The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 96: Jia Xu worried about Shandong's comeback, Dong Zhuo's desire for peace

Luoyang. [Please go to the latest chapter of this book]

Not long after Xun Zhen and Sun Jian captured Taigu Pass, Lu Bu, who had fled overnight, brought his headquarters to Dong Zhuo's camp.

Hearing of Lu Bu's defeat, Dong Zhuo was shocked and hurriedly called him in. He immediately said, "Hu Zhen and Xu Rong are both my brave generals, and you are also a tiger minister, but why did you lose to Xun and Sun in one battle?"

"Hu Zhen was careless. First, he lost his base camp, and then he lost his control, and then lost Xu Rong and my camp, so he was defeated."

"Where are Hu Zhen and Xu Rong?"

"When the three armies were defeated, they were running away. When Hu Zhen and Xu Rong were defeated, I wanted to fight again with the whole army, but there was nothing I could do. Hu Zhen and Xu Rong didn't know where they were going."

Although Dong Zhuo treated Lu Bu well, it was only a means to win over the state army. When it comes to trust and affection, compared with Hu Zhen and Xu Rong, they were separated by a layer. Hearing Lu Bu say this, Dong Zhuo's face didn't change, and his heart didn't change. But really suspicious.

He thought: "I heard Hu Zhen's previous report, saying that Lu Bu was very domineering in the army, and he insulted Hu Zhen and Xu Rong several times behind his back... Lu Bu could betray and kill Ding Yuan, and he could betray if he didn't say well. Kill me! Hu Zhen and Xu Rong are both powerful generals, especially Xu Rong. In the past, it was rare to see defeats, but now they joined forces, but they were defeated by Xun Zhen and Sun Jian. Among them...? Will there be any? Because of Lu Bu's rebellion?"

With such doubts in his heart, Dong Zhuo didn't say anything. He asked Lu Bu again, "Can Taigu be lost?"

Lü Bu was not a delicate person. He didn't see Dong Zhuo's mental activity at all. He thought he had deceived him to pass the test. He replied, "At the time of the defeat, Taigu survived.

Dong Zhuo ordered: "Send people to Taigu Pass, check the checkpoint, and then check the whereabouts of Hu Zhen and Xu Rong."

The left and right were ordered, and someone went out to arrange for a scout to visit the horse.

Dong Zhuo would not act rashly until things were clarified.

He warmly said to Lv Bu: "Fengxian, even though I have suffered a small defeat today, as long as Taigu is still there, it will be fine. I see that you will be exhausted after running all night, but you can go to rest first, and wait until I get too tired. After Gu's news, I will call you to discuss the matter."

Lü Bu answered his promise, got up from the ground, looked at the many literati and school captains who were sitting in the tent, bowed his hands to them, and said to Dong Zhuo: "Bu has retired first. If the Prime Minister sends you, please feel free to do so at any time. You can send people to find me in our army."

Seeing Lu Bu go out carelessly, one of the people in the seat stood up and said to Dong Zhuo, "The prime minister treats Lu Bu like a son, but now he is defeated, but Lv Bu seems to have nothing to do with it. . . . Righteousness cannot be reused!"

Dong Zhuo saw that the speaker was Yang Ding.

Yang Ding, like Hu Zhen, both came from a big family in Liangzhou and was very famous in Liangzhou.

Dong Zhuo and his group of Liangzhou soldiers grew up in the borderlands and had been in contact with the Qiang Hu for a long time, so they had long been regarded as "the Qiang Hu's family" by the scholars and officials in the court, thinking that they were ignorant of kindness and righteousness. In Yang Ding's mouth, Lu Bu was "I don't know kindness".

This shows that in the eyes of Yang Ding and others, they do not approve of Lü Bu's killing of Ding Yuan in order to seek glory. Second, it can be seen that although Lü Bu was favored by Dong Zhuo, he was like Xu Rong, because he was not born in Liangzhou. Because of this, he was naturally excluded from the general school of Liangzhou nationality. (Marshmallow Novel Network Www.MianHuaTang.Cc provides Txt free download)

Dong Zhuo was silent.

Another person in the seat stood up and said, "Lu Bu is a tiger and wolf in Bingzhou. The prime minister still needs to use his power to control the soldiers of Bingzhou. Therefore, in my opinion, even if he is at fault, he should not be punished at this time."

Dong Zhuo looked and saw that it was Jia Xu who was speaking.

Dong Zhuo was convinced of Jia Xu's ingenuity, nodded and replied, "Wen He is right."

Dong Zhuo paused, and then said to the generals: "All the generals in Guandong are not afraid, but Xun Zhen and Sun Jian are a little sharp. Now Xun and Sun are attacking me, and I should not be underestimated. When using people, Feng Xian and tiger generals are also. , I'm about to borrow its power, you can't talk nonsense again in the future!"

All the generals in the tent stood up and complied.

Li Ru was also in the tent, and he asked Dong Zhuo: "General Hu is defeated, and Taigu is still in danger! The prime minister must make plans early."

Dong Zhuo agreed and said, "When the scouts get the news and come back, I will send reinforcements to Taigu."

After waiting for a long time, it was almost evening when the scouts sent out came back.

Dong Zhuo summoned him to see him and asked about the situation in Taigu.

The scout replied, "Taigu was deceived by Xu Rong, and Xun Zhen and Sun Jian's troops have already entered the pass."

Dong Zhuo asked, "Did you cheat by Xu Rong?"

"After yesterday's defeat, Xu Rong surrendered Xun Zhen and asked Ying to deceive Taigu Pass for Xun Zhen."

Dong Zhuo was furious, slapped the table and scolded: "Xu Rong Shuzi! Someone told me earlier that he was an old friend of Xun Zhen, and he was afraid of having two ambitions. Because of believing in him, I didn't kill him or take away his military power, but now he really betrays me!... The defeat of Hu Zhen and Lu Bu must have been because Xu Rong, a scorpion, betrayed me!"

After a moment of temper, Dong Zhuo asked the scout, "Is there any news about Hu Zhen?"

"General Hu was defeated and captured, killed by Xun Zhen."

Dong Zhuo sighed and said, "Hu Zhen is still loyal!"

Hu Zhen was killed by Xun Zhen, Chang Li came, this must be because Hu Zhen refused to surrender, but how could Dong Zhuo know what Hu Zhen looked like before he died begging for life?

At this time, the people sitting in the tent were still those in the morning. Yang Ding and Hu Zhen were equally famous in Liangzhou. They had a good relationship. He got up and said, "General Hu died without giving in, and the Prime Minister should reward him."

"Qing Yan is very true. Order: reward Hu Zhen's family five hundred gold."

Hu Zhen has a son, and he is also in the army with him. There is no news so far. I think it is the same as Hu Zhen, who died in the war. Since he has no children, he can only reward his family with some money.

Someone in the account went out to give orders, and someone else went to send money to Hu Zhen's house.

After scolding Xu Rong, dealing with Hu Zhen's funeral, and venting all kinds of emotions such as anger and sadness, Dong Zhuo began to worry.

In the seat, Jia Xu saw Dong Zhuo's thoughts, got up and said, "Xiangguo, Taigu has been lost now, I don't know what countermeasures Xiangguo has?"

"Wenhe, what do you think?"

"Once Taigu is lost, there will be no obstacle from Taigu to Luoyang, and it will take two days to reach over a hundred li. Just as Xiangguo said in the morning, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian are quite sharp, both of them are well-known soldiers. Since Sichuan, we have won several battles in a row, and now we have won Taigu again, and our morale is very high, north and south of Luoyang, and now there are Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu who are staring at each other.

When Taigu is lost, the tens of thousands of people under Xun Zhen and Sun Jian is a small matter, but the Shandong generals in Jizhou, Luyang, and even Chenliu are a big deal. In case they see something cheap, they will start an army again and take the entire Shandong. The power of the prefectures and prefectures came in large numbers, but it was impossible for Dong Zhuo's current troops to reject the isolated city of Luoyang, which had been burnt down by Dong Zhuo and whose people had been relocated.

Dong Zhuo frowned and said, "The two of them are aggressive and want to take my life, even if I don't want to fight, what about the two of them!"

"The world is bustling, and what you do is nothing more than two words."

"What two words."

"One is for profit and the other is for fame."

If Dong Zhuo realized something, he said, "What does Wen He mean?"

"Since Wu can't be an enemy for the time being, why doesn't the prime minister use softness to win over him?"

"How to win over?"

"Xunzhen had previously asked Xiangguo to send the coffin of the old Sikong Xun Shuang to Yingchuan, but Xiangguo refused at that time. Now he might as well agree and give Xunzhen a prominent position; Sun Jian's wife is not from a famous family. In addition, he will be given a prominent position. In this way, there will be both kindness and righteousness for them, as well as a real position for them, or they may be able to make peace with them temporarily."

Dong Zhuo said: "I will follow the words of the Qing." That is, a decree was written, Li Jue was ordered, and he ordered to see Xun Zhen and Sun Jian to discuss peace.

Li Jue took the imperial edict and ordered three thousand troops to leave Luoyang and head towards Taigu Pass.

A day later, when they arrived at the gate, Li Jue lined up outside, and he immediately closed the gate.

Not long after, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian heard the news and came to the gate together.

Li Jue got off his horse, raised his head and shouted, "Following the order of the Prime Minister, I have come to pay homage to the Marquis of Yingyin and Wucheng."

Xun Zhen looked behind Li Jue, and saw that he didn't bring many men and horses, and then looked at Li Jue's body, and saw that he didn't have any weapons, only wearing armor and a waist sword. The memory of the Three Kingdoms immediately guessed Li Jue's intention.

He smiled at Gu Sunjian and said, "This must be Dong Zhuo's desire for peace."

Sun Jian still didn't quite believe it, and said, "Begging for peace?"

"You and I will know when we see him."

Xun Zhen and Sun Jian ordered to open the door and let Li Jue in.

The three meet.

Li Jue bowed to the ground, gave the imperial decree, and said to Xun Zhen and Sun Jian: "The court's decree: to worship the Marquis of Yingyin as the captain of Sili, and the Marquis of Wucheng as the executive of Jinwu. Also, the prime minister is willing to send the coffin of the old Sikong Xun Gong. Returning home, I would like to marry Wu Chenghou as a daughter."

Xun Zhen guessed Dong Zhuo's intention to send Li Jue here, but did not expect Dong Zhuo to be so "generous".

Let’s talk about Sun Jian’s side first. Zhijinwu is the highest security officer in charge of the capital. Ding Yuan has held this position. He ranks 2,000 stones. Although he is not Jiuqing, he is equal to Jiuqing. Some people regard Zhijinwu, general as master craftsman, The three high-ranking positions of Da Changqiu are side by side with Jiuqing, and they are simply called "Twelve Ministers".

Giving Sun Jian the position of Jinwu is already a very preferential treatment, but it is not enough. Dong Zhuo is also willing to betrothed his daughter to Sun Jian. Dong Zhuo has only one son, who has died of illness and left him with a granddaughter. In other words, Dong Zhuo Now he has neither son nor grandson, no direct descendants to inherit his position and power, then there is no son or grandson to inherit, and only his brothers, relatives and sons-in-law can inherit everything he has. In other words, if Sun Jianru agreed to Dong Zhuo's "Xu Nv", he would have a great chance to inherit everything Dong Zhuo had.

Besides, on Xun Zhen's side, although the rank of Colonel Sili is not as good as that of Jinwu, Colonel Sili has great power. He is in charge of Gyeonggi and even has jurisdiction over hundreds of officials. Shi Zhongcheng had a separate seat together, and they were collectively called "Three Alone Sitting". At that time, Yang Qiu was the captain of Sili, and he killed the eunuch. In the end, he was a victim of the eunuch, so some people slandered Emperor Ling and wanted to change him to be. Wei Wei, Yang Qiu asked to see Emperor Ling at the time, but he didn't say anything. He just asked Emperor Ling to let him be the Sili school captain for another month, so that he could have time to kill the evil eunuch, so he could see the Sili school. Wei's power is great.

Jin Wu and Sili Xiaowei, one oversees the security of Kyoto, and the other oversees the Gyeonggi area. They are both "heroic positions". Dong Zhuo worships Sun Jian and Xun Zhen respectively for these two positions. It seems that he has made a lot of money, but If you think about it, it's actually not the case. Luoyang is now in ruins. The emperor and the officials are all in Chang'an. Even if Xun Zhen and Sun Jian accepted these two positions, they would not be able to play any role.

Xun Zhen asked Sun Jian, "Does the general want to marry Dong Zhuo's daughter?"

Sun Jian sneered and replied, "Dong Zhuo, a national traitor, I wish I could eat his flesh and sleep his skin, so how can I marry his daughter?"

Xun Zhen asked Sun Jian again, "Then the general wants to hold Jin Wu?"

"As long as I can get rid of Dong Zhuo, I can go back to my hometown to work as a farmer. How would I want to hold Jinwu?"

After hearing Sun Jian's answer, Xun Zhen said to Li Jue, who was still kneeling on the ground, "Have you heard Sun Hou's answer?"

Li Jue asked, "I don't know what Xunhou means?"

"What do you mean by asking me? I'll tell you my answer: So Sikong is my Of course I hope his coffin can be buried in his hometown, but this is just a private matter of my Xun family, I can't Privately abolish the public! You go back and tell Dong Zhuo that if you want me and Sun Hou to quit the army, as long as he kills himself to thank the world, Sun Hou and I will quit the army and return to the county."

Li Juenne didn't dare to speak.

Xun Zhen said: "You are here to envoy, Sun Hou and I will not kill you, go back and return to your life!"

Looking up to see Xun Zhen and Sun Jian Weiyi, the sunlight shined through, making them look like gods, Li Jue didn't dare to say a word, lay on the ground and retreated for a long time, then got up and retreated in embarrassment.

Sun Jian and Xun Zhen stepped back to the juncture, watching Li Jue lead the troops away.

Sun Jian looked in the direction of Luoyang, and said to Xun Zhen: "You and I have rested here for two days, and the troops and horses can resume the battle! From here to Luoyang, it is only a hundred miles away, and it will arrive day and night. Luoyang!"

Xun Zhen knew that he had no choice but to look in the direction of Luoyang and said with a smile: "After Taigu, Dong Zhuo was so frightened that he sent Li Jue to negotiate peace with you and me, which shows how weak the morale of Dong's soldiers is. Wentai, this attack on Luoyang is sure to win. "

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