The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 83: Megatron Yang Zhai (Part 1)

After leaving the house where Zhang Zhi lived, Xu Zhonglejin Wenpin and other hundreds of tiger soldiers surrounded Xun Zhen, and Zhang Zhi was escorted by Liu Denggao, walking through the street to the prefect's mansion

In their group, there are armored soldiers and officials. The armored soldiers are showing off their power. The officials are riding horses with swords. Xun Zhen is wearing a high crown and black clothes.

The people on the street didn't know what was going on, and they all gave way to wait and see. Some recognized Zhang Zhi, and they were surprised to see him being escorted by Liu Deng Gaosu in a dreadful state.

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "While the people in the city are watching, I should declare Zhang Zhi's crime and create public opinion, so that Prefect Wen will not change his mind." When passersby declared Zhang Zhi's crime, people in the county who waited and watched heard about it. Some were surprised, some were shocked. Most of the people who were shocked were ordinary people. The ones who were shocked were mostly children of tyrants. The surprise was because Zhang Zhi was doing a lot of evil. Children, rabbits die, foxes sad

Detoured through most of the county and arrived at the Prefect's Mansion

Xun Zhen handed Zhang Zhi over to Du You and Guo Kai, dismissed Le Jin Wen Pin and others, and ordered them to return to the camp.

Wang Lan was waiting for him in the political affairs hall and said, "Fu Jun went to the house in the backyard" and asked Xun Zhen, "Is everything done?"

Xun Zhen knew that this was because Prefect Wen didn't want to see him, and he didn't care, and said, "Zhang Zhi has been captured, and Zhang Zhi's family has also been sealed up."

It took only about an hour for Xun Zhen to take orders to give orders, Wang Lan was very surprised at his speed, and thought: "Zhang Zhi has kept nearly a hundred dead swordsmen, I thought he would be able to attack at least at night. Going to Zhang Zhi's house, grabbing Zhang Zhi, but unexpectedly so fast? This is really, really..." Xun Zhen in front of her was gentle and polite, but Wang Lan looked at him at this time, but she clearly felt that his horns were awkward. Dare to look directly, he thought again, "No wonder the mansion is so jealous of him" and said, "I will tell the mansion"

"Then I'll trouble the clerk."

Xun Zhen and Wang Lan left the Political Affairs Institute together, and watched Wang Lan go to the back house, he thought to himself, "This Wang Lan usually does nothing amazing, but today he was able to persuade Prefect Wen to accept the letter of invitation from the three of us. , is also quite talented.”

Although most of the officials in the county court came from aristocratic families, there were also a lot of children in the aristocratic families. Take Yingyin as an example. The Xun and Liu clans are the children of two famous families in Yingyin. There are more than 100 people, but only a few of them have entered the official position. Among them, the Xun family has been bound by the party, but even without this party clan, it is impossible for all the children of the Xun family to enter the officialdom. Although he didn't show any outstanding talents, he was not a mediocre person to be made the main book by the Prefect Wen.

Then let Wang Lan think of Guo Jun, Du You, Guo Jun and Du You. They have shortcomings and shortcomings, but they also have talents. If it wasn't for this, it would not have been possible for them to sit in the position of Cao Ye's thief for so long. Guo Jun's family biography "Little Du Lu" ”, Du You is very familiar with the law, he can speak very well when interacting with people, and he can resolutely engage in Xun Zhen’s heart at critical moments: “There is only one Yingchuan County Dynasty, there are Zhong Yao, Guo Tu, Wang Lan, Guo Jun, Du You, etc. Waiting for a talented person, looking at more than ten counties in the whole county and looking at more than a hundred counties in the world, I wonder how many outstanding people there are? Heroes in the world should not be underestimated"

After this incident, Du You Guo Jun Wang Lan had a new understanding of him, and he also had a new understanding of Du You Guo Jun Wang Lan

There is a row of locust trees planted on the wall outside the Political Office. Xun Zhen lowered her head and thought for a while. Seeing that the shadow of the tree elongated, covering her own shadow, she raised her head and looked up. Today, Xun Zhen did a lot of things and discussed the art of war with Xu Zhongle in the morning, and then he thought about how to deal with Zhang Zhi Fei Chang. The two were persuaded, and then they saw Prefect Wen, then went to lead troops outside the camp, and then arrested Zhang Zhi. Not only was the body exhausted, but the spirit was also very difficult to fatigue. It can be said that he was physically and mentally exhausted.

He didn't even eat lunch, he was hungry

However, although he was hungry and tired, he couldn't leave him alone and said: "I just drove Zhang Zhi through most of the county, this matter must have been reported, maybe Mr. Liulong has already learned about it, I have to go and see him. "In any case, Xun Shuang is his "elder", and it's not right to "behead first and then file", and it's even more wrong to talk about things after they're done.

Outside the prefect's mansion, Yuan Zhongqing was squatting on the opposite street corner, chatting with two people from the county, and he was so excited that he salivated.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Have you met a friend?"

Yuan Zhongqing replied, "No, two people passing by."

Xun Zhen said oddly, "Passing by?"

Passing by chatting so speculatively?

Yuan Zhongqing scratched his head, smiled and said, "They were asking me about the arrest of Zhang Zhi just now."

Xun Zhen and Du You had just chained Zhang Zhi and swaggered across the city. Many people saw it. The news had already spread that Zhang Zhi was running rampant, doing many illegal things, bullying men and women, etc. It was commonplace for him. People both feared and hated him, and now they suddenly saw him being taken to the Prefect's Mansion by Xun Zhenna in a disheveled manner. Asked about this, Yuan Zhongqing said: "They asked me, how will the county court sentence Zhang Zhi to prison this time?"

"How did you answer?"

Yuan Zhongqing straightened his chest and said proudly: "Of course I said that he killed the two passers-by this time. After hearing that, he was overjoyed and praised Jun repeatedly, saying that Jun is a harm to the people of Yangzhai."

Yuan Zhongqing's words are right. Zhang Zhi is indeed dead this time. With Guo Jun deciding against Cao, he cannot escape the punishment of abandoning the city.

Xun Zhen laughed and said, "It's a shame to deserve the praise from the county people."

Although he was laughing with Yuan Zhongqing, there was a bit of deepness between his eyebrows. He turned to look at the prefect's mansion, the twilight was dark and shrouded the mansion. The case should not be dragged on for a long time, and make a quick decision, lest Zhang Rang intervene." He made a decision in his heart, thinking, "Tomorrow I have to see Guo Kai again and urge him to settle the case quickly, and the execution time will be shorter. "The sooner the better." According to convention, the death penalty is executed in autumn and winter, but Zhang Zhi is a "serious crime of treason", so early execution is justified.

Yuan Zhongqing asked, "Xun-Jun, are you going to leave it?"

Xun Zhen replied, "No, go to the post office"

Facing the setting sun, the two galloped to the post office


When they arrived at the post office, Xun Zhen dismounted from the horse and asked the guard, "Have the Inspector and Biejia come back?"

At the invitation of Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, Wang Yun took the state officials to the camp outside the city in the morning to check and seize them.

The doorman recognized Xun Zhen and replied respectfully, "It's been a while since I came back."

Xun Zhen nodded, handed the reins to Yuan Zhongqing, and said, "You are waiting for me outside the hospital" and admitted to the hospital alone

There were several state officials in the courtyard instructing the clerks in the post office to wash horses and cars, and a state clerk in his thirties was explaining something to a clerk in the post office. The official greeted him and said with a smile, "Xun Ye is here, is he here to find another car?"

Xun Zhen didn't recognize this person, she only remembered seeing him in the queue behind Wang Yun when she was welcoming Wang Yun yesterday.

The servant smiled and said, "I just came back from outside the city, don't drive in the governor's house, you wait a moment, I'll pass the message." He led Xun Zhen outside the house where Wang Yun lived in the backyard, and went in to pass the message. It didn't take long. She came out and said, "Your Majesty, please come in." Xun Zhen thanked him, took off her clothes, straightened her clothes, and stepped into the house.

The house where Wang Yun lives is the largest in the entire post office.

Candles were lit in the living room, the side windows were opened, facing the courtyard wall, the evening spring breeze blew in with the fragrance of flowers in the distance, and Xun Zhen saw three people sitting in the hall. The main seat is Wang Yun, and the two sides are Xun Shuang and Kong Rong respectively.

He didn't dare to look any further, so he knelt down and saluted at the entrance of the hall, saying, "Xunzhen, the lower official, pays respect to the prince and the father of the family."

Kong Rong smiled and said, "The seat of the father of the monarch clan belongs to me, Xun Jun, why did you mention me first and then do not drive?" Gao Zhizhong

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "Kong Wen has a high reputation in the world, but he is not strict with etiquette."

As early as yesterday, when he first met Kong Rong, Kong Rong's kind smile and his curious eyes left a deep impression on him, and the words just now were obviously teasing. , he and Xun Zhen have only met twice in total. If he wasn't a generous and informal person, he would definitely not have said such a joke.

Xun Zhen replied: "Although the father of the Zhen family is higher than the Duke of Kong, the father of the clan is a relative and the Duke is an outsider, so we worship the Duke first, and then the father of the clan."

Kong Rong asked, "Do you pay respect to outsiders instead of relatives first? Is this filial piety?" Instead of paying respects to the family father who is a relative first, you first pay respect to Kong Rong, who is an outsider. Is this filial piety?

Xun Zhen was full of thoughts about arresting Zhang Zhi. Unexpectedly, Kong Rong kept asking questions in this regard. Fortunately, he was a little quick-witted, and replied, "'It's not far from kissing, the scripture of rites is also'."

Kong Rong laughed, pointed at Xun Zhen, and said to Wang Yun and Xun Shuang: "Today, when I went to the camp, General Huangfu and General Zhu praised this son, saying that he knew military affairs, as expected."

"Far from relatives, the scripture of propriety" comes from "Guanzi", which means: "Those who are far away do not participate in the affairs of those who are close. This is propriety." "I will see Xun Shuang later. This is our family's business. Are you, a estranged person, trying to use this to provoke my relationship with my clan father?" Kong Rong mentioned that Huangfu Song Zhu Jun praised him for his knowledge of soldiers. This is to say: Xun Zhen's rhetorical question has the shadow of a soldier, and he is taking offense as defense, that is, what the soldier calls "the opportunity to attack and defend".

Xun Shuang smiled slightly

Wang Yun called Xun Zhen up with a smile and looked at him up and down.

Xun Zhen felt that his eyes were very strange, as if it was the first time they had met. She had already seen it once last night, and she wondered, "It's weird, why is Wang Yun's eyes so weird?"

Wang Yun looked at him up and down, turned his head and said to Xun Shuang, "Sir, this son is the horse of your family." He said to Xun Zhen, "Sir, take your seat."

Xun Zhen heard Wang Yun's sudden praise without beginning or end, and vaguely guessed why he looked strangely, and said to herself, "Is it because I heard that I was arresting Zhang Zhi, so I praised me so much?" At the end of the seat, according to his guess, when he sat down, Wang Yun said: "'The Master said: The future is terrifying, how can I know if it is not now?' Zhenzhi, I'm going to the camp outside the city today. I heard about you arresting Zhang Zhi on the way back to the county just now, and that was the first sentence that came to mind at the time."

Kong Rong smiled and said, "This afternoon, when I was waiting in General Huangfu's camp, I heard a report from the guards, saying that you brought hundreds of soldiers out of the camp and went straight to the city. I just returned to the city, and just heard from passers-by, that you are here to arrest Zhang Zhi! Xun Yue, there are people talking about this all over the city now, it can be said that the city is full of uproar."

Xun Zhen glanced at Xun Shuang's expression, Xun Shuang stroked his beard and said, "Zhang Zhi colluded with Bo Cai in private and wanted to do something wrong. The evidence is conclusive. Your order is down, take it down."

Wang Yun asked, "Where is Zhang Zhi now?"

Xun Zhen replied, "I've been locked up in the county prison."

Wang Yun asked, "When will you be tried?"

Xun Zhen replied, "The trial tomorrow"

Wang Yun nodded and said, "Well, you have done a good job in this matter, which is very pleasing! ... Besides Zhang Zhi, is there anyone else in the county who colluded with Bo Cai in private?"

Xun Zhen thought to himself, "What is the meaning of Wang Yun's question?" Guess thought, "Do you want to bring in Zhang Zhi's relatives?" Just as Xun Zhen intended, he didn't want to conflict with Zhang Zhi so early. It was a last resort to take him down today, and I didn’t want to do too much to avoid uncontrollable consequences. I replied cautiously at the moment: “I don’t know yet, and everything will be known after the trial tomorrow.”

Wang Yun pondered for a while, and said, "I will write the text for Prefect Wen, and when the case is tried tomorrow, allow me to send someone to listen."

This is not something Xun Zhen can manage, he respectfully replied: "Yes"

After saying a few more words, the clerk outside the hall reported that the meal was ready and Wang Yun left Xun Zhen to eat.

When Wang Yun saw Xun Zhen last night, he only saw Xun Shuang's face. He had a few words with him in the courtyard, but tonight he left him for dinner. Xun Zhen knew that this was because of his arrest of Zhang Zhi. Allowance

After dinner, Xun Shuang left and took Xun Zhen to his house

Entering the room, Xun Shuang called Xun Zhen to the table, and said, "Zhenzhi, it's a bit rash for you to arrest Zhang Zhi today!"

Hearing his words, Xun Zhen felt relieved, and said, "It seems that I did the right thing without consulting him first."

If I had come to ask Xun Shuang's opinion first, and listened to Xun Shuang's tone, he would have stopped him. It's not Xun Shuang's fault, it was because Xun Shuang had no courage. After entering the dynasty, he wrote to the emperor and advised that Xun Shuang was more aware of current affairs than Wang Yun. rather than force

Speaking of which, most of the elders of the Xun clan, such as Xun Shuang, Xun Lai, etc., are people who know the current affairs. On the one hand, this is the family education of the Xun clan. And was killed? And because of the party's restraint, Xun Shuang escaped from Hanbin for more than ten years. He sighed and said: "The Poetry says: 'You are wise and wise, so as to protect your virginity'. It is a good thing that you have courage. But blindly trying to be brave is a disaster. Now it's just you and me in the house. Let me tell you the truth. Although the emperor has relieved the party, the **** is still a big **** in the DPRK. If you lose him, you might be in a lot of trouble."

Xun Shuang saw the current situation very clearly. Xun Zhen knew better than him that Xun Zhen had come from across the country. Did he not know that Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong and other eunuchs were still in power? Although he didn't remember when Zhang Rang Zhao Zhong but he remembered that it was after He Jin was killed, that is to say, as long as He Jin did not die, Zhang Rang Zhao Zhong was still an unshakable "iceberg"

He said, "The clan father doesn't know anything. Now I have asked the lord of the government to arrest Zhang Zhi, out of helplessness."

Xun Shuang said, "Oh?"

At that moment, Xun Zhen told Gao Su, Liu Deng Dao's humiliation to Fei Chang and Zhang Zhi's plans to take revenge, and said, "Even if I don't arrest Zhang Zhi today, tomorrow when he wants to humiliate me, I have to fight him. Instead of waiting until then, it's better to start first."

Xun Shuang said, "I see!" He lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head and sighed, "Shi Ye, Yun Ye! For this reason, it's not a mistake for you to do this." After a while, he said, "Things Now that you have done it, you don't have to worry too much about Zhang Rang, Zhang Zhi colluding with Bo Cai, this is a sin of great treason, and even if Zhang Rang is angry, he can't use this as a reason to retaliate against you."

Xun Zhen said: "I'm not worried about other things. General Huangfu recommended me as Sima of the Army. So far, the imperial decree has not been issued. I'm just worried that Zhang Rang will obstruct it?"

After all, Xun Shuang had served in the court, and he was familiar with the situation in the court. He smiled and said, "You have made great achievements in defending Yangzhai and breaking thieves. There are not only eunuchs, but also upright people in the court. Relax, even if Zhang Rang wants to block it, he won’t be able to block it.”

After hearing Xun Shuang's words, Xun Zhen felt a lot more relieved, and mentioned that she met Xun You and Xun Cheng today, saying that they might come to see Xun Shuang in the next two days.

Let’s talk about it, I don’t realize that the bright moon is rising in the east, the moonlight outside the window is silver and white, and it’s already late when it’s thrown into the room, Xun Zhen said goodbye and left.

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