The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 187: Huangfu welcomes the army to report the thief's situation (1)

The moon is bright and the breeze is pleasant.

Zhang Ji, who retreated overnight, was in a panic, with mixed emotions, some panic, and reluctance to give up.

What was terrifying was that Xun Zhen's extraordinary army descended from the sky, and he was unstoppable; what was reluctant was that he had been entrenched in Hongnong for a long time, but now he had to withdraw to Huayin. Thinking about what to do after retreating to Huayin? Thoughts are even more difficult to describe.

In today's troubled times, the people are withering, and people's strength is wealth, but it is too late to coerce the people inside and outside the city to retreat to Huayin with him. Zhang Ji and even his own troops and horses inside and outside Hongnong County have not had time to bring all the troops and horses, and finally retreated with him. , only two thousand people. As for the goods and other things he collected in Hongnong, let alone, he didn't have time to take them away.

After leaving Huayin County in a state of embarrassment, Zhang Ji suddenly remembered something and asked anxiously, "Where is Madam?"

One of the servants on the left and right turned his head and Zhang Zhang back, answered Zhang Ji, and said, "Madam should be in the carriage train at the back."

Zhang Ji was temporarily stationed on the side of the horse road, and he also looked back. In the retreating chaotic army, he saw three or four carriages in the distance behind, squeaking heavily. Zhang Ji rode his horse and called out, "Where is Madam, where is Madam?"

The servants and slaves from the side of the car followed the side of the car with one foot high and one foot low.

Hearing Zhang Ji's question, the two maids at the side of a carriage hurriedly replied, "General, the lady is here."

Zhang Ji followed the sound, and when he came to the side of the carriage, he passed the horse's head and followed him, asking the car, "Is Madam alright?"

A soft and gentle voice came from the car, with fear and panic in the words, and answered Zhang Ji, saying, "General, it's better to be a cheap concubine."

In the voice, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and the woman's face was easily visible from the car window.

The moonlight falls on it, like a peony blooming on a spring night in a trance, or a begonia sleeping soundly in the dark night. In this chaotic army retreating in a hurry, this beautiful face is even more captivating against the background of the noise of horses and people running.

This woman is Zhang Ji's wife Zou.

Seeing that his wife is safe and sound, Zhang Ji's worries are slightly put down.

Worry a little less, but there are other kinds of emotions pouring out. The more he looked at his wife's beautiful appearance, the more he felt sorry for his wife.

Looking back on that day, after Dong Zhuo's death, his wife followed him in fear and fear. Later, he entered Chang'an and avenged Dong Zhuo. Zhang Ji was pushed out of Chang'an by Li Jue and Guo Si. When he first arrived in Hongnong, Zhang Ji Xiang His wife promised that she would never be displaced again in the future, but in the blink of an eye, Xun Zhenbing arrived in Hongnong, and his wife had to follow him again.

Zhang Ji let out a long sigh and said, "My husband is incompetent, I can't make you live in peace!"

Zou showed a reluctant smile, but comforted Zhang Ji and said, "As long as you can follow your husband, no matter where you go, the concubine will be happy."

Zhang Ji sighed again, followed the carriage for a short distance in silence, and said to Mrs. Zou: "And when we arrive at Huayin, wait and see the situation. If you can get a chariot and General Guo to help you and defend Huayin, you will do so; If I can't keep it, I'm thinking, or I'll go back to Liangzhou."

As for returning to Liangzhou, Zou has no objection to it. On the contrary, compared to Sanfu and other places where the swordsmen are endless and wandering, if she can return to her hometown of Liangzhou, she will feel happy and at ease.

After hearing what Zhang Ji said, Mrs. Zou asked Zhang Ji, "Husband, can you really go back to Liangzhou?"

Not only Zhang Ji's wife, but most of the servants and slaves on the side of the entourage followed Zhang Ji and his wife from Liangzhou to Hongnong. It is to look at Zhang Ji secretly, waiting for Zhang Ji's reply.

Noticing the expectations of his wife and these servants and slaves, Zhang Ji couldn't help thinking: "My wife and these slaves want to go back to Liangzhou so much, so we can know the homesickness of our soldiers."

However, can I go back to Liangzhou? Zhang Ji is not sure. What he said just now was just to comfort his wife.

Unable to bear to look at Zou's long-awaited charming face, Zhang Ji simply stopped talking.

Zou's heart sank, Youyou sighed, stretched out a hand that was as thick as jade, and lowered the curtain of the car.

Some 1,000 Liangzhou soldiers and horses were about 30 to 40 li to the south of Zhang Ji's army retreating to Huayin, and they were also on their way at night, heading towards Huayin.

. This group of soldiers and horses was even more chaotic than Zhang Ji's subordinates. This was Zhang Xiu and his subordinates who went to block Xun Zhen, but were still defeated by Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Zhang Xiuping, who was injured on his thigh, was lying on a flatbed.

The flatbed car is not as stable as the carriage, and the horse pulling the car in front is running very fast, so it is very bumpy on the road, affecting Zhang Xiu's injury from time to time, making him grimacing in pain.

Looking back, it seems that the light of the torch is faintly visible.

I don't know if I really saw the light of the fire, or it was just a psychological effect, but I would rather believe it than not believe it. Zhang Xiu was very worried that it was indeed the soldiers and horses sent by Xun Zhen to chase him. Repeatedly urged the soldiers on the horse to speed up.

The resident birds on the trees far and near were startled by the movement of their group of chaotic soldiers, and flew into the night sky.

The cries scattered into the night and fell into Zhang Xiu's ears. With added anxiety, he couldn't help but think of the experience of the past few days, and sighed, "Xun Zhen's use of troops is so fast! Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are so brave! "

Since Dong Zhuo's turmoil in Luoyang, the troops of Liangzhou, including Zhang Ji's troops, who followed Dong Zhuo swept across Luoyang and Guanzhong, had few opponents. Therefore, Zhang Xiu always thought of underestimating the heroes of Guandong, but today, he saw Xun The soldiers under the chaste tent were sturdy and capable of fighting, and he was shocked to realize that when he used to sit in the well and watch the sky, Zhang Xiu's heart also cast a heavy shadow.

Zhang Xiu reluctantly stood up and looked forward, the night in front of him was vast.


But the light behind the torches that Zhang Xiu thought he saw was actually his illusion.

Where did this Xun Zhen army that made a surprise attack on Lushi County come from? Zhang Xiu’s material was right, it was the one who came across the Xiong’er and other mountains, and the banner of Xun Zhen was not false, it was indeed led by Xun Zhen himself.

After defeating the Lu clan and defeating Hu Che'er and Zhang Xiu in succession, there was indeed a general who entered Yan Xunzhen and continued to advance. Taking advantage of these two victories, he took Hongnong County at night, but Hongnong County is after all. It is a relatively unfamiliar place. Hongnong County is Zhang Ji's old nest. Xun Zhen is not very clear about the specific enemy situation of Zhang Ji's subordinate in Hongnong County, so to be cautious, Xun Zhen did not accept it. At the request of the general, he was stationed at the county boundary between Lushi County and Hongnong County, and was ready to wait until the next day to take Hongnong County.

Early the next morning, Xun Zhen led his troops to set off their camp and set out for Hongnong County along the candle water.

It was almost noon when the front army news came: Zhang Ji had abandoned Hongnong County and fled westward to Huayin.

After walking about four or five miles, another scout reported that the scholars and people from Hongnong County went out of the city to greet him.

Zang Ba, who was next to Xun Zhen, smiled and said, "Ming Gong, if you are filial piety as expected, the scholars and the people will eat the pot pulp to greet them."

Xun Zhen rode on his horse, stroked his moustache and smiled.

Going to the city of Hongnong County for more than ten li, Xun Zhen and his fellow scholars and village elders jumped into view, fetching sheep, picking wine, and more than a hundred! Xun Zhen ordered that the troops were not allowed to enter the city, so they chose to build camps and meet these scholars and village elders in person.

That evening, Xun Zhen held a banquet in the camp, and had a happy drink with the famous scholars and three villagers from Hongnong County who greeted him.

Xun Zhen respected them very much, and the scholars and the three elders of Hongnong also highly praised Xun Zhen.

However, it was said that this was the first time Xun Zhen came to Hongnong County. Why were Hongnong scholars so enthusiastic about him? Not only are they almost "all-in-one", but they are also full of compliments?

There are four reasons: First, Xun Zhen came from the Xun clan in Yingyin. Although her clan is not as good as the domestic crown clan such as the Yuan clan in Runan and the Yang clan in Hongnong, it is still a famous clan. The scholars have heard of it; and Xun Zhen's clan father, Xun Shuang, has been relocated several times in the past ten days, and Dong Zhuo respectfully worships him as Sikong.

Secondly, Xun Zhen took various political measures to love the people and respect the scholars in Xuzhou and other places. Although the scholars and people in Hongnong County were far away from Xuzhou, Xun Zhen went to the court and paid tribute to officials who had to pass through Hongnong County when going to Chang’an. The scholars in Nong County also heard a little about it. Indirectly, the scholars in Hongnong County were not particularly unfamiliar with Xun Zhen.

Thirdly, Zhang Ji and other Liangzhou generals did a really bad job in Hongnong. Zhang Ji, Duan Xun, and Yang Ding, except Duan Xun in Huayin County who persuaded farmers to cultivate mulberry, Zhang Ji and Yang Ding were only kidnappings, and the local people had long complained.

The fourth reason is precisely because Xun Zhen has Liu Xie's secret order in his hand, that is, his army to Hongnong this time is not an unjust battle between separatist forces for territory, but he is ordered by the king to go to Hongnong.

King Anqin rescued him.

Apart from the above two points, only this fourth point, the scholars and people of Hongnong would not have any intention of rejecting Xun Zhen.

During the banquet, a scholar from Hongnong spoke to Xun Zhen, saying: "Although Zhang Ji was defeated by the general and fled to Huayin, when he escaped, he was accompanied by thousands of people. If he escaped into Huayin, he would It's not good for the general Qin Wang to save him, why doesn't the general send the elites to chase and wipe them out?"

Xun Zhen replied, "Zhang Ji has been on the run for a long time, and it is too late to pursue him now. Although he took thousands of pieces with him when he escaped, Li Jue and Guo Si, who are tens of thousands, are still in my eyes. The meat on the top, how many thousands of people? It's not a concern."

Someone else asked Xun Zhen when he planned to go to Chang'an, and said, "Since the general has recovered Hongnong, I don't know when he plans to enter the Qin Dynasty of Chang'an?"

Xun Zhen replied, "The number of troops I am leading into Guixian today is only 5,000, and we will not be able to make a proposal for the King of Qin in Guanzhong until the main force still in Xin'an and the east of Yiyang join forces with me in Guixian. "

Some scholars asked eagerly: "So, you dare to ask the general, when will the main force of the general arrive in Bixian?"

Xun Zhen Yanran smiled and said: "Zhang Ji flees west, news spreads to Xin'an and Yiyang, Duan Xun and Yang Ding's army will be in chaos and morale will be lost. I expect Xin'an and Yiyang to be conquered within three days, and our troops will be defeated in five days at the latest. The main force can go to Gui County and join me."

Xun Zhen didn't pursue Zhang Ji, another reason was that he made a surprise attack on Hongnong County this time, and his troops first crossed the Xiong'er Mountain, and then continued to capture Lu's County, defeating Hu Che'er and Zhang Xiu. Although the morale of the two Zhang Ji's elite troops is still high, the physical strength of the soldiers is inevitably overdrawn, and it is no longer suitable for further battles, and they are in urgent need of rest.


As Xunzhen expected, Zhang Ji fled west, and the news that Hongnong County had obtained for Xun Zhen spread to Xin'an and Yiyang, and Duan Xun and Yang Ding were all shocked.

Yang Ding immediately abandoned Yiyang and fled westward along Luoshui to Huayin.

Duan Xun's decision to abandon the city and withdraw to Huayin was no later than Yang Ding's decision, and he retreated faster than Yang Ding.

Because evacuation from Yiyang to Huayin can also bypass Hongnong County, instead of Hongnong County, retreat to Huayin via the Lu family; while evacuation from Xin'an to Huayin must pass through Hongnong County, so he must Hurrying to retreat when Xun Zhen had just won Hongnong County and had not been able to control the entire territory of Hongnong County, only in this way could he retreat to Huayin.

The soldiers and horses that Zhang Ji allocated to Duan Xun, and the soldiers and horses that Yang Ding allocated to him, Duan Xun didn’t care about them. He only brought more than a thousand cavalry from the most direct line of the headquarters, and left Xin’an to travel day and night. , ran all the way, and finally passed through Hongnong County safely at the junction with Lushi County in the south of Hongnong County on the night of the next day. It was not until Huayin County was in sight that Duan Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

Duan Xun passed through Hongnong County, and the military newspaper that fled westward to Huayin, informed Xun Zhen in the morning that had just won Hongnong County, and there were many military and political affairs to be dealt with. Xun Zhen had already connected two The days are all sleepless nights.

After he heard the news, he smiled and said left and right: "Zhonglang will not be as good as Xinfeng in the battle, but he will retreat like the wind."

The "Zhonglang general" is also Duan Xun; the "Xinfeng" person is Duan Jong, Duan Xing's clan elder brother, who was named Duke of Xinfeng when he was alive.

Zang Ba asked, "Do you want to chase him?"

Xun Zhen said: "The military report said that it was only more than a thousand people, so there is no need to chase. You hurry up and control the Hongnong and Lu's along the line. You can't let the rest of the Xin'an defenders go, and you must attack Bofu and the east and west. , wipe it out."

There were a total of 7,000 soldiers and horses who followed Duan Xun to defend the city in Xin'an. Duan Xun only took a few thousand and fled. After removing the casualties in the previous battle, there were still four or five thousand people left. Xun Zhen's surprise attack on Hongnong County has two goals. One is to conquer Hongnong County and speed up the conquest of Xin'an and Yiyang counties; . The first goal has been basically achieved. As long as the thousands of enemy troops left by Duan Xun were wiped out, the second goal would be achieved.

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This afternoon, Xu Rongjun reported that Yiyang had been broken, and more than 2,000 had been captured;

At nightfall, Sun Ce's military report arrived: Xinfeng has been conquered, and more than 3,000 have been captured; about 2,000 or 3,000 have defeated the enemy and fled in the direction of Hongnong County.

Xun Zhen ordered the generals Zang Ba, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei to strictly guard the front lines of Hongnong and Lu, and escaped without letting go of a single enemy soldier. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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