The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 161: It is difficult for Tao Qian to urge Taishan soldiers

Donghai County, the prefecture of Tan County.

Within half an hour, Tao Qian received two urgent letters from Zhe Rong in succession.

After receiving Zhe Rong's first request for help, Tao Qian summoned the civil and military officials in the prefecture to discuss the matter. Tao Qian glanced at Zhe Rong's second letter of request for help, but it was not much different from the first one, except that his words were more urgent. The minister said: "Ze Rong's letter of help came only before the front seal, and the back seal came again, one after another, like snowflakes, it really makes me anxious!"

The civil officials in the mansion such as Zhao Yu, Wang Lang, Cao Hong, etc. are all present, and military officials such as Cao Bao are also present. Tao Qian's two sons Tao Shang and Tao Ying are now in charge of some military powers and also attended the meeting.

Cao Hong was Tao Qian's most trusted literati. Seeing Tao Qian's anxiety, he spoke out to persuade him, saying: "Xun's bandit attacked very fast, surrounded Xiaqiu, attacked Xiaxiang, and attacked Xiapi County in two ways. Xiang Xiang is definitely facing such a situation, he is helpless and doesn't know how to deal with it, so he asks for help one after another. The matter has come to this point, and it is useless for Fang Bo to be anxious. It is better to discuss a solution."

"Is there any other good plan, sir?"

Cao Hong said: "At the moment, there are still only the two methods that the subordinate officials discussed with Fang Bo before, and it seems possible to use: then pass the order to Zang Ba, so that he will go south immediately, one of them; choose a competent person to go to Pengcheng , to benefit Xue Lixiao, the Prime Minister of Pengcheng, and told him not to wait and see luck, but also to send troops immediately to assist Xiapi and our Donghai counties, the second."

"I've sent Zang Ba a message three times, but even though he didn't disobey, he was slow to act. If I sent him another message, would he immediately go south?"

Cao Hong said: "Zang Ba is different from Xue Li. He was destined to die in Mount Tai. If it wasn't for Fang Bo's help, how would he be today? The following officials guessed that the reason why he was slow to act was nothing more than profiting... Xun What Zhenzhi can promise him may not be more or better than what Fang Bo can promise him, so if Fang Bo can promise him more wealth and fame, he should go south."

"That's all there is to it."

"Besides that, Uncle Fang still has to make a decision early. It's best to dispatch troops and horses to rescue Xiapi."

Tao Qian sighed and said, "Don't I know that Xiapi is in danger? However, Xun Zhenzhi didn't just send Xu Zhong and Le Jin all the way. , and a whole line of soldiers and horses have already laid down Huaipu and Huaiyin, and entered Quyang City!"

This "there is still a road of soldiers and horses" refers to this road of soldiers and horses led by Xun Cheng, Xu Rong, Xin Ai and others. With the cooperation of the Chen Deng family, after Huaipu and Huaiyin were captured, Xun Cheng and others led his troops to Quyang City and began to attack the city.

Twenty or thirty miles north of Quyang is the boundary of Donghai County, and another one hundred and thirty miles northwest is Tan County, where Tao Qian is located.

On one side are Xiapi County and Xiaxiang County—Xiapi and Xiaxiang County are each more than 100 miles away from Tan County, and on the other side is Quyang, Xue Li was motionless in Pengcheng, Zang Ba was reluctant to go south, Tao Qian now has so many soldiers and horses in his hands, but the predicament he faces now is the same as that of Zhe Rong: although the soldiers and horses are limited, they can be saved everywhere.

The question is: Zhe Rong can still wait for his reinforcements, and whose reinforcements can he wait for? Before the war, he had already dispatched a group of troops to support Xiapi. After receiving the military report that the Prime Minister and Quyang were in an emergency, he just sent a group of troops and horses to rescue the Prime Minister and Quyang.

In this case, he really didn't have many mobile men and horses to mobilize, and he couldn't mobilize the defenders of Donghai County's counties.

"It's all this Zangba! If he obeys orders, how can I get into such a situation of embarrassment?" Tao Qian secretly hated in his heart, but he had nothing to do. , every time I promise him wealth and fame, but he is not willing to obey his orders, this time, I can't just promise him wealth and fame, but also need to be emotional!"

Having made a decision, Tao Qian said to his eldest son, Tao Shang, "This time I will pass the word to Zang Ba, it's up to you!"

Tao Shang was stunned for a while, and soon he thought he understood what Tao Qian meant, got up and agreed, and said fiercely: "Zang Baru doesn't obey orders, I will kill him myself!"

"I didn't ask you to kill him!"

"That is?"

Tao Qian calmed down and calmed down, saying: "When Zang Ba attacked the yellow turban from me in the past, I relied heavily on it, and after the yellow turban was settled, I didn't treat him badly. I told you to go, not to let you. Move the knife, but let you move your mouth!"

Only then did the pottery merchant understand what Tao Qian meant, and hurriedly replied, "Yes, yes."

Tao Qian summoned a literati and ordered to write it down to Zang Ba's biography. He took it for review, and then revised it himself. It was not until he changed the whole narration to be sincere and fully expressed his affection for him before he called him a literati again. Transcribe it, transcribe it, hand it over to the pottery merchant, and command: "Go to Kaiyang now to see Zang Ba, hand over this letter to him, and tell him that I wrote it myself!"

The pottery merchant replied, "No."

He took the letter, bowed to Tao Qian and said, "If I go to Kaiyang today, I will say that Zang dominates the south. Aweng is in the prefecture and wants to take good care of your body. Although Xun Zhen has a temporary advantage, but He is disobedient, and will definitely be punished later, Aon, please be patient."

Tao Qian nodded and said, "Okay, let's go."

The pottery merchant told Tao Ying a few more words, telling him to take good care of his old father, and then he left the hall.

Cao Hong praised: "Uncle Fang has mercy on the people, and Zicheng is pure filial piety to his father, which really makes the officials sigh. Uncle Fang, just as Zicheng said, Xun Zhen is lucky for a while, but he acts against the sky and will eventually fall. defeat."

Zicheng is the word of a pottery merchant.

Tao Qian said: "These words don't need to be said. Although I am faint and old, I know that you are all just words of relief!"

Cao Hong smiled embarrassingly, and said, "Fang Boqing is wise and 'dizzy', so it's too modest."

Cao Hong can become Tao Qian's most trusted civil servant, and his skill in flattering is first-rate. Tao Qian also knew that, in terms of real ability, Zhao Yu and Wang Lang had to be so many civil servants and generals in the mansion.

Zhao Yu and Wang Lang didn't speak, Tao Qian asked in person, "Don't drive, can there be a good way to teach me?"

It was Zhao Yu who did not drive, and he never liked Tao Qian. At first, he was not willing to serve in the state government at all. When he was engaged, he was only threatened by Tao Qian with "either serve or go to prison", so he had to enter the state government. Therefore, although he was entrusted by Tao Qian to a high position, he had no loyalty to Tao Qian at all. Not only this military conference, but also several previous military conferences, he did not say a word every time.

At this time, seeing Tao Qian coming to ask him again, he replied, "Yu Mou is ignorant and has nothing to offer."

Tao Qian was also used to his answer, so he didn't get angry and asked Wang Lang again, "What can Jingxing teach me?"

Wang Lang, courtesy name Jingxing, was a governor of the state.

Different from Zhao Yu, although Wang Lang disapproved of Tao Qian's usual actions, he felt that he was a gentleman, stubborn, nepotism, pro-villain and far from a gentleman. He hated it deeply, but the so-called "remuneration for the emperor, loyalty to the emperor", since he took the salary given by Tao Qian, he still tried his best to advise Tao Qian. He replied: "Zicheng's words are indeed true. Although Xun Zhenzhi was a soldier in the name of 'Zerong abusing the people', Fang Bo was appointed by the court after all. Zhenzhi is using the county to invade the prefecture, and it is still unreasonable in principle."

"so what?"

Today, Zi is threatened by Dong Zhuo, away from Luoyang, far away in Chang'an, and can't take care of himself, how can he take care of Tao Qian?

"Kong Rong, the minister of Beihai, is innocent and high-minded; the prefect of Mount Tai, Ying Shao, has a square nature; Chen Yi, the minister of Lu, is the son of Chen Gongfan. These three princes are all famous men of justice, sincerity and righteousness, Fang Bo may wish to write with them, Telling Xun Zhenzhi's feeling of 'taking the county to invade the prefecture', he said that the people in our prefecture have been suffering from the grief of war for a long time. If you can persuade them to raise troops to help each other, although Xun Zhenzhi's current troops are strong, they will return without success."

"Chen Gongfan" refers to Chen Fan. Because of his high reputation, he was a model of the scholars in those days, so Wang Lang called him "gong".

Wang Lang paused for a while, and then said: "The prefect of Jiujiang is obedient to the gods, and is a great scholar in the world; Zhou Xin, the prefect of Danyang, a disciple of Chen Gongfan; and Sheng Xian, the prefect of Wujun, has a good relationship with Kong Beihai, and he is very capable of Yawei. These three princes are also within the sea. Famous scholars, Uncle Fang can write their own texts with them again, if they can also raise troops, then Xun Zhen’s head and tail will be difficult to care about, and he will definitely retreat and return to the prefecture!”

Beihai, Taishan, and Lu are three counties and states in the west and north of Donghai County respectively, or bordering the East China Sea, or not far from the East China Sea; and Jiujiang, Danyang, and Wu County are in the south of Guangling, all bordering Guangling. .

As Wang Lang said, if Tao Qian can really persuade these counties and states, he can't persuade them all. As long as he can say that one or two are willing to send troops to help, the situation of the war between him and Xun Zhen will be greatly changed. change.

Hearing Wang Lang's words, Tao Qian pondered and said: "Kong Beihai met Xun Zhenzhi in his early years, and had a good relationship with Xun Zhenzhi's grandfather Xun Shuang; Ying Shaorunan is from the same state as Xun Zhenzhi; He is a disciple of Chen Fan, but he is on good terms with Yuan Benchu. These three people, I am with them, I am afraid that they will not move."

"As long as I talk about one or two people, the situation will be in my favor."

Tao Qian said: "Alright, it's just like an official announcement, I'll give them separate writing and writing, I hope I can talk about one or two!"

Wang Lang added: "After all, the Beihai counties cannot send troops immediately, and now to report an emergency in Pi, this reinforcement must be sent as soon as possible."

"I will write an order tonight, and I will send troops to rescue Xiapi tomorrow."

Tao Qian wrote the military order and did not mention it in the text, but said that the military meeting was dismissed, Wang Lang and the others left the prefecture, and Zhao Yu stopped Wang Lang.

Wang Lang asked, "Yuan Da, when you were in the hall, you didn't say a word, why did you ask me to speak at this time?"

Zhao Yu said: "Why did I not say a word, you know the reason, why should I ask."

Wang Lang smiled and said, "The monarch is upright, beyond my reach."

"Since you said I was upright, I'll ask you straight."

"Please speak."

"Just now in the hall, why are you coaxing Tao Gongzu?"

"Where did I coax him?"

Zhao Yu sneered and said, "You know that Kong Beihai and the others have long been dissatisfied with Tao Gongzu and will not send troops to help each other, and you also know that the three counties of Danyang are hundreds of kilometers away from the East China Sea, the far water does not quench the thirst of the near, and there is Guangling in the middle. Whether the messenger can reach the three counties of Danyang or not, why did you ask Tao Gongzu to write texts for them separately? Aren't you trying to coax him?"

When the Yellow Turbans disturbed Xuzhou, Tao Qian did not annihilate the Yellow Turbans in Xuzhou, but drove them to neighboring counties outside the state, such as Beihai. Now Kong Rong is very troubled by the Yellow Turbans in the county. Not to mention that they might not have the extra troops to help Tao Qian, even if they did, they would definitely not come to help Tao Qian with Tao Qian's act of "beggar-thy-neighbor".

As far as the three counties of Danyang, as Zhao Yu said, the thirst cannot be quenched from a distance, so Tao Qian's messenger can successfully pass through Guangling and reach the three counties of Danyang. It will take several days on the way to reach the ground. Presenting Tao Qian's document, such a big matter, the three counties have to discuss and discuss it again. This discussion will take several days. After the discussion is over, even if it is decided to help Tao Qian, order troops and prepare food, it will take several days. , by that time, I am afraid that Xun Zhen has already entered the East China Sea, maybe even Tan County has been defeated.

Even if Xun Zhen hadn't conquered Tanxian at that time, it didn't matter, he still had a helper, that is, Sun Jian of Yuzhou. Xun Zhen and Sun Jian's good fighting skills are well known in the world. After a melee battle, it is self-evident who will win and who will lose.

Therefore, Zhao Yu said that Wang Lang was "coaxing" Tao Qian.

Wang Lang sighed and said, "How can Uncle Fang not know what you said? Why did he still decide to follow my words and write essays for these counties? Don't you really know the reason?"

Zhao Yu snorted and said, "Because of the critical situation, there is no other way but to give it a try. But even so, you shouldn't offer this useless strategy!"

Although Zhao Yu didn't want to give advice to Tao Qian, he couldn't stand Wang Lang's use of "useless tactics" to "coax" Tao Qian.

Wang Lang repeated what he said just now: "The king is upright, and I am not as good as the king."

The two said goodbye.

Tao Qian, Wang Lang and others in the mansion first wrote an order to dispatch troops to rescue Xiaqiu, that is, send people to the camp, and ask the dispatched military officials to leave the city tomorrow for Xiapi, and carefully consider the words and words. , I have written the words for the ministers of those counties and states. After careful consideration, I have selected a few people who are good at speaking and responsible for sending them to them respectively, and I will also ask them to travel tomorrow.

After doing these things, it was already late, and after eating, he dealt with some government affairs and military affairs. It was not until it was dark that he went back to the back house to sleep, but he couldn't sleep, and he got up again in his clothes and went to the courtyard alone.

It was a cold winter night, and because he was worried about the state affairs, he didn't feel the coldness.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky, he murmured: "Xun Zhenzhi, Xun Zhenzhi, since you took office in Guangling, I admit that I have always been tolerant towards you, but why are you so aggressive? Xun Zhenzhi, Xun Zhenzhi Besides, why do you force me, why do you force me!" He thought again, "Those county officials in Xiapi are really useless! When the Guangling army enters, they may collapse at the touch of a button, or they will remain silent. Only the county magistrate of Dongcheng is somewhat loyal and brave. Dare to take the initiative to send troops to fight, but unfortunately when he heard that Xu Zhong led his troops to cross Huaihe, he retreated again, and it's an anticlimactic!"

Dongcheng County is located in the southernmost part of Xiapi County, nearly two hundred miles away from Huailing. Because it is located in a remote area and is not a strategic location, Xu Zhongbu ignored it after entering the Xiapi territory, but the county magistrate of Dongcheng did not. Taking the initiative to send troops, he wanted to cooperate with the Huai army guarding Huaibei and form a flanking attack on Xu Zhong's department, but before he reached Huailing, the Huaibei army collapsed and fled, and Xu Zhong also easily crossed the Huai River and reached the north bank. Under such a situation, his troops would be useless at all, so he had no choice but to return to Dongcheng.

Tao Qian lowered his head and walked around the courtyard for a while with his hands behind his back.

The order he wrote to rescue Xiapi earlier was given to other generals in the battalion, but at this time, he decided to send his most useful general, Cao Bao, to personally lead the troops. So he immediately ordered the guards outside the courtyard: "Go and call General Cao."

In order to boost morale after Xun Zhen's attack on Pi and Donghai, Tao Qian imitated Xun Zhen and listed some of the main military officials, and promoted them to rank. Lang will.

After waiting for a while, Cao Bao came.

Tao Qian, still in the courtyard, summoned him and said to him: "Xiapi must not be lost, Xu Zhong is a famous tiger general under Xun Zhenzhi, Xun You is Xun Zhenzhi's nephew, Xiang is famous for his ingenuity, I think again and again. , These two are invincible even if you are a minister! This time to rescue Xiapi, you will lead the troops in person!"

Cao Bao did not have any replied: "No!" Said, "Please Fang Bo rest assured, Leopard will break Xu Zhong and present his and Xun You's heads in front of Fang Bo's case!"

Tao Qian nodded and said, "Xu Zhong can fight, Xun You is resourceful, you must be careful when you go here, and don't be careless."

Cao Bao answered the order.

"Qing, go to the camp to prepare, and leave early tomorrow morning."


Seeing Cao Bao's departure, Tao Qian thought of Zhao Yun, who had defeated the prime minister, from Xu Zhong, and Xun Cheng, Xu Rong, Xin A, and other generals of the Xun army who surrounded Quyang. When I think about my own home, there are not many people around, I can't help but look up at the bright moon, only to feel the moonlight is as cold as frost, the night is far and near, the sound is silent, and I feel lonely, and the night wind blows, this is how I feel. With a chill in the bones, he tightened his clothes. He sighed: "Xiaxiang, Xiaxiang, if I can have a talent like Xiang Yu under my account, why worry about Xun Zhenzhi's coming!"

The next minister is Xiang Yu's hometown.

Without mentioning Tao Qian's sigh, he said that the pottery merchant left Tan County, took Tao Qian's message, and traveled in the starry night to Kaiyang, begging to see Zang Ba.

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