The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 963: Cast god

Xiao Yao chose to take a cruise to leave Ying Country.

It's not that he never thought about choosing a plane, but the Eagle Country arranged for him a cruise ship.

He is the only one in the fight to be the ship.

Xiao Yao arrived in the driver's cab and sat with his hands behind his back on the boat.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the golden sea level shining by the setting sun.

There was no expression on the captain's face.

"There are a total of seventeen or eight people on this boat?" Xiao Yao asked.

"Yes." The captain glanced at him and nodded, his eyes indifferent to the extreme, as if they did not contain any emotions.

Xiao Yao sighed, "So many people, do you want to die with me?"

The captain's expression suddenly changed.

He looked at Xiao Yao's eyes with alertness.

Xiao Yao stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

"You are all dead. If I'm not mistaken, are you planning to wait out of the Eagle Country waters, or even further, to drop nuclear weapons directly?" Xiao Yao continued.

Look at his expression, calm and calm.

The captain's apple was rolling up and down, already speechless.

"Don't be afraid, in fact, I just asked casually." Xiao Yao said with a smile.

Can the captain not be afraid?

Originally, they thought that the Eagle Country had done a perfect job, even if Xiao Yao was originally a cautious person, it was impossible to see any clues.

But now it seems that they are still too idealistic.

It was not that Xiao Yao didn't know, but chose to go with the flow.

In fact, he was quite curious in his heart.

Since Xiao Yao had already guessed that the Eagle Nation planned to release nuclear weapons, why was he not afraid at all.

Is he really not afraid of death?

Or does he have enough strength to deal with nuclear weapons?

If it was the latter, then Xiao Yao would be too terrible. Thinking of this, the captain who was a dead man couldn't help but shudder.

"Don't worry, I actually don't know if I can hold it." Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"Then you still..." As soon as the captain said three words, he immediately shut up, as if he didn't think he should go on.

Xiao Yao waved his hand.

Even if the other party stopped as soon as he spoke, he knew what the other party wanted to express.

"Actually, I really don't have much confidence, but I can't help it. You have to push me on the road to the end. What else can I do if I don't fight you hard once?" Xiao Yao said with a wry smile.

The captain was silent and did not speak.

Xiao Yao stood up, walked out of the cabin, and stood on the deck.

He lifted his head and glanced at the sky above his head.

"They all say step back, how can I retreat? I retreat, what do the people behind me do? I can't fall, if I fall, they have to bully me and the people around me." Xiao Yao sighed, "What can I do? Apart from killing all the way, do I have any other choice?"

His eyes were extremely deep, and he didn't know what was in his mind at this time.

However, Xue Jiao made a sound again.

"Master, is that nuclear weapon really powerful?" Xue Jiao asked.

"It's quite powerful, I'm afraid even a cultivator in the Linghai realm may not be able to handle it." Xiao Yao touched his nose and said.

"Then why are you..."

"Can I stay in Eagle Nation for the rest of my life? Even if I really stay in Eagle Nation, they can forget it? I am afraid that China is under a lot of pressure, and maybe I will find trouble with people around me, as the saying goes. Open guns are easy to dodge and dark arrows are hard to guard. Since they have already taken action, they will simply face them head-on to make them afraid and make them feel fear. Only in this way can they be happy and stable!" Xiao Yao said.

"It's too risky." Xue Jiao thought for a while and said seriously.

Xiao Yao took a deep breath, his expression calm: "In fact, whatever you do, there is danger, so what about danger? If you run away in danger, I'm afraid I don't know how many times I have died."

Xue Jiao didn't speak anymore.

Although Xiao Yao would die if he died, but now he really has nothing to worry about.

If Xiao Yao was so proud, he would be scared instead.

If Xiao Yao just wanted to live this life quietly, would he still have a chance to go to the Dragon Realm?

From the snake to the python, from the python to the dragon, it doesn’t know how much suffering it has gone through. Which time is it about to die? Didn’t you survive it?

Only after it survives can he benefit infinitely. Xiao Yao's choice now is similar to his choice to overcome the catastrophe.

At this moment, an airplane had already flown in their direction.

"It's about ten minutes to leave the British waters. It seems that these people can't wait." Xiao Yao sighed and said, "Since I haven't run yet, I don't know what they are afraid of."

Obviously, the remarks Xiao Yao and the captain said before have been passed back to Eagle Country.

The Eagle Country was worried that Xiao Yao would jump the wall in a hurry and do something more absurd, so the battle was already advanced.

It doesn't matter to Xiao Yao, what should come will eventually come, and what shouldn't come, even if he returns to China, he will not necessarily come.

In fact, at this time, many video sites both at home and abroad began to serialize this video.

Yingguo's idea is actually very simple, that is to let everyone see Xiao Yao completely disappear from this world with their own eyes.

Only in this way can they achieve the deterrence they want.

In Huaxia, in the Dragon Guarding Hall, everyone's pupils shrank.

"What do they want to do?" Li Dan stood up suddenly, his body trembling.

"I received news before that Eagle Nation is going to drop the gods on the high seas." Lin Minyan's expression was hard to see the extreme.

But Wang Tianye, with a dazed face, asked, "What is a god?"

Lin Minyan glanced at him and said: "It's a small nuclear weapon, although it is a small one, it already has a blasting area plus a nuclear radiation area of ​​300 kilometers."

Many people in the meeting room took a deep breath.

Although the people in the Palace of Clouds do not have a particularly deep understanding of nuclear weapons, they also know that nuclear weapons are a doomsday weapon capable of destroying a small country.

Now that the Eagle Nation actually took out nuclear weapons to deal with Xiao Yao?

This shows how much this Eagle Country really values ​​Xiao Yao.

But thinking about it, it's actually quite normal. Xiao Yao chose to leave this time, but God knows if Xiao Yao will go to Eagle Country next time?

For the Eagle Nation, Xiao Yao is simply a **** that they cannot defeat. If nuclear weapons are not used and Xiao Yao disappears from the world completely, I am afraid that those who stand at the top of the Eagle Nation’s pyramid will have to sleep at night. Close the window, I feel uneasy!

Inside the Huaxia Red Wall, the old people stared in anger.

Old man Hua was most emotional and cursed: "What does this foreign devil want to do?"

"What else can you do? Put nuclear weapons." Chief No. 2 said with a sneer, "They are also poor in their skills."

"Are we just watching?" Old Man Hua said through gritted teeth.

He clenched his fists, wishing to bring the Prime Minister of the Eagle Country to the front, punching and kicking him.

"One had already chosen to negotiate with the Eagle Nation military, but the other party didn't intend to ignore us at all." The second chief snorted coldly and said, "After all, isn't it because the U.S. is behind them?"

Old man Hua cursed: "Why do everything have the United States? They are endless, right?"

"There is no way, in the international arena, Lao Mi is thinking about how to contain our development all day long. This is a good thing, because we are strong, they will be afraid, and they will want to contain it, don't they?" The head of the number said.

"It's not a good thing to watch it now anyway," said Old Man Hua.

Chief Number Two was silent.


The eyes of the old people focused on the screen, their eyes cold.

"Can Xiao Yao carry it?" Father Hua suddenly asked.

No one answered him.

The entire conference room fell into silence...

At this time, on the Huaxia forum, there was a wave of curses.

"Damn, is this Eagle Nation shameless? In order to deal with our experts in China, even use nuclear weapons? Uncle him!"

"That is, a country that uses nuclear weapons requires nuclear weapons? Does it want to fight a world war?"

"Condemn, we must condemn them!"

"There's a **** to condemnation? If condemnation is useful, China has long been the hegemon of the world. People can do whatever they want. No matter how bad you scold them, they will still be brainless.


In addition to China, various countries have also begun to express strong dissatisfaction with the practice of Eagle Country.

For the folks, they didn't feel that Xiao Yao did anything wrong, because he didn't hurt his back when he stood and talked! Anyway, Xiao Yao wasn't doing things in their country, but in the Eagle country.

There were many countries that were invaded by Eagle Nation at the beginning.

"Guardian Eagle, is this your gentlemanly demeanor?"

"Yes, it's really shameless. On the surface, he let the Huaxia guy leave safely, but he sent out nuclear weapons again. He didn't believe it and went back!"

"The country! Isn't it all like this? After the meeting, you can stand at the commanding heights of morality and say that they are doing this for the good of the world. Are people doing such things rarely?"

"It's the U.S. that does the most work, right?"

Outside the sea area of ​​Eagle Country, the plane overhead finally dropped a small nuclear weapon codenamed Tianshen.

Xiao Yao took a deep breath, and for a while, the aura in his body was running to the extreme.

The black dragon sword in his hand, the sword qi was tumbling.

He has no absolute certainty, not even 50% certainty, but now he has no retreat.

"Am I afraid of death? I am probably afraid, but I can't die..." Every word of Xiao Yao popped out of his teeth.


Finally, above the sea level, a cloud of mushrooms rose.

I don't know how high it is, but some nearby coastlines can be seen clearly.

With a "boom", the heat wave rolled.

Numerous water columns rose up, and various marine creatures were blown out and churned in the air.

The whole space seemed to be plunged into death.

It's still a doomsday weapon after all!

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