At the east gate of Maicheng, Liu Bei's army has begun to form a formation to face the Wu army's offensive.

It seems that Liu Bei only deserves to be beaten.

Every day the two armies fought in front of the formation, Liu Bei's army left weapons, flags, and corpses all over the place, and then fled back in embarrassment.

However, Liu Beijun seems to be a little different today.

Only three thousand infantry were seen arrayed outside the east gate of Maicheng.

The infantry pushed the baggage carts one by one to the front of the formation.

Each baggage car is connected with iron chains to form a whole. Behind the baggage cart is a cart covered with cloth.

These cars are covered with black cloth on the outside, with two huge wheels on both sides, and awls for fixing on both sides. They are like two-wheeled carts that can be put down at any time.

However, there are not many of these weird cars.

Sun Ce frowned and asked,"What is this?"

Zhou Yu didn't have clairvoyance, so he couldn't see what was on those carts.

In fact, these are 'Liannu Chariots', which Zhuge Liang modified in the shortest possible time.

The range of these repeating crossbow vehicles can reach 300 steps.

And between the crossbow carts, there are also crossbowmen.

The crossbow carts and crossbowmen have fewer crossbow arrows and cannot be consumed for a long time.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang adopted the strategy of arrogant soldiers and was defeated in consecutive days, leading Sun Ce to underestimate the enemy.

On the top of the city, twenty steps away, there was a catapult.

These catapults were not modified, but were all used in one place.

In Maicheng, all the stone bullets and clay pots filled with oil have been prepared on the city head.

Although Zhuge Liang was cautious, he knew that facing Sun Ce's powerful army, he must use the strongest attack to make Sun Ce afraid.

The destructive power of these two powerful weapons, the catapult and the repeating ballista, will surely deter Sun Ce from rashly attacking.


At the same time, in Zaoyang City.

Wei Yan came to the top of the city and looked into the distance. He was exhausted from the battle of attacking and defending the city.

"General, the Wu army is about to attack the city again."Zhou Yi ran over and said hurriedly.

Attacking the city every day has long been a habit.

Wei Yan snorted:"Then let them come."

Zhou Yi was stunned for a moment:"Army, we only have a few hundred old soldiers, more than a thousand."

Zhou Yi's voice was deliberately raised.

He was reminding Wei Yan.

The defenders of Zaoyangcheng had retreated a few days ago..

And all the supplies in the city that could be taken away were taken away, and those that could not be taken away were burned.

Of course, this is understandable, after all, the supplies cannot be left to the Wu army.

It’s just that Wei Yan brought two thousand people and wanted to It is too difficult to defend Zaoyang City.

Moreover, most of the two thousand people are new soldiers.

The components of the new soldiers include lowered soldiers and newly recruited young men.

The lowered soldiers dare to fight with all their strength. There were not many of them, and the young and strong men trembled when holding the weapons.

Only the old soldiers were more reliable.

The three thousand Wu troops led by Pan Zhang were all veterans of the Wu army who had actual combat experience and fought bravely. They attacked every day They rushed into the city and killed them, but Wei Yandu narrowly managed to repel them.

"If I escape, how can I go back to see my lord?"Wei Yan gave a wry smile and sighed softly.

Wei Yan wanted to get ahead, and he desperately wanted to stand out in troubled times.

Therefore, he must seize every opportunity.

And with two thousand people, if he cannot defend Zaoyang Cheng , then what will Liu Bei and others think of him?

Of course, two thousand people face three thousand elites.

What is the outcome? Everyone knows.

However, only winning the impossible battle can be regarded as a skill.

Therefore, Wei Yan does not Planning to retreat.

Dong Dong Dong...

At this time, the war drums sounded again.

The Wu Army began to form a formation and prepared to attack the city. The number of crossbowmen of the Wu Army was obviously more than that of Wei Yan.

The only thing to be thankful for was that the Wu Army's siege equipment was no longer available. Not much.

Wei Yan was observing at the top of the city, looking at the Wu army below.

"Prepare to go out of town with someone."

Wei Yan is waiting for an opportunity.

Waiting for an opportunity for the Wu army to concentrate all its strength to attack the city.

As long as the Wu army attacks the city with all its strength, Wei Yan will take the opportunity to rush out of the city and fight with the Wu army.

If he can kill the leader of the Wu army in the chaos, General, the Wu army will definitely be defeated.

But Pan Zhang is very cautious, and he will not be so rash.

Therefore, he will rotate in an orderly manner during every day's siege battle.

However, Sun Ce is already urging Pan Zhang.

After all, there is only one He was dragged into Zaoyang City.

Sun Ce had already arrived at Maicheng and launched an offensive against Maicheng.

Therefore, Sun Ce hoped that Pan Zhang would join him as soon as possible instead of wasting time in a small Zaoyang City._Fei

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