Ding Yuan, Director of Cyber Security of Du Niang!

At about twelve o'clock in the morning, Ding Yuan just drove home, took a shower, and just climbed into bed, ready to have a big battle with his wife.

However, just as the two of them were rising, suddenly... His phone rang.

"Don't pick it up, it's rare that you're energetic today, don't you~"

couldn't resist his wife, Ding Yuan ignored the phone ringing.

However, just as he was about to go inside, the phone rang again!

"My dear, the other party called me twice in such a late night, it must be something wrong with the company! "

Under his wife's complaining gaze, Ding Yuan picked up the phone.

Half ringing, he was so nervous that he didn't even have time to hang up his mobile phone, and he was wearing clothes while playing on his mobile phone.

"My dear, what's wrong?" Ding Yuan's wife saw him in such a hurry, her heart was dissatisfied, and she said with some resentment: "Let's work overtime again! It's a good Sunday, and it's okay to be busy in the company for a day! It's early in the morning, and you have to work overtime! You and your company have a lifetime!"

"My dear, this time it's a big deal!" Ding Yuan comforted.

"You say it's a big deal every time! You say, since you started 996, it was past 12 o'clock that day? I have..."

Ding Yuan looked at his wife with some distress and said, "I'm sorry dear! This time it's different! A hacker has invaded the website!"

"There are no hackers one day!

"Although there were hackers every day before, they were all petty fights! But this time it's very serious! Du Niang's search engine has been hacked! The entire Du Niang server almost crashed! This is unprecedented!"

Soon, Ding Yuan got dressed, kissed his wife on the forehead, and then rushed out quickly with a firm step!

The same scene has been staged in many places in the capital!


Beijing Du Niang headquarters!

Li Hong, the founder of Du Niang, sat in the office, looking at the big screen, the red light point representing Du Niang kept flashing, and his face was gloomy to the extreme.

Just now, the red light point flickered sharply and almost went out!

Once this point of light is extinguished, it means that the Du Niang web server has fallen!

And if the Du Niang network server falls, the consequences will be... It's horrible!

Not to mention that a large number of users can't use it normally, just the stock decline is a terrifying astronomical amount!

A super-large Internet company like Du Niang, once the stock falls violently, it will start at least 10 billion!

Soon, Ding Yuan came in a hurry.

As soon as he entered the door, he didn't say hello, and went straight to the point: "Mr. Li, how is the server?

"Fortunately, the rescue was timely! We succeeded in a wave of invasion! However, now those foreign hackers are invading frantically! The second wave is hard to say!" Li Hong frowned and said in a deep voice.

Ding Yuan thought of the key and hurriedly: "When I was driving just now, many friends said in the group that their website had been hacked! Such a large-scale hacker intrusion, it is no accident! What does the country say?"

Liu Hong's fingers tapped on the table

"The state has just been notified! According to the news, it was a hacker sent by the Toyo side! The methods are extremely crazy! The consequences are completely reckless! The first wave of attacks was also blocked by luck!"

"Now, more and more hackers are attacking our servers all the time!

"We must fix the vulnerability and strengthen the firewall as soon as possible!"

Hearing the end, Ding Yuan was silent for a long time before he said: "I'll do it! I will never let those dogs in the East take a step!"


In the live broadcast room, more than 100,000 viewers looked at the screen in the live broadcast room and were terrified.

Just now, I saw a sharp flickering red dot, and it was almost extinguished!

Their hearts are in their throats!

It's hard for them not to be nervous!

According to what Chu Hao said, every point in this that flashes red light is closely related to their lives!

Indeed, in modern society, if you go to the toilet without your mobile phone, you feel uncomfortable!

"These damn Oriental hackers! Knowing that the military and police networks are not easy to handle, they specialize in bullying some large Internet companies in China!

"I just hate that my computer technology is so bad, and I don't even have the strength to help my female classmates repair computers! Otherwise, I won't be in a hurry through the screen!"

"It scared me to death just now! Seeing the light go down! My heart jumped to my throat! Fortunately, nothing happened!"

"Anchor, can you think of a way! We are looking at it like this, we are in a hurry! My country Z is so big, there are too many places that can be attacked! That Oriental projectile land, if you close your eyes and fight blindly, you can aim at one!"

"Yes, anchor, think of a way! I want to do something too!"

"Anchor, we want to contribute too!"

Looking at the barrage full of "please fight", Chu Hao's eyes flickered slightly, and then he groaned slightly, and he had a plan in his heart.

"Do you really want to contribute?" Chu Hao said in a calm tone.

Zhang Feng hadn't arrived home at the moment, and after hearing Chu Hao's voice from the live broadcast room, he immediately parked the car on the side of the road, and then solemnly typed down a line of words: "Yes! I want to do it too! All of us want to!!"

"Okay!" Chu Hao agreed, "Then I'll help you!"

"From now on, the execution plan: 100,000 hacker recruitment orders!Executor: 180,000 viewers in the live broadcast room!Execution duration: until Toyo raises his hand and surrenders!"

"All of you in three!"

"The first team! Go to the Internet to post, all kinds of platforms, all kinds of social networks! This team of people needs some high-level students who can translate! In the hacker war, there will also be a fishing wheel battle between netizens from two countries!"

"I don't want people to be able to understand what we're scolding, and we can't understand what they're scolding!"

"Also, you can't talk nonsense like a woman, the culture of country Z is 5,000 years old, and we must be able to reflect our connotation!

"Of course, because the network is being attacked by hackers right now! So, whether it's posting, reposting, or replying, it may be more stuck! Don't worry, you must calm down!"

"Second team: Establish a WeChat group! I will give you nearly 3,000 people the contact information of the hackers of country Z, xv! Remember, don't force others! Don't attack yourself! Those who are willing, will naturally participate! If you don't want to, you will never force it! The decisive factor in the battle situation is whether all of us can work together, not one more or one less!"

"Team 3: Cooperate with the national operation! Responsible for liaising with the Military Aircraft Department! If they need people urgently, immediately mobilize personnel from the second team VX group!"

"In addition, the third team has a difficult task, which is to coordinate the first team and the netizens who were guided by the fishing boat!

"Next, you choose your own three captains!


Hacks are aggressive and bad.

Hackers, for now, have been confused, but in general, the positive meaning is still greater than the derogatory. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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