The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 58: Hu Zhen rushes to attack Luyang City, Wang Kuang defeats Xiaopingjin

"Zhenzhi, Wu Jing, Cheng Pu, and Han Dang Jun reported that Huaxiong besieged his father's city and did not attack it, which is very suspicious."

Xun Zhen looked up and saw that it was Sun Jian hurriedly entering from outside the tent.

"Wentai, I just received a military report."

"What is it?"

"Hu Zhen personally commanded the troops and horses, and has arrived in Luyang."

"Have Hu Zhen's troops arrived in Luyang?"


Sun Jian was about to sit on the seat. Hearing Xun Zhen's words, he was stunned and said: "Dong Zhuo's husband, so the attack on Yingchuan was just a feint attack?"

"Using 10,000 soldiers and horses to attack me, Yingchuan, really looks down on you and me."

Sun Jian sat down on the seat, cleared up his astonishment a little, thought for a moment, and said, "How many soldiers and horses did Hu Zhen bring?"

"Not much, only five thousand."

"Only five thousand?"

"All cavalry."

"So it is! No wonder he can be so quick and secretive... When did he get to Lu Yang?"

"According to the military newspaper, it should be noon yesterday."

"How is Lu Yang's situation now?"

"Hu Zhen not only deceived you and me, but also deceived General Yuan. The military newspaper said: When Hu Zhen's army arrived, Lu Yang/was not prepared at all. General Yuan was having a high drinking party with the generals and was caught off guard. Hu Zhen drove Ma Ce's army and broke through three camps one after another."

"and then?"

"Zhang Xun, Qiao Rui, Chen Lan, and Lei Book fought to the death to protect General Yuan from entering the city."

"Can the city be lost?"

"That's not true. After seeing General Yuan entering the city, Hu Zhen did not attack the city, but continued to attack and kill General Yuan's subordinates who were left outside the city until nightfall." Xun Zhen got up, came to Sun Jian's seat, The military newspaper in his hand was handed over to him, and he said, "Look at it, it's written on it: The blood was poured into rivers, and the corpses were piled up like mountains."

Sun Jian took the military report, and while reading it, he asked, "How many casualties did General Yuan's troops have?"

"The specific casualties are unknown, but the losses are certainly not small."

"Where is Hu Zhen now?"

"The military newspaper last wrote it."

Sun Jian was in a hurry. Hearing Xun Zhen's words, he simply stopped reading the other content of the military newspaper. He directly displayed the military newspaper to the end. When he saw two words, he said in surprise: "'Withdrawn'?"

"Enter silently, retreat like the wind, go away with a single blow, without any fuss, Liangzhou Iron Cavalry, well-deserved reputation."

Dong Zhuo divided his troops to attack Yingchuan in two directions. Xun Zhen and Sun Jian thought he was "sounding the east and attacking the west." Yingchuan, but in Luyang. After a long time, it turned out that Dong Zhuo's two troops attacking Yingchuan were all "fake", in order to deceive Xun Zhen, Sun Jian and Yuan Shu.

The final result proved that Dong Zhuo was able to sell it.

Sun Jian suddenly thought of something, threw away the military report, jumped up, took out the report sent by Wu Jing and other fast horses, and said in a hurry: "It is false to hit me in Yingchuan, and it is true to attack Luyang, it seems that this is Huahua. The reason why Xiong didn't attack the city! Zhenzhi, Hu Zhen has already led his troops to retreat, then Hua Xiong should retreat if he wants to come, but you and I can't just let him leave the country!"

"What's the point of Wentai?"

"I want to order Wu Jing, Cheng Pu, and Han Dang to attack immediately, and then lead my troops and horses to chase after them!"

"Dong Zhuo has made a plan to feint me at Yingchuan and attack Luyang. As I expected, there will be a backhand, and he will definitely not sit back and watch you and me pursue Huaxiong."

"Then watch him go like this? Come as you say it, and go as you say it. What is Yingchuan? What do you think of you and me?"

"Wentai, don't raise troops out of anger!"

"...That's what you said, but Zhenzhi, can you swallow this breath?"

Xun Zhen raised his head outside the account and said thoughtfully, "Dong Zhuo will not just attack Luyang."

"what do you mean?"

"Remember that we discussed the military situation before. When it comes to Dong Zhuo's dispatch of troops, it is very likely that the troops will be divided into two groups, one to attack General Yuan, and the other to attack Yuan Chaqi?"

"Lu Yang is very aggressive, as long as he deceives you and me and Yuan Gonggong, Hanoi is across the river from Luoyang! How can it be easy to cross the surging river? Even if Dong Zhuo has the intention of attacking Hanoi, I am afraid that it will be difficult to succeed. "

"If Dong Zhuo really attacked Hanoi, in order not to make Yuan Cheqi be on guard, I think it would be around the same time as the attack on Luyang. In two days, there will be news. Let's wait for the news to come. , you will know if he succeeds."

"It doesn't matter whether he succeeds or not! Now we are talking about Hua Xiong, as well as the five thousand Dong Jun and Zhenzhi from Luyuan Pass, you can't just watch them withdraw like this."

Xun Zhen retracted her gaze from outside the tent, her eyes fell on Sun Jian's face, and she said, "Wentai, have you ever thought about..."

"Thinking about what?"

"General Yuan was attacked and defeated, and the casualties were heavy. If Yuan Cheqi was defeated again, ... is this a matter for the director?"


"I'm afraid no one will dare to send troops to attack."

"You mean?"

"The most urgent task at the moment is not Hua Xiong and Dong Jun who left the border, but you and I should think about what to do next."

Sun Jian was unhappy and said, "Even if the two generals are defeated, no one dares to send troops to attack, only you and me are left, Zhenzhi, I will fight Dong to the end! What? You have the intention of retreating. ?"

"A loyal martyr, is there only a minister in the world? Wentai, you and I have known each other for so many years, don't you know who I am? Dong Zhuo did the opposite, kidnapped the emperor and caused chaos in the world. I don't share the sky with him, how could there be any intention of retreating? "

"Then what do you mean?"

"I mean, at this moment, you and I must not act hastily. In case Dong Zhuo still has a backhand, you and I will not succeed in chasing the five thousand Dong army of Huaxiong or Luyuanguan, but accidentally fall into his An ambush can lead to a big defeat at light level, and a severe injury to your bones and vitality? ... You and I have suffered a small defeat in the army, and we will ask the director for a second time in the future!"

"But I'm not willing to watch them withdraw like this."

Since Sun Jian has been in the army, he has almost been defeated. Although he has nearly died on the battlefield, he finally won that battle. Like the current battle, he was played around by Dong Zhuo and suffered a dumb loss. It's never happened before, it's hard to breathe.

"A small leak will sink a great ship."

"...Well, I'll listen to you."

"You can order Wu Jing, Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Hua Xiong to retreat, not to pursue, just send them out of the country from a distance; I also order Zhongren, Wen Qian, and the five thousand Dong troops who exited Luyuan Pass to retreat, just like that. It is also not to be pursued and sent out of the country."

Before the military orders of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were sent away, the latest military newspapers of Xun Cheng and Wu Jing were sent one after another.

The military reports of the two were almost identical, both saying: Dong Jun retreated.

There is only one difference. Xun Cheng mentioned in the Military News: When Dong Jun at Luyuanguan retreated, the flags were in disarray, and it seemed that the military discipline was irregular. Dong Jun's trick to lure the enemy, so he and Le Jin decided not to pursue it.

Xun Zhen replied to the military newspaper, criticizing and writing: "Qing and Wen Qian made a very good decision. Dong Jun of Luyuanguan entered the country, and there was no battle with me. Now that they are retreating, why is the flag in chaos? The enemy's plan is also. The two of you don't need to pursue them, just send them out of the country."

Xi Zhicai, Xun You, Cheng Jia and others came to Xun Zhen's tent after learning about the attack on Lu Yang and the retreat of Hua Xiong and Lu Yuan Guan Dong's army.

Cheng Jia sighed: "I heard that when Dong Zhuo attacked Bianzhang and Han Sui from the former Grand Commander Zhang Wen in the past, all the roads were defeated, and some of them were damaged by twists and turns, but he was the only one who managed to get back, and he alone made all the songs. When he first entered the capital, there were few soldiers, so he ordered his troops to leave the city at night and enter the city during the day, and so again and again, so that all the people in the capital thought that he was a soldier. 'Soldiers are tricks', he can be said to be familiar with this skill."

Xi Zhicai was a little annoyed, and said, "Dong Zhuo's plan to attack the east and the west should have been seen long ago, but he was actually coaxed!"

Xun Zhen said: "Not only did I coax you, I coaxed all of us. Zhicai, victory and defeat are common in military affairs, there is no general who wins every battle, and it is not ashamed to be deceived by Dong Zhuo. Next time we will play against him again. It's enough to deceive him once."

While they were talking, the tent was opened, and a scent of clothes came in. Everyone didn't need to look at it to know that it must be Xun Yu.

Xun Zhen raised her eyes and saw that it was Xun Yu.

At this time, it was dusk, and the brilliance of the setting sun poured in from outside the opened tent, and fell on Xun Yu's shoulders and back. Everyone looked at him and saw him wearing a black robe and a high crown, with a sword and a bag, with elegant eyebrows and a long appearance. Standing in jade, stepping in safely from the sunset, I just felt like a fairy.

Among the people in the tent, Cheng Jia had the lowest status and was sitting closest to the tent. He saw Xun Yu's demeanor. Although he was in the middle of a discussion, he should not be distracted, but he suddenly felt ashamed. Feeling, he moved back a little bit, so that he could be a little farther away from Xun Yu, so as not to be made "uglier", he thought to himself: "There are really good people in the Junhou clan, and when I first met Junhou, Gongda, , Zhongren, a heroic warrior, a wise show, and a dunwen, I already feel that it is rare in the world, and I came to Yingchuan unexpectedly, and I saw Zhongyu, Wenruo, Xiuruo, and Youruo again. Able to speak, or adept at being a director, he is also an outstanding talent from all over the world, and all of them are beautiful in appearance."

First, the genes of the Xun family in Yingyin are Second, they are full of poetry and literature, so although the children of the Xun family cannot be said to be all first-class beautiful men, they can be seen as a whole. As Cheng Jia thought, all of them can be called "beautiful appearance", and among them, Xun Yu is the most gentle and most suitable for the four words "a gentleman is like jade", in other words, it can arouse the goodwill of others.

Xun Yu entered the tent, saluted calmly, took out a sealed letterhead, and said to Xun Zhen, "Brother, I was just outside the tent when I met a scout who came to send military intelligence, and brought it in for him by the way." Before coming to Xun Zhen's case, he presented the letter.

While opening the envelope, Xun Zhen motioned for Xun Yu to take a seat, and said with a smile, "I heard that you went to find Fengxiao again?"

Xun Yu sat in the seat opposite Xi Zhicai and Xun You was in charge, and replied: "Fengxiao is young, but he is a genius. When he was studying at home, I often talked to him, and he studied classics. Not as good as me, but when it comes to ingenious talents, I am not as good as him. My brother really knows people.”

This last sentence, "Brother really knows people," means that Xun Zhen has always been fond of Guo Jiaqing.

Xun Zhen smiled, read the letter, couldn't see two lines, the smile stopped, read the military newspaper ten lines at a time, put it aside, looked around the tent, sighed, and said, "If I material!"

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