The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 124: Liu Bei was sent to Pengcheng and Guo Jia planned to force Xue Li (3)

Back in the camp, Liu Bei asked about Que Xuan.

Going online with Que Xuan, although Guo Jia did it alone, Guo Jia is not a greedy person. Although he is not very old, because of his humble background, he understands the importance of interpersonal relationships, so he does not take Xun Zhen as his own. He was arrogant because of his favor, but he took the initiative to give some of the credit to Liu Bei and Jian Yong. Therefore, when Que Xuan's messenger came, Jian Yong participated in the whole meeting and knew the details of the whole process.

In fact, Liu Bei also knew something about this meeting, but he only knew that Que Xuan's messenger was coming, but he didn't know the outcome of the meeting. -- When Que Xuan's messenger came to Dongyang, he hadn't left the camp yet. Because Xunzhen's order to summon the army stipulated a clear date for the arrival of the government, he really wanted to stay for a few more days, and after this matter had been discussed, he would go to the county government. Xun Zhen explained the matter clearly in person, showing that he had participated in it.

Jian Yong said: "Ze Rong is in the county, he is doing great things about Buddhism, and he receives extensive donations. The Que Xuan family is a strong man in the south of the county, and he is especially exploited. He has a long-standing resentment towards Zhe Rong. , now I hear that my department can help it, I can't ask for it."

"So, the matter is settled?"


"Okay, okay!" Liu Bei was overjoyed, got up from the seat, walked into the tent, rubbed his hands and paced, and asked Jian Yong, "How many soldiers can Que Xuan gather?"

"The Que clan is a noble family in the south of the county, with a large number of disciples and disciples. In the past, the Yellow Turban was in chaos, and some people in his family participated. Now, although the Yellow Turban has been destroyed, the embers still exist. Thousands of soldiers."

Que Xuan resented Zhe Rong. One was because he was exploited too much, and the other was a bit of a "fight between Buddhism and Taoism". Since there were people in his family who participated in the Yellow Turban uprising, it can be seen that even if he is not a follower of Taiping Taoism, he must be peaceful and peaceful. Dao is somewhat related. There are quite a few disciples and disciples in his clan, plus those Taiping Dao believers who survived in Xiapi County, it is not difficult to gather two thousand troops.

However, once Xun Zhen entered Xiapi, he would be greeted by Tao Qian, the great enemy. Two thousand soldiers without military training could not play a big role, so Liu Bei immediately asked him what he was most concerned about. Question: "May Xu County get what I get?"

Xu County is a county in Xiapi County. It is located a little south of the central part of Xiapi County. To the east are lakes such as Fuling Lake (that is, the predecessor of Hongze Lake in later generations), and to the south is Huai Shui.

In the future, when Xun Zhen marched into Xiapi, this Xu county would be a key point in determining success or failure, or in other words, whether Xun Zhen could win quickly.

Why do you say that?

This starts with the location of Xiapi County.

Xiapi County is located in the northwest of Guangling and south of Donghai County, where Tan County is located.

Secondly, we should start with the geographical shape of Xiapi County.

For example, according to the Huai River running through Xiapi, Xiapi can be divided into two parts: north and south.

The south of the Huai River is one part, and the north of the Huai River is one.

For example, according to the population and the number of counties, Xiapi can be divided into two parts: east and west.

The west is the part to the west of Guangling County. It is narrow from east to west and long from north to south. Most of the counties in Xiapi County are gathered in this part; three counties.

The county boundary between Guangling and Xiapi is about 8/900 li long. Half of the 8/900 li county boundary is in the west of Guangling, bordering Xiapi from east to west, from north to south, about three Four hundred li, the other half is in the north of Guangling, bordering Xiapi from north to south. From west to east, it is also about three or four hundred li. Judging from the length of the county boundary, it seems that there will be many Xunzhen attacking Xiapi in the future. You can choose the direction of your attack. In the county boundary that is eight/nine hundred miles long, where can you not attack?

But because of the location and terrain of Xiapi County, it was decided that Xun Zhen could only choose the attack location from the west of the county in the future.

the reason is simple.

Two reasons.

First of all, most of the counties in Xiapi County are in the west of Guangling County. Sending troops from the county boundary to the west of Guangling can quickly occupy the territory, population, and grain, so as to obtain powerful supplies of troops, grain, etc., and achieve a war. The purpose of fighting.

Secondly, the north of Xiapi is the East China Sea, and Xiapi is sandwiched between Guangling and the East China Sea, that is to say, this part in the north of Guangling County is narrow from north to south, long from east to west, and there is a natural danger of Huai River flowing through, then That is to say, if Xun Zhen launched an attack from the south of the county, he would soon encounter Tao Qian's reinforcements, and he would even be blocked on the south bank of the Huai River. unfavorable situation.

Because of these two reasons, Xun Zhen's best choice in the future can only be to choose an attack location from the western front of Guangling County.

Since Xun Zhen's best choice was to dispatch troops from the west of Guangling County, then the importance of Xu County was highlighted.

Xu County is the northern county closest to the Huaishui and Fuling Lakes in this part of the west of Xiapi. If this county can be occupied quickly, then the Fuling Lakes and Huaishui, the two southern parts of Xiapi County. The natural barrier will no longer exist, and Xun Zhen's troops will be able to drive straight in and attack the north of the county.

Therefore, when Guo Jia came to Dongyang, he actively explored the situation in the western counties of Xiapi, especially Xu County, and therefore actively connected with Que Xuan.

For this reason, Liu Bei was most concerned about whether Xu County could be taken down by Que Xuan.

Jian Yong said: "Que Xuan is not a native of Xu County, but Xu County is in the south of Xiapi County, and there is only a Huai River separated from Que Xuan's family. Therefore, Que Xuan has many contacts with Xu County's tyrants and Qingxia, and has a married family in Xu County. Listening to his messenger, I have six points of confidence that I should respond."

"Six points? No, the grasp is too small."

Liu Bei is not someone who dares not gamble. In normal times, let alone six points, he is sure of three or two points. He also dares to give it a try, but the capture of Xu County is too important, in order to be beautiful. To make a great contribution brightly, you must have at least eight points of confidence.

He turned around in the tent twice, made up his mind, and said, "On the day when the army is dispatched, I will send Chang Yun to take my swordsmen to a meeting with Que Xuan. First, they will enter Xu County and help the monarch and prince to take the city!"

Jian Yong nodded and said, "Yunchang is an enemy of ten thousand people, and all the guests under your sect are tigers. If you have them, you can increase your confidence by two points. It's just that these disciples have been raised by the lord over the years. If sent to Xu County, there may be a lot of casualties. How should I ask the prince on the day of the army, and ask the prince to select the warriors in the army, sneak to Xu County, and respond to me? In this way, we can gain merit and reduce losses. "

"Xianhe, the kind of credit you mentioned is too small. If you want to make great achievements, you have to do it yourself. There are many tigers in the world, but there are few opportunities to make great achievements. If you can make great achievements because of this, why do you cherish warriors?"

When he said this, Liu Bei was just pacing to the door of the tent. He stood on his feet and looked outside the tent. When he saw that there was no one outside the tent, he sighed.

Jian Yong saw that he sighed, but did not speak, so he asked, "The merit is imminent, why do you sigh?"

Liu Bei said, "It's a pity that Yide is now in Yulang's army. If not, he and Yunchang will go together, so much more than two points of confidence!"

Seeing Liu Bei mention Zhang Fei, Jian Yong asked along the line, "Have you met Yide when you went to the county palace this time?"

"Yide Liuzhen riding camp, did not attend this meeting, did not see him."

Jian Yong said: "I heard that Yide was used more and more in the army of Colonel Xin, and he was already the first person under Colonel Xin. If he made further contributions to the capture of Pi and Xuzhou this time, he would Maybe I can keep pace with Yide is fierce and sharp, and the three armies have the courage to take the generals, and I am not as good as I am.

Said it was "as it should be" and "it's not surprising", with a look on his face that he liked to see Zhang Fei useful, but Liu Bei was quite disappointed in his heart.

After Zhang Fei was transferred from Liu Bei, he had frequent contacts with Liu Bei at first, but later, because of the different locations, it was not as convenient as getting along day and night, and secondly, because of his higher status, heavier responsibilities, and busy military affairs on weekdays, he contacted Liu Bei. It gradually became a bit rare. However, although it was rare, every time he sent a letter to Liu Bei, Zhang Fei still had the same attitude as before. It was both respectful and close. It was his attitude as always that made it slightly lighter. Point to Liu Bei's melancholy because of his departure.

However, although his heart was disappointed, Liu Bei never complained about Zhang Fei, but Guan Yu sometimes said the last sentence.

Although Liu Bei was in a hurry to tell Xun Zhen the good news of "desirable Xu County", he could only restrain his emotions because Guo Jia had not yet returned and it was difficult for him to write the book alone. He came back from Guangling, and he didn't rest much all the way. He was so busy, so he called a doorman to fetch water to bathe. After taking a bath, he was sleepy and asked twice. Guo Jia still didn't come back. He was lying on the desk and fell asleep. .

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