The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1043: Tenglong Mountain

After Xiao Yao finished speaking, the expression on his face looked a little weird. His eyes were fixed on Zhou Zhiguang, and he wanted to see the reason from this kid's face.

However, the result surprised Xiao Yao a little.

Zhou Zhiguang only sighed softly, his expression extremely calm.

In fact, Xiao Yao didn’t even plan to say it at this time before. What he thought was that after he left Ma’s house, he would tell Zhou Zhiguang the whole story. In fact, he was worried that Zhou Zhiguang would burst into tears when he heard about it. , It is difficult to calm down, but their trip to the Ma family this time will be very unsuccessful, so Zhou Zhiguang's performance far exceeded his expectations.

"Brother Xiao, I understand." Seeing Xiao Yao's puzzled face, Zhou Zhiguang just chuckled.

Xiao Yao didn't understand more and more.

He didn't even know what Zhou Zhiguang understood.

Seeing Zhou Zhiguang's always calm profile, Xiao Yao didn't continue to say anything. Whether he understood it or didn't understand it, it was actually Zhou Zhiguang's own business, and Xiao Yao didn't bother to guess.

After walking on the bluestone road of the Majia Manor for about less than two minutes, the old man Ma brought a group of people to their side and won.

That Li Jinpan still followed the old man Ma, he was still half of his body.

Xiao Yao looked in his eyes and laughed in his heart.

"Mr. Xiao, the old man has been waiting for a long time!" The old man Ma pointed at Xiao Yao, tickling to the end, very respectful.

I heard that Xiao Yao killed a thousand people in the blink of an eye before, and even the old man Ma, who thought he could have the courage to cover the sky, was afraid for a while.

He finally understood why Li Jinpan was so optimistic about Xiao Yao.

Before, he always felt that a mainlander, even if he had great abilities, would be conscientious when he arrived in Xiangjiang. Even if Li Jinpan repeatedly reminded him that Xiao Yaofang is a celestial being, in the heart of Old Man Ma, he still has nothing to do. Too serious, just for the sake of face, plus he was originally a cautious person, unwilling to quarrel with Xiao Yao too stiffly, even more unwilling to take risks with his body, simply spend money, it is regarded as a disaster relief .

But in fact, Ma Qianli had made an early plan in his heart. If Xiao Yao couldn’t do anything to Zhou’s family, he would find a way to get the money back from Xiao Yao’s hands. As for the method, there were more ways to go. Xue Zhou's family recruited thousands of people to block Xiao Yao in Xiangjiang, either paying back the money or paying his life, to see what storms he could make.

Then came Xiao Yao’s massacre of thousands of people. At first, he couldn’t believe it. But after seeing the photos taken from some special channels, even though he had experienced many big storms, Mr. Ma, The abdomen was also churning.

He realized that Xiao Yao was terrible.

At the very least, a Ma family could not fight back in front of Xiao Yao.

"Do you know why I am here?" Xiao Yao looked at the old man Ma and said with a smile.

The old man Ma thought for a while, and shook his head.

He didn't want to show his stupidity in front of Xiao Yao, but he really couldn't figure out Xiao Yao's mind.

Xiao Yao didn't worry, but said softly, "Everyone in the Zhou family is dead."

"..." Old man Ma's head was full of sweat.

If Xiao Yao told him something like this before, Mr. Ma might not believe it.

But now, he couldn't help but believe it.

With Xiao Yao's strength, what was it that he had slaughtered the entire Zhou family?

Li Jinpan, who was standing next to Mr. Ma, sighed.

He felt that Xiao Yao had done too many murders in Xiangjiang, but even though he thought so in his heart, he didn't dare to say anything. It was because of the strength of others, not to mention that Xiao Yao came to Xiangjiang and killed more than a thousand. People, even if they kill ten thousand people, what can he do if they can’t see it? Can you fight Xiao Yao with fate? It's nothing more than adding more people to the number of more than 1,000 people.

Li Jinpan was unwilling to sacrifice in vain, and even less willing to provoke such a person.

"Zhanhongtu will stay in Xiangjiang, I will return to China, and then the Zhou family's property will be handed over to you, but I am not willing to suffer." Xiao Yao said this, half-squinting his eyes and asked, "I said so. ,do you understand?"

Old man Ma nodded quickly.

"I will help Mr. Zhan to take down the Zhou family's property first, and then offer it with both hands." Old man Ma said seriously.

Xiao Yao shook his head: "You can take some by yourself, and you won't lose the Ma family."

Xiao Yao's understatement, the understatement to the extreme, is that the heavy sword has no edge.

The old man Ma didn't agree with him, Xiao Yao said so in his mouth, who knows if he thinks like this in his heart?

So Xiao Yao is really willing to let his Ma family share a piece of the pie. Does he have the courage?

"In addition, do you know who the person behind me is?" Xiao Yao turned his face and looked at Zhou Zhiguang.

Father Ma frowned slightly, and asked in a low voice, "Is it Zhou Zhiguang from the Zhou family?"

"Yes." Xiao Yao said.

"Then, Mr. Xiao, what do you mean?"

"In Xiangjiang, Zhou Zhiguang should have a place." Xiao Yao said sternly.

The old man Ma suddenly realized.

He was a little envious of Zhou Zhiguang.

This kid didn't shine in Xiangjiang or Jinling. He was always unknown, and even a joke in the upper circles of Xiangjiang.

But just because I reported a thigh, I could fly into the sky in the future.

This is the luck that many people don't envy?

Xiao Yao's simple sentence is already destined for Zhou Zhiguang's life trajectory in the future.

No matter how bad, it's better than the last small family in Xiangjiang, right?

Zhou Zhiguang was always expressionless. Even if Xiao Yao didn't reveal anything to him before, he wouldn't be surprised by what Xiao Yao said now.

Immediately after Xiao Yao took Zhou Zhiguang, Xiao Yao whispered on the road: "After I leave Xiangjiang, you will have to help develop my vision."

Zhou Zhiguang nodded: "It will definitely live up to Brother Xiao."

"It's not that I didn't live up to me, and it's not that I didn't live up to you." Xiao Yao shook his head, stopped, turned his face to look at Zhou Zhiguang, and said positively, "The person you can't bear is dead."

Zhou Zhiguang's eyes finally turned red.

"Have you endured it for a long time?" Xiao Yao asked.

Zhou Zhiguang laughed at himself and said, "I used to think that he is a local dog, I am his son, and I have to be a dog. When I suddenly find out that he was a jackal originally, should I also be a jackal? ?"

Speaking of this, Zhou Zhiguang paused, took a deep breath to ease the emotions in his heart, and continued: "I always feel a little uncomfortable, but this is also good. He died well. Now the Zhou family is falling apart. I was in the past. Although the Zhou family has no status, it can be regarded as someone who knows the Zhou family better anyway, and he can definitely help a little bit. The Ma family may listen to you for the time being, and Mr. Zhan will be able to show his skills very smoothly, but after a long time, It is inevitable that you will be careful to think. There is a saying that is very good, and the heart is not enough."

Speaking of this, Zhou Zhiguang suddenly paused.

He glanced at Xiao Yao cautiously, wondering if he said too much.

Xiao Yao nodded slightly and said, "Go on."

Hearing Xiao Yao’s words, Zhou Zhiguang was relieved and he really continued: “Master Ma is not a good stubble. Even if the old man can be stable and stable now, the Ma family will not keep on waiting for a long time. Be afraid, as long as they seize the opportunity, they will start to cannibalize, so the Ma family is also an enemy, even if it is just an imaginary enemy."

"It's only for the time being. If you want to clean up the mess, it is not the Ma family. When the overall situation is stable, you can turn your head to deal with the Ma family. More opportunities to penetrate in."

Xiao Yao laughed and said, "Are you not hiding?"

"Don't dare." Zhou Zhiguang touched his nose and said, "I'm afraid you look down on me, and I'm afraid he looks down on me."

Xiao Yao didn't ask who was the "he" in Zhou Zhiguang's mouth, otherwise he would appear to be too idiotic.

"Brother Xiao, give me three years, I will make the Xiangjiang business surname Xiao." Zhou Zhiguang said.

"In Xiangjiang, so many families are deeply rooted, can you easily shake them?" Xiao Yao asked, frowning.

"There is nothing deeply entrenched. Even if it is a dynasty that is hundreds of years old, it can be overthrown after being overthrown. Are they not deeply ingrained?

Xiao Yao was silent.

"Brother Xiao, am I also quite dangerous?" Zhou Zhiguang said with a smile.

Xiao Yao nodded and shook his head again: "You have some cleverness, but after all, you are not an opponent of Zhanhongtu. I can rest assured that Zhanhongtu can think of things you can think of three days earlier."

Zhou Zhiguang was silent.

"In this world, there are so many smart people..." Xiao Yao sighed and said, "It's not bad to be a stupid person."

Back in the hotel, Xiao Yao lay on the bed and finally fell asleep...

In the northwest of China, there is a place called Tenglong Mountain.

When it was dark, the two men were already walking on the narrow and steep mountain road.

On Tenglong Mountain, there is a small sect, which is also the sect of the hidden world, but it is not even a third-rate. I heard that Tenglong Mountain is only the head of the Linghe realm. In addition, there are remaining The two parties are disciples of the Lingxi realm.

There are only three people in a school, which sounds weird.

"Brother Yiming, do you think that Lingyu is really on Mount Tenglong?" Chen Xueen asked after following the burly man in front, wiping the sweat on his forehead.

"I don't know." Peng Yiming turned his face to look at Chen Xueen, and shook his head.

"In that case, are we still here?" Chen Xueen obviously couldn't understand it.

"Even so, I still have to come." Peng Yiming smiled and said, "Whether it is true or not, you have to ask?"

Chen Xueen sighed and didn't say much.

"Why don't we fly up directly?" Chen Xueen was a little tired, wiped the sweat on his forehead and asked.

"Fool, do you want people to know that we are here?" Peng Yiming said in a bad mood.

Want to come too, come to the hidden world, Peng Yiming has slaughtered three sects.

Although it was also out of helplessness.

If they don't kill others, they have to keep them. What can they do?

But anyway, these two people still made a name in the hidden world.

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