The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 91: Removal of armor, abrasions, condolences, great tree, Sima

Xun Zhen and Sun Jian also prepared an army and ambushed at the southeast of Xu Rong and Lü Bu's camp.

However, Xu Rong and Lü Bu not only did not go to help Hu Zhen, but gradually retreated the soldiers who attacked Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camp, such as Gao Shun's "trapped camp", etc., and then gathered all the troops and slowly retreated to the main camp. .

Xun Zhen and Sun Jian saw that Xu Rong and Lü Bu had no chance to take advantage of them, so they transferred the troops back.

When this unit was transferred back, Xu Rong and Lü Bu were on their way back to the battalion.

Both of them saw the scene of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian returning from an ambush.

Lü Bu rode on his horse, and while riding with the team, he said to the left and right like a "prophet": "Xu Rong wanted to save Hu Zhen, but he didn't think carefully. I had expected that Xun and Sun would meet. After setting up an ambush for me, that's why I rejected Xu Rong and didn't go to save Hu Zhen!"

All the generals and the Sima said: "The general is wise!"

Only Gao Shun, who had just withdrawn from the front line, had a worried look on his face.

Lu Bu glanced at it and asked, "Why does the high school lieutenant look worried? Do you have any ideas?"

Gao Shun fought **** the front line for a long time. Although he was not seriously injured, he was at the forefront after all. There were a lot of arrows on his armor, and he was slightly injured, but he was really a tiger general. He rode his horse to Lv Bu's side and said worriedly: "General, if you don't save General Hu today, General Hu will be defeated. Even if he gathers the remnants after the war, he will probably not get much money. Without General Hu's thousands of cavalry , only relying on the generals and the generals Xu? ... I am worried that Taiguguan will not be able to defend!"

Without Hu Zhen's troops, Xu Rong and Lü Bu, excluding today's casualties, would only have 10,000 people left at most. After this great defeat, the remaining 10,000 people would be opposed to Xun and Sun's troops after the great victory. Fifty thousand people, no matter how you look at it, this Taigu Pass is difficult to defend.

Lu Bu was quite confident and said, "I only brought three thousand cavalry with me before Xu Rong and Hu Zhen came forward, so Sun Jian couldn't find the north. There are thousands of tigers and fighters in my army and the state army, both of which work together, without the need for Hu Zhen, and enough to fight against Xun and Sun, even if they are not victorious, they will not be defeated."

"But the general..."

"Lieutenant of the high school! Qing Yu is very brave in fighting thieves, how can you get down to the army, but you are not very courageous?"

Cheng Lian people heard this and burst into laughter.

In this atmosphere, Gao Shun had to shut up and remained silent.


Watching Xu Rong and Lu Bu slowly return to the camp, Sun Jian said regretfully, "It's a pity that Xu Rong and Lu Bu can't be brought together!"

"Wentai! Now that you have Long, you can look back to Shu?"

Sun Jian laughed.

Compared to Sun Jian's dissatisfaction, Xun Zhen was quite satisfied with the current victory.

The generals Xin Ai, Liu Deng, Cheng Pu, and Han Dang successively broke through Hu Zhen's main formation and main camp. Counting the results of the battle, they killed and wounded no less than 3,000 enemies in total, including the same number of prisoners. That is to say, after removing the enemies killed by the soldiers of Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camp, Hu Zhen's ten thousand cavalry finally escaped. Three thousand people.

Regardless, it was a big win.

Xun Zhen and Sun Jian recorded the military exploits of the generals, and then ordered the generals to return to their respective camps to heal the wounded.

Xun Zhen specially left Gan Ning, Ling Cao, and Pan Zhang behind, telling them to stay by her side, and said to them: "Today's battle, Qing and others will go forward bravely, break the battle and pull the flag, and everything that you fight and do will enter me. Look. In this battle, you should take the lead!"

From the beginning to the end of the battle, Gan Ning, Ling Cao, and Pan Zhang were always at the forefront of the charge. The three of them were also foot generals, and they had to have close contact and fight with the enemy. The fine armor protects the body, but each is also scarred.

Xun Zhen ordered the three of them to remove their armors, and told Dian Wei to send someone to bring warm salt water and wipe the wounds one by one for the three of them.

The reason why Gan Ning, Ling Cao, and Pan Zhang were able to make great achievements today, as the infantry, broke the formation at the same speed as the cavalry of Xin Ai, Zhang Fei, etc., was because of Xun Zhen. The reward was extremely high, but the most important thing was that the three of them were eager to make contributions, and at the same time, the three of them were all fierce generals in the world. In fact, under the circumstances at that time, only any of the three of them were sent One, is enough to break the formation of Hu Zhen, and the three of them are the same, it is really like three tigers coming out of the mountain, unstoppable.

As a result, Liu Deng, who was at the back, did not make any great achievements in today's battle.

Although Gan Ning, Ling Cao, and Pan Zhang were brave, Sun Jian did not envy Xun Zhen. The most conspicuous and the most credited in today's battle were not Gan, Ling, and Pan, nor was Gan, Ling, and Pan together in defeating them. Hu Zhen, Xin Ai, Liu Deng, Cheng Pu, and Han Dang from the camp, but Huang Gai and Sun Ben, especially Huang Gai. With such a strong general under the tent, why should Sun Jian be envious? Xun Zhen?

Dozens of soldiers came from a distance carrying a pair of soft couch and gradually approached.

Sun Jian saw who was on the soft couch, and without waiting for the soft couch to approach, he hurried forward to greet him in person.

Xun Zhen also saw it, put down the soft cloth in her hand, paused to wipe the wounds for the three of Gan Ning, smiled and said to the three of them: "The big tree Sima has arrived! You can see you with me in the past."

Among the twenty-eight heroes of the founding of this dynasty, there was a man named Feng Yizhe, who was called "General Big Tree". Gathering together, competing for merit and boasting, but he is the only one who is always alone under the tree in silence, not participating in it, not proud of his merit. The title "General Big Tree" was originally meant to praise Feng Yiqian's virtue of retreating, but Xun Zhen borrowed the word "big tree" and used it here, but it was obviously to praise Huang Gai for guarding the camp. And never fall.

Everyone quickly walked to the soft couch.

When they got close, everyone could see clearly that the soldiers who carried the soft couch and came over with the soft couch were all covered in blood.

Sun Jian ordered the soldier who carried the soft couch to put it down, and looked closely at Huang Gai, who was lying on the soft couch.

The armor on Huang Gai's body has been removed, and almost his whole body is covered with bandages, because the injuries all over his body are too severe, although the bandages are wrapped around him, it can't stop the blood seeping out, and the blood is all over the bed.

Huang Gai struggled to remember, Sun Jian held him down and prevented him from getting up. The advisor and Huang Gai came over with Sun Ben: "How much is Gongfu injured?"

Although Sun Ben was left in the middle camp by Huang to take command of the overall situation, but at the last critical moment, he also went into battle and was injured in many places, but it was far less serious than Huang Gai. He replied, "More than ten major injuries and more than twenty minor injuries."

Sun Jian sighed deeply, looked around at the surrounding generals and soldiers, and said, "If I were in the camp, I would not be as good as Gongfu!" He bent down, stroked Huang Gai, who was lying on the soft couch, and summoned Sun Ben to come over and said: : ""The victory of the battle now lies in Erqing, and it is still in the verdict. "

Xun Zhen stood beside Sun Jian, smiled and said to Huang Gai, "Chu Wentai said to me: If you have a ruler, the camp will not be lost. I still don't believe it. I believe it now! I know the great tree Sima's divine power! It's really the mainstay."

Xin Ai, Liu Deng, Zhang Fei, Cheng Pu, Han Dang and other generals who had all returned to their camp just now heard that Huang Gai had arrived, and they all came to Sun Jian's camp to see Huang Gai, whether they were familiar with Huang Gai. Those who were familiar with, or were not familiar with, and even those who had never met Huang Gai before, all expressed their admiration to Huang Gai. Not only the generals who participated in today's battle came to see Huang Gai, but the generals who did not participate in the war, such as Jiang Qin, Gao Su, Chen Wu, Chen Dao, Zang Hong, etc. from Xunying, also came. There were also many Sun Jian Zhongjun. The soldiers also took the time to come and watch from a distance. Xun Zhen's phrase "Sima of the big tree" has already spread, and they all said: "Come and see the Sima of the big tree."

For a time, Huang Gai arrived at the camp, and the camp was full of boiling. According to legend, it was "big tree Sima".

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