to be gods.

  Only Di Shitian, that old monster and Immortal God.

  But whether it is Di Shitian or the God of Immortality, their strength is terrifyingly strong, definitely belonging to the strongest series in the world, and there are many powerful and masters under their command.

Therefore, whether it is Ning Que's action against Di Shitian or the Immortal God, the result is very dangerous. If he is a little careless, not only Ning Que himself will die, but even the forces under Ning Que's command will also die. was completely destroyed.

   "Does Your Majesty want to deal with Di Shitian, or the Immortal God?"

  Bu Bai Suzhen asked solemnly.

   "How about killing the Immortal God first, and then Emperor Shitian?"

  Ning Que smiled lightly, and said calmly.

  Looking at his calm appearance, it seems that he doesn't want to attack two terrifying celestial giants, but kills two chickens.

Bu Bai Suzhen stared at Ning Que in shock, and took a slight breath of air. She didn't expect Ning Que to attack Di Shitian and Immortal God at the same time. Does he know how terrifying these two people are? How powerful is the power under one's command?

   "Is Your Majesty serious?"

  Bu Bai Suzhen was also frightened by Ning Que's courage.

   "As the saying goes, how can you allow others to snore on the side of the couch. There are too many unstable factors in my country. I must remove these unstable factors one by one."

  Ning Que said domineeringly.

  Di Shitian plays with the world, and comes out every once in a while to make troubles and rains. The God of Immortality is not a law-abiding individual. If he hadn't been hindered by Wuming, he might have ruled the world long ago.

  The existence of these two people is too great a threat to the country controlled by Ning Que.

   Maybe one day, when they become interested and interested in the world, they will come out to destroy Ning Que's rule, and even compete with Ning Que for the world.

   All in all, the existence of these two old monsters is a huge threat to Ning Que's control of the world, like two time bombs that will explode at any time.

  This country is where Ning Que came to harvest potential points and power of luck. No one is allowed to destroy it, and no potential threats are allowed.

  Ning Que is a proactive person, he will not wait for threats to actually appear before taking action, he must take the initiative to eliminate these threats.

  So, he decided to attack Di Shitian and Immortal God.

  Of course, this is also because his strength is no longer afraid of Di Shitian and the Immortal God... Otherwise, he would still choose to follow suit.

   "How can you allow others to snore on the side of the couch? Is Your Majesty really a domineering person? ... I don't know, if one day, His Majesty will also do something to me!"

  Bu Bai Suzhen said with a half-smile.

"Hehe, why is Suzhen so worried? As long as we continue to cooperate, I believe that day will not come... Besides, even if there is such a day, we will each rely on our own abilities, and it is still unknown, Suzhen, you should not People who are afraid of things!"

  Ning Que replied with a light smile.

  Bu Bai Suzhen rolled her eyes, how could this man talk to a woman like this? Even if the truth is so, wouldn't he choose nice things to say?

  If Bu Bai Suzhen knew a word called "straight man", she would reward Ning Que this time without hesitation.

   "Your Majesty, you know that the two people you mentioned are not easy to deal with... If you are not careful, not only your majesty, your country, but also your life may be lost."

  Bu Bai Suzhen reminded.

   "Of course I know that... But, I believe that in the world today, there is no one who can match me and Suzhen."

   Ning Que is self-confident.

   After getting started with "Di Ji Maha Boundless", Ning Que believed that it would be hard for him to find an opponent at the same level again.

  Bu Bai Suzhen did not agree to Ning Que immediately after hearing the words, but seriously thought about the situation.

   First, she really needs a well-populated area to experiment with her idea.

  Secondly, she has formed a deadly feud with the Immortal God, and the Immortal God has always wanted to find a chance to get rid of her. It is impossible for the God of Immortality to sit back and watch her test her own ideas smoothly, and she will definitely send someone to destroy her results at that time, which she absolutely does not allow.

   Therefore, it is not only Ning Que's own business, but also her business to deal with the Immortal God.

  As for teaming up with Ning Que to deal with Di Shitian, it is Ning Que's reward for giving her a test area.

  After thinking about this, she smiled lightly, nodded to Ning Que, and said, "I agree to this cooperation, when are you going to do it?"

  Seeing that Bu Bai Suzhen agreed to cooperate, Ning Que smiled happily.

"For this kind of thing, of course, the sooner the better, we will take action in three days!" Ning Que said, and suddenly shouted to the nearby, "Wen Chouchou, immediately go down and secretly summon a thousand masters, and follow this seat in three days' time .”

   "Don't worry, Chou Chou, Chou Chou will make arrangements."

  In a corner, Wen Chouchou's figure appeared. He was waving a small fan, walking in small steps, and walking towards the distance.


   Three days later, Ning Que, Bu Bai Suzhen, and a thousand masters secretly left the imperial city.

  With Bu Bai Suzhen, an insider leading the way, the location of the Sou Shrine established by the Immortal God cannot be hidden from Ning Que and others at all.

   A few days later, Ning Que and the others saw a mysterious and ancient palace complex in the depths of a desolate and dark mountain forest... Obviously, this is where the Soujin Palace is located.

   "Who dares to break into Sou Shrine privately!"

  Suddenly, a cold shout came from the Soujin Palace, and a burly figure with fluttering red hair and wearing iron armor suddenly appeared in front of Ning Que, Bu Bai Suzhen and others like a lightning bolt.


  When this person landed, like a meteor bombarded down, a large area of ​​the ground shattered and exploded. The violent energy formed a destructive storm and swept towards Ning Que and others. Along the way, big trees were smashed into powder.

  The expressions of the thousand masters behind Ning Que changed greatly when they saw this scene.

  Ning Que waved his hand lightly, and with a random slap, he shattered the violent energy that swept over him.

  At this time, the person who descended suddenly was a red-haired warrior with a cold face and an extremely tough face.

  The red-haired warrior glanced coldly at Ning Que and the others, but he wanted to see who dared to approach their territory of the Searching Palace.

  However, when he saw Bu Bai Suzhen beside Ning Que, his expression changed instantly.

   "The devil!"

  God General couldn't help exclaiming.

  As a disciple of the Immortal God, he is too familiar with the mortal enemy that the Immortal God has always wanted to get rid of. Even the world-destroying demon body he is cultivating now was left behind by the demon lord when he searched the shrine.

   It's just that he never expected that the Demon Lord would take the initiative to come to search the Shrine today, and he also brought so many experts here.

  Obviously, the demon lord didn't come to search the shrine and reminisce about the old days with the immortal god.

  At this moment, God will have a very short feeling.

  (end of this chapter)

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