The moment the information appeared on the interface of the live broadcast room, Chu Hao's voice also sounded.

"Wang Xihe, male, age 36! Single! A person from a village in Huai City!"

"Now, let's see if there is such a person in Huai City!" Saying that, Chu Hao invaded the information system of the police station in Huai City, and searched for Wang Xihe's information in the police information system.

Soon, the news came out.

"There is indeed such a person in a certain village in Huai City! So, let us now take a look at his family background information! The reasons for the behavior of many criminals can be found in his family background. "

"He... My father is dead, and my mother is gone!"

"Heh... This result is really unexpected, but it is reasonable!" Chu Hao snorted coldly and said: "A hateful person must have pity! However, this "four, six, seven" pity is not a reason for him to do evil!"

Chu Hao sneered and continued: "Since his parents are not here, let's take a look at the relatives around him!"

"Oh, that's good! The information of his relatives has come out! They are all from a certain village in Huai City. "

"If he himself is not in Huai City now, he can be found through the clue of his relatives!" Chu Hao's eyes gradually deepened, and his thoughts turned sharply, "However, this line, put aside for the time being!"

"Next, let's take a look at his information!!"

Chu Hao once again attacked Wang Xihe.

This time, he called up all the information related to Wang Xihe and carefully investigated them one by one!

After a while, some data popped up in the live broadcast room.

Seeing these data, Chu Hao's tone sank slightly.

"According to the data, Wang Xihe's life was not good since he was a child, and his mother left him and ran away with his fellow villagers! His father often drank heavily, and when he got drunk, he beat him severely!"

A few years later, when he was fourteen, his father died, and his mother never returned. "

"Wang Xihe stopped studying until the first year of junior high school, dropped out of school and went out to work! Wang Xihe and his relatives hardly have anything to do with each other! They don't have an ancestral land once a year!"

"According to his bank card account, when he was thirty-two years old, a huge sum of tens of thousands of yuan suddenly appeared in the bank card!"

Speaking of this, Chu Hao paused and explained: "Tens of thousands of yuan, four years ago, was not too much! He is a single lazy man, earns money for one day, and after two days, the money is spent, and he continues to do odd jobs!"

"For him, tens of thousands of yuan is definitely a huge amount of money!"

"So, where this money is coming from is very problematic!"

"And, according to the data from the survey, the money was not transferred through other accounts! Someone has used cash directly at the bank!"

"This is very suspicious! Because, 21 o'clock, it is the time when online banking is very popular!"

"Therefore, the person who transferred the money is very suspicious! First circle it, and a bank monitor and investigate the other party!"

Chu Hao said as he extracted this piece of requisition, marked it, and put it aside.

Immediately, he changed his words and continued.

In 2016, there were three more sums of money in the bank account under his name!

"It seems that his 'income' is good!" When he said this, Chu Hao's tone was a lot colder.

Even a fool can guess that this money is very unusual!

A single lazy man who spends as much as he wants, and doesn't have money to work, 150,000 yuan is definitely a huge amount of money for him!

And behind this huge amount of money, it is naturally impossible for a lazy man to obtain it through hard work!


It's also a kind of "entrepreneurship"!

However, the price of this "entrepreneurship" is the fragmentation of countless families!

How many people were abducted and trafficked to earn the 150,000?

Nobody knows!

The people who know are either the police who have arrested human trafficking gangs in the past, or... It's an accomplice!

But no matter what, behind this money, there are fresh lives!

Gradually, Chu Hao's tone became more and more solemn.

With the sound of "crackling" and clicking on the keyboard urgently, lines of data appeared on the interface of the live broadcast room..........

Looking at these data, the audience in the live broadcast room fell silent. They only felt a cloud of anger burning them in their hearts.

"I don't know why, I'm suddenly sad! This money, every dollar, is used for other people's family happiness, other people's future... In exchange!"

"Human traffickers! Really, there should be a law specifically targeting human traffickers! The death penalty has started! It is precisely because the cost of crime is so low that countless people have taken risks!"

"The death penalty is too cheap, isn't it? Wang Xihe is like this, and dying is a kind of relief! He must be tortured!

"The data provided by the anchor is only one of the human trafficker gangs! Think of the huge criminal organization..."

"One word, one blood and tears!!"


Chu Hao was not affected by those barrages, but sped up his speech.

"In 2017, Wang Xihe's account was credited with 250,000 yuan!"

"In 2018, Wang Xihe's account received 220,000 yuan!"

"In 2019, as of April 20, Wang Xihe's account has received 110,000 yuan!"

Chu Hao reported all these data in one go!

"Damn human traffickers! Behind this huge sum of money, how many families have been broken?

"Whew!" Chu Hao took a deep breath, suppressed the 1.6 anger in his heart, rearranged the thoughts in his head, and said calmly: "Every account is not large, it is about 10,000! The largest amount was entered three days ago, 20,000!"

"If nothing else, this bill should be the money Liu Caixia received after he was sold!"

"However, none of the money can be traced back to the account of the remitting user!

"Moreover, Wang Xihe's last payment of 20,000 yuan was deposited by himself! Perhaps, Liu Caixia is more sought-after, so this order should be paid with one hand and delivered with the other!"

This time, Chu Hao paused for a long time before he said slowly: "These people are even better than those telecom fraud gangs! All of them are cash transactions, and there is no need to transfer money!"


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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