In an instant, the power of the five elements of yin and yang converged and turned into nine pitch-black jade balls behind him.

In the process of moving forward, Liu Daoban grabbed his right hand, and suddenly, a black ball of jade flew out and turned into a long stick.

The next moment, with a wave of the long stick, the huge wave that fell down was immediately divided into two.

Just as the ice and snow were melted and evaporated by the scorching sun in an instant, the huge wave touched the black stick and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Serena's eyes widened, and for the first time he showed a shocked expression: "It's not that my seawater evaporated, or that the seawater was moved to another dimension, but annihilated!"

The sea water disappeared and was wiped away abruptly.

You must know that this is the product of the limitation of his magic power, not ordinary sea water, but even so, the opponent annihilated his magic power with a single wave.

"That black stick, what is it!?"

Sensing the crisis, Serena didn't dare to care so much, and hurriedly stepped back.

However, his speed was still far behind Liu Daoban.

Serena just turned around, and in his field of vision, Liu Daoban has already intercepted in front.

"Didn't you have fun just now? What are you running?"

With a slight flick of Liudaoban, the black stick suddenly shot out.

Seeing this, Serena's hair stood on end, and he quickly slapped it out with a paw.

"Lightning Roar of Thunder Light Dragon!"

Roar! !

Thunder Dragon roared, and the magic of thunder spurted out, turning into a thunder and lightning dragon.

Shenlong opened his huge mouth, and the surrounding electric lights flickered, maniacally heading towards the black stick.

However, it was enough to annihilate a town with a single blow. The moment it touched the black rod, it immediately annihilated and disappeared.

"It really is annihilation!"

Serena's body leaned back, avoiding the black stick at the extreme distance.

This time, it almost flew past his ear. If there was no lightning roar blocking one-tenth of a second, his head would have been penetrated.

"You bastard!"

Realizing that he had just been locked in hell, Serena was furious.

"Excessive anger, meaningless."

The six spots approached slowly, and eight black balls floated and swirled behind them.

"You are very close to the abyss, but it is far from the real abyss wizard. If you want to fight me, how can eight dragons be enough? Eight hundred dragons are almost the same!"

Chapter 0647 trespassers, die!

[Second update~ Serena's eight dragon-killing magics, the most powerful one is magic immunity, but I have been Baidu for a long time, and it seems that I have not found all the attributes...]


"How come eight dragons are enough? Eight hundred dragons are almost the same!"

Liu Daoban opened his mouth disdainfully.

Serena is indeed powerful, much stronger than the average Saint Ten. In a one-on-one situation, if the normal Saint Ten fights against him, he is afraid that he will be killed by one move.

However, no matter how powerful it is, it is only a very high level of magic power, which is essentially different from the abyss level.

"Your dragon slaying magic, I have finished analyzing it, it's over."

Speaking softly, Liu Daoban's hands were sealed with lightning, and then he swallowed a ray from his mouth.

"Xianfa Lan Dunguang Fang!"

This strike is similar to a laser, it is a six-path immortal technique, which contains the power of yin and yang and the five elements.

The attack speed is comparable to the speed of light. At the moment of completion, this purple ray has already traversed.

A terrifying ray, like a fairy's pen, stroked lightly.

In an instant, the earth was cut, and the entire hillside trail was divided into two, creating a bottomless track.

And right in front of this trajectory, is the god Serena.

Seeing this, Serena's pupils shrank. His long-standing fighting instincts allowed him to easily judge that this move was enough to kill him and easily split his body in two.

"The Art of Eight Dragons!"

Thinking of this, he roared.


The huge magic power burst out in an instant, and his body exploded, turning into eight dragons.

The dragons have different colors and represent eight attributes.

This is not a real dragon, but the embodiment of its magic power. At this moment, facing the immortal magic of Liudaoban, his eight dragon heads all opened their mouths.

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