The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 184: Soldiers go out to Lu Hun to Hongnong (Part 1)

The person who made the suggestion to attack Hedong County was short in stature, ugly in appearance, and had scars on his face, but it was Cheng Jia.

——This time, in addition to Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, and Chen Ji, the literati who followed Xun Zhen to Chang'an King Qin, there were also Sima Xuankang and Cheng Jia from the military government. Bringing Cheng Jia with him is because Cheng Jia has eloquence and may be able to use it.

Those who oppose Cheng Jia's argument, wrapped in white robes, swinging a feather fan, and handsome in appearance, are completely different from Cheng Jia, and they are Xi Zhicai.

If others objected, with Cheng Jia's temperament and his strong qualifications under Xun Zhen's account, he might turn his eyes to refute, but seeing that the objector was Xi Zhicai, Cheng Jia not only did not directly refute, but let go. Slowly speaking, he explained more why he made this proposal.

He said: "Ming Gong, Jianjun, according to the military report, although Cao Mengde's army is less than ten thousand people, but he is playing the banner of Yuan Benchu, will he be the only striker of Yuan Benchu? Will Yuan Benchu's troops be? The meeting will also go to Chang'an? Don't worry about it. After leaving Hedong County, go west along the Wei River, only three hundred miles away, and arrive at Chang'an; if our army goes to Chang'an, we must first pass through Hongnong County! The army can't quickly defeat Zhang Ji and others, and Cao and Yuan have seized the opportunity because of this. Wouldn't the consequences be serious? Therefore, in Jia Yu's opinion, in any case, Cao Mengde should not be allowed to enter the customs first, and the best way to prevent him from entering the customs first In addition to sending one of our troops to the northwest of Yin, Henan, and attacking Hedong County, the Jiawei really can't think of any other way." Asked Xi Zhicai, he said, "The supervising army speaks against it, maybe there is another good plan. ?"

Xi Zhicai shook the feather fan, smiled and said to Cheng Jia, "You are too worried."

Cheng Jia said, "I worry too much? What does the supervisor mean by this? Where do I worry too much?"

Xi Zhicai smiled and said, "You are worried that Yuan Benchu's troops might follow Cao Mengde.

"Why worry so much?"

Xi Zhicai said: "Let's not mention that before our army left Changyi, Duke Ming had already ordered Qingzhou and other troops to oppress Jidong, and Yuan Benchu ​​would not dare to send troops to Chang'an easily at this time. He said that this matter of King Qin is very important. If he wants to join forces with Cao Mengde, how can he wait for Cao Mengde's troops to arrive at Chang'an first, and then his troops will follow? He must be sent troops together with Cao Mengde!"

"What does the guard mean?"

Xi Zhicai said firmly: "I expect Yuan Benchu ​​to know about the infighting between Li Jue and Guo Si, but he must have no intention of sending troops to King Qin! Going to King Qin in Chang'an is just Cao Mengde's personal behavior, ... at most , there will be Hedong Wang Wendu to help him."

Cheng Jia said: "But..., the military newspaper clearly stated that Cao Mengde was playing the banner of the beginning."

Xi Zhicai laughed and said filial piety: "You can also be called a wise man, can't you tell the truth from the false? This is nothing more than Cao Mengde's fake tiger's power, using the name of Yuan Benchu ​​to make a statement for himself." Putting away the smile, he said to Xun Zhen, "Ming Gong, although Li Jue and Guo Si are currently fighting infighting, the two of them are still very numerous, and even with the addition of Hedong soldiers, Meng De's army has at most more than ten thousand people, but they dared to go to Chang'an. Entering Guanzhong, loyal to the expectations, it is also difficult to break! This is one of them. The Duke of Ming personally raised the army and went to Chang'an to save the king of Qin. This is where the righteousness lies. No matter why Cao Mengde wants the king of Qin, at least What he played was also the banner of King Qin, and it was also righteousness for others to see it, because if the Duke of Ming sent other troops to attack Hedong to block Mengde, he would lose the hope of the scholars in the sea, and it would make the scholars of the Ming Dynasty misunderstand the King Qin of the Ming Dynasty. In the picture, Duke Ming's general order will be detrimental to the name, and this is the second one. Therefore, Zhong believes that the plan of Junchang can't be used!"

Chen Ji and others were in the hall.

After listening to Xi Zhicai's words, Chen Ji stroked his beard, nodded approvingly, and said, "Zhicai's words are true!"

What Xi Zhicai said were words of loyalty, what did Cheng Jia say?

Cheng Jia made a boring discussion, his face was slightly embarrassed, but he still insisted on his own opinion, and said: "The supervisor said, Yuan Benchu ​​may not have the intention of joining forces with Cao Mengde to go to King Qin of Chang'an, just guessing. Whether Yuan Benchu ​​had such intentions or not. No one can be sure! If Yuan Benchu ​​actually had this intention, what should we do if Cao Mengde preemptively entered the pass, occupied the key points, and prevented our army from entering the pass? In the hands of Cao Mengde and Yuan Benchu, Duke Ming will be greatly disadvantaged! Please think about it again."

Xun Zhen undertook these civil and military officials, and many of them, with the expansion of Xun Zhen's territory, became stronger and stronger in military and horse power, and their loyalty to the Han court became weaker and weaker, and they even said in private discussions that It is not an exaggeration to describe some of the words of Li Jue and Guo Si, such as "the eyes have no direction", "arrogance and arrogance" and so on.

Cheng Jia is a typical representative of the officials who "have no chao" in their eyes.

Chen Ji had already heard of this. Cheng Jia is ugly and has thoughts of infidelity and injustice. Chen Ji really doesn't like him at all. At this moment, when he hears what he said again, "Once the emperor falls into the hands of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao", Chen Ji becomes more and more disrespectful. Unhappy, he immediately reprimanded and said, "Jun Cheng! You are also a minister of the Han Dynasty, how can you say such rebellious words!" Yu Xunzhen said, "Zhenzhi, what Zhicai said is the truth! Mo! It is said that Yuan Benchu ​​did not have the intention of King Qin, even if Yuan Benchu ​​had the intention of King Qin, it was for the sake of loyalty and righteousness.

Work together with them, perform righteous deeds together, crusade against the thieves Li Jue and Guo Si, in order to help the court and relieve the danger of the Son of Heaven, how can they attack Hedong and stop Benchu ​​and Mengde? Junchang's discussion should not be in the ears, not in the ears! "

Xun Zhen first motioned Cheng Jia back to sit down at the banquet, and waited for Cheng Jia to return to the banquet angrily to sit down, then Xun Zhen smiled and said to Chen Ji: "President, please calm down! Does Zhen not know the importance of people? Jun Chang said, It's not worth listening to. It's just like the public statement, it's not enough to hear. I think the same as the public, and what I say is the truth. Chen Gong, but please rest assured, I will never send troops to the east of the river to hinder the King Meng Deloi! And Duke Chen, not only will I not stop King Meng Deloi, I will try my best to help him."

Chen Ji said, "Help him?"

Xun Zhen said: "I will write a book together and send it to Meng De, asking him if he has enough weapons and provisions, and if it is not enough, I will give him some! I will make an appointment with him, and I would like to join him in Chang'an and work together for the same purpose. The Son of Heaven has captured and executed Li Jue and Guo Si!"

Chen Ji turned his anger into joy, comforted his beard, and said, "Okay, okay! Zhenzhi, that's right!"

Xun Zhen did what she said, spread paper on the spot, picked up a pen and dipped in ink, and wrote a letter to Cao Cao. The words in the letter are exactly what he just said. After writing the letter, Xun Zhen sealed it with her own hands, ordered Xuan Kang, and immediately sent officials to send it to Cao Cao.

However, after discussing this matter, it was decided not to stop King Cao Cao Qin, and Xun Zhen also decided that two days later, he would use troops to Hongnong County.

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Chen Ji and others said goodbye and left, and soon, Cheng Jiazhuan will come back.

Entering the tent, seeing Xun Zhen, Cheng Jia said: "Ming Gong, Chen Gong is loyal, but in Jia's opinion, his words are not to be heard! Ming Gong, please imagine, if Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde really took the emperor's son hostage. Go, Yuan Benchu ​​borrowed his father's ancestor Yu Yin's name in the sea, and he was better than the public. Jizhou has excellent soldiers and horses. , he used the king's order to persecute Duke Ming, who even owns the land of the three states, and if he wants to fight with him again, I am afraid it will be difficult!"

"Jun Chang."

Cheng Jia respectfully replied, "Jia is here."

"What Zhicai said is true, you really think too much."

Cheng Jia said, "Jia Guo really thinks too much?"

"Although Meng Dejin is in the name of the original, even if he can enter the customs first, he is just a pioneer for me."

Cheng Jiatang was reprimanded by Chen Ji in front of everyone and lost a lot of face. Xun Zhen couldn't say whether Chen Ji was wrong, but in order to comfort him, she left Cheng Jia in the tent that night and asked him to accompany her to eat, and there was no need to mention it.


The letter Xunzhen sent to Cao Cao was sent to Cao Cao's army a few days later, when Cao Cao had just joined forces with Wang Yi and left the county of Hedong County, the county, and headed for the border between Hedong and Sanfu.

After reading Xun Zhenlai's book, Cao Cao was in a complicated mood.

Wang Yi asked him and said, "I heard that the troops and horses from Zhendong have arrived in Luoyang, and Zhendong came to write, what did they say?"

Cao Cao concealed his complicated feelings, smiled and said to him: "The Book of Zhenzhi said that I am willing to help you and our weapons and supplies."

Wang Yi was overjoyed, and said: "If Zhendong is willing to help and be of one mind with us, then I will wait for King Qin to increase the odds of winning!"

Cao Cao said: "Yes, yes. What Qing said is very true. The reply to Zhenzhi will be done by Lao Qing."

Wang Yi agreed, and wrote a reply to Xun Zhen. After sending it out, he said: "Meng De, the day before you and I came out of Anyi, I heard that Zhendong seemed to be preparing to attack Hongnong County, but he also said: I wonder if he has started the war now? How is the battle?"


Hongnong County, county seat, Hongnong County.

As early as a few days ago, after it was reported that Xun Zhen and Sun Ce had joined forces in Luoyang, Yang Ding and Duan Xun led troops from Huayin County to Hongnong County, joined forces with Zhang Ji, and speculated in Wangyi that Xun Zhen would advance to fight Hongnong. When the war was going on, Zhang Ji, Yang Ding, and Duan Xun once again gathered in Zhang Ji's military mansion to discuss strategies against Xun Zhen.

The topographic map of Hongnong County and its surrounding resident counties is spread out on the ground, surrounded by generals.

After repeatedly looking at the map for a long time, Zhang Ji said: "In the morning military report, Xun Zhenzhi and Sun Bofu had already left Luoyang in the afternoon yesterday and came to Hongnong. From Luoyang to the eastern boundary of Hongnong, hundreds of It’s just a distance away, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow at the latest, his two soldiers will arrive at our county border, how should we resist, we can’t delay it any longer! We need to make a decision today.”

However, the three generals have been discussing for several days in a row, but because of their own misgivings and mutual suspicion, so far, they have not even discussed how to deal with Xun Zhen's military attack.

Yang Dingfei is a Han and a Qiang. Although he is a great noble among the Qiang people and has been sinicized for a long time, he still retains the characteristics of the Qiang people in his hair accessories and clothes. Behind the skull, and between the thick braids, a lot of gold and silver ornaments are inlaid, at first glance, it is dazzling.

He stroked his beard, glanced at Duan Xun, who was standing opposite him, and said, "Xun Zhen and Sun Ce are aggressive, this strategy to defend against the enemy should have been decided long ago! General, in my opinion, we should still be According to what was discussed the day before, General Lao Duan and his troops will guard Xin'an County, I will lead my troops to guard Yiyang County, and the general will sit in Hongnong County to support our two troops. If you can hold on to it, Xun Zhen and Sun Ce will have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and it will be difficult for them to enter Hongnong County for half a step!"

There are many mountains in the middle of Hongnong County, especially in the south of the county. The vast land south of Luoshui is even more undulating. There are mountains such as Xiong’er in the western section of Funiu Mountain. The counties under the jurisdiction of Hongnong County, therefore, except for Luhun County It is located north of Luoshui.

——After Luoshui flowed from Jingzhao Yin east to Hongnong County, it almost flowed westward from the middle of Hongnong County, and then entered Henan Yin. The distance between Luoshui and Hongnong County is basically the same in the north and south.

Xin'an and Yiyang are two counties. Yiyang is on the north bank of Luoshui, and Xin'an is in the north of Yiyang. The two counties are bordered.

As Yang Ding said, as long as these two counties can be defended, it is equivalent to defending the east gate from Luoyang to Hongnong County. It is impossible to enter Hongnong County for half a step.

However, Yang Ding's strategy seems to be good, but there is a problem.

That is: Compared with passing Yiyang to Hongnong County, the road to Hongnong County through Xin'an is smoother. From Yiyang to the hinterland of Hongnong County, for example, to Hongnong County and other places, you also need to cross some mountains in the middle, but it is much more convenient to come from Xin'an to the hinterland of Hongnong County.

This means that after Xun Zhen launched his offensive against Hongnong County, he would most likely choose Xin'an as the main attack direction, and defend Xin'an. troops are the most important.

It is precisely because of this that Duan Xun was very reluctant after Yang Ding proposed this defensive strategy the day before yesterday.

Hongnong County is not his own, why let his troops guard Xin'an?

Zhang Ji has the largest official, and Zhang Ji has the largest number of followers. Moreover, Hongnong County was originally Zhang Ji’s resident, Zhang Ji agreed again, and gave Duan Xun and Yang Ding some troops to help them defend the city, then Zhang Ji agreed. Ji stayed in Hongnong County. Although Duan Xun had some opinions, it was nothing but acceptable, but why did Yang Ding guard Yiyang? Do not keep Xin'an?

However, there was still time to argue about who should be stationed at Xin'an and Yiyang respectively.

Zhang Ji certainly knew the reason why Duan Xun was unwilling to guard Xin'an, so after Yang Ding finished speaking, Duan Xun was reluctant to speak, and said: "Comparing Xin'an and Yiyang counties, Xun Zhenzhi may be the main attacking Xin'an. Although General Yang's suggestion is good, as long as Xin'an and Yiyang are guarded, Xun Zhenzhi will hardly be able to enter our county for half a step, but only with General Duan stationed, I am afraid that it is not enough. Otherwise, General Yang, I will take out another one. Give your troops and horses to General Duan, and you can also give out some troops and horses to General Duan to assist General Duan to keep Xin'an together, how about you?"

Yang Ding also knew that he couldn't drag it any further, so he reluctantly replied, "Okay, I'll follow the general's order."

Duan Xun was still reluctant, even if Zhang Ji and Yang Ding each had one, but the main force of defending Xin'an, wasn't it still his army?

Zhang Ji said to Duan Xun and said, "Did the general forget what I said to you last night?"

Last In order to solve the problem of who will guard Xin'an and who will guard Yiyang, Zhang Ji went to see Duan Xun and had a talk with Duan Xun. Zhang Ji said to him: "General Yang, the Qiang people are also. If Hongnong is lost today, he can still return to his homeland, and he will still be the chief of the land, but if you and I lose Hongnong, we will be able to retreat again. where?"

If Hongnong is lost, Zhang Ji and Duan Xun really have nowhere to go.

Are you going back to Liangzhou? There are various warlords in Liangzhou such as Ma Teng and Han Sui. Ma Teng and Han Sui cannot attack Sanfu. If they return to Liangzhou, they will definitely not be able to gain a foothold in Liangzhou. Liangzhou can't retreat, can I retreat to Zuo Fengyi and other places in the three houses? Zuo Fengyi and other places are now also divided into large and small warlords, and the territory will be difficult to compete for. Back to Chang'an? Why did Zhang Ji and others come to Hongnong from Chang'an? It's not just because they couldn't compete with Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou, they were pushed out! And if Hongnong couldn't keep it, Xunzhen's troops and horses would follow him into the pass and go to Chang'an, then there would be no need to go to Chang'an.

Liangzhou can't go back, Sanfu can't retreat, Chang'an can't go, and if Hongnong loses, they will have no way to retreat, nowhere to go.

Duan Xun had no choice but to answer: "I will obey the general's order."

Xun Zhen's troops and horses were already approaching, but it was only at this moment that the three generals finally decided on the defensive strategy.

Zhang Jigang made an agreement with Duan Xun and Yang Ding that tomorrow morning, the two of them will lead their troops to Xin'an and Yiyang to be stationed there. , If you only guard it, it will be difficult to stop it. At the end of the day, the general is willing to lead the troops of the headquarters to fight back at the county boundary, thinking that the general will defeat his front first and enhance the general's prestige!"Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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