The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1681: Missed the opportunity

Xiao Yao is the same Xiao Yao.

It's just that Xiao Yao was still wearing clothes before.

Now this shameless guy doesn't wear clothes...

So it may be difficult for you to understand Xuanyuan Jiuzhong's mood at this time.

The man who used to stand on the top of the Lingwu world is now being pinched by another man and held in mid-air. The most annoying thing is that the other man is not wearing any clothes. Is there anything in the world that is more insulting than this?

Everyone is a decent person, can you pay attention to it a little bit?

Xuanyuan Jiuzhong looked at Xiao Yao's eyes, full of amazement.

There is no fear, even if he knows that death is imminent.

In fact, if he lost in this way, he also admitted.

In the past, he always felt that he was the chosen person, otherwise, why would he be able to stand on the pinnacle of the Lingwu world? Now, he suddenly realized that there might be some deviation in his previous thinking.

There is indeed a person who is chosen by heaven, but that person is not him, but Xiao Yao.

Under the impact of the "Devil God One Sword", Xiao Yao stood up and gained rebirth with the help of the Yuan Ying in his body.

He was very curious about how Xiao Yao did it. Is this the true value of Yuan Ying?

Even if he is still standing on top of the peak, he might be able to kill Xiao Yao, obtain the Nascent Infant and rebirth with this. Although Xiao Yao is still an eight-level master now, he should already be considered a semi-immortal body, right?

Xu Suguan was born with a Buddha body.

No one can kill.

Xiao Yao now has the body of a half immortal.

I'm afraid that only gods, demons and immortals can completely kill him.

Where is he going to make sense?

When Xiao Yao felt his body slowly melt away, at first, his heart was also full of fear.

To the ear, I suddenly heard the cry of a baby.

Suddenly, he woke up suddenly.

It seemed that the crying was telling Xiao Yao in this way.

do not be afraid.


It's rebirth.

Although the Yuan Ying in his body no longer exists, he can feel that his body has completely blended with the Yuan Ying.

The soul is its own.

The body is also its own.

Yuan Ying is still his own.

Therefore, he still exists, just in a more peculiar and powerful way.

Xiao Yao raised his head and glanced at the sunlight hanging above the sky at this time.

He showed a slight smile.

I think the green hills are so charming, and when I see the green hills, I should be so.

Here, the green shirt is changed to bright, and changed to sunshine.

It seems pretty good too.

Xiao Yao threw Xuanyuan Jiuzhong's body heavily on the ground.

This old man can't get up either.

"You said, what is the world after ascending?" Xuanyuan Jiuzhong asked.

Already angrily.

Xiao Yao sat next to Xuanyuan Jiuzhong and said, "Maybe it's still a fight."

"Nonsense, there is no record in any ancient books." Xuanyuan Jiuzhong sneered at Xiao Yao's inference.

Xiao Yao laughed and said, "Well, which ancient book mentions that the so-called fairy world is a piece of peace?"

Xuanyuan Jiuzhong thought for a while, but said nothing.

He finally began to think about the meaning of Xiao Yao's words.

People! It's all like this.

Because Xiao Yao defeated him, he felt that what Xiao Yao said made sense.

It makes sense for people who are stronger than themselves to fart.

People who are inferior to one's own, put it more reasonable, that is, fart.

"Before, a saint said that I am dealing with Tiandi Haoran in a righteous manner." Xiao Yao touched his chin and said, "However, those people in the sky didn't talk to him about anything. It can be seen that there may not be anything over there. Haoran is righteous."

"..." Xuanyuan Jiuzhong thought for a long time, but he didn't even understand which saint said it.

Xiao Yao continued: "Furthermore, think about it, the immortals in the sky are spying on the luck of every world. When the strong men fall, most of the luck is swallowed by the heavens and the earth. It can be seen that, In fact, those immortals who hide behind the immortal gate are also greedy. It is because of greed that they will have desires. As long as they have desires, they cannot get rid of the shackles. Therefore, they will still have hatred, anger, and fight. "

Xuanyuan Jiuzhong sighed.

"I can't see it anymore," he said.

Xiao Yao nodded.

"You said, where will I go after I die?"

Xiao Yao glanced at him and said, "I don't know, but I should become a lonely ghost, no matter whether he is in the underworld or the immortal world, I definitely don't want you."

"..." Xuanyuan Jiu Zhong said aggrieved, "Why?"

"Too much talk."


Xuanyuan Jiuzhong lay on the ground again.

Feel the warm sunshine.

Just when he was about to close his eyes and completely cut his life, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiao Yao's wrist.

Hold it tightly.

"If you really go to the immortal world, help me ask the immortals in the sky, why do they control my life and death! Who should control their life and death!"

After speaking, he completely lost his breath.

His eyes were wide.

Angrily stared at the sky.

Glaring with the sky.

Xiao Yao just stood up, but was held tightly by that withered hand.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yao squirmed his lips and said softly, "Okay."

The hand that held him tightly finally loosened.

Xiao Yao tried to close his eyes, but did not close them several times.

Xiao Yao laughed and stood up.

"Don't bury you."

He walked forward and continued to say: "You don't want the dust to cover you. Just look at the sky. One day, if I really go to the immortal world, you might as well take a look at how I let the immortals above them. If I feel the same as you, I will definitely help you ask, who made this so-called life and death."

When Xiao Yao finished saying this, Xuanyuan Jiuzhong, who was lying on the ground, suddenly pulled a stiff smile.

The final expression...

As he walked forward, Xiao Yao thought in his heart what had happened before.

He always felt that all this came too soon.

The man standing on the pinnacle of Lingwu World finally died.

His death, perhaps, is not the end.

Of course, these were things that Xuanyuan Jiuzhong only knew.

However, everything finally settled.

Xiao Yao turned his face and looked at the last battlefield.

The mountains and forests are broken, the rivers are dry, and the wilderness has turned into deep pits.

He walked out from the ruins.

After walking for a while, he suddenly remembered something and suddenly closed his eyes.

Looking inside, he was shocked to find that all the internal organs in his body had become pure and transparent.

In a place below the heart, there is another small heart beating.

The same is transparent.

Inside, there are Xiao Yao's sword gourd and various exercises.

"Is this my new storage space?" Xiao Yao smiled slightly, and when his thoughts moved, a set of clothes was held in his hands.

When he took back his spiritual sense and put on his clothes, Xiao Yao was also amazed.

After being reborn with the help of Yuan Ying, he was shocked to find that his spiritual consciousness had become stronger.

The consciousness is enough to cover hundreds of miles.

Moreover, vigorous strength, without the previous impurities, is as pure and clear as a stream.

"After rebirth with the aid of Yuanying, it seems that he has gained innate power." Xiao Yao thought to himself. After all, Yuanying was originally like a baby, and his innate power was naturally strong. Now it has all been transferred to Xiao Yao's body. In terms of nature, the benefits are endless.

Back in the small town before, Xiao Yao looked at Xuanyuan Qinghan.

Then Xiao Yao couldn't help laughing.

"Sorry, let you down, your master still didn't kill me."

Xuanyuan Qinghan looked at Xiao Yao who was still thinking about joking, and couldn't help but laugh.

"It seems that you won easily." Xuanyuan Qinghan said.

"Do you really think so?" Xiao Yao felt that Xuanyuan Qinghan was really unreasonable. This is also called winning easily?

I'm the one who died again, okay?

The reason why he died again is because he was reborn with the help of keel bones.

Originally, his body's powerful abilities far surpassed ordinary people.

But in the eyes of the so-called Demon God, it seemed that he could not withstand a single blow.

Up to now, Xiao Yao didn't feel how powerful the so-called monsters were. After all, he hadn't encountered them until now. At most, he had encountered some monsters.

After experiencing this once, Xiao Yao suddenly felt that the demons were really powerful, perhaps comparable to those immortals.

The things he had experienced before had left a deep psychological shadow on Xiao Yao. As for whether it would cause any shackles to his cultivation, he did not think about it in a short time. Anyway, the top priority is to return to the previous world.

At this time, Qing Chan also hurried over.

I probably don't know where I got the news of Xiao Yao's return.

After seeing Xiao Yao, tears filled her eyes with excitement.

He rushed directly into Xiao Yao's arms.

Holding Xiao Yao is a cry.

"Uuuuu, you're fine, all blame me, all blame me..."

There was a pear blossom with rain.

Xuanyuan Qinghan frowned when he saw this scene, somehow.

There was some dissatisfaction in his eyes.

After realizing that his emotions had changed, Xuanyuan Qinghan was taken aback by himself, and quickly looked away, looking at the distance, still muttering in his heart.

Lost mind, lose mind...

She really didn't know what was in her mind just now.

Why is there a little mood suddenly...

It's like being possessed.

"Okay, why are you crying? How could it be your fault? Even without you, Xuanyuan Jiuzhong would still trouble me. Besides, if it wasn't for me, he might not have followed you." Xiao Yao laughed He said, "If you really say something wrong, it is also my fault."

Qing Chan still sobbed.

After a while, Xiao Yao suddenly asked, "I'm going back."

Qing Chan's body trembled slightly, not knowing what to say.

Her hand subconsciously grabbed her clothes, and there was a layer of mist in her eyes.

She also thought of where Xiao Yao said "go back".

"Actually, you are the first girl I came to this world and met." Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"Even so, I didn't seize the opportunity, right?" Qing Chan said suddenly.

It was completely under the circumstances of ghosts and gods. After saying these words, she also regretted a bit, feeling that she had forced herself and Xiao Yao into a very embarrassing situation together.

(First more)

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