The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 87: I'm afraid it will be in danger

Blue sky and white clouds, the drumbeat of the battle is fast.

The fences of Huang Gai and Sun Ben’s camp were quite high, and the cavalry soldiers who rushed to the front of Gao Shun’s camp were all warriors, and their mounts were also known as good horses, but not all of them could pass the fence. A few, mostly people and horses, hit the fence directly.

Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camp had long since filled the ravines with the foot soldiers of the Lu tribe, and they called their spearmen forward. The spears were placed on the fence like a thorn in the forest. Those who could not cross the fence were the cavalry of the trap camp, or the horses. They were stabbed to death by spears, or even people were stabbed to death on the spot, but their mission had been completed. They had already used the force of the war horses to knock open a gap in the fence of Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camp.

There is a mound of earth behind the fence, a ditch behind the mound, and a sinkhole behind the ditch—speaking of which, Huang Gai and Sun Ben have done their best to make as much as possible in a short period of time. The fortifications were set up to deal with the attack of Dong Bing's infantry and knights, but once the fence was opened, as if the camp gate was opened, the knights in the Gaoshun camp and the remaining one or two hundred Lu's infantrymen rushed to each other regardless of their safety. In succession, it was like a wave of slams that kept coming up like a tide, and the mounds, ravines, and sinkholes behind them, like the ravine in front of the camp and this fence, would be conquered sooner or later. , and once these co-workers are all conquered, the next step is the hinterland of the camp with no guard co-workers.

If at that time, facing the enemy's iron cavalry, Huang Gai and Sun Ben's foot soldiers could only wait to die.

On Xun Zhen and Sun Jian's side, seeing that Gao Shun's side had already attacked the fences of Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camp first, and Hu Zhen's army to the west was also attacking the camp fence west of Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camp, Han Dang couldn't help but fight. : "General, the barracks have been broken, we can help!"

Sun Jian pressed his sword and looked at the battle situation from afar, and said, "Hu Zhen's army hasn't broken yet, don't worry, just wait."

Huang Gai and Sun Ben alone responded to Dong Bing's two-way attack, smoke and dust surrounded their camp, and the screams of the enemy and our soldiers could be heard from a distance.

The Sun Jian and Xun Zhen formations to the southeast of Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camp remained motionless, while Lv Bu and Xu Rong's main formation to the northeast and Hu Zhen's main formation to the west were occasionally mobilized by the army flags, either from the rear to advance, or from the front of the flanks. It can be seen that the main formations of these two Dong soldiers, like Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, are also watching the battle situation ahead, and according to the changes in the battle situation, Adjust the deployment as it progresses.

For example, if Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were like tigers lying quietly on the ground, then Lu Bu, Xu Rong, and Hu Zhen were two wolves eager to try and ready to save people.


Xuzhou formation.

Xu Rong watched the attack of Gao Shun and other soldiers in front of him for a long time, and turned his eyes to see the formation of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian in the distance.

He said to the left and right: "At this point in the battle, Xun and Sun Erhou are still not moving. They really have confidence in Huang Gai and Sun Ben!"

One person on the left and right said: "My formation has already broken through the Yellow and Sun Ying Gates, and has passed the mound behind the Yellow and Sun Ying Gates, and if I strike again for a while, I will surely trample into the hinterland of the Yellow and Sun Ying gates;  … It's just that the offensive on General Hu's side is a little weak." The speaker said this, looked up at the sky, and then continued, "It's been nearly an hour since the start of the war, but General Hu's side still hasn't defeated Huang, Sun's Yingzha, the attack speed is too late."

Xu Rong also felt that Hu Zhen's offensive was a bit soft and not hard enough, but he was careful and refused to accuse Hu Zhen in front of everyone, so he listened to the words of the person in the left and right, and just said: "General Lu, Fei The generals have a sharp offensive, so they will first break the camp gate; General Hu, the veteran general, is prudent in the battle and the offensive is heavy, so the camp gate may be broken later, but sooner or later, it will be broken."

There were people on the left and right, who asked, "General Lu Rui, General Hu Zhong, what about the general?"

"I'm not as sharp as General Lu, and not as serious as General Hu. Today's battle, I'm just talking about enough."

"How humble is the general!"

As they were talking, they suddenly heard a burst of cheers in the distance from the opposite side. Xu Rong and the others hurriedly looked over, but it was Hu Zhenbu's striker who finally broke through the barracks of Huang Gai and Sun Ben.

Some of Xu Rong's left and right were overjoyed, clapping their hands and saying, "The barricades on both sides of Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camp have been breached, and they will be defeated!"

Xu Rong looked cautious, and asked left and right: "Is the right wing of my formation safe?"


"Is my camp safe?"


"Pass our military orders, order the right wing and the camp to be more cautious, and be careful of Xun and Sun Erhou attacking me!"

The situation of Huang Gai and Sun Benying was in danger. According to common sense, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian should be about to come to the rescue. The best way to rescue is not to directly rescue Huang Gai and Sun Ben, but to attack Xu. Rong and Hu Zhen's home formation or camp.

Xu Rong's left and right responded: "Nuo." Separated people and went to meet Xun Zhen, Sun Jian's right wing and the camp behind him to give orders.


Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were in the camp.

Seeing that Hu Zhenbu also broke through Huang Gai and Sun Ben's barracks, this time, not only Han Dang was anxious, but Cheng Pu and Sun He couldn't bear it either, so the three of them called for battle: "General, if you don't help Gongfu and Boyang, , its camp will be destroyed!"

Sun Jian was silent, just watching the battle, ignoring them.


Huang Gai and Sun Ben are in the camp.

It can be seen that both sides of the camp have been breached, and the forward offensive of Dong's soldiers on both sides has not diminished, especially on Gao Shun's side. It was a bit unbearable to retreat, and it was about to collapse.

The lieutenant general of the battalion rushed to Huang Gai and Sun Ben's side, begging Huang and Sun to ask Sun Jian for help.

Sun Ben turned to look at Huang Gai and asked, "How is Sima Yi?"

Huang Gai's current military position is Sima of the other divisions. He said in a deep voice: "The general and Xunhou climbed high to watch the battle. This is the time when my generation is fighting. Although the bandit attack is fierce, the camp has not yet been broken, but it can still be resisted. How can we ask for help? ?" He said to Sun Ben, "Boyang, you are the general's subordinate. If you are here, the army will not be in chaos.

Sun Ben asked, "Where does Sima want to be attacked by thieves?"

"Hu Zhen's attack was a little sluggish, and Gao Shun's attack was very strong. I'll go to Dongying to supervise the battle."

Sun Ben said: "Sima, please go! With Ben here, there will be no chaos in the Xiying and the Central Army."

Huang Gai and Sun Ben said goodbye with a single bow, and only brought a dozen or so guards.


Dong Bing started the formation in the early morning, and began to attack at the end of the hour, and the offensive continued uninterrupted.

The sun has risen long ago, and now the sun is shining brightly, and it is quite warm on the body.

Xun Zhen, Sun Jian and the others still climbed high and faced the wind, but they also felt that the armor on their bodies became a little hot, and some people couldn't hold their breath. Seeing that Huang Gai and Sun Ben seemed to be defeated, Sun Jian and Xun Zhen still had no help. In other words, the forehead was sweating.

Wu Jing couldn't hold his breath anymore. He said, "General! It's time for help! I'd like to raise five hundred cavalry soldiers to charge Lv Bu and Xu Rong in the formation, so as to relieve the danger of Gongfu and Boyang."

Sun Jian said, "Although the gates of Gongfu and Boyang camp have been broken on both sides, Lü Bu, Xu Rong, and Hu Zhenzhi's main formations have not yet moved. Now is not the time to help."

Wu Jing said again: "The thieves are attacking very fiercely, and Bo Yang's strength will be exhausted! If we don't save him now, we will be in danger."

Sun Jian still refused.

Wu Jing asked again.

Sun Jian said angrily: "Boyang, what I love, the war today, the affairs of the country, how can I ruin the affairs of the country because of my selfish love!" He was very confident in Huang Gai, and said, "As long as the camp has a public overhaul, must be able to support.”


Huang Gai, Sun Benying.


Gao Shun's team broke through the barracks, the mounds, and the trenches behind the mounds in succession, and now there are only a few pits left to block their final attack.

After Huang Gai was trapped in the pit, he was not afraid of danger, facing Gao Shun's personally commanded his soldiers to resist.

The officers guarding the East Camp suffered heavy casualties. One of the Marquis Qu Jun was seriously wounded and was carried down. He asked the soldiers who carried him to carry him to Huang Gai, and reluctantly rolled to the ground, saying, "Sima! Two or three soldiers were killed and five or six wounded in the front line, so it's hard to support! Please Sima Su, please raise the flag, beat the drum, and light the smoke, and please come to the general and Xun Hou to help!"

Huang Gai was very angry, he lowered his head to look at the blood-covered Marquis Qu Jun, and said angrily: "The general and Marquis Xun intend to use my camp as the backbone, first defeat the thief's front, and then attack, the thief will be defeated, and now the thief's front will be defeated. I haven't been defeated yet, but your anger is already depressed? You are not dead yet, I am not dead yet, how can you ask for help? When I die, you can ask for help!" Looking around, he said decisively, "If you ask for help again, behead!"

The Marquis of Qu Jun stood up vigorously, pushed aside the soldiers who were supporting him, and said, "Since Sima is going to fight to the death, I will die in front of Sima!" .

Huang Gai watched him leave, and said loudly: "I will never let you die alone! I will fight with you!" Carrying a spear, he left the flag, but he went to the most resolutely with this Qu Junhou. front.

With Huang Gai's leadership and determination, he and the soldiers in Sun Ben's camp all fought to the death, and they did not collapse even though they were in danger.

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