The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 846: I hope you are alive

Lingwu world.

Xiao Yao grabbed his fingers and counted the days. In the blink of an eye, it was almost the New Year.

Four months' time, fleeting.

He sat at the door, watching people coming and going in the village, and sighed.

In this village, you can’t see the slightest New Year's atmosphere. In fact, every Chinese New Year’s family was full of lights and festoons, and it was very lively, but since the appearance of beasts and cultivators, the New Year is for the people in Lijia Village. It is no longer a thing to celebrate, but everyone is afraid of this day from the bottom of their hearts.

It is very rare for them to live in such an environment without depression.

That is, in recent years, almost no one has gotten married. They feel that getting married has no meaning at all. They have children and no descendants.

This is a very terrible state.

Er Gouzi sat next to Xiao Yao, just like Xiao Yao, holding his chin, looking at the pedestrians.

"Er Gouzi, what day is tomorrow?" Xiao Yao asked.

"New Year's Eve." Er Gouzi said.

"Chinese New Year." Xiao Yao said with a smile.

Er Gouzi smiled bitterly and said, "People in our village don't want to celebrate the New Year."

Xiao Yao nodded and said, "I know."

Er Gouzi was silent for a while, turned his face to look at Xiao Yao, and said, "Brother Xiao, what should we do?"

During this time of getting along, Xiao Yao and Er Gouzi were completely familiar with each other. The name also changed from the benevolent man to the brother Xiao. This is what Xiao Yao insisted. He listened to him all day long. His brain is almost destroyed.

Xiao Yao glanced at Ergouzi, stood up, stretched out his muscles, and then asked, "What answer do you want from me?"

Ergouzi didn't speak,

Xiao Yao continued: "If you ask me what plan I have now, I can tell you very responsibly now. I don't know. I really don't know what we should do next. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, yes. As far as I am concerned, they are all unknown. I don't know what the strength of that beast and cultivator is."

Er Gouzi's eyes were full of disappointment and frustration.

Xiao Yao laughed, patted Er Gouzi on the shoulder and said; "Don't be too depressed."

Er Gouzi said helplessly: "I just can't get optimistic."

Xiao Yao thought for a while, and said to Er Gouzi: "You really have nothing to worry about, I am not afraid. If this time, the cultivators and the beasts still come, their first goal should be me, and they must want it. Kill me, after all my existence is a hidden danger to them, but can you see the fear in my face?"

Er Gouzi shook his head.

After a while, he stood up and looked at Xiao Yao and asked, "Brother Xiao, can I ask you a question?"

After Xiao Yao nodded, Er Gouzi continued to ask, "Are you really not afraid at all?"

This question seems to have asked a very critical point.

Xiao Yao's expression changed a little, then he found a small bench and sat down.

He sighed, looked into the distance, and said: "If I say I am not afraid at all, I must be lying to you."

"Are you afraid too?" Er Gouzi was a little surprised.

As Xiao Yao said before, he really couldn't even see the slightest look of fear on Xiao Yao's face, so now Xiao Yao said he was scared, and Ergouzi was hard to understand.

Is it really because Xiao Yao can hide his emotions so well?

When Er Gouzi thought about this, Xiao Yao had already spoken.

"Actually, what I am so afraid of is not death." Xiao Yao said, "I'm just afraid, will I really be unable to go back? If I really can't go back, what will my relatives do? Sad, they will be sad, I am afraid to see them sad and sad. Fortunately, I can't see it anymore..."

It was the first time Er Gouzi saw Xiao Yao so depressed.

For Ergouzi, Xiao Yao stayed here for four months.

But in fact, it's much more than that.

Xiao Yao's time difference in the ring was not what Ergouzi could imagine.

For such a long time, Xiao Yao didn't miss his loved ones, loved ones, and friends for a minute.

He was originally a person who took affection seriously.

When I thought that I might never go back, my relatives and loved ones would never see me anymore, Xiao Yao's heart hurts like a needle.

"Brother Xiao, do you really want to go back?" Er Gouzi asked puzzledly.

Xiao Yao glanced at Er Gouzi, and said with an aura: "Isn't this nonsense? How could I not want to go back."

"But, isn't this world bad?" Ergouzi said, "You told me before that cultivation in this world is very good. In the world before you, if you want to cultivate hard, it is simply as difficult as the sky, you Look, after only four months of understanding the world, you have entered the middle stage of the Linghe realm. According to this trend, perhaps in one or two years, you will be able to enter the Lingjiang realm, and then the Linghai realm. Although I am not a cultivator, I also know that Brother Xiao, your talent is really good."

Xiao Yao smiled and did not speak.

Ergouzi continued: "If, I mean if, if you continue to stay in this world, maybe it won't be long before you can directly reach the peak. Isn't this what you want to see? "

Xiao Yao laughed and said: "Actually, your kid is right. Cultivating in this world is better than the world before me. But, Ergouzi, you think, you really think, in this world The most important thing is to cultivate?"

"For you, isn't it?" Er Gouzi asked.

"Of course not." Xiao Yao shook his head and said, "I have never felt that cultivation is the most important thing in the world. The reason why I practice so hard is actually to better protect the people around me. What if I can’t even see the people around me, even if it really makes me reach the top? Even if it really makes me a god, so what? Those of me who want to protect are nowhere to be found. Even if I really pursue the supreme way, so what?"

Er Gouzi was a little surprised. He really didn't expect Xiao Yao as a cultivator to say such things.

Although he is not a cultivator, he believes that no other cultivator would have such thoughts.

Xiao Yao raised his head, looked at the sky, lowered his head, looked at Ergouzi, and said, "Actually, the real Tao is not in the sky, but here."

As he said, he pointed to his heart.

"Heart?" Er Gouzi asked.

Xiao Yao said: "The person pretending to be in his heart, if a person has no concerns, even if he really lives forever, what about it? Many people are afraid of death because they feel that if they die, they don’t know the sun tomorrow. What kind of it is, you have to say goodbye to your family and friends forever. If your family and friends are gone, why not the sun will rise tomorrow, what about living forever? Boring, so boring! "

Er Gouzi suddenly grinned and laughed.

"Brother Xiao, you are amazing!"

"What's so great?"

"You can summarize the meaning of life in a few simple words. Although I am still young, I know you are right. But many people don't understand this. They have to follow the trend and pursue nothing. On the way, as everyone knows, he has already abandoned the most precious." After speaking, Er Gouzi laughed again.

Xiao Yao looked at Er Gouzi's appearance and couldn't help but cursed: "Second fool."

Er Gouzi smiled happily.

"Brother Xiao, what should you do if you can't go back?" Er Gouzi asked suddenly after laughing for a while.

He was still quite worried about Xiao Yao.

"I can definitely go back." Xiao Yao said.


"Nothing but." Xiao Yao said, "My relatives are still waiting for me. If I don't go back, they will always wait, maybe for a year, maybe ten years, maybe a lifetime, if I live forever. They won't go, they will really wait for a lifetime, so if I really can't go back, I have to find a way, even if I want to spend a lifetime."

Ergouzi is ignorant.

He didn't understand what Xiao Yao wanted to express.

But he could find that Xiao Yao's eyes were red.

The road of life is long, long.

Xiao Yao is right, if one person walks this way, it would be too boring.

After chatting with Ergouzi for a while, the village head came over.


"How many times have I told you, don't call me benefactor, why don't you listen to me, old man?" Xiao Yao said depressed.

The village head laughed: "Isn't this called a habit?"

Xiao Yao rolled his eyes and didn't want to ignore him.

"Gongong, do you think we can survive this time?" the village chief asked worriedly.

"I don't know." Xiao Yao said, "In the past four months, as long as you see me, you will definitely ask this question. I answer you this way every time. Wouldn't you be annoying?"

"No trouble, no trouble!" The village chief said with a mouthful of old yellow teeth, "It's not annoying at all, I'm waiting for an answer, even if it takes a long, long time, even if I have to ask many, many times."

Xiao Yao felt that there were so many fools in the world.

For Li Jiacun, every minute, every second, is extremely long.

They hope more than anyone else to be able to welcome the next year soon, but they know that these two days will be their nightmare.

If Xiao Yao was willing to help before because he could not go out by himself, then now, if he stays and is willing to help, it is really for the people in the village.

He just hopes that the simple village of Lijiacun will always exist, not because of a certain person, let alone a certain animal, disappear.

"I don't know if I have this ability, but I hope you are alive, really." That's what Xiao Yao said to Ergouzi and the village chief.

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