The rain has stopped.

In the Wu Army camp, the soldiers of Wu Army breathed a sigh of relief. They had been tired for a whole day and couldn't make a fire. They were sleepy and hungry.

It's not raining anymore. You can go outside to find some firewood.

Even though the firewood was soaked, there were more solutions than difficulties.

They could chip wood into tiny pieces and use the wood chips to light fires.

Sun Ce did not stop the soldiers. In such bad weather, if they could not have a full meal, it would have a serious impact on morale.

However, Sun Ce never expected that Zang Ba would be lurking in the dark.

When Wu Jun came out from the camp to look for firewood, Zang Ba felt that the time was right.

I saw Zang Ba shouting,"Sui, rush to kill!"


With a cry of death, Zang Ba rushed forward with five hundred men who dared to die.

Their aura is very strong, and every one of them looks forward to death.


With the cry of killing, Wu Jun was cut down to the ground one after another without knowing the enemy's situation.

The night was so dark that it was impossible to tell the number of enemy troops.

"Liu Beijun is coming to kill!"

"Respond quickly!"

"Don't run around!"

The generals at Sun Ce's camp were shouting loudly, asking the soldiers to regain their composure.

However, in this situation, how can they regain their composure?

Zang Ba led his men on a rampage, killing left and right, and no one could stop him in the blink of an eye. Then he rushed into the Wu army camp.

At this time, the Wu army was defenseless.

Gongs and horns sounded.

Seeing that Zang Ba had taken action, Liu Bei ordered:"Kill!"

Liu Bei's army of more than 10,000 people also attacked Wu Jun.

Liu Bei's army came like a wave.

Wu Jun was completely stunned.

At this time, Sun Ce held one hand in one hand and shouted:"Sun Ce is here. , no need to panic!"

Sun Ce's roar was loud enough, but it was true in the camp now.

Sun Ce could only bring hundreds of guards to keep

Zhuge Liang watching the battle from a distance, but now in the dark, he could only get a vague idea, but then, It's about fishing in troubled waters and taking advantage of the chaos to make a sneak attack. This battle does not require a serious injury to Wu's army, but it only needs to hurt the morale of Wu's army.

Because Zhuge Liang has already written a letter to Sima Hui, hoping that Sima Hui can hand it over to Liu Biao.

The pros and cons, Liu Biao Don't understand


After Sima Hui received Zhuge Liang's letter, he read the contents of the letter and lamented that Zhuge Liang had taken advantage of the enemy, and was quite dissatisfied with Liu Biao's actions.

At any time now, Liu Biao still wants to eliminate dissidents.

Although Sima Hui did not serve as an official, he felt it was necessary to remind Liu Biao.

The strongest and most threatening enemy is Zhou Cheng.

And Liu Bei can be a help.

Although he was dissatisfied, Sima Hui did not waste time. He found an ox cart and rushed to Xiangyang to see Liu Biao.

In Xiangyang City, Liu Biao has been pretending to be ill these days.

Pretending is not a very clever move.

Only by pretending to be sick can you avoid being lobbyed.

It can also perfectly avoid Liu Bei's messengers urging food.

At this time, a scribe came in and said to Liu Biao:"My lord, Mr. Shui Jing is here." Is

Sima Hui here?

Sima Hui is a famous scholar, so Liu Biao cannot ignore him.

If Sima Hui is shut out, Liu Biao's reputation will be completely destroyed.

Therefore, Liu Biao immediately said:"Sir, please come here."

Liu Biao quickly lay down on the bed, pretending to be exhausted.

Liu Biao is very good at acting.

Sima Hui came to Liu Biao's bedroom and saw Liu Biao lying on the bed.

However, Sima Hui knew from Liu Biao's complexion that Liu Biao was pretending to be ill.

It's just that you can't tell the truth until you see through it.

Sima Hui still greeted him with concern:"My envoy has worked hard. On behalf of the people of Jingzhou, I would like to thank you."

Liu Biao sighed and said,"It was my incompetence that failed to protect the land and bring peace to the people."

Liu Biao and Sima Hui chatted for a while.

Sima Hui then bluntly stated his intention.

Sima Hui said:"Your Majesty, although Soochow is prosperous, Sun Ce is like a tiger and a wolf. If he is stable in Yangzhou, he will plot against Jingzhou."

Are you hinting at me?

Liu Biao's heart was moved, but he still pretended to be calm.

Sima Hui continued:"Although the Zhou thieves have occupied the north, the north has been hit by disasters for many years. Natural and man-made disasters are difficult to quell. If we want to conquer Jingzhou, it may be difficult to succeed. But if my lord fights with Sun Ce and Jingzhou hurts his roots, then the Zhou thieves will go south."

Liu Biao also understood the truth.

Liu Biao said:"I also know what you said, sir, but what should I do if Sun Bofu raises an army to invade?"

Pretend! Keep pretending!

Sima Hui shook his head and said:"If Liu Xuande is defeated, he will die, but his lips are dead and his teeth are cold, don't you know?"_

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