The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1782: Spring and Autumn Sword Broken Spring and Autumn

Xiao Yao began to slowly sort out the story line of his time in this period of time.

The human race has rebelled and suppressed the tribe of the fairy, demons and demons.

As for whether there is any oppression in it, he still doesn't know, even if it does, in Xiao Yao's opinion, there is nothing to sympathize with.

When the three tribes of the fairy, the demons and the demons were superior to the human race, did they really regard human life as a waste?

After being suppressed by the human race, the three clans of the fairy, demons and demons finally felt dissatisfied, and on the surface they still respected the human race, but behind the scenes, the three races of the fairy, demons and demons had united and wanted to overthrow the rule of the human race.

Obviously, it should be the mountain rain coming and the wind is full of the building, but the powerhouses of the three clans of the fairy, the demons and the demons have joined forces to put together a natural barrier to cover all the surging undercurrents.

A hammer fell.


The fairy, demons and demons suddenly raised their heads subconsciously and looked in a certain direction. They didn't see anything, but they felt the sound of thunder and their faces pale.

Maybe what they are thinking is, could it be that their plan has been discovered?

After panic, his eyes were firm again.

There is no turning back arrow in the bow, if it is not found, then it should be forever.

If it is discovered, it should be indomitable!

Xiao Yao didn't know whether this really had a certain relationship with the hammer he dropped, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt unreasonable. After all, the time was wrong.

Next, Xiao Yao saw with his own eyes that all the immortals entered a door.

When they came back, they were already smiling smugly.

"The immortal gate was destroyed, and the mortal geniuses were also destroyed. In that world, no one will ascend." An immortal emperor said with a sneer with a lotus crown on his head.

In an instant, the three tribes of fairy, demons and demons cheered.

Even if it is the Spring Festival in the world, I am afraid there is no excitement here and now.

The fairy gate is destroyed...

The Divine Bridge of the Mortal Human Race was destroyed...

Xiao Yao's nails were cut into the palm of his hand.

He felt that he seemed to understand something, but he didn't understand enough.

"If you can't get the answer here, just go to the fairy clan and ask."

After chanting this sentence, Xiao Yao seemed to be gambling with himself, and then asked himself: "What if the immortal clan is unwilling to say it?"

Frowning, thinking, and groaning.

Xiao Yao seemed to have encountered the most difficult problem to understand.

The hammer fell again, and the sound of the hammer shook his mind.

He gave an initiation, suddenly realized that he smiled.

"If you don't want to say it all alive and alive--then kill it."

After thinking about it, he grinned, like a child.

The screen turns again.

The sparks around him also gather again, and the Tai Chi picture carries the divine consciousness, breaking through the cracks of time with a step of tens of thousands of miles, and the stars shift in the sky.

There is a lush dense forest in front of me, the Sword God Mountain!

The Sword God Mountain on this day seemed a little different, even if the air here was slightly cooler than before.

Cool is sadness.

All over the mountain, everyone who saw it carried a sword, and at the same time, they were all dressed in white robes.

There is no exception.

Looks terrified, lonely, worried.

A sword chant came from the Sword God Mountain.

"Chunqiujian enters the mountain again!"

"The Sword Emperor has fallen!"

For a time, on the Sword God Mountain, weeping everywhere.

The sword gods with long swords, the swords on their backs, were unsheathed together, gathered together, trembling at a very fast frequency, and also made a sword sound.

This sword screams, is a scream.

"Sword Emperor, has fallen?" Xiao Yao was condescending, looking at this picture, for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

From the unhappiness of those people, Xiao Yao finally understood a little bit.

Although the Human Race is powerful, the life span of the Human Race is much worse than that of the Fairy, Demon and Demon Races.

Even the existence of the sword emperor and human emperor does not have a life span of more than a thousand years.

However, the Immortal Emperor Demon God and Demon King, any one, can live for tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years.

"The way of heaven is not fair!" The emperor came to Sword God Mountain in person and roared.

Those long swords, phantom like a rain of swords all over the sky, fall in a hurry.

Later, Xiao Yao also witnessed the birth, old age, sickness and death of the Emperor.

While dying, the Emperor suddenly opened his eyes and took a look in Xiao Yao's direction.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he still didn't say anything. His body slowly dissipated and turned into a pool of rolling water, floating in the air, merging with the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

The next moment, it was pouring rain.

Dead wood sprouts.

All things come in spring!

This is the last gift given by the Emperor Human to the Great Desolate Ancient Land.

The rookie emperor appears.

At this time, Human Race suddenly panicked.

Many people say that in recent years, no human beings have entered the fairy world, and they cannot attract them.

It is also said that in recent years, there are no more newborns, and it seems that the human race can no longer reproduce.

Xiao Yao hammered down one after another.

He couldn't open his mouth to tell the preparations of the Three Realms of the Human Clan Fairy, Demons and Demons. He just thought that his hammer fell again and maybe he could wake them up.

It's a pity that those human races couldn't hear the sound of Xiao Yao dropping the heavy hammer.

The rookie emperor looks very young, he also has a crowned head and a firm face.

Standing on that high platform, he said loudly to the human race that he would lead the human race to its peak.

Then, Xiao Yao found out that he was mingling with a female fairy emperor.

I don't know what the sun and the moon are changing outside the house.

Time just passed by like a white horse passing by.

When the number of human races began to decline sharply, he finally woke up.

That day, a big battle broke out.

Human race, a battle with the three races of fairy, demons and demons.

The emperor alone, beheaded and killed millions of immortals and demons.

The immortal emperor, demon god, and demon king were all dead and clean, but not every fairy demon and demon took part in this battle.

They have left behind. Perhaps, the three clans of the Fairy, Demons and Demons have long understood that they will not be able to win the final victory in this battle.

Human Sovereign stood on a cloud top, the diadem on the top of his head was scattered, leaving only a certain hair crown.

The clothes on his body, I don't know when they were torn, and looked a little embarrassed, and they were slowly fading away.

Finally, he roared and roared.

"Human Emperor Fuhai swears to the heavens, and is willing to exchange my life for the last pure land of the human race, to open up a new star field, and to allow the human race to survive."

After speaking, I closed my eyes and fell.

The remaining hundreds of human races enter a door.

Xiao Yao followed Human Race and walked into that door.

Familiar scene, familiar road.

Here, it is called the Ninth Floor Star Territory by the Human Race.

A few years later, the three clans of the Fairy, Demons and Demons found here, and the newly born three immortal emperors of the Fairy Clan tried their best to open a door.

From that door, the demon squeezed in forcibly.

Among them, there was one he had seen, and what Xue Jiao had mentioned before, Sin Long.

He originally thought that this was a prison in the fairy world where the monsters were imprisoned.

He thought that this was the place where the fairy clan had set it.

The original idea was finally completely subverted.

Here is the last piece of pure land of the human race!

At first, the human race here was able to deal with it easily.

Later, in this village, only the late old man remained.

Finally, the last pure land of the human race is burned...

Outside the door, the tribe of fairy, demons and monsters cheered.

They won this victory.

Terran lost, it was a terrible defeat.

The former dynasty was completely overthrown by the fairy demon.

Xiao Yao always felt that he seemed to have missed some details and didn't understand it. In fact, these are not important anymore. This is the story.

I have seen this scene after passing through the years I don't know.

"Xianzu! Yongsheng!"

"Mozu, Yongsheng!"

"Monster, Yongsheng!"

The three clans of the fairy, demons and demons held a grand banquet, and the rare tribe of the fairy, demons and demons could sit together and eat the delicacies of mountains and seas.

Xiao Yao felt that the steamed buns in their hands were dipped in human blood.

He wanted to get closer and ask them.


"From then on, my demon king will be the demon emperor!"

"The fairy agrees."

"Mozu agrees!"

"From then on, there will be no emperor, sword emperor!"

"In the world, the human race are ants!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yao saw with his own eyes that a Buddha in a robes came here.

He folded his hands together, smiled and said a few words, turned and left.

Xiao Yao sneered.

He suddenly wanted to understand why he always felt that something was missing before.

The Buddha world is missing.

From beginning to end, the Buddhist realm did not appear.

In other words, I just didn't see it.

What kind of role they played in this drama that subverted the human race is still unknown for the time being.

They must have participated, Xiao Yao said to himself in his heart.

There are too many illogical points in this story.

For example, the human emperor and sword emperor are so powerful, why didn't he notice the various changes before the rain was coming.

Perhaps it was the Buddhas who cherished feathers in the Buddha realm who hid everything in order to conceal their deeds.

The fairy, demons and demons were still jumping for joy.

Xiao Yao let out a roar, heartbreaking.

A hammer hit it, and the picture was fragmented.

One hammer, broken spring and autumn.

The Taiji Diagram ran again, penetrating everything, and returned to the sword furnace space.

Xiao Yao slowly opened his eyes and looked at the piece of iron under him.

That sword shining with rainbow light.

When the rainbow light gradually converged, Xiao Yao could see the sword clearly. It was simple and unpretentious, but it was shining with golden light from time to time.

The golden light suddenly appeared, like the Sword Emperor's presence.

Chunqiu sword, cut Chunqiu.

He stretched out his hand and held the sword, a burning sensation from the hilt.

When the hilt of the sword touched the palm of his hand, he smelled a scorching odor, as well as wisps of white smoke.

The sword shook violently, breaking the galaxy in anger.

"Human race, you are not clean." Xiao Yao lowered his head, looked at the Spring and Autumn Period in his hand, and said softly.

"Yes, Human Race, they have not been wiped out and clean." From the Spring and Autumn Sword, a voice that was as old as the sea came out.

In that voice, there was some boldness, some jokes, and some sarcasm.

"At the last thought, how about cutting a fairy emperor?"

Spring and Autumn took the sword, broke through all barriers, and entered the sky with one sword.

After a while, Chun Qiu Jian came back with blood on the blade.

The sword light flickered, rushed into Xiao Yao's body, melted into the sword's heart, and took root.

Jianxin breeds the Spring and Autumn Sword.

Chunqiujian feeds back Jianxin.

A certain place in the fairy world was wailing.

"Xiandi Nanban, Xianyu!"

Sword of Spring and Autumn, Broken Spring and Autumn.

This is a new era.

(Second more)

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