The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 145: Pan Wen? Negative Jiaba County Guanyun Changdu Huaike City (12)

But it is said that under the city of Huailing, Pan Zhang led more than a hundred warriors to sneak outside the southern city wall at night, and with the help of the Que Xuan party members, they climbed with swords in hand.

Pan Zhang's physical strength is extraordinary, although he wears armor, it does not affect his climbing speed at all.

While paying close attention to the movements of the guards near the city wall, he pricked up his ears and listened carefully. In addition to the wind-moving military flag and the sound of weapons and armor colliding with patrols walking on the city wall in the distance, there was only one sound. The sound of snoring in the vicinity was high and low—it was the second half of the night, when people were the most sleepy. Compared with Pan Zhang and the others before they left the camp, many of the guards on the southern city wall could not restrain their sleepiness. , into dreamland.

The city wall of Huailing was not too high, and Pan Zhang's climbing speed was very fast. After a while, he had reached the top of the city.

There were several guards who were in charge waiting at the crenels at the top of the city. They had all pulled out their sabers and held them in their hands. Most of them looked around nervously, in case anyone noticed Pan Zhang and others coming.

After seeing that Pan Zhang finally arrived at the city head, they unanimously breathed a sigh of relief. Two of them stretched out their hands to pull Pan Zhang, but Pan Zhang didn't need their help. It has crossed the crenel and stood firmly at the top of the city.

Among the guards who were in charge, one was the leader. Seeing the extraordinary armor that Pan Zhang wore, he knew that he must be the leader of the Guangling soldiers who attacked Huailing this time, so he said in a low voice and quickly: "I have seen the general. I have been waiting for the generals for a long time at the orders of everyone in Que!"

Pan Zhang nodded, not in a hurry to answer his words. First, he took off the slap in his mouth and quickly looked around. Then he signaled the guards to spread out a little, so that the successors who climbed the city would spread out. The warriors let out the place where they climbed to the city, and then they said, "Where can I get off the city wall?"

The leader who should be guarding the **** pointed sideways and said, "Going down from that horse slope, you can go directly to the outside of the South City Gate."

It was also this time that there were too many guards in Huailing who responded to the Guangling soldiers. The position where Pan Zhang ascended to the city was guarded by the inner staff within a hundred paces. After the subsequent warriors boarded seven or eight people in succession, they were still not discovered by other guards.

It wasn't until a warrior accidentally touched his saber against the city wall and made a crashing sound, which attracted the attention of other guards in the distance.

The guard who first saw Pan Zhang and the others was obviously stunned, and then rubbed his eyes, as if he wanted to make sure that he was not dreaming through this action. Wing and flying, he stretched out his hand to draw the knife, and at the same time opened his mouth to exhale.

However, his voice did not come out after all. Pan Zhang grabbed a nearby spear with his hands. He lifted the spear and flew with the sound of the wind. Almost in the blink of an eye, the spear flew over a distance of more than a hundred paces and was inserting up the guard's throat.

Blood splattered everywhere, the guard covered his throat, leaned against the city wall behind him, and sat down slumped, making a whimper. In the end, there was no radiance at all.

Although he couldn't make a sound, his fall and the whining sound in his mouth still caught the attention of his nearby guards.

Pan Zhang said in his heart, "Success or failure is here!"

Before the other guards could react, he shouted: "Under the tent of the Marquis of Yingyin, Pan Zhang of Dongjun is here!"

The southern city wall was silent, but his roar came so suddenly, like a rolling thunder, most of the guards were already sleepy, or had already fallen asleep. There were noises, but many guards fell to the ground in fright, or were frightened, and lost their weapons.

With the roar, Pan Zhang pushed away the two guards in front of him, with a knife in his hand, striding a meteor, heading for the horse **** pointed to by the head of the inner responder. : "Leave three people to meet the rest, and the rest, come with me!" He shouted to the guards in the inner court, "Arrange in formation and defend Mapo! You wait and watch me take down the city for Captain Liu. door!"

Although Pan Zhang was rough and brave, he knew the importance. At this moment, killing the enemy was not the most important thing, and taking down the South Gate as soon as possible was the first priority.

Therefore, he did not pay attention to the guards in the distance, and ran straight to Mapo.

Pan Zhang's roar not only frightened the guards nearby, but also alarmed the guards in the distance.

After a short reaction time, chaos began to spread on the city walls near and far.

Outside the city, in the Guangling Barracks, Liu Deng had been closely observing the movements of the guards on the southern city wall. After seeing their confusion, he immediately knew: This must be Pan Zhang already on the front of the city.

Without further ado, he immediately ordered all the torches to burn in the camp, and then ordered the drum team to sound all the war drums that accompanied the army. Then, the officers who ordered the number of songs each led the soldiers out of the camp, shouting loudly, and taking the opportunity to attack the eastern city wall. , he personally led the five hundred elites that had been selected for a long time and rushed directly under the southern city wall.

At this time, the South City Wall was no longer chaos, but melee.

In the melee with the guards, in addition to Que Xuan's party members, there are also some warriors who followed Pan Zhang to the city. After all the more than 100 warriors who followed Pan Zhang climbed to the city, more than 30 people were left behind. Assist Que Xuan's party members against the guards to defend Mapo.

Liu Deng looked up at the head of the southern city, and heard the sound of killing everywhere on the head of the city. Looking around, he saw the guards of the enemy, but not the soldiers of our He knew that the soldiers of our army must be caught in the enemy's guard. The guards were surrounded on three sides, and although the enemy guards were numerous, there were constantly guards rushing to the nearby city wall to help, but the battle positions they appeared in did not seem to have changed from the beginning to the end. Liu Deng also knew: This must be our army's soldiers forming a team. Although they were in a hard battle, they did not retreat half a step, and firmly held their positions.

Taking advantage of the melee on the top of the city, and no one had time to take care of the outside of the city, Liu Deng urgently ordered his troops to cross the moat in batches.

Not long after, he and the five hundred elites had crossed the river safely and arrived outside the South City Gate.

On the city wall, the sound of killing was deafening, and inside the city gate, even though the thick city gate was separated, the sound of killing could still be heard faintly.

There was no time to give the five hundred elites time to wipe their faces and control the water. Liu Deng hurriedly ordered them to line up twenty in a square array, with a total of twenty-five lines, all placed outside the South City Gate. He took the lead, wearing armor and holding a spear, standing at the forefront of this phalanx.

Liu Deng raised his head and looked at the night sky. He couldn't tell what time it was, but it was faintly visible, and the east seemed to want to know.

It was almost dawn, and everything was ready now. It just depends on when Pan Zhang can capture the city gate. Mobile users, please visit m.

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