The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1745: Statue steps

After entering the palace, Xiao Yao suddenly remembered something very important.

He vaguely remembered.

The previous Firebird, when talking to him for the first time, used to call himself "The Lord".

This lord, isn’t the devil’s claim to be?

Just like the female fairy he met before, because she was a fairy deity, she took a mouthful of a deity deity.

He turned his face and looked at the firebird outside the palace, standing in front of all the things he didn't know what it was, with a smile on his face.

That smile made Xiao Yao suddenly feel like falling into an ice cellar.

He always feels like he has been cheated...

When the gate of the palace slowly closed, the group of Mediterranean seas reappeared in their original form.

A great ape made up of a cloud of black mist walked up to the firebird and hung his head.

"Master Demon Lord, why did you hide your identity from that Human Race kid?"

The flames on the firebird were still splashing around, and his voice became much sharper.

"Do you really think that I let him come?"

"Huh?" The monkey was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't come back to his senses.

Firebird sighed and said, "Do you remember, Forget River Demon God?"

A look of fear was evident on the ape's face, in addition to fear, there was respect.

If the Demon God of Forgotten River hadn't been forgotten, their Demon Race would have been completely destroyed by the Immortal Race tens of thousands of years ago.

"At the beginning, the Devil God of Forgotten River fell, leaving a ray of divine thought on the first floor of the Hongmeng Tree, which is our place, do you remember?" Firebird asked.


"It was the ray of divine thought that made him come." Firebird suddenly recovered his body. This time he was a graceful gentleman with fair skin, but two clusters of small flames were still fluttering in the pair of pupils.

"However, Lord Demon, do you think that Human Race kid is considered a demon?" Ape Monkey leaned forward and asked with a smile.

"It's hard to tell." Firebird Demon Lord said, "What is a demon, do you know?"

"Questioning this day, questioning this place, questioning the gods, questioning the heavens. Abandoned by the heavens, abandoned by the immortals, intolerable by the heavens, and intolerable by the immortals..." the monkey said softly.

"Perhaps he really has an enmity with the Immortal Realm, but he has never regarded himself as a demon..."

The monkey suddenly laughed.

The Firebird Demon turned his face to look at him, and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

The apes were silent.

"Okay, let you just talk, what are you talking about?" Firebird Demon Lord said rather displeased.

"I just think it's funny, don't talk about him, we people, how can we really think that we are a demon? The so-called demon is just the imprint left on us by those immortals. A hat, a hat you can't take off." said the monkey.

Firebird Demon also laughed and nodded.

"Actually, there is no difference between immortals and demons. It is nothing more than a conceptual issue. The Human Race believes that immortals are good, demons are bad, and they should all go to hell, just like they will flow and drink. , Call it water, not fire. If that thing is called fire, not water? It’s a long way away... The trace of the spirit left by the Devil God of Forgotten River, said that there is a path to resentment in this palace. The passage of the sea..."

Before the Firebird Demon had finished speaking, the ape's face changed drastically.

"The sea of ​​resentment? Lord Wangchuan Demon God... hope he enters the sea of ​​resentment?"

The Firebird Demon nodded.

"Why! Since Wangchuan Demon Lord is optimistic about him, why should he be put to death?" The monkey was puzzled.

The rest of the weird creatures also got together, all looking confused.

"Who said that there is a dead place? You only know that there are countless resentful spirits in the sea of ​​resentment, but how do you know what is on the other end of the sea of ​​resentment?" said Firebird Demon Lord.

"Huh?" the monkey asked, "the sea of ​​resentment, there is still an end?"

"Master Demon God said yes, then there must be." Demon Lord Firebird said with a smile on his face, "Furthermore, Lord Demon God left me a remark that makes him memorable-let him die and live afterwards."

"Like you, Lord Demon, you have an immortal body, even if you really fall, you will be reborn in the flames many years later. Is that a place of death and rebirth?" the monkey asked.

"Almost, okay, let’s not talk about this. I heard that the demon said before that this time there was a snow wolf with him. Haha, it was interesting. First came the people of the human race, and now they came to the snowfield. Xuelang, it seems that our Demon Realm is really going to undergo an earth-shaking change."

The monkey nodded, and suddenly remembered a question.

"My Lord Demon, I heard... I forgot the magic power of Chuan Demon and fought the four great immortal emperors of the Immortal Clan at the beginning, but finally the gods fell, but the immortal clan had to sign a contract. Within 100,000 years, the immortal clan could not invade my demon clan. How many years are it next?" asked the ape.

The expression on Firebird Demon Lord's face was a little stiff, he took a deep breath, and sighed softly, "Probably... there are still three hundred years left."

"Three hundred years..." Those monsters all showed a deep thought.

"Are you afraid?" Firebird Demon said frowning.

"Hehe, I'm afraid those immortals won't be enough for us to kill!" The monkey roared.

Above the sky.

The golden crow that had spread its wings suddenly trembled.

As if shocked by a huge coercion...

After entering the palace, Xiao Yao hesitated in his heart.

He was speculating about the identity of the group of guys he saw outside.

No matter what you think, it's a little weird.

When the gate of the palace slowly closed, there was a feeling of pulling the gate in front of you.

In a pitch-black environment, even with aura, he couldn't see his fingers.

In the dark environment, Xiao Yao couldn't do anything.

He suddenly spoke.

"Human Xiao Yao, see Lord Demon Lord!"

With a sound, at the top of the palace, a large brazier was lit, which was fixed by four iron locks.

Xiao Yao was startled, and muttered: "Oh, hey, this light is also voice-controlled..."

Senior senior, can't afford to provoke.

Looking ahead, there is a huge statue.

At first glance at the statue, Xiao Yao didn't realize there was anything, but after a few more glances, Xiao Yao suddenly felt that his spiritual consciousness seemed to be dragged by something.

Xiao Yao looked at the statue in front of him, and his spiritual thoughts seemed to have entered another world.

As if being in an ancient battlefield.

However, it didn't take long before Xiao Yao's consciousness returned to his body.

Looked at the statue in front of him.

The statue is about fifty feet high and occupies the height of the entire palace. It is a standing human figure, but its facial features are different. For example, there is no nose, only one mouth, two pairs of eyes, on the forehead and face, and three pairs of ears, stacked together. His arms are very long, almost flush with the knees, without feet, and the bottom of the two legs. It's like being stuck in a dragon horse, but it's like a part of his body...

The more I look, the more confused.

He has never seen such a creature...

At this moment, a voice resembling a bell suddenly resounded in his mind.


Xiao Yao's legs were bent subconsciously, and he wanted to kneel down, but he stubbornly carried it, but kept a knee bent posture, after all, he did not land on his knees.

Xiao Yao looked at the statue in front of him in surprise, thinking in his heart that this statue seemed to be able to sense the thoughts in his heart, and he was very dissatisfied with his guess.

The statue suddenly began to turn.

Make a deafening sound.

Driving the entire palace, it began to tremble.

The Firebird Demon Lord and the others who had walked away suddenly stopped, staring at the palace behind them, each with a stunned expression.

"This kid, do you want to demolish this monarch's palace?" The devil swallowed his saliva and whispered.

"Master Demon Lord, do we want to rush back?"

Firebird Demon Lord thought for a while and shook: "I still feel the breath of Lord Demon... Forget it, we don't know anything about the palace, so let's not ask."

After speaking, he continued to walk forward.

It disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Apes and others continue to keep up.

In the palace, Xiao Yao sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at the statue, and wandering for a half circle.

Behind the statue is a step.

Xiao Yao thought for a while, stood up and opened his legs, and climbed up the steps along the steps.

He felt that since this statue turned around and faced him with a chrysanthemum, he would definitely not mind climbing up...

As soon as he thought of this, the statue began to tremble again, and it appeared to shake Xiao Yao off.

"Does it mean that I am not allowed to climb?" Xiao Yao was taken aback.

The statue stopped immediately, negating Xiao Yao's thoughts in this way.

"That's dissatisfaction with the word chrysanthemum..." Xiao Yao sighed.

Is this statue so careful?

The statue began to vibrate violently again.

Xiao Yao chose to fly subconsciously, but was pressed down by a burst of energy.

He fell heavily to the ground, grinning in pain, but fortunately he didn't suffer too much damage.

Only then did he come back to his senses, remembering what the Firebird had said before.

Can't fly in the palace!

In desperation, Xiao Yao could only stand up and climb that step again.

What he didn't know was that this step would only stand out when the statue turned.

Even if the Firebird Fairy lived in the palace for tens of thousands of years, he didn't know the secret...

The steps were obviously only fifty feet long, but Xiao Yao felt like he couldn't walk.

Finally, he stopped.

It was as if a ghost hit the wall and fell into an endless loop.

Whenever I was about to reach the end, in the blink of an eye, I stood in the middle place again.

"French formation?" Xiao Yao showed a smile on his face.

Magic circle enchantment...I'm still very good at it, okay!

He sat cross-legged on the steps, counting the steps, and converting them.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Xiao Yao stood up again, determined.

First walked three steps, jumped, skipped three steps, walked two more steps, jumped four steps.

In the last jump, Xiao Yao seemed to have escaped from a certain special space.

In my ears, the waves are shooting.

There are countless ghosts crying and howling wolves, which makes people shudder...

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