The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 81: The general laughing is weak and courageous, and he should cut the blue ribbon to

Hu Zhen was in his 30s or 40s. He was from a good family. His family belonged to a wealthy family in Liangzhou. He was very famous in Liangzhou. Because of his good family background and the influence of the customs of the Qiang people, his diet was mostly meat and milk since he was a child. So they were born fat and strong. At this time, he rode on his horse, looked back, and laughed at Xun Zhen and Sun Jian's cavalry, who had been hanging at the back of his line for a long time.

He touched the long sideburns on the mount's neck, causing the mount to snort comfortably.

He said to the left and right: "Xun and Sun Shuzi, actually want to set up an ambush to attack me? Don't you know that I am guarding the three passes, and I have long been familiar with the surrounding terrain, so I had expected that the two of them would set up an ambush there. I already expected it, how could I be fooled by these two scumbags?"

Hu Zhen's remarks are not only true, but also a bit bragging.

"I have long been familiar with the surrounding terrain." He said it well. He has been responsible for guarding the three passes of Yique, Guangcheng and Taigu for several months. Of course, he already knows the terrain of this area very well. It was clear, but to say that he "expected that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian would be set up there" would not be true.

He was just guessing.

You know, a few months ago, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian went out of the county to attack, and he lost several consecutive battles. This time he rushed to help Taigu, so he had to be cautious, and he knew that if Xun Zhen and Sun Jian wanted to ambush him, the only one The best choice was that hill, so when he was approaching that hill, in order to be safe, he took a detour with his life and did not pass under the hill. As a result, I didn't expect that he was really fooled.

As the main general, he certainly couldn't say that he was blind, so he pretended to be in control of the bead of wisdom, predicting the enemy accurately, and said "I expected Xun Zhen and Sun Jian to set up an ambush there".

He heard about it in person, all of them praised them in unison, and said, "The general is a god!" He also said, "This aid to Taigu will definitely be successful, and even though Xun and Sun are arrogant, they will definitely make these two Shuzi look in vain. Guan Xingtan, sooner or later there will be no success."

Hu Zhen was complacent, but he was still worried after all. He turned his face back and looked at the distant Xun and Sun cavalry.

It wasn't until more than half an hour later that he received a report from the scouts, saying that Xun and Sun's cavalry had indeed returned to the military camp, and he finally felt relieved.

After bypassing the hill and going further, there was no room for ambush, and Hu Zhen led his troops to the west of Taigu Pass safely. Arriving in Kansai, Hu Zhenling chose a place to set up camp several miles away from Wu Jing and Sun Ben's camp.

When the camp is safe, Hu Zhen sent people to sneak to Guanzhong first, communicated with the guards in Guanzhong, and told the guards: I have sent troops to arrive, and Xu Rong is also coming. Sun Jian.

When Taigu Shou general got the news, he was overjoyed, and he rushed to order people to spread the news in the army. Lu Bu lost a great deal, his spirit has been lost, and he is expected to retreat soon."

Hearing the news of Hu Zhen's arrival, the morale of the Taigu defenders was lifted.

But it was said that in Hu Zhen's camp, the generals gathered in the commander's tent to discuss military affairs.

One of them held his head high and said in a loud voice: "General! Our army has arrived, and General Xu is also coming. The immediate plan should be to first defeat Wu Jing and Sun Ben's camp on the opposite side, so that we can wait for General Xu to arrive. Our army can form a battalion with other troops to fight against Xun and Sun together!"

Hu Zhen looked and saw that it was Hua Xiong, his general/general, who was speaking.

Taking Go as a comparison, Hu Zhen and Xu Rong are like two chess pieces. When the two pieces are connected together, of course, there will be more "qi" than when one piece is alone. The more it is, the harder it is for the enemy to kill it. And Wu Jing and Sun Ben's camp is between Hu Zhen and the upcoming Xu Rong, put it in Go, this is "break", use one of your own pieces to cut off the opponent's two pieces, and prevent them from letting them Connected, so that it has less "qi", which is beneficial to oneself and can be easier to win.

Hu Zhen and Hua Xiong didn't understand Go and couldn't "play", but the way of Go and the art of warfare were inextricably linked, so they didn't understand Go, but it didn't affect them at all. So comfortable, I want to take it off.

Hu Zhen agreed with Hua Xiong's opinion, but after pondering for a while, he said: "We only have ten thousand people, and we are only here, so we can't fight in waves, and after Xu Rong arrives, we will discuss the situation of Wu Jing and Sun Ben's camp. "

Hu Zhen was the main general, and what he said was the military order, and Hua Xiong and others agreed in unison.

The next afternoon, a military report came: Xu Rong and Lu Bu had arrived.

Xu Rong also brought thousands of cavalry, but this 10,000-foot cavalry included his own part, as well as Lu Bu's Bingzhou military part. Lu Bu had only brought two or three thousand cavalry in order to speed up the march. First, the rest of the troupe were temporarily handed over to Xu Rong. After Xu Rong met Lu Bu, he had already returned the soldiers of the Bingzhou Army to Lu Bu. Therefore, there are actually more than 5,000 people in Xu Rong’s army, and Lu Bu’s men Now it has increased to more than 6,000 people.

This time, Dong Zhuo mobilized Hu Zhen, Xu Rong, and Lü Bu to come to Taigu to help Taigu. The three of them were all middle-ranking generals, and their ranks were equal. However, when an army faced the enemy, it could not be without a leader. Therefore, together with the transfer order, Dong Zhuo dispatched at the same time. A military order was appointed, with Hu Zhen as the chief protector, Lü Bu as the cavalry commander, and Xu Rong as the foot commander, but Hu Zhen was the main commander, and Lü Bu and Xu Rong were supplemented.

Since Hu Zhen is the master, then Lu Bu and Xu Rong are here, and they should send people to see Hu Zhen and obey their orders.

But for some unknown reason, after Lu Bu and Xu Rong arrived at the east of Taigu Pass, they did not send anyone to see Hu Zhen.

Hu Zhen was quite dissatisfied. After waiting for a long time, he saw that there were still no envoys from Xu Rong and Lü Bu, so he took the initiative to send someone to question Xu Rong and Lü Bu's army. After sending the people, Hu Zhen waited for more than an hour, and the person who was sent to question him came back, along with the two envoys sent by Xu Rong and Lu Bu.

Hu Zhen immediately asked, "Why didn't the second generals Xu and Lu not send envoys to visit me and greet the military situation?"

The two envoys sent by Xu Rong and Lü Bu replied, "It's not that the second general did not send an envoy to come, but Sun Jian suddenly sent troops to advance, so the second general needs to deploy the position first to prevent Sun Jian from making a surprise attack."

Hearing this explanation, Hu Zhen understood a little and said, "On my way to Taigu, Xun and Sun Ershu tried to ambush and attack me, but I saw through them, but they made them ride thousands of paces without success."

There is a reason for Hu Zhen to mention this.

Lu Bu arrived early and fought against Sun Jian. First, he defeated Sun Jian's general Cheng Pu, and then he fought against Sun Jian for half a day. This military exploit is real. As the main general of this battle, Hu Zhen came later than Lu Bu, and so far there is still no military exploit to speak of. Therefore, in order to maintain his own dignity and stabilize his position, Hu Zhen deliberately made this. carry.

The two envoys sent by Xu Rong and Lü Bu replied: "General Qiaoying Xun and Sun Fubing, the two generals have learned from the military newspaper that they are both generals."

Hu Zhen laughed and said, "It's hard to tell the road at night, and thieves are haunted. You two should stay in my camp and go back tomorrow."

Among the two messengers, Xu Rong's messenger asked: "Before the villain came, General Xu ordered the villain to ask the general: Now that the reinforcements have arrived, when will the war start? How will the war start?"

Hu Zhen said: "I have Taigu for solidity, and Luoyang for support later. The food supply is abundant, and there is no need to change the loss. The one who is eager to fight is not with me, but with Xun and Sun, and I will wait for two days until I see Qing Xun and Xun. Sun situation, let's talk about the attack again."

Xu Rong's messenger said again: "General Xu said: Wu Jing and Sun Ben were blocked in the two battalions of the general and the second general, and it was really in the way. I asked the general for instructions, whether they should take out their Sun soldiers before attacking Xun and Sun Qian. Lose?"

"I also have this intention. Since the second general also has this intention, then tomorrow you two will go back and say to the second general, take a day off tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow you and I will work together to defeat Wu Jing and Sun Ben's camp first, and then attack and challenge. Xun, Sun."

The two messengers promised to rest in other tents since they were taken away.

Hua Xiong attended the battle again and said, "We will attack Wu Jing and Sun Ben in the future. Xiong is willing to strike first as the general."

Hua Xiong was a person who had scored in Yingchuan. Although he was only used by Dong Zhuo as a "virtual soldier" at the time, he thought it was a big military feat, and he even had a chance against Xun Zhen and Sun Jian. Not as serious as Hu Zhen, so he was eager to try and fought again and again.

Hu Zhen had no reason to refuse, and immediately complied with his request.

Early the next morning, the two envoys sent by Xu Rong and Lü Bu bid farewell to Hu Zhen, and took Hu Zhen to write to Xu Rong and Lü Bu, ordering them to "work together with their own families to defeat Wu Jing and Sun Ben tomorrow". Back to base camp.

After the two envoys left, Hu Zhen sat in the tent for a while, and took care of some military affairs. He felt that he should go out and watch the situation in the camps of Xun Zhen, Sun Jian, and the camps of Wu Jing and Sun Ben opposite, so he took his left and right and got up. Leaving the table, but just arrived at the entrance of the tent, suddenly I heard someone whispering outside the tent, I listened carefully, but I couldn't hear it clearly, and I vaguely heard that my name was mentioned.

Hu Zhen then went out of the tent, looked where the voice came from, and saw two guards.

When the two guards saw Hu Zhen coming out, they hurriedly closed their voices and stopped whispering.

Hu Zhen beckoned the two of them to come forward and asked, "What are you two whispering about just now?"

These two guards, you look at me, I look at you, and dare not answer.

Hu Zhen suddenly became suspicious, and asked again cheerfully, "Why don't you speak? No matter what the two of you said, let's talk."

The two guards still dared not answer.

Hu Zhen put away his warm face, showed his anger, and asked sharply: "You two mice! But you are discussing to throw Xun and Sun on my back?"

The two guards were taken aback and bowed down in dismay, saying, "The two villains are both from Liangzhou. They have been around the general for a long time.

Hu Zhen lowered his voice again and asked warmly, "Then what were you two talking about just now?"

The two guards still did not dare to speak.

Hu Zhen laughed and scolded: "As you two said, both of you are Liangzhou men, but how can you falter, like a woman? Is there anything you can't say, and I can't listen?"

"I'm afraid the general will be angry."

"Just say it, I'm not angry."

The two guards then replied, "I'll wait to hear that: General Lu said to General Xu after knowing that the general's plan was to fall back..., said..."

The so-called "smart calculation should be ambush", which is derived from Hu Zhen's pride that he "has not entered the circle of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian's ambush".

"What did General Lu say to General Xu?"

"Say: General has no guts."


"General Lu said: He used 3,000 cavalry to fight against Sun Jian's tens of thousands, while the general had tens of thousands of people, but he did not dare to fight against the thousands of soldiers of Xun and Sun. Therefore, he said: General has no courage."

Hu Zhen was furious, only to feel his anger rushing from his feet to the top of his head. He noticed that the surrounding guards were peeking at the situation here, thinking that they should have heard the obedience of himself and the two guards, and his anger immediately Turning into embarrassment again, he wanted to draw out his sword, but there was nothing to kill him, so he closed his eyes, took a long breath, and managed to suppress his anger and shame, and asked the two guards, "General Lu, is there anything you can do? How can you two know what General Xu said?"

"Didn't the general send Acheng to see the second generals Lu and Xu last night? These words were all heard by Acheng in the second general's department."

"Acheng" was the person Hu Zhen sent to see Lv Bu and Xu Rong last night. At the same time, this "Acheng" was also one of Hu Zhen's personal guards.

Hearing this, Hu Zhen knew that this was not a false rumor, it should be true. As soon as Ah Cheng can tell the story to the two guards in front of him, the two guards will also be able to tell the story to it won't take long, the whole The army will know: Lu Bu said that Hu Zhen has no courage.

This is a matter of Hu Zhenwei's dignity, how could he be at ease? The more I think about it, the more angry and embarrassed it becomes.

He pretended to laugh, and said: "General Lu, I know very well, this is his method of stimulating generals. Haha, before I came to the war, Xiangguo specially instructed me: I am ordered to be serious in everything. As the general of the three armies, how can I accept him? How dare I? In the end, if I have any courage, and when I fight with Xun and Sun in the future, I will ask General Lu to take a look, and he will know."

After he finished speaking, he stopped going to see the camp of Xun Zhen and others, and turned back to the tent.

When he got to the tent, he couldn't hold back his anger. He pulled out his sharp sword, slashed on the table, and said angrily to the left and right: "Lü Bu's traitor, who is qualified to speak of me? Xu Rong is not from Liangzhou. I knew he was unreliable! Sure enough! Now I am under the order of the prime minister to go out to punish Xun and Sun, and I have a lot of responsibilities. I can't say that I will cut one or two blue ribbons to show the military discipline of the Ming Dynasty and boost morale!"

The "Blue Ribbon" is the ribbon worn by Jiuqing, Zhong Erqianshi, and Erqianshi. In the army where Hu Zhen was present, only Hu Zhen, Lv Bu, and Xu Rong were qualified to wear the blue ribbon. Cutting "one or two green ribbons" to show discipline and boost morale, it's obvious who these "one or two green ribbons" refer to.

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