If she could, she wanted to get angry and leave but……. Dalia has always been weak against people who are strong at their own pace.

In addition, Lewayne’s desperate expression also played a part.

Dalia finally sighed and lifted the bandage as instructed by the butler.

Lewayne naturally turned around and sat on the bare floor in front of Dalia, showing her the back of his head.

The wound inside didn’t look very serious, but it did require a bandage. Disinfection was done by the butler.

Dalia grumbled and bandaged his head as the butler instructed.

“You keep crying. How are you going to live in this difficult world when you’re so weak-hearted?”

But Lewayne looked really happy. He also looked embarrassed.

“I’m all right. Because Miss Dalia is here.”

“Jeez, you must be happy.”

“My daughter is here, so what should I worry about……”

“Ah, really!”

Dalia hurriedly covered Lewayne’s mouth while looking at the butler. But Lewayne was still happy.

“Since I’m in the capital, I’m going to hold a commemorative ball soon. I hope you can come then.”

There was no reason to refuse, Dalia naturally agreed.

* * *

That night, Dalia returned to the mansion and pulled the blanket up to her neck on her bed, deep in thought.

There were piles of unopened presents all over the room. It was the evidence of her recent birthday.

She looked at each gift box. All prepared for her by her loved ones.

The people who worried about Dalia when she cried again this time.

How would they react if they knew Dalia was actually from another world?

Dalia stretched out her hands in the air and stared blankly at the back of her hands.

‘This power too…….’

She even received a confession from Cedric, but she hasn’t even told him what power she has yet.

She felt that she had been hiding too much for so long.

‘I should talk about it one by one.’

She made up her mind and closed her eyes. She thought of starting with Hikan and Adrisha first.

‘And Aceras.’

The hand holding the blanket was a little tense.

As Lewayne said, he is repeating the same sin because of inertia. Even so, his sins could never be washed away for that reason alone.

The original. No, the Aceras route shown by Lewayne always ends at the point where Aceras kidnaps Adrisha, and war breaks out between the two Empires.

She doesn’t know exactly why the war broke out because it was roughly described, but looking at the current situation, it seemed that the breaking of the Darby-Gatran Treaty was probably the cause.

She doesn’t know what the outcome of the war will be, but she did remember that Cedric died.

‘If it’s only possible to save Cedric by completely resolving the Aceras route.’

It may be that all of these causality will be over and Cedric can be freed only when the work with Aceras is over. It’s such a terrible hypothesis that she doesn’t even want to think about it.

‘Can I really save Sir Cedric by stopping Aceras?’

Or, like Lewayne said, Cedric has already changed, so will he be okay? Her head was in a muddle. Dalia sighed heavily.

Just then, someone knocked on Dalia’s door.

“Miss, I apologize. I know you’ve gone to rest, but there’s a guest.”

“H, huh? At this hour?”

Dalia looked at the clock.

Half past eight in the evening. It was an ambiguous time to sleep, but it was late for guests to come.

“His Highness the Second Prince is here.  He said he doesn’t want to be rude like last time…….”


Dalia went downstairs in surprise. She had something to ask him anyway. For what reason did you make Lewayne’s head that way.

However as soon as she saw Cedric in the drawing room, Dalia forgot what she was going to say.

Cedric sat on the sofa with a surprisingly gloomy and angry expression on his face.

He looked at Dalia and said with a helpless expression.

“……Dalia, I’m sorry.”

“Sir, Sir Cedric! What are you apologizing for!”

Dalia thought, ‘I shouldn’t do this’, but she immediately forgave him. In addition, she even sat next to Cedric as she led him.

Since it was a fight between transcendents, she hurriedly checked his body to see if there were any injuries, but there were no visible wounds.

Cedric looked down at Dalia’s face and smiled faintly.

“Still, it’s nice to see you not crying.”

Even in the middle of this, he still worried about Dalia. She felt touched.

Cedric lowered his eyes and said with a sad expression.

“I heard that you went to Lewayne today. I was afraid of what that foxy man might have said to you…….”


‘As expected, to make his head like that is a bit…….’

Did he read Dalia’s thoughts?

Cedric’s expression turned more gloomy.

“I’m hurt too, Dalia.”

“What? Where?”

Dalia was surprised and pushed his bangs over to check his forehead.

Cedric obediently closed his eyes.

Fortunately, there were no injuries there. However, it is a fight between transcendents after all, and there is no way that there were no injuries.

Dalia also lifted his wrist and checked every part on his body.

‘Did he have a non-visible internal injury……?’

Cedric waited for Dalia to examine him enough, and then belatedly put a gloomy expression and touched his chest. And looked up at Dalia imploringly.

“My heart.”


Dalia was momentarily at a loss for words.

“Do you know what that crazy man said to me?”

“What, what did he say?”

“Because he brought you here, you’re the most important person to him.”

Dalia coughed. Cedric bit his lips and said,

“I don’t know what that means, and I’m not interested. Anyway, that’s why if I want to be a lover with you, I have to get his permission. It’s crazy, isn’t it?”

‘No, that crazy man…….’

Dalia sighed deeply inside.

Only then did she understand Lewayne’s strange behavior. Because of his personality, if he hadn’t really done anything wrong, he wouldn’t have been able to defend against Cedric’s attacks.

It’s a relief that he says that in front of Cedric and is still alive.

“Dalia, what the hell has he done to you? If you’re being threatened, I’ll do anything to get him……”

“No! That’s not true.”

Dalia was surprised and interrupted him. Then Cedric’s expression became even darker.

“He is too clever. I’m gonna have to keep you away from him.”

“Th, that, you shouldn’t…….”

Lewayne is the one who holds the card that will save Cedric’s life. He shouldn’t do that.

Cedric seemed more saddened when Dalia refused them all. He lowered his head and said with a sad expression.

“Dalia, I think I have a headache.”

Dalia was surprised and moved closer to Cedric.

Cedric put his forehead on her shoulder, pretending to be sick and locked her in his arms so that she could not escape.

Then the distance between their faces was so close that Dalia always turned red.

Cedric slightly raised his head in the middle to see her reaction, then lowered his head again as if satisfied.

Dalia grew even more feverish, as if she had been caught.

Then Cedric opened his mouth.

“You just say no to everything. Does Dalia actually hate me?”

“N, no!”

“Then do you like me?”


Dalia’s eyes shook.

‘My heart is not ready yet.’

But she couldn’t hurt Cedric’s heart more here. Dalia closed her eyes tightly and nodded.

“Yes, I like you.”

However, as expected, Cedric did not stop there. He said, still resting his head on Dalia’s shoulder.

“Then will you date me on the premise of getting engaged?”

Up to this point, she has to prepare her heart…….

Dalia’s face turned red again. As she hesitated, Cedric lowered his eyes in pity with a sullen expression.

“It’s all right. It’s not urgent.”

Dalia was always weak to Cedric when he was acting like this.

She didn’t even know what to say, so she spat it out as soon as it came out.

“Th, that, I’m considering it positively!”


Cedric immediately rejoiced.

She realized that she was tricked again, but it’s too late.

Dalia nodded grudgingly.

Her cheeks turned red again. Cedric glanced at Dalia’s change of expression and gave a small smile as if he were happy.

And there was silence for a while.

Dalia became a little nervous.

‘Should I purify it quickly?’

It was when she was just considering the time to reveal her ability. He also said he had a headache.

Dalia fumbled with one hand to take off the ring on her other hand.

But before the ring could reach her fingertips, Cedric grabbed Dalia’s hand.

He said softly.

“It’s all right.”


Dalia instantly felt blood drain from her head.

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