The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 88: Raiders retreat to Xiahou???)

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When Cheng Li said "give up the state soldiers", he didn't mean to "give up" all the state soldiers.

Cheng Li said: "Dongping is located between Jibei and Rencheng, and now Xuzhou and I know the importance of the land. If Dongping is lost, then Li Xiang, Jiang Hu's clan, Le Jin, Xu Xian, Liu Bei, and Chen Bao's clan will be involved. Therefore, if Dongping loses, and if Bao Jibei loses a battle, the Duke of Ming must go north to help, not only to protect Dongping from Xuzhou, but also for the sake of reason. Help Bao Jibei.... There is a reasonable and reasonable reason for this, if Duke Ming withdraws the siege of Rencheng, it will not arouse Xu Xian, Liu Bei, and Chen Bao's suspicion, and they will follow him in all likelihood. You can ambush and annihilate it."

Everyone will say the words "to lure the enemy into ambush", even those who have never led an army or fought a battle know these words, but it is not easy to apply them.

Just like Xiahou Dun, he repeatedly tempted Liu, Chen or Xu Xian to fight in the field, but Liu Bei, Chen Bao and Xu Xian ignored him at all. The method of counting is wrong.

Cheng Li's strategy is different.

Indeed, as Cao Cao hesitated, Cheng Li's strategy has a high probability of success, but the price is also not small. It is cruel to the enemy, and it is also harsh to his own army. In order to capture Rencheng as soon as possible, he proposed to give up part of the state soldiers. at the cost of his life.

Cao Cao caressed the beard and pondered over and over again.

He thought: "I am in charge of Yanzhou at the beginning of this day, and the prestige is not established. If the state soldiers are defeated, the morale will probably be even lower. However, if I can take down Rencheng County, the gains will outweigh the losses... I'm just afraid of the state soldiers. If they lose, but Rencheng County fails to win, they will lose the whole game."

Cao Cao didn't speak, and Cheng Li didn't speak either, just stroking his beard and sitting on the seat as if nothing had happened, waiting for Cao Cao to make up his mind.

Cao Cao made a decision and said: "Cheng Gong's strategy is indeed brilliant, but if we lead our troops to Rencheng, if we don't fight a battle, even if we go north to help Dongping, I am afraid that it will be seen by Xian, Bei and Bao people. A flaw."

"What does Duke Ming mean?"

"When I have a battle with Xu Xian, I will test his ability, and let's talk about whether it is necessary to use Cheng Gong's plan. Why does Gong Gong think so?"

Cheng Li smiled and said, "I know that Duke Ming is the master."

Cheng Li admired Cao Cao's temperament and ability very much. Since he assisted Cao Cao, he has been loyal to Cao Cao. In turn, Cao Cao has the knowledge of people, and he has no doubts about Cheng Li's strategic ability. Compared with Cheng Li's plan, it is often more vicious.

There are several types of scholars, there are benevolent people, people with lofty ideals, strategists, poisonous people, etc. The benevolent people love the people, the people with lofty ideals have lofty aspirations, the strategists have outstanding wisdom, and the poisonous people are ruthless.

Although Chen Gongxian is a counselor, his essence is similar to that of Xun Yu. He is still a Confucian scholar. He is deeply influenced by Confucian classics. , the biggest characteristic of this type of scholar is: to achieve the goal by unscrupulous means, no matter how much damage it will bring to others, or even the loss of life, as long as the intention can be realized.

In fact, Cheng Li did not see himself as the same kind as the common people or soldiers.

Although they are the same people, in his opinion, the common people and soldiers are nothing more than "available things", which can be seen from his words back then. When the Yellow Turbans rose, he gave advice to the powerful and powerful households in the county, but the officials and the people refused to obey, so he said, "The foolish people can't do anything." And revealed.

He has such a mentality, and it is not surprising that he can play this poison.

Cao Cao can be described as "a man of lofty ideals". His starting point for considering the problem is different from that of Cheng Li, so although he does not reject Cheng Li's strategy, he finally decided not to use Cheng Li's strategy unless he had to. Just don't.

Cao Cao was familiar with the art of war. Although he made the decision to fight Xu Xian first, he did not rush to do so. Instead, he dispatched scouts to inquire about Xu Xian's information again. Take Thunder Strike.

Xuzhou, the prefecture of Tanxian County.

In recent days, Xun Zhen has behaved very freely in front of his vassals, but in his heart, there is a lot of pressure.

After all, on the one hand, in terms of ability, Cao Cao is the top group in the world today, one of the most outstanding few people, Tao Qian and his like are absolutely incomparable, and on the other hand, the success or failure of Rencheng and Jibei It is also deeply concerned with the future development of Xuzhou. In other words, the current battle is of great importance. If it is defeated, then at least in the short and medium term, Xuzhou's strategic plan to expand westward and northward will not be realized. , will also become a stepping stone, which is equivalent to helping Cao Cao stabilize his foothold in Yanzhou.

From Huangfu Song’s attack on the yellow turban, Xunzhen was able to move to 2,000 stone. Since then, it has officially started, and Sun Jian has been fighting against Dong, and Yuan Shao, Zhang Miao and others have formed a completely different contrast, so that Xunzhen has obtained sufficient political power Prestige, laying down Xuzhou, thus obtained the foundation for developing one's own strength. Now, in the battle of Rencheng and Jibei, if you win, you can make progress in Qing and Yan, and you can hide and compare with people like Yuan Shao. If you lose, you will retreat. Southeast, can only entangle with Cao Cao, has also become a key point for Xun Zhen's future.

Chen Zhi and Xun Zhen have been married for many years, and they know Xun Zhen very well. They know that he seems to be calm these days, but in fact he is under a lot of pressure. She really wants to help, but she really can't help with military affairs. That night, she personally brought ginseng soup and presented it to Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen did not enter the house of Chen Zhi's daughters for several days. During the day, she was always in the front yard of the prefecture with Xi Zhicai and others to plan military affairs and deal with the military situation. When I got to the back house, in order to be able to calm down and think about things, I simply rested in the study.

Seeing that Chen Zhi came in with the ginseng soup on a tray, Xunzhen put down the map in her hand, got up from the table, went up to meet her, grabbed the tray, and said with a smile, "Where are the maids? How can you bring it with your own hands?" As he said that, he put the tray on the table, reached out and touched the soup bowl. The soup was just ready, and the steam was steaming. The bowl was hot, so he retracted his hand and let the ginseng soup cool.

Chen Zhi said: "I haven't spoken to my husband for three or four days, because the maids were not allowed to come, and the concubine came to see my husband."

Xun Zhen teased and said, "It turned out to be because of love."

Although Xun Zhen and Xun Zhen are old and married, hearing Xun Zhen's words, Chen Zhi's cheeks were still slightly red, and she said coquettishly, "Husband!"

Xun Zhen laughed.

Chen Zhi said: "To talk about lovesickness, not only did the husband not talk to the concubine very much for three or four days, but also did not see Ji Xia and A Zuo very much. Don't you want a second son?" She wanted to use the cuteness of Ji Xia and A Zuo. Come to decompress Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Why don't you want to? It's just that there are too many things going on recently, and I don't have time to see my second 'Young Master'."

The son, the son of the three sons, is called this. Xun Zhen was still far from the position of the Third Duke, and he was joking when he called Ji Xia and A Zuo so.

"No matter how busy you are, there will always be time to see your son."

"What the virtuous wife said is very true." Xun Zhen called the waiter outside and ordered, "Bring Ji Xia, A Zuo and Qian Jin to me."

Not long after, the second son and the first daughter were carried by the maids.

The youngest Xun Zhen is in her arms, Ji Xia and A Zuo surround the seat, looking at the pink and tender daughter in her arms, she sees her black eyes, staring at herself, stretched out. She tugged at her beard with a small hand, she didn't know what she was talking about, so she pinched her face and nose, and then looked at the naive two sons, teasing them to say something innocent, Chen Zhi's solution As a result, Xun Zhen's heart was quite at ease, and as soon as he turned his attention away, the pressure of the past few days suddenly decreased.

Chen Zhi smiled and knelt on the side, waited for Xun Zhen to play with her son and daughter for a while, mentioned one thing, and said, "I heard that Ziyu asked to see her husband yesterday, but the husband didn't see him?"

"Yesterday there was a lot of military situation, so I didn't have time."

"Ziyu knows the general situation. He knows that military affairs are important now, and your husband is dealing with all kinds of opportunities. If it is not an urgent matter, he will not ask to see him. Why don't you take advantage of this time and call him to see him?"

As the concubine of the Hou's mansion, Zhuge Jin is in charge of the affairs of the Hou's mansion. He did not meet Xun Zhen very often, but he met Chen Zhi, the mistress, a lot. Now Chen Zhi and Zhuge Jin, including Zhuge Jin's younger brothers and sisters are very familiar with each other.

According to Chen Zhi's words, Xun Zhen has always "not violated", and now "conformity is like a flow", so he ordered the servants to summon Zhuge Jin to see him. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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