The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 146: Fighting in 4 Fangzhou counties

Because Xunzhen's next key strategy is Henan Yin, and he wants to prepare for the big goal of coercing the emperor to make the princes, so among the many separatist forces, he is most concerned about Li Jue and Yuan Shao at this stage. , including Ma Teng and Gongsun Zan.

The information on the two was mainly sent by Zhang Hong, Xun You and Xun Cheng.

The war between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan continued.

Quyi received a large number of elite soldiers and generals supplemented by Yuan Shao, such as Yan Liang, Gao Lan, etc. are now under Quyi's tent, and the Allied Forces of Youzhou, such as Yan Rou, Xian Yufu, Su Puyan, etc. , attacked from the north and the south, and up to now, it has been in a big battle with Gongsun Zan.

In the battle of Jieqiao, Gongsun Zan was defeated by Qu Yi with less victory and more victory. He did not dare to underestimate Qu Yi, and the combat effectiveness of the Jizhou soldiers was indeed much stronger than that of Yan Rou and other Youzhou coalition forces. The absolute main force in the middle, because most of his troops and horses were placed in the south of Zhuo County, around Yijing, to resist the fierce attack of Kou Yi like a tide.

But this gave Yan Rou, Xian Yufu, and Su Puyan a great opportunity to conquer the city and conquer the territory in other counties in Youzhou.

Today, in the entire area west of Liaoxi County (Qinhuangdao) in Youzhou, except for Zhuo County and a few key areas around Zhuo County, most of the counties and towns in Dai County, Shanggu County, Guangyang County, Yuyang County and Youbeiping County , have basically been occupied by Yan Rou and others.

Xun Zhen was not very concerned about the victories of Yan Rou and others. If he wanted to completely defeat Gongsun Zan, he obviously had to be Quyi and Jizhou soldiers. Therefore, the progress of Jizhou soldiers was his concern. Object.

According to the information, although the Jizhou soldiers cooperated with Yan Rou and others, the main energy of Yan Rou and others was to capture the remaining counties in the western part of Youzhou, but on the other hand, Gongsun Zan inevitably needed to use some of his troops for defense. They, that is, they played a role in restraining part of Gongsun Zan's troops. Both, after Gongsun Zan killed Liu Yu, he sent troops and officers to the county and other places. Now these officers and troops are either killed or killed. The embarrassed fleeing back was a blow to the morale of Gongsun Zan's group. At the same time, it also reduced the scope of activities of the Gongsun Zan group. However, Gongsun Zan is not an easy man either. He has managed the place in Yijing to be invaluable, with deep trenches and high fortresses, sufficient grain storage, and many brave soldiers in his army. , so far, no major progress has been made.

Xi Zhicai's illness was healed, he sat in the hall, made a comment on this, and said to Xun Zhen, "Gongsun Bogui is now in Youzhou, although the hearts of the people are completely lost, but Yijing is strong and wants to pull him out, spare him. Kou Yi's bravery is also difficult."

"Can you have a good plan for this?"

Xi Zhicai said, "If it were me, the best strategy for now is not to attack the fortress."

Xun Zhen agreed with it, and said with approval: "What you said is the way of the art of war. 'Siege the city is the next'."

Xi Zhicai shook his fan and said with a smile: "Ming Gong must have a plan to break Bo Gui!"

"In this battle, in my opinion, Qu Yi should release Gongsun Bogui. Yijing is now a stubborn stone, and the stubborn stone is not easy to break, but after Gongsun Bogui was released, the morale of Bogui's team was low, and Yuan Benchu ​​won fresh air. With the help of Yu Fu and other coalition forces, the morale is high, and the field battle is decisive, or it can be won in one battle!"

Xi Zhicai said with a smile: "Ming Gong is a wonderful strategy! Zhong also sees this."

"Zhicai, a shogunate official made a suggestion to me a few days ago."

Xi Zhicai asked, "What advice?"

Xun Zhen picked up the tea bowl, took a sip of the tea, and said, "Suggestion: If the troops of Qing and Yan rush to attack Jizhou at this time, and Xu Rong's troops attack Hanoi in the north, the original main force is in Zhuo, and it must not be returned in time. The county can go down, the original can be captured, and Jizhou has it for me!"

Xi Zhicai almost laughed and asked, "Ming Gong, who made this proposal?"

"Why, don't you think so?"

Xi Zhicai said: "If this strategy can be accomplished, Duke Ming will not come down and tell me in a lighthearted tone!"

At first glance, the strategy proposed by this official seems to be very feasible and has a high possibility of success, but it is impossible to achieve on paper.

First of all, Yanzhou has not been completely stabilized, Qingzhou is a newly acquired land, and the garrison in Yanzhou and Qingzhou cannot move now.

Secondly, how could Yuan Shao be unprepared? The east of Wei County and Dong County are on the border. Yuan Shao has a heavy army at the junction of the two counties to defend the key points. It is impossible to attack Wei County from Dong County. There were also Yuan Shao's heavy troops stationed in Ganling County, which would not have the effect of a surprise attack. If there is no surprise effect, the result can only be a big fight or a withdrawal of troops. As for Xu Rong, he is currently preventing Zhang Ji from attacking Luoyang. If Zhang Ji takes the opportunity to attack Hanoi, Luoyang and Henan Yin will be lost.

Therefore, the best strategy for now is to sit and watch Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan fight each other.


In early December, a military report from Guanzhong came.

The army report said: Ma Teng and Han Sui withdrew their troops and went to Liangzhou.

Ma Teng, Han Sui and Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou faced off in the west of Chang'an for a long time, but why did Ma Teng and Han Sui suddenly retreat into the cold?

The reason is related to the severe drought in Chang'an this year.

The Guanzhong warlords were not only the Liangzhou Corps headed by Li Jue and the allied forces of Ma Teng and Han Sui, but also more than ten separate armies, large and small. The people of Sanfu suffered from the harm of their generation, and the people were already struggling to survive. After several months of severe drought, people could eat each other, and food was increasingly scarce.

Ma Teng and Han Sui have tens of thousands of cavalry riders, and they need a lot of food and grass every day. At first, they could grab some from the people, but if they grab it, they can't grab it anymore. The weather is cold and people are hungry. It was because he couldn't stay in Sanfu any longer, so he had to go west to Liangzhou.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ This is a relatively important change in the military situation.

That night, when I returned to the back house, it happened that Zhuge Liang was reading with Ji Xia.

Xun Zhen called the two of them to him, told them about the matter, and asked them: "I was about to attack Yin in Henan, when Ma Teng and Han Sui led their troops back to Liangzhou, Li Jue The thieves may be able to draw their hands and compete with me. Kong Ming, Ji Xia, what do you think, how should I deal with this matter? Will this matter affect my attack on Henan Yin?"

How old is Ji Xia? He may not be able to figure out where Liangzhou is. He has only heard Xun Zhen say who Ma Teng and Li Jue are. Hearing Xun Zhen's question now, Ji Xia didn't know how to answer, her face was blank.

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly.

Xun Zhen asked, "Kong Ming, do you have an idea?"

Zhuge Liang said: "There are so many talents in the lord's mansion, how can it not be seen that although Ma Teng and Han Sui have entered Liangzhou in the west, Yinshi in Henan is worry-free?

Xun Zhen said, "Kong Ming, why do you say that Ma Teng and Han Sui entered Liangzhou in the west, and they would attack me in Henan Yin Wuhan? Don't worry, the thieves of Li Jue will change their hands and come with me without the pressure of Ma Teng and Han Sui's troops. Capture Henan Yin?"

Zhuge Liang is fifteen years old this year. He has just grown in stature and has a handsome appearance. He looks like a pink and jade carving. He stands in front of Xun Zhen. If a jade tree is facing the wind, he half-heartedly replied: "Your Majesty, Henan Yin Wuyou, there are three reasons."

Xun Zhen said, "There are as many as three?"

Zhuge Liang heard Xun Zhen's teasing and was not angry. He still smiled and replied calmly, "Yes, lord."

"Which three, tell me."

Zhuge Liang answered his promise and said, "Although Ma Teng and Han Sui have entered Liangzhou now, the thieves of Li Jue first fought against Ma Teng and Han Sui at Changpingguan, and then attacked Huaili, and their two armies continued for a long time. Even though Teng and Sui retreated after the stalemate, it is expected that Li Jue's bandits will definitely be exhausted now! Therefore, before the spring of next year at the latest, Li Jue's bandits will never send troops to attack Henan Yin."

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "This is one of them."

Zhuge Liang said: "Secondly, after the spring of next year, it will be revealed that Ma Teng and Han Sui will definitely return Sanfu from Liangzhou, or at least Ma Teng will lead his troops to return Sanfu."

Xun Zhen asked, "Why is this?"

Zhuge Liang said: "Jun Hou, San Fu lacks food, so is there no shortage of food in Liangzhou? Ma Teng and Han Sui have tens of thousands of lineages. How can Hanyang, Jincheng, Longxi and other prefectures be able to supply them?"

Xun Zhen said, "It's because I can't afford it."

Zhuge Liang said: "Although Ma Teng's mother was a Qiang native and grew up in Longxi County, Liangzhou, he was a native of Youfufeng in Guanzhong, and since his four-year rebellion in Zhongping, he has been raging in Sanfu all the time. Ma Teng is inferior to Han Sui's foundation in Liangzhou, so when the two are combined, when there is a shortage of food, Han Sui may not leave Liangzhou, but Ma Teng will definitely lead his troops back to Sanfu.

"After Ma Teng returned to Sanfu from Liangzhou, even if Li Jue's thieves took a breath at that time and wanted to fight with Duke Ming for Henan Yin, all the thieves could only focus on it again. On Matten."

Xun Zhen said, "Yes, this is the second one, what about the third one?"

Zhuge Liang said: "The other is that Hedong County has changed now."

"Hedong County has changed?"

Xun Zhen asked in her mouth, and she couldn't help but think of the words Xi Zhicai said, "Having Hedong in hand is enough to control the world".

Zhuge Liang said: "When General Xu was stationed in Luoyang, the three generals of Liangzhou in Hongnong County did not block it; later, Duke Cao Mengde pacified the east of the river, and the three generals including Zhang Ji did not block it. Also. They let them pass the two blocking opportunities. Up to now, Hedong County has been owned by Duke Cao Mengde. Although Duke Cao and the princes are fighting, Duke Cao will definitely not join forces with the thieves of Li Jue. In this way, Hedong Hanging above Hongnong, without first retaking Hedong, how could the thieves of Li Jue dare to attack Henan Yin through Hongnong County?

Xun Zhen turned her gaze to Ji Xia and said, "Do you understand?"

Ji Xia didn't understand, but when he saw Zhuge Liang chatting, his demeanor, even though he was still a child, Ji Xia was so dazzling that he even forgot to answer Xun Zhen's question, so he couldn't stop looking at him with admiration and admiration. Zhuge Liang.

Xun Zhen coughed and asked him again.

Ji Xia recovered and replied, "Father, I understand a little bit."

"Kong Ming's talent is ten times better than yours! Ji Xia, it is your blessing to have Kong Ming as a teacher and friend. Remember what I taught you, you must treat Kong Ming as a brother, you know?"

Ji Xia promises.

Zhuge Liang was smart, good-natured, and good-looking, and Ji Xia had a good relationship with him.


After Cao Cao pacified Hedong County, Xun Zhen wanted to send him another letter, but he was too busy to write. He heard Zhuge Liang mention Cao Cao tonight, and he thought of sending a letter to Cao Cao again. After dinner, Xun Zhen wrote another letter to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was also the focus of Xun Zhen's attention. Zhang Hong followed Xun Zhen's instructions, and after arriving in Luoyang, he and Xu Rong actively investigated Cao Cao's current situation, and quite a lot of information about Bingzhou was sent to Tan County.

After Cao Cao pacified the east of the river and returned to Taiyuan County, he spent most of his time adapting the Baibo Yellow Turban soldiers he captured, reusing Han Xian, and through Han Xian, recruiting the Southern Xiongnu who fled back to the pastures on the east bank of the Yellow River after the defeat of Jiangyi. Right Xian Wang went to the lower department.

There is one thing worth mentioning about Cao Cao's recent situation.

It was in the middle of last month that there was a disturbance/turmoil in Xihe County. Xihe was occupied by the White Wave Yellow Turban for a long time, and was then seized by Cao Cao. Logically speaking, it appeared.

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ It is not surprising that the turmoil has been repeated, but the timing of this turmoil/turmoil is a bit strange.

Having obtained this information from Zhang Hong, after reading it carefully, after discussing with Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Chen Qun, etc., Xun Zhen determined that the driving force behind this disturbance/chaos should be Cao Cao.

Not long before this disturbance/chaos, Gao Gan appointed a henchman to serve as the prefect of Xihe, but Cao Cao did not object; Gao Gan also ordered Cao Cao to recall Xiahou Dun from Xihe County to Taiyuan. Cao Cao did not object. Immediately afterwards, this unrest occurred in Xihe County.

The prefect of Xihe, who was a high-ranking officer, was incapable of pacifying the chaos. In the end, he relied on Xiahou Dun to pacify the chaos.

After the chaos was settled, Gao Gan no longer mentioned the matter of summoning Xiahou Dun back to Taiyuan, and Cao Cao seemed to have forgotten about it.

It seems that this disturbance/chaos can only be caused by Cao Cao behind the scenes.

Xun Zhen was quite amused by Cao Cao's political tricks, and joked with Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, and Chen Qun: "Ah, you are a traitor!"

Xun Zhen had previously asked Zhang Hong to get in touch with Wang Yi as much as possible, but Zhang Hong had not yet been able to complete this assignment.


In early December, a military report came from Jingzhou.

Yuan Shu's troops were unable to attack Xiangfan, so Yuan Shu ordered his troops to retreat to Nanyang.

Huang Zu couldn't beat Lu Bu, so he asked Liu Biao for help, but Liu Biao couldn't help him, so he asked Xun Zhen for help, and Xun Zhen ordered Liu Deng and others to help him. Liu Deng and others cooperated with Huang Zu's troops. Liu Deng was brave as the enemy, and he fought hard for two battles and defeated Lu Bu's troops. Lü Buyin also withdrew his troops to the northern part of Jiangxia.

In this battle, Liu Deng was wounded.

Hearing the news, Xun Zhen specially ordered Fan A, a medical officer of the shogunate, to rush to Jiujiang to treat Liu Deng.

After reading the military report that Yuan Shu and Lu Bu had withdrawn their troops one after another, Xi Zhicai suddenly laughed.

Xun Zhen asked, "Zhi Cai, what are you laughing at?"

Xi Zhicai said, "Ming Gong, Yuan Gonggong and Liu Jingsheng are really a match made in heaven."

"What is a match made in heaven?"

Xi Zhicai said, "Ming Gong, do the math, how long has it been since Yuan Gonggong and Liu Jingsheng faced off in Jingzhou?"

"Liu Jingsheng arrived in Jingzhou in the first year of Ping, when Yuan Highway was already in Nanyang, about four years."

Xi Zhicai said: "Isn't it? It's been four years! But Duke Ming, the territory occupied by the two of them is still not much different from the original. Yuan Gonggong can't reach Xiangyang, and Liu Jingsheng can't reach Wanxian. ."

As Xi Zhicai said, Liu Biao and Yuan Shu fought back and forth for so many years. Except for the casualties of the soldiers on both sides, the people in their respective jurisdictions suffered because of this, and nothing else changed much.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "No. Zhicai, Yuan Gonggong stole half of Jiangxia County from Liu Jingsheng."

"That's Lu Fengxian!" Xi Zhicai shook his head again and again, and said, "I won't say anything about the others, only that the Duke's subordinates are defeated. According to that traitor, if you replace Cao Mengde with Yuan Gonggong, I'm afraid that Liu Biaozao is now Just grab it!"

Xun Zhen said: "This may be the chance to meet a good talent and an opponent."

After that, both of them laughed.

After laughing for a while, after saying a few words, Xun Zhen suddenly smiled.

Xi Zhicai asked, "Ming Gong, what are you laughing at?"

Xun Zhen said, "Zhicai, I remembered someone from your words just now."

Xi Zhicai asked, "Who did Duke Ming think of?"

"Chen Gongtai."

Xi Zhicai immediately understood what Xunzhen meant, and he stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Chen Gongtai is also a wonderful person. He abandoned Cao Mengde, went to Meng Zhuo, abandoned Zhang Mengzhuo, and went to Lv Fengxian. During the rest of his years, he went to Yan, Yu, and Jing states. , even changing the three masters, but so far there is no dimensional success. Not to mention using the strength of Lu Fengxian to counterattack Yanzhou, it is difficult to gain a foothold in Jingzhou. Seeing that changing a master, one step south, farther and farther away from Yanzhou, the counterattack is far away, Ming Dynasty Gong, Chen Gongtai's mood now is going to be quite depressed."

In fact, Xun Zhen didn't laugh at Chen Gong's thoughts much, he said, "If Chen Gongtai is a talented person, he can be considered a tough person."

Truly tenacious, Chen Gong was determined to turn against Xun Zhen.


Although Liu Deng was wounded in the battle against Lu Bu, he did not gain anything. In addition to repelling Lu Bu's troops, he also captured the families of some Lu Bu troops while chasing them.

One of them was the wife of Qin Yilu, a general under Lü Bu's tent. Qin Yilu died while fleeing, and his wife was captured by soldiers from Liu Deng's department. This woman was born beautiful and outstanding. Although she was a woman and a prisoner, none of the soldiers from Liu Deng's army who had been captured by her dared to move forward. When Liu Deng heard it, he went to watch it in person. When he saw it, he was astonished and straightened his eyes.

You know, Liu Deng has no interest in women's sex, which shows that this woman is gorgeous.

Liu Deng was worthy of his loyalty, and his first thought was not to take this woman as his own, but to dedicate it to Xun Zhen. Thinking of it, he did it, so Liu Deng sent a team of soldiers and horses to **** Qin Yilu's wife to Tan County.

This female commissioner is really too glamorous. As soon as the talent arrived in Tan County, the state government and the shogunate all heard about it. Even Chen Zhi and others in the back house heard about it.

On this day, Xun Zhen returned to the back house.

Chen Zhi asked Xun Zhen, "Husband, Wen Lan, you have another concubine, but you still haven't brought it. Let me see how beautiful it is?"

When Xun Zhen heard this, she hurriedly raised her eyes to look at Chen Zhi, and when she saw Chen Zhi looking at her with a half-smile, she couldn't help but feel aggrieved, and said, "Young Master, are you talking about the woman Liu Deng sent? I've been busy all day today, how can I get a chance to see this woman!"

Wu Yu said, "I don't have time to see you today, so I'll see you tomorrow."

The maid Chi said faintly: "I don't have time to see you tomorrow, so I'll see you the day after tomorrow.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^"

Xun Zhen said, "Don't talk nonsense!" She said sincerely to Chen Zhi, "Young Master, I won't stay with this woman."

Concubine Wu asked, "Everyone, what do you mean by not staying?"

Xun Zhen said: "Before Yun Chang went to Luoyang, I invited him to see him. Yun Chang is already quite old, and he is still married. At that time, I thought that I should choose a good daughter for him. The so-called hero is also a beautiful woman. Although I haven't seen the woman sent by Liu Deng, but since her beautiful name is known to the wife and others, there should be no doubt about her beauty, so I decided to assign this woman to Yun. long."

This was really beyond the expectations of Chen Zhi and others.

Chen Zhi said, "Allocation to General Guan?"

Concubine Wu pouted and said, "Really? Everyone, why is the concubine a little unbelievable."

Xun Zhen said angrily, "I look like this in your eyes? My husband, am I a womanizer?"

She couldn't help but recall the experience of being coaxed by Xun Zhen, Wu Hao blushed slightly, turned her face away, and spat.

Xun Zhen said, "Young Master, if you don't believe me, just wait for me tomorrow!"

The maid asked, "How about tomorrow?"

Xun Zhen said, "Tomorrow, I will send someone to send this woman to Luoyang to be assigned to Chang Yun."

Believe it or not, Chen Zhi really believed that what Xun Zhen said was not a lie.

Maybe it was because of getting older, maybe because with the expansion of her career, she put more attention on her career. In the past two years, Xun Zhen really didn't care about women's **** as much as she used to.

There are many generals under his account who will present him a beautiful woman from time to time, but Xun Zhen does not want it, or chooses a general under his account who is not married to the beautiful woman offered by his generals; Rationing Guan Yu is in line with Xun Zhen's style for the past two years.

But it is said that although Qin Yilu is dead, his wife has already been married after all, and is now a widow. If Guan Yu is married to this woman, will Guan Yu feel insulted? it's not true. In the current trend, it is quite common for widows to remarry, but there is no need to say more.

It is only said that the next day, Xun Zhen kept his promise and ordered Qin Yilu's wife to go to Luoyang to be rationed to Guan Yu.

However, before sending her off, she was inevitably curious, so Xun Zhen asked to bring this woman to see her first, so as to see how beautiful she was.

The ring wears jingle, the fragrance is fragrant, Qin Yilu's wife went up to the hall, timidly gave birth to worship.

Xun Zhen asked her to stand up and raise her face. She glanced at her with a dazzling brilliance. The dry well in her heart was turbulent, and she felt a trace of regret.

Regret is regret, words spoken and promises made cannot be ignored.

"If you don't believe in people, you don't know what it's worth." Xun Zhen muttered to herself, calmed down, waved her hand, and said, "Take it away!"

On the same day, he sent someone to **** the woman to Luoyang, and wrote a letter to Guan Yu, telling Guan Yu the purpose of sending this woman to him.


Yuan Shu and Lü Bu retreated, but Liu Biao and Huang Zu were unable to pursue them.

During the fierce battle between Liu Biao and Yuan Shu, Liu Zhang of Yizhou might have just taken control of Yizhou and the foundation of his rule was not stable, so he did not take this opportunity to attack Jingzhou, nor did he send someone to his hometown Jiangxia to cause trouble for Huang Zu.

Zhang Xian, the prefect of Changsha County who had received a letter from Yuan Shu before, did not lead his troops northward during the battle between Liu Biao and Yuan Shu.

After all, Yuan Shu's reputation in Nanyang is really bad, and if Yuan Shu defeats Liu Biao, Zhang Xian will save himself. With his reputation and his current strength, he will be very difficult to stop Yuan Shu's continued southward offensive. It's also not good for Therefore, Liu Biao and Yuan Shu's stalemate is the best choice for Zhang Xian.

After reading the two newly delivered military newspapers about Liu Zhang and Zhang Xian, the events described in these two military newspapers happened before Yuan Shu and Lu Bu withdrew their troops, but because of Liu Zhang and Zhang Xian It was farther away from Xuzhou, so the information came too late, but Xun Zhen remembered a piece of information about Yizhou, or in other words, about Ma Teng, brought by Liu Ru when he returned from Chang'an.

The information said: Ma Teng had private correspondence with Liu Yan when Liu Zhang's father Liu Yan was still alive, and it seemed that he intended to form an alliance. Liu Yan used Zhang Lu to control Hanzhong earlier, and further north is Chang'an. If Ma Teng and Liu Yan form allies, it will have a greater adverse impact on Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou. But with Liu Yan's illness and death, it is not known whether Ma Teng will collude with Liu Zhang again, and eventually form an alliance?

Thinking of this, Xun Zhen went to book Xun Yan and asked him to contact Zhong Yao, his fellow countryman in the court, to see if he could find out more information.


In late December, there was another military report from Zhuo County.

Qu Yi defeated Gongsun Zan.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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