The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 7 Chapter 64: Under the Difficult People, Liu Xuande Wen moved the world, Chen Kongzhang

【Work related】

【Author of the novel】: Zhao Ziyue

The book "The Loveliest of the Three Kingdoms" was first published: Vertical and Horizontal Chinese Network


[Nature of novels]: works

[Fiction category]: Travel through history

[Introduction]: A young man travels through the end of the Han Dynasty, starts from the pavilion, and strives for the world.​​


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Although Xun Zhen wanted to meet Chen Deng, she didn't have the chance now.

Chen Deng is now in the prefecture, but his home is not in Guangling, so he can only talk about visiting and meeting when he has the opportunity in the future.

But he said that just two days before Xun You and Yao Sheng came back, Liu Bei had already returned from Xiapi.

After Liu Bei arrived at the Guangling County Mansion, in addition to reporting to Xun Zhen the experience of meeting Zhe Rong and his evaluation of Zhe Rong, he also formally proposed to Xun Zhen that he wanted to lead an army alone.

However, Liu Bei did not say it so directly at the time, instead of saying "I want to lead an army alone", but said: "Although there are no giant thieves in Xuzhou today, there are green and yellow turbans outside, so the current situation has come. Look, if you don’t have a strong army, you will not be able to walk, and you will not be able to prepare.

Mount Tai is in the northwest of Xuzhou, and is only separated from Guangling by one or two counties. Danyang is closer, south of Xuzhou, and borders Guangling. These two counties are rich in elite troops. In the near future, when the lords seek Dong, Bao Xin and Wang Kuang will bring soldiers from Mount Tai. After Wang Kuang was defeated, he once again went to Mount Tai to recruit troops. After the defeat in the first battle, in order to obtain elite soldiers, Xun Zhen also traveled thousands of miles to Danyang to recruit troops. To recruit troops to these two places, or to recruit troops to Danyang, Xun Zhen thought about it when he came to Guangling. So Xun Zhen was not surprised by the fact of "going to these two places to recruit troops", but what surprised Xun Zhen was that before he raised this matter, after he had just arrived in Guangling, Liu Bei actually He brought up this matter and volunteered, "I would like to go and recruit troops for him."

For example, in terms of resourcefulness, although Xun Zhen is not top-notch, after so many years of experience, it is not difficult for him to see the true thoughts of a person from his words. Therefore, Xun Zhen quickly guessed Liu Bei's true thoughts. want.

Xun Zhen pretended to be puzzled by Liu Bei's meaning, and asked in surprise, "Xuande, why do you suddenly have this idea?"

"Today Xuzhou is under the threat of the Yellow Turbans, and there is Dong Zhuo's chaos in the capital. Although the soldiers of the monarch and lord are brave, there are only 4,000 people to prepare for it. If there is a change in Xuzhou, even the world will be in chaos. All the troops at the moment may seem to be a little insufficient. Mount Tai and Danyang are places for elite troops. Although the preparation is not talented, but this is going to take advantage of the prestige of the lord, I don't dare to say much, and at least I can recruit it for the lord. Two thousand warriors who dare to fight. They have received the kindness of the lords and lords for a long time, and they have no way of repaying them. I only wish to go for the oxen and horses of the monarchs and lords, and repay the kindness of the lords and lords a little."

The so-called "cow and horse walk", so it means that I would like to be an errand for Xun Zhen, in return for a little bit of Xun Zhen's kindness.

This is Liu Bei's retreat, but he is just looking for a pretext to ask Xun Zhen to agree to let him lead an army alone--what "willing to go to Mount Tai and Danyang to recruit troops for Xun Zhen", no matter how many soldiers are recruited, Don't they all have to be supported by Xun Zhen?

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Does Xuande want to lead the army?"

When Xun Zhen saw what he wanted, Liu Bei was not very embarrassed, and replied calmly: "Bei thinks that he has no talent for governance, nor is he a wise man, and what he can do is only martial and brave, and he wants to repay the prince and the prince. , I can only rely on my own life to defeat the enemy in front of the army."

At first, Xun Zhen felt that Liu Bei was a very scary person. He was indomitable. Only his perseverance was beyond his reach. But later, as he grew up, and as he broadened his horizons, he became more and more confident. There is no longer the fear of the original, not only for Liu Bei, but also for Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. At the beginning, Xun Zhen wanted to recruit the two of them under the tent. Zhang Fei was not bad. "Now his relationship with Xun Zhen is very good and very close. It can be said that his intimacy with Xun Zhen is no longer lower than that of him and Liu Bei. Now he also holds real power in Xun Zhen's army, but Guan Yu is not arrogant. Okay, no matter how good Xun Zhen is, it can only make him not as full of "prejudice" against Xun Zhen as before, but it is obviously impossible to take him under his command and become his own minion. It's not possible, it's not possible, Xun Zhen doesn't mind the same attitude towards Liu Bei now.

But then again, it's one thing to not mind and not be afraid, but it's another thing to "go against the grain" and "raise tigers for legacy".

Liu Bei is a person who "has not lived for a long time". Xun Zhen has known and been in contact with him for so many years, and now he understands him very well. Beneath the benevolent appearance, Liu Bei's heart is actually "ambitious", especially in the past two years, with the increase of age, and also "with the broadening of horizons", Liu Bei's "ambition" is even more than before. Stronger, more exposed.

So, it is one thing to stop being afraid of Liu Bei, but it is another thing to personally support Liu Bei, let him grow stronger, and cultivate a possible future strong enemy for himself.

It's two different things.

Therefore, after listening to Liu Bei's words, according to Xun Zhen's true thoughts, the first thing he thought of was rejection.

However, as a high-ranking person, when making a decision, you need to comprehensively consider various factors.

Xun Zhen has always treated Liu Bei very kindly, "as a brother". At this time, Liu Bei proposed to lead an army alone. If he refused directly, what would the rest of his subordinates think? You treat Liu Bei so kindly, and you don't agree to let him lead the army alone. You don't want to let go of power? Liu Bei is like this, it is difficult to lead an army alone, so what about people like Chen Wu, Wei Guang, etc.? Is it harder to get this opportunity?

Therefore, Liu Bei cannot be rejected directly.

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "It's not urgent, I just arrived in Guangling, and when I got off the bus, everything was unfamiliar, and the armament was not a top priority. After I am familiar with the local situation, it will not be too late to discuss this matter... Xuande, you What do you think?"

Liu Bei answered in a row, and left with hope and grateful thanks.

Watching him leave, Xun Zhen made up her mind.

If Liu Bei can come to beg him once, he will also come to beg him a second time.

It's reasonable to refuse once, but you can't refuse again the second time.

It seems that it is not appropriate for this "leadership alone" not to agree.

But there must be a bottom line to promise.

In other words, there must be a more reliable measure to lock the fierce tiger Liu Bei in a cage, so as not to create a future rival for himself.

Then, what kind of measures should be taken?

At first glance, there are at least two things to do.

The reason why Liu Bei succeeded is that apart from his own ability, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei made great contributions.

Guan and Zhang are both enemies of ten thousand people. If you can get one of them, you will be able to gain prestige. Now Guan Yu is difficult to recruit under his command. Once Liu Bei leads the army alone, Guan Yu will definitely follow him, then Zhang Fei must be kept. . Without Zhang Fei, one of the two arms would be broken, so although there is a "feather", Liu Bei is expected to be difficult to "fly" like the original history.

Another point is that even if Liu Bei is allowed to lead the army alone, he cannot be let out of control.

First of all, we can't give him too many troops.

The second one is to install a few reliable personnel in the other army, in the name of "assistance", to implement "decentralization".

As for the strength of the troops and the placement of manpower, Liu Bei had nothing to say about it.

Xun Zhen only has 4,000 righteous followers, so giving Liu Bei 500 people is not a lot, and 500 people can't make any big waves, and he can keep Liu Bei in the central army in the name of "closeness and kindness". Gaining Liu Bei's power can also reduce the possibility of "may create a strong enemy for himself"; and placing a few people is more natural, even if Liu Bei leads an army alone, it is also a part of Xun Zhen. Zhen appointed a few people in as his assistants, he had nothing to say, and it was normal.

With these two insurances, you will have a certain degree of certainty about "Liu Bei leading the army alone".

Xun Zhen is no longer the Xun Zhen of the past. Now Xun Zhen is very confident. Regarding Liu Bei, he just thought about it out of normal thinking. After he figured out a solution, he stopped thinking about it. , he told Liu Bei that "armament is not a top priority now", this sentence is not a lie, the top priority now is to consider the governance in Guangling.

Although Xun Zhen was a person who actually paid more attention to "the common people of Qianshou" than the "aristocratic clan", but in this era, if you want to stand in a place, the first thing you need to consider is not the ordinary people, but the gentry, the aristocratic clan, is it? County right surname.

Xun Zhen has no time to spend too much time on civil and political affairs. If he wants to get the support of Guangling County, he can only immediately start with the local nobles and nobles. As long as he can get their approval, then in the future In the discussion of Dongzhong, he can temporarily worry about it.

Therefore, it is said that the first thing to do in Guangling's administration is to show affection to the local gentry and aristocrats in order to gain their support and support.

Before Zhang Chao left, Xun Zhen specifically asked him what the surnames and who the famous people in Guangling were.

Among them, Zhang Chao specially proposed two, one is Zhang Hong from Guangling County, and the other is Chen Lin from Sheyang County.

Xun Zhen knew about these two people before coming to Guangling.

Zhang Hong, courtesy name Zigang, is in his thirties and less than forty this year. He is one of the most famous celebrities in Guangling.

Chen Lin, courtesy name Kongzhang, is a little younger than Zhang Hong. Needless to say, this person is the Chen Lin who later wrote an essay against Cao Cao, causing Cao Cao to break out in a cold sweat and even her head was ~ is one of the most famous scribes in the world today.

However, Chen Lin is not in Guangling, but in Luoyang.

When He Jin was the general, he summoned Chen Lin to be the chief registrar of the general's mansion. When He Jin planned to call foreign soldiers into the capital to threaten the empress dowager to execute the eunuch, Chen Lin persuaded He Jin and advised him not to do so. , saying that He Jin did this is tantamount to "holding back and giving people a handle", but He Jin didn't listen. Later, He Jin was killed and the lord died, and Chen Lin could no longer be the master book, and immediately turned around. On Yuan Shao's side, Yuan Shao and He Jin were allies, and Chen Lin was a scholar and had a good relationship with Yuan Shao, so it's not surprising that he changed his family.

When Xun Zhen was in Luoyang, she met Chen Lin at Yuan Shao, and the two knew each other. Later, when Chen Lin knew that Xun Zhen was going to be the prefect of Guangling, she even wrote a letter to the family, asking Xun Zhen to help him bring it to his family. And asked Xun Zhen to take care of his clan.

Xun Zhen agreed.

Now is the time to fulfill the promise to Chen Lin.

Xun Zhen did not send anyone there, but personally ordered her to drive to Sheyang, where she greeted Chen Lin's elders, and handed Chen Lin's letter to them. Chen Lin's family is not only in Sheyang, but also has a right surname in Guangling. Many members of their clan go to the county and county, and some are officials in the county government. There are two of his clansmen. Some of the younger generation of the family also specially recruited a son of Chen Lin from the expedition to enter the prefecture, and appointed him as an official.

Went to Chen Lin's house, Xun Zhen went to Zhang Hong's house again.

Zhang Hong and Chen Lin once traveled to Luoyang together when they were young, and they have a good relationship.

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