The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1869: Are you so shameless?

After flying, Hong Feisheng realized that there was a great contrast between the fairy world in his imagination and the fairy world in reality.

There is indeed the fragrance of birds and flowers, there are celestial cranes, and immortals live forever.

But in the same way, there is a fight here.

Compared with Lingwu World, Hong Feisheng felt that the fighting here was even more terrifying.

This is Hong Feisheng's most intuitive feeling after coming to the fairy world.

What made him most depressed was that after arriving in West Wuzhou, he was still bullied every day.

What made him even more depressed was that the reason why the immortals in West Wuzhou hated them one by one was because of Xu Kuangge.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Hong Feisheng to complain about Xu Kuangge because of this.

In fact, he felt quite proud.

Although he didn't know what Xu Kuangge's current strength was in the fairy clan, it was enough to explain everything from the fact that the fairy clan in West Wuzhou mentioned the three words of Xu Kuangge one by one.

After all, Hong Feisheng is not a fool, he can still understand such simple things.

Looking at the injuries on his body, Hong Feisheng raised his head, speechless.

"It seems that next I can't let the immortals know that I have something to do with Xu Kuangge's acquaintance, and even if I can hide it, I can't let the immortals know that I have soared from the human race... Do evil!" Hong Feisheng was really depressed.

In fact, his ascension this time was entirely a coincidence.

Even he himself didn't know why he soared up inexplicably, and he didn't suppress it.

If he can control it, he definitely doesn't want to ascend, after all, the girl he likes is still in the Lingwu world.

Thinking of Liu Zhezhi, Hong Feisheng's face also showed bitterness.

"She must be angry now, can't you wait to beat me?" Hong Feisheng muttered in his heart.

When Xiao Yao was still in Lingwu World, Hong Feisheng's cultivation base was already the eighth peak.

The eightfold peak in his thirties, no matter where he placed such a cultivation base, he was a genius.

Even Xu Kuangge's cultivation talent was much worse than Hong Feisheng.

The universe is very small, and I don't know how many geniuses there are, but Xu Kuangge is definitely not counted. He belongs to the kind of perseverance willing to work hard to catch up.

In the words of Xu Kuangge, in those years he experienced, the genius of the Lingwu world was innumerable.

Without exception, all those geniuses were trampled under his feet.

To say that this world is definitely unfair, geniuses have to practice lighter than ordinary cultivators.

But there are advantages and disadvantages. When ordinary cultivators ascend, their strength is much stronger than those of geniuses. The most important thing is that they will have more understanding in terms of enlightenment. After all, some of them have lived for hundreds of years or even For thousands of years, life experience and perception are definitely much more than those of geniuses. This is the reason why Xu Kuangge was able to be invincible in the fairy clan after becoming the Sword Sovereign. Naturally, the word "Sword Tomb" has honed his sword intent. In addition, his hundreds of years have not been in vain.

"It seems that it is not a simple thing to improve one's strength in the fairy clan!" Hong Feisheng thought for a moment and sighed.

He walked all the way forward, not knowing where exactly was in front of him, but he didn't care. Anyway, West Wuzhou is definitely unable to stay.

Then, Hong Feisheng directly chose Huahong to fly.

"Teniang's West Wuzhou, if I can be patient in the future, I have to beat you all from top to bottom!"

It is undeniable that Hong Feisheng's temper has always been good, but this does not mean that he is a temperless master.

When a good-tempered person suddenly manages his temper, it is actually very scary.

Just like those who have always been reasonable, when one day they suddenly don't want to be reasonable.

About to detain Jianzhou.

The speed at which Xiao Yao rode Anwen was even faster than that of Hua Hong's soaring.

Those immortals who fly in the rainbow have to think from time to time about which sect is the strength of the road ahead, and whether they can continue to fly in the rainbow, but Xiao Yao has no such worries, anyway, he was not the same. The speed of the rainbow flight is faster than that of the Huahong flight.

But just when he was about to arrive in Jujian Prefecture, Xiao Yao was stopped by three immortals.

One fairy god, two fairy generals.

Their sudden appearance blocked Xiao Yao's path.

"Ahem, fellow daoist, you strange beast, you are fast!" The immortal was wearing a white robe with a childlike face, and the two immortal generals standing behind him were dressed in armor, looking to They are much younger, but their eyes are not on Xiao Yao, but on Anwen. Xiao Yao was a little curious at first, but after reading their eyes, he also snorted coldly, his face full of frost.

It is said that those who are not good will not come, and this is the case now.

"This Immortal Venerable, what's your order?" Xiao Yao jumped off Anwen, looked at the three immortals in front of him, and asked with a smile.

Hidden knife in the smile is what Xiao Yao is in now.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist, you are a strange beast, but you have a bloodline?" the white-robed man with a bright face and a bright face asked.

The sound is clear and powerful, like a sword attack.

Xiao Yao looked at the other party and nodded lightly. He didn't feel so surprised. After all, the appearance of Dianhu has changed a lot now, and the other party doesn't know how many years he has lived. It is not incomprehensible to see this. It's just that the other person's eyes looking at him and Dianhu make him feel uncomfortable.

"Well, this fellow Taoist, I will buy you this strange beast, how about it?" the other party asked.

Xiao Yao laughed, this is the purpose of the other party.

In fact, when these celestial races appeared, and their eyes were always on Anan, he had already guessed it.

The reason why there is no clear grab is probably because I can't see through my own cultivation base, so I want to simply test and explore, this is not difficult to understand.

It is said that people should not be prosperous.

Such a remark is actually more appropriate for the fairy clan.

In the fairy clan, even if it is just a child, no other fairy clan dare to despise it. Who knows if this is a powerful immortal who has lived for thousands of years?

"This strange beast has been with me for a long time. I don't plan to sell it." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "So please get out of the way."

He felt that when he spoke, his attitude was still very good.

The other party first salutes and then pawns, the same is true for himself.

No one can pick out Eli Lilly.

"Huh, boy, do you know who my master is?!" One of the fairy generals in armor suddenly said.

"Shut up!" The man in the white robe glared at his disciple, then turned his face to look at Xiao Yao, and bowed his hand in return. "If this is the case, then the old man won't force it, so let it go."

Xiao Yao nodded and rode on An Huan again, but a cold color flashed across his eyes.

When the other party said those words before, murderous intent was in his eyes, Xiao Yao is no longer a kid, it is impossible to not even see these.

What's more, Xiao Yao didn't know how many times he had seen that look.

Xiao Yao has seen countless times among those human immortal demons who want to kill Xiao Yao.

When Xiao Yao rode on Anwen again, the three immortals gave way.

Pass safely through the three immortal races and continue forward.

Seeing Xiao Yao's leaving back, the fairy general who had been reprimanded before whispered: "Master, do we really just forget it?"

The white robe Xianzun sneered, and at the same time moved his wrist, a three-foot-long wide-backed knife was held in his hand, and the blade was covered with a layer of white light.

Immediately afterwards, the long knife in his hand turned into a long rainbow and flew towards Xiao Yao.

When there was still three or four meters away from Xiao Yao, a sword light burst out of Xiao Yao's body, and he smashed the long knife out.

"Huh, I don't want extra branches, do you really treat me like a bully?" Stopped calmly, Xiao Yao stood up in the sky, holding the Chunqiu Sword in his hand, his eyes were clear but flashing red, looking at the three The immortal clan’s eyes were full of sarcasm. When he fell from the sky, a sword rainbow was like a glow on the side of the sky. Xiao Yao held it tightly in his hand. Whoosh.

"It turned out to be the Sword Sovereign?" A ray of surprise flashed in the eyes of the white robe Xianzun, and he quickly held the long knife in his hand again and killed Xiao Yao, and at the same time said to his two disciples, "I will Stop it, you quickly take away the strange beast!"

"Master, be careful!" The two immortal generals in armor quickly responded, and were shocked at the same time.

Although there are not many immortals in the immortal clan, they are not everywhere, after all, the immortal emperor is above the immortal. Of course, the gap between the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Venerable is not what any fairy clan can imagine. In fact, the power gap between Xianzun and Xianzun will also be very great. For example, the strength of some newly promoted Xianzun may be much stronger than that of Xianzun, but those who have been in the Xianzun for hundreds of years can only meet Kill at the neck.

For example, their master has actually been in the Immortal Venerable for two hundred years. They are one of the three great swordsmen in Zhenyuan State. They are powerful and they don’t need to worry too much. The opponent’s master’s opponent this time is also an immortal clan. What threats might be caused.

Their task is to catch the alien beast, lest the alien beast will run away.

Xiao Yao naturally heard clearly when the sword master spoke before, but he was not anxious at all, instead his face was full of sarcasm.

Just those two immortal generals, also want to seize stability?

Don't be eaten safely, it is their great blessing.

Therefore, Xiao Yao was fully engrossed, dealing with the immortal venerable that appeared in front of him.

When the swords collided, Xiao Yao and the swordsman retreated a long distance, but the other party quickly rushed up again, probably because he was worried that Xiao Yao would suddenly turn the sword head to find trouble with his two apprentices.

"Are you immortals so shameless?" Xiao Yao laughed while holding the Spring Autumn Sword, and sneered.

The other party did not intend to answer.

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