The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 107: Guan Gaili Zhong'an generals should be the first to attack


All the generals under Xun Zhen's command, who had outstanding military exploits in the past and were highly qualified, were often designated as school captains by Xun Zhen on the eve of the meeting with Dong. "A general in the line", now the troubled times are coming, Xunzhen can be said to have just started "business", Xuzhou has not yet been able to get it, and now there is only one county in Guangling, so it is no longer possible to give "official positions" to the generals. After being promoted, the official position cannot be further promoted, so it can only be rewarded in the house, field, money, and goods. @@diǎn@小@ said, ..o

The previous Yellow Turban Rebellion led to the demise of many people in Guangling County. There are many uninhabited houses in the county, and many empty houses without owners. Xun Zhen issued an order in the name of the county government to clear the borders of the county government. In a "li" above, all the households who originally lived in this "li" were ordered to move out and relocate to those empty houses without owners, and depending on the distance of the place where they were relocated, they were given a certain amount of money. Compensation, and then assign this vacated "li" to the county government, and according to the military exploits of the generals, give them the houses in the "li" respectively.

In Zhao and Wei County, Xun Zhen did not do such a thing, but now in Guangling, he has specially set aside a "li" to house generals in the army and officials in the government. This is for two reasons.

One reason is that at the time of Zhao and Wei, the world was not in chaos, and Xun Zhen was not sure whether Zhao and Wei would become the foundation of his career, so he did not think of giving generals and officials a place in Zhao and Wei. However, today the world is in chaos, and Guangling has obviously become the place where Xun Zhen started his career, so in order for the generals and literati to conquer him with peace of mind, Xun Zhen needs to give them a home.

Another reason is: for the same reason as the previous one, because the world was not in chaos during the time of Zhao and Wei, many generals and literati had no intention of staying in Zhao and Wei’s house, and most of them followed Xun Zhen alone. , and now it is not the case, the world is in chaos, the generals and officials, no matter how brave or wise they are, fundamentally speaking, they are all members of the "family", and they will definitely think about the safety of their own family. Therefore, one after another, many people took their family members to Guangling. In this way, from the perspective of personal needs, Xun Zhen also needed to give them a home.

Putting the two reasons together, "giving homestead" is necessary.

It took more than half a month for the selected "li" to be vacated, and the generals and literati who had meritoriously been given the residence moved in. For a time, all those who lived in this "li" were famous officials and generals under Xun Zhen's tent: such as Xun Cheng, Xun Yu, Xun You, Xun Chen, etc., such as Xu Zhong, Xin Ai, Zhao Yun, Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, etc. , Guan Yu, Liu Deng, Chen Bao, Chen Dao, Chen Wu, Wen Ping, Jiang Qin and other generals, including Gan Ning, Ling Cao, Pan Zhang, Yao Ban and other newcomers also got a house, another example Xi Zhicai, Chen Qun, Cheng Jia, Yao Sheng, Xuan Kang, Xu Zhuo, Guo Jia, Luan Gu, Chen Yi and other scribes also moved into this "li" with their families. Those whose family members received Guangling also sent people to their hometowns to pick up their family members.

These people who moved in and lived here were almost all of the high-ranking officers and civil servants under Xunzhen's tent. The people who came in and out of the door every day were full of armor and high crowns, and they suddenly became the entire Guangling County, and even the One of the most eye-catching places in Xuzhou.

This place originally had a name, but since Xi Zhicai, Xun Cheng, etc. moved in, because all the people who came in and out were Xun Zhen's senior officials and important officials, they gradually got an alias, and they were called "Guan Gaili" for Guangling people. With the spread of the name "Guan Geli", the real name here was forgotten and no one called it anymore.

The mansion was given to him, and Xun Zhen also distributed the land to the meritorious generals.

Granting houses and fields seems to be purely a reward for merit and deeds, but after careful consideration, Xun Zhen did this mainly for political reasons: as mentioned above, Xun Zhen wanted to make Guangling , Xuzhou was regarded as the place to start, but most of the generals and literati under his account were not from Guangling. Among them were Yingchuan, Zhao, Weijun, Dongjun, Nanyang, most of them were From different places, there are not many people who live in Guangling, so in order to make them feel at ease, they need to have a solid feeling of "no worries", only with this feeling will they be sure of themselves Follow Xun Zhen to conquer the world, so how do you give them such a feeling? Obviously there is only one way, and that is to give them a home in Guangling. Having a house, having a field, and having family members by your side, isn't it that you have a "home" in Guangling? With a home here, they will be at ease and at ease.

The house and land were given, and Xun Zhen also gave money and silk according to the merits of the generals.

This entire rewarding process took more than a month to end.

After rewarding the generals for their military exploits, Xun Zhen followed, and the second thing he did when he returned to Guangling was to abolish the trilogy.

After he proposed to abolish the part, someone under his account raised objections.

But it was Wen Zhi who proposed it from his father, Wen Zhi.

Wen Zhi said: "At Yingchuan, Sun Hou said that Wenqian was the prime minister of Xiapi. Now the general has returned to Guangling for more than a month, and Zherong is still in Xiapi. If Xiapi cannot be obtained, what Sun Hou said is nothing. It’s hard to raise more troops, so it is necessary to abolish the troops, but in my humble opinion, why don’t we first defeat Zherong, take Xiapi, and then discuss the abolition?” After a pause, he said, “Wen generals cut Soldiers, I only want to keep 15,000 people, if we wait for Xiapi, and then lay them off, if there is more land in the county of Xiapi, we may be able to lay off some fewer people."

Xun Zhen said: "What the lord said is very true, but if you take down Pi, Tao Gongzu may send troops. Once Tao Gongzu sends troops, it will inevitably turn into a war, and our soldiers have been fighting for a long time. There's a war."

"When is the general going to take down Pi?"

"In order to seek Dong, I left Guangling for more than half a year, and I haven't been in the county for a long time. At this time, internal affairs should be the priority. I plan to govern internal affairs first, and then discuss taking down Pi."

"I heard that Tao Gongzu has 30,000 soldiers and horses, and he is sitting in the land of the three counties. General, will not take advantage of Dong Dasheng's momentum to advance to Xiapi until the coming day? I am quite worried."

Wen Zhi was justifiably worried.

Tao Qian controls the three counties, and his people, financial resources, and food resources are far superior to Xun Zhen. He currently has 30,000 state soldiers under his command, and after Xun Zhen abolishes his ministries, Xun Zhen will only have 15,000 soldiers left. man, then Tao Qian would be far superior to Xun Zhen in terms of military strength. Xun Zhen didn't take advantage of the fact that there were a lot of soldiers in the battle, and waited until after the trilogy had been abolished in the future to take down Pi. No matter how you looked at it, the odds of winning were not as good as they are now.

Xun Zhen had thought about taking down Pi for a long time, and had discussed it with Xi Zhicai, Xun You, Xun Yu, etc., and had already made a decision.

He said to Wen Zhi: "The Duke's clan is Nanyang You's surname. Let me ask the Duke: If the prefect of Nanjun wants to take Nanyang, what does the guild think?"

Nanjun is also a county in Jingzhou. It is to the south of Nanyang County, and the two counties are adjacent to each other.

Wen Zhi said: "If the prefect of Nanjun wants to take Nanyang, what will I think?"

What else could he think? The first thought is of course: why did the prefect of Nanjun come to take Nanyang? The second thought that followed was: Once Nanyang fell into war, as a native of Nanyang, the interests of his Wen family would probably be damaged.

Xun Zhen asked again, "Between Nanjun and Nanyang, what choice will the Duke make?"

Wen Zhi came to his senses, understood what Xun Zhen meant, and said, "General's meaning is: Before taking down Pi, you must win the support of Xiapi's surname?"

If you can't get the support of Xiapi's surname first, then for the benefit of this family, Xiapi's surname is very likely to stand with Zherong and "jointly defend against foreign invasion". Until then, with Xiapi's whole heart on the inside, and Tao Qian's assistance to Cheng Rong outside, Xun Zhen's taking down Pi will be difficult and difficult, even if he can take it down by force, without the support of Xiapi's surname, in the future. Governing Xiapi will also be difficult.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Not only do you have to get the support of the right surname of the Xiapi Guan clan first, but also the acquiescence of the big surname in the prefecture."

At this time, although it has been hundreds of years since the era of Great Unification, the Confucian concept of "Great Unification" has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The traffic is inconvenient, so the regional concept of each state and county is still very serious. Xun Zhen is an outsider and can honestly be the prefect of Guangling, but once he wants to start a battle on the ground of Xuzhou, then the local tyrants of Xuzhou will be surnamed. For the benefit of their respective will definitely have an opinion on this.

If Xun Zhen aroused unanimous opposition from the powerful surnames in Xuzhou, would Xun Zhen still want to get Xuzhou again? That was pure dreaming.

It was for this reason that when Zhang Hong offered to assist Xun Zhen, Xun Zhen was really happy.

Zhang Hong is not an ordinary celebrity. He is not only famous in Guangling, but also in the whole Xuzhou, and even the neighboring Yang and Jing are very famous and appealing. With Zhang Hong's help, it is foreseeable that even if he has no military Talent, a useful strategy can't come up, but as long as he is on Xun Zhen's side, when Xun Zhen officially begins to compete with Tao Qian for Xuzhou, it will inevitably reduce a lot of resistance.

Wen Zhi said: "I have heard that 'the way of using troops, the whole country is the best, and the next is breaking the country'; As a last resort'. Now that I hear the general's strategy, I know what these two words mean!"

People rely on people to gain the world, and people rely on people to rule the world. To conquer cities and territories by brute force and force alone, even if you can get them for a while, you will eventually lose them. It's the same sentence: Military is the continuation of politics. In the process of conquering the world, military means are necessary, but not the first, nor the only, the most important thing is politics, or people's hearts, or in other words: people's hearts.

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