Qin unified the six kingdoms and then unified the written language.

Abolishing the old script of the Six Kingdoms and completing the great unification can be said to be a great unification.

Some say that if it weren't for these moves by Qin Shi Huang, then China might have fallen into the kind of situation that Europe did.

The unification of the written word eventually became the unification of culture, the consent of the state and the nation.

Zhou Ye purchased the "Little Seal Mastery" from the system.

Learn the knowledge of small seals.

In Zhou Ye's mind, information appeared directly.

The small seal was in charge of Prime Minister Li Si, and on the basis of the original use of the Great Seal script in the Qin State, it was simplified, the other six languages were canceled, and the Chinese character writing form of a unified script was created.

It was popular until the end of the Western Han Dynasty before it was gradually replaced by Lishu.

However, due to its beautiful font, it has always been favored by calligraphers. And because of its complex strokes, the form is ancient, and can be added at will, the seal engraving, especially the official seal that needs to be anti-counterfeiting, has been using the seal script until the fall of the feudal dynasty, and the emergence of new anti-counterfeiting technology in modern times.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the princes were divided, and the Chinese characters of various countries appeared to be different and complex, and one character was polymorphic.

After Qin Shi Huang destroyed the Six Kingdoms, he ordered that the "small seal" of Qin State should be used as the standard to unify the national script.

Seal, also known as "seal book", is the combined name of the small seal and the big seal, because it is customary to call the text a big seal, so later generations often refer to the "seal text" specifically to the small seal.

The development of writing to the stage of small seals, and gradually began to be stereotyped (outline, strokes, structure), the pictographic meaning weakened, making the text more symbolic, reducing the confusion and difficulties in writing and reading, which is also the first time in history to use administrative means to standardize the product of writing on a large scale.

The Qin Dynasty used the sorted small seal to unify the national script, which not only basically eliminated the phenomenon of different characters in various places, but also greatly changed the situation of many different ancient characters, and played an important role in the history of the development of writing.


Zhou Ye's mind was beating one text after another.

Then, Zhou Ye took Wang Xiaohu to a place and began to enlighten.

The first thing to teach, of course, is the name.

Zhou Ye plans to let the other party write his name first, and then consider others.

I can't write my own name, so what else can I talk about.

Zhou Ye took a pair of bamboo chopsticks, handed them to the other party, and held one himself.

"You learn from me, you know?"

"En", Wang Xiaohu nodded very seriously.

Teach the word "king" first, which is the easiest.

Three horizontal and one vertical.

The three horizontal represent heaven, earth, and man, and one vertical runs through heaven, earth, and man, which is the only philosophy that heaven, earth, and man must be under the control of the "king".

In ancient times, the supreme rulers of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties were called "kings". "Wang" as a surname is derived from the supreme position of "Wang", and Ji Jin in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was the ancestor of the surname Wang.

Later, when he was lonely, the surname Wang began to appear, such as the famous general - Wang Qian.

This is one of the most famous generals surnamed Wang during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

This Wang Xiaohu ancestor should not be simple.

But no matter how simple it is, that's also a matter of ancestors.


The queen mother came in and saw Zhou Ye teaching her son to learn writing there, and she couldn't help but show a happy look on her face.

He has no knowledge and cannot teach his son, but the other party has knowledge.

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother was even more happy.

If you have a good heart for a while, you will have such a good result.

It seems that we should do more good deeds.

"Let's eat," the Queen Mother said softly.

Although he is very strong, he is also a woman.

"Let's go, let's eat".

Zhou Ye was already hungry.

Wang Xiaohu was also very excited.

It's been a long time since I've eaten meat.

This meal can be said to be the best meal since Wang Xiaohu's memory, not only white flour steamed buns, but also meat.

The same goes for the Queen Mother, who eats quite a lot.

Zhou Ye was okay and ate a little.

Zhou Ye stood in front of the door, looking at the sky outside, this rain, I don't know when it will fall.


At night, the queen mother was very wary of her, and too, a man suddenly appeared in the house, and everyone had to be on guard.

Not to mention the other party's orphans and widows.

Zhou Ye didn't have any other thoughts.

Complete the education of Wang Xiaohu, and then inquire about Jinghu Villa.

Let's go again.

It's better to take a trip to town and buy a map.

Even if he took a long detour, he didn't want to walk through the forest.

It's not that I'm afraid, but because of road idiots.

Can't find a sense of direction.


A past, after the rain and the sky is clear.

But the ground was very muddy.

After all, it's all dirt roads.

As soon as it rained, it was muddy.

Zhou Ye woke up early in the morning and left directly to go to the city.

Yesterday at dinner, he had already inquired clearly, and there was a not very famous county town around.

Just buy some supplies and buy a map.

Buy some more things for Wang Xiaohu and his wife.


When Wang Xiaohu and the others got up, they found that Zhou Ye was gone, and they were quite disappointed.

Especially Wang Xiaohu, it is even more uncomfortable.

I finally had a chance to learn, but as a result, it was gone.

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