The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1196: Across the ocean

After solving Ye Tingchao, they basically won't encounter any resistance in Wei State.

Speaking of it, in the next few days, those people in Tatianmen really came to Xiao Yao and the others. Of course, it was definitely not for fighting. Those people before Tatianmen had already seen that Hong Feisheng was angry. At the time, they gave them a hundred courage, and they didn't dare to trouble Hong Feisheng, not to mention that there was a Qingcheng Mountain behind Hong Feisheng. In any case, they would not easily smash each other to the end.

What's more, after the battle a few days ago, Ye Tingchao was frustrated and had chosen to retreat. In other words, even if the Tianmen really conflicted with Hong Fei, Ye Tingchao would not be able to stand up and help. How could they still trouble Hong Feisheng? That would be like asking yourself trouble!

In fact, the reason why they came to Hong Feisheng, Xiao Yao and others is quite simple. It is all kinds of courtesy. These days, they have sent a lot of good things, and they have all kinds of rare things. There are countless gold and silver, and they have sent them. Xiao Yao also kept a few storage rings. This thing is much more advanced than his storage bracelet, and the space is much larger. Secondly, the way to open it is simpler.

However, compared to Xiao Yao's previous storage ring, it is not of the same level, and it is impossible to cultivate in it. This also gave Xiao Yao a feeling of emptiness and joy. In fact, thinking about it carefully, he was relieved. If he could really have such a function, he would probably be regarded as the treasure of the gate of the town by the Tantian Gate, and he would not take anything. Come out, the knife holder will not work on the neck! People are not stupid to step into the sky.

Good things like the previous ones are all available but not desired, and have been destroyed, and Xiao Yao has accepted the cruel reality.

It's not a pity, it's definitely impossible, but it's all over, and there is nothing to regret.

As for the things sent from Tatianmen, Xiao Yao, Hong Feisheng and others are always willing to come.

In fact, they all knew the purpose of the other party. It was nothing more than that they wanted them to keep certain things secret and not to spread it out, for example, the news that Hong Feisheng crushed Ye Tingchao.

Now that they knew what the other party was asking, they didn’t have any psychological pressure. Even if these people didn’t come, Hong Feisheng and Xiao Yao and others didn’t plan to go out and talk. First of all, Hong Feisheng didn’t talk about it because he defeated Ye Ting. Chao was supposed to be, after all, his ranking on the master list was originally above Ye Tingchao.

It was normal to win Ye Tingchao, but it would be really strange if he lost.

Since it is a matter of course, why should it be said to show off?

As for Xiao Yao and others, it is even more difficult to say.

Don't say Ye Tingchao, even if they stepped into the sky, they could not offend them.

You can't rely on Hong Feisheng's side by their side, just go outside to grow branches, that is to add trouble to Hong Feisheng, they are not the kind of mentally handicapped children, naturally know what can be done and what can not be done.

In fact, Hong Feisheng, who has an upright personality, made it very clear when he saw Tatianmen for the first time, but the other party didn’t believe it at all. When Wu Wutong stepped forward and accepted all the gifts they sent, those The talent left with joy. Hong Feisheng can only express his incomprehension about this. It's not that he has never seen someone who is guilty, but it is still very rare to be so cheap.

Accepting a gift is actually a reassurance for those who walk in the sky, so they naturally have to be more at ease. In their view, since the other party has already accepted the gift, it is natural to eat others' mouths and take others. Means, I am embarrassed to say anything and spread it everywhere.

After all, Ye Tingchao's loss to Hong Feisheng was not only a matter for Ye Tingchao alone, but also related to the reputation of the Tianmen Gate.

On the way, the people who walked on the Tianmen really treated them as cautiously waiting for them, for fear that no matter what they did not do well, it would cause dissatisfaction with the other party and lead to all the losses. They thought that Hong Feisheng and others were too stingy. .

On the way, Hong Feisheng and others did not encounter any troubles, but as long as they encounter troubles, the first person to come forward must be the Tianmen.

In the Wei state, few people really dared to fight Tatianmen. Even those relatives of the emperor and the country had to give some face when they met the core figures of Tatianmen. Therefore, even if they were in trouble, they didn’t need to worry about anything. It is Tatianmen who is helping them with cooking.

Speaking of which, Wu Wutong is probably the person who impressed me the most.

Because they were surprised to find that as long as they were dealing with troublesome things, the culprit was Wu Wutong in the capital.

Therefore, those people in the gate of the sky helped Wu Wutong get a nickname after being idle. If Xiao Yao knew, he would definitely give them a thumbs up. This is really appropriate...

When he reached the South China Sea, Hong Feisheng really calmed down.

In the cabin, Hong Feisheng did not close his eyes to rest.

On the way, Hong Feisheng showed a very calm state. No matter what kind of things he encountered, even in the face of Ye Tingchao, his mood did not fluctuate too much. Now that he has reached the South China Sea, Hong Feisheng is very calm. The mentality is already a little agitated. In fact, it is quite normal to think about it. Almost everyone knows Hong Feisheng’s thoughts on Liu Zhezhi, so now he thinks of seeing Liu Zhezhi soon, he naturally Excited.

Everyone who seems to be calm, there is a person in his heart who is enough to make him magnificent.

Xiao Yao thought to himself, not knowing whether it was right or wrong.

After getting on the boat, Xiao Yao was surprised to find that in fact, most of the girls on this boat were girls.

The age ranges from eight to thirty or forty.

Some are mothers with children.

For men, there are definitely some, but the ratio is very low, probably only 1:9.

From Wu Wutong’s mouth, Xiao Yao was able to figure out what was going on. Peach Blossom Island is not a paradise. There are many people who know Peach Blossom Island. The destination of this ship is Peach Blossom Island. Most of the girls on this ship are thinking about it. Go to Peach Blossom Island to learn art from a teacher.

Regardless of Wei’s Step-to-Tianmen, or Jiang’s Qingcheng Mountain, although there are some female disciples in it, but the number is very small, this kind of school is generally not very interested in girls. On the contrary, Taohua Island only recruits female disciples, so Naturally, this is the place where many girls in Lingwu World want to go most. Even a girl can have the dream of being a knight! Besides, how many girls don't want to be the fairies who can dance on the nine heavens like willows?

If you can really become a disciple of Peach Blossom Island, this is also a very bragging thing. My parents in my hometown may be able to promote it to the point where everyone in the country knows it.

This sounds a bit exaggerated, but in fact it is not excessive at all. Being able to become a disciple of the Xianzong sect is even more shining than getting fame and fame.

"Mother, do you think there are many fairy sisters in Taohua Island!" A seven or eight-year-old girl, lying in her mother's arms, with yearning written on her immature face, wearing clothes made of coarse cloth. , With a small whip, the hair on his forehead may be a little messy because of the hurry on the way, and his big eyes are rolling.

"Yeah, yes." The woman holding the little girl, who is about forty years old, is tired with involuntary expression on her face.

But even so, when answering her daughter's question, she still showed 100% patience.

"Mother, do you think the fairies will accept me as an apprentice?" the little girl continued to ask.

When the little girl asked this question, the girl's mother also had a slight glimmer of decay in her eyes.

However, she took a deep breath and looked at her daughter and said: "Don't worry, our little brook is so well-behaved and sensible, how could they not want to accept you as a disciple?"

After listening to her mother's words, the little girl was also much happier.

Girls at this age will regard what their parents say as truth.

Mother said so, so it must be so.

Only at this time, a girl in a long skirt next to her suddenly said, "Huh, it won't be! You are so ugly and earthy, how could you be selected?"

The talking girl is about three or four years older than the little girl named Xiaoxi, and a lot taller than Xiaoxi, full of energy and high-pitched toes.

"You... how can your child talk like this?" Xiaoxi's mother looked very ugly when she heard such words.

"Did I say something wrong?" said the older girl, "you guys, it's better to go home early. Look at your children, they are rustic, so fairies won't like her!"

After saying this, the girl turned her face to her mother and said, "Mother, am I right?"

Looking at the expression on her face, it's totally like asking for credit.

The older girl's mother did not blame her, but smiled and nodded.

"You should restrain your daughter a little!" Xiaoxi's mother said with a pale face.

"Huh, why?" The graceful woman glanced at Xiaoxi's mother, her eyes full of contempt, and her voice was exactly the same as her own daughter, with the same arrogance, "My daughter was wrong. What's wrong? It was originally! People like you are going to Peach Blossom Island to do something, do you really dream of being able to turn over? I can tell you now, this is absolutely impossible!"

"You, you..." Xiaoxi's mother tried to argue with each other, but coughed vigorously.

Xiao Yao sighed.

He and Hong Feisheng looked at each other, and both saw deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

"Do you have a way?" Hong Feisheng asked.

"Yes." Xiao Yao said, "but only two to three years."

Hong Feisheng was taken aback for a moment, nodded lightly, smiled and said, "It's already very good."

Wu Wutong heard the cloud and mist, and wondered what the two people were talking about.

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