Even he himself is considered to have extraordinary martial arts skills.

But it still couldn't stop the joint efforts of several bandit leaders.

As his confidants were killed one by one.

The surrounding henchmen were stopped by the remaining bandit leaders and their men.

At this moment he was the only one left.

At this time, one of the bandit leaders yelled and cursed loudly.

When you, Han Yangshuang, killed those bandit leaders, did you ever think that you would also be killed by us?

Han Yangshuang was already unable to resist at this moment.

He was stabbed several times by bandit leaders.

If it weren't for the protection of the treasure armor.

I'm afraid he was killed on the spot.

There is no way to open his mouth and respond to everyone.

So I quickly thought about how to escape.

After resisting a few more knives.

He suddenly remembered.

When the cottage was first built.

He also set up another secret passage in the bedroom.

But later the village came under his own control.

It has always been very safe.

There is no need to use the secret passage at all.

Over time.

I have gradually forgotten this secret passage.

It suddenly occurred to me at this moment.

Naturally, he was very happy.

So he quickly sold out a flaw.

Relying on the sharp armor.

After he withstood several knives that were slashed at him when he saw his flaws.

Just use your strength to break out of the siege.

He ran towards his house.

The bandit leaders definitely refused to give up.

So he chased after him even more desperately.

He also shouted loudly that Han Yangshuang had escaped while chasing him.

The remaining minions quickly surrendered.

Put down the sword in your hand and stop killing.

If anyone dares to resist again, he will definitely not be left alive.

At this moment, Han Yangshuang's confidants were also watching helplessly as Han Yangshuang was defeated and fled.

Many people also hesitated.

I don’t know whether to give up resistance.

But at least the movements have slowed down.

Saw this situation.

The bandit leaders who resisted them quickly stepped aside.

Give them some time to think.

After all, except Han Yangshuang.

They had no such life-or-death conflict with the other bandits in the village.

And now Ma Chao is stationed not far away.

This is exactly when I need help.

Of course, he refused to casually kill Han Yangshuang's confidants who had already wavered.

Han Yangshuang ran away all the way at this moment.

He ran towards his house desperately.

I was still feeling confused.

Why was he suddenly betrayed by the bandit leaders?

Now that the situation is over, all we can do is run away?

But there wasn't much time to think about it.

He soon reached the door of his house.

Several confidants guarding the door saw Han Yangshuang running over covered in blood.

Behind him, there were several bandit leaders who were chasing after them with a group of bandits, shouting and shouting.

I was extremely surprised.

Don't know how it became like this.

While they were still suspicious.

Han Yangshuang ran into the house.

Shouting so hard that they fended off the pursuers.

He locked the door firmly from the inside.

Run towards the secret passage.

And a few confidants at the door.

I'm quite struggling at the moment.

Even Han Yangshuang couldn't defeat these bandit leaders.

What's more, they also brought a large group of bandits with them.

And these little minions of my own.

How to resist?


Several bandit leaders had already rushed to the door.

He shouted that this matter only related to Han Yangshuang.

As long as the others don't block the way, their lives will be spared.

My confidants, you look at me and I look at you.

Finally, they moved away together.

The door opened.

Several bandit leaders saw this.

He quickly ordered his men to come and bombard the door.

He also arranged for manpower to find whether there were windows or courtyard walls that could be climbed.

And Han Yangshuang, who was inside the house, immediately found the secret passage.

Then I brought some simple belongings.

He ran into the secret passage and closed the door of the secret passage behind him.

Just abandon the cottage.

He abandoned his subordinates.

The bandit leaders at the door waited for a while.

Then he broke into the house.

But Han Yangshuang could not be found.

I was also furious for a while.

He quickly ordered his men to search around to see if there was any secret passage.

He also took charge personally.

I just want to catch Han Yangshuang.

The head was chopped off and hung on the pole.

Pay homage to several fellow leaders who died innocently and tragically before.

While everyone inside and outside the house was carefully searching for the secret passage.

Suddenly, I heard the shouts that had gradually stopped following Han Yangshuang's escape.

It just broke out again.

Several bandit leaders were suddenly shocked.

Thinking that there was such a big commotion here in the middle of the night.

There must be no way to hide it from Ma Chao.

At this moment, Ma Chao must have defeated his soldiers and came to attack the stronghold.

And the real situation was not bad as they expected.

It was Ma Chao who saw that the bandits' chaos was showing signs of stopping.

So he led his elite men to attack the gate of the village by force.

At this moment, the unsuspecting village gate has been breached.

They all rushed into the stronghold.

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