The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 210: Can you smear the Lord's name because of yourself?

Chen Qun said: "In terms of virtue and hope, the first thing to do is to rule it out."

Xun Zhen pondered and said, "Zibuqian's retired scholar, who was filial piety and honest in the county in the past, will not accept his resignation. If he also refuses to answer my scrutiny, who should be prepared?"

According to the new regulations of Emperor Shundi, those who were honored as filial and honest should be over forty years old, but if they were particularly outstanding, they would not be included in this limit. It is a great honor to be named Xiaolian, but he will not resign. If he is unwilling to accept Xiaolian's scrutiny, then he will most likely not accept Maocai's scrutiny.

Chen Qun said: "Zi Zezhou sacrifices wine."

Both Zhao Yu and Wang Lang have been named Maocai by Tao Qian one after another, except for Zhang Zhao. Under these two, Zhang Hong is the most famous.

Xun Zhen said: "Zigang is also humble and retires. In the past, he had already promoted his talents for the state, but he refused to resign. Even if I do it again, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to give up his ambitions."

Zhang Hong studied in Kyoto in his early years, studied the classics hard, and succeeded in his studies. After returning to the county, he was praised by the state for his talents, but he was dismissed by him. He could quit for the first time, and of course he could quit for the second time.

Xiaolian and Mao are the right way to enter the office. After they are obtained, they will also become famous. Most of the scholars are eager for both, but there are also a small number of scholars who will resign and not accept it. Among them, there are those who are truly humble. Because they feel that there are people in the prefecture and county who are more virtuous and knowledgeable than themselves, so they refuse to accept it. There are also people who clearly retire modestly. move in order to gain a greater reputation. Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong are obviously the former, so Xun Zhen said that they were "retired men modestly".

Chen Qun said: "If you say goodbye to the wine, you can mention Chen/Yuanlong."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Yuanlong is pragmatic in his knowledge and power. If he is not a flashy person, he will never quit."

Although Zhang Hong and Zhang Zhao were not Confucians, they were orthodox Confucian students after all, and they valued Confucian virtues such as "modesty and retreat". He is a talented man, just like the past when he was promoted to be filial and honest at the age of twenty-five, he will definitely not refuse. This is not because he values ​​the benefits that he will get after being promoted as a talent, but because he simply If you don’t care about it, you will accept it if you get it. You won’t make any modest retreats. In other words, he will not resign if he is selected for his talents, and he will not ask for his talents if he is not cited.

Chen Qun listed Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, and Chen Deng successively. Xun Zhen’s favorite was Chen Deng. Although he wanted to directly mention Chen Deng’s talents, the age and fame of Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong were placed there. It cannot be skipped directly.

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "Then first, if the governance is not accepted, then the sacrificial wine will be proposed. If it is still not accepted, then the Yuanlong will be proposed. If the governance is in the middle and the sacrificial wine is accepted, then the only thing to do is to wait for the next year. Raise Yuanlong again."

Knowing that Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong might not accept it, but the procedure that should be followed still has to be followed. First, it expresses the importance of the two of them, and secondly, it is also through "being promoted again" for the two of them. People "make a name again".

When Xun Zhen talked about Maocai, Chen Qun also thought about Xun Zhen's investigation of a clean official this year.

At this time, the candidates for Maocai had been decided, and he asked, "I wonder who Ming Gong wants to investigate this year?"

"What's your recommendation?"

"The honest officials that Duke Ming inspected last year and the year before were all former officials from Yingchuan and Jizhou. The group thought that Xuzhou officials could be inspected this year."

"Qing is the same as what I see, is there a suitable candidate for you?"

"Yuan Changshi's honesty and respect for the Duke should be one of them. As for the second, the ignorant Ming Duke can be recommended by the county and county. With the strict bribery and election of the Ming Duke, it is expected that the county and county will not dare to show favoritism. Those who can be recommended must be recommended. Even if a clean and honest official can only choose one for inspection, the rest can be recorded in the booklet first and used later.”

Not long after Xun Zhen arrived in the prefecture, except for Guangling, he had not yet recorded who the magistrates of the other four counties were, let alone the county officials in those four counties, who knew nothing about them.

As Chen Qun said, it is possible to take this opportunity to inspect honest officials, and let each county recommend candidates, so as to have a general idea of ​​the honest and competent officials in each county. When there is a need to employ people, you can choose from them.

Xun Zhen agreed with Chen Qun's suggestion and said, "Your words are very good, so I will ask the shogunate to pass on this."

Cha Lian is the general's power and responsibility, so it cannot be passed on by the state government, but must be passed on by the shogunate.

When Chen Yi came back from Xun Yu, Xun Zhen called him into the hall again and ordered him to write these two letters.

After Xun Zhen and Chen Qun read it, they both felt that it was suitable for use, so they distributed it to the two governments and ordered them to pass it on.

As Xun Zhen expected, Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong both resigned.

Xun Zhen pushed the boat along the way, and for the third time passed the interview, and scolded Chen Deng.

As Xun Zhen expected, Chen Deng did not refuse at all, and he did not hesitate at all, and accepted it immediately.

After Chen Deng received Xun Zhen's investigation, his chief clerk came to see him and said to him: "The governor of the state first raised the governance of the middle, followed by the sacrifice of the wine, but the ruling and the sacrifice of the wine have not been resigned one after another. The government, the Ming government accepts it. The following officials are stupid, the Ming government is wrong!"

"Oh? What's wrong?"

"After the governance of the middle and the sacrifice of wine, the prefect of the state raised the Ming Palace, which can be seen in the mind of the state boss. It is also better to meet the morality of Mingfu than to govern China and sacrifice wine."

"Then what do you think I should do now?"

"The current plan is not as good as the Ming government, so I can quickly go to the state government and write a modest speech, and call the state's virtuous people to replace it. In this way, it can not only raise the price in the hearts of the Ming government, but also make the people of the state know. Mingfu's morality is not in the middle of governance and sacrifice, so as not to damage the reputation of Mingfu."

Chen Deng said with a smile, "You are arrogant and disloyal!"

"What does Mingfu mean by this?"

"The affairs of the state are all accomplished in reality, and I have never heard of anyone who uses a name to bring peace to the world. The Lord knows that Deng is not a person who admires fame, so after he refused to accept it during the governance and sacrifices, he was not afraid of my misunderstanding and still praised me as a talented person. I went to Guangling, and the Lord was waiting on the couch. Don’t I know the Lord’s heart? You don’t know it! Besides, governance and wine sacrifices are all places where the state is looking. After that, why not? Besides, I have already resigned during the governance, and I have resigned from the sacrificial wine. I can resign once, I can resign two, but can I resign three? Do you persuade me to resign too, do you want the scholars from outside the state to think that the master is being despised by Xu people? It's wrong to slander the master's name with your own name!"

The master had to persuade him again, but Chen Deng did not give him a chance to speak, and said with a smile: "After I arrived in the county, I heard that you have a clear and correct name, that's why I appointed you as my master. Famous fisherman! You go back now, pack your bags, and go home!"

The master was speechless, not knowing what to do.

Chen Deng was too lazy to pay attention to him, and called the clerk outside the door: "Send the master book to the house."

When the clerk brought the master book out, Chen Deng said in his heart: "Shiduo invites the name. When the master book is re-opened, I need to examine it carefully, so as to avoid the inconsistency of the name and reality!" Choosing it, Chen Deng thought again, "The Lord will go to the county and state, and order filial piety and integrity. This must be to quell the state conference caused by the salt. In this case, this county should check whoever is filial and incorrupt, and I will You have to be careful."

Someone told Chen Deng before that Zhuge Jin and Xu Yi in this county were conquered by Xun Zhen, and now they are both used by Xun Zhen. Chen Deng, it is better to choose these two people this time.

Chen Deng was noncommittal at the time, but in fact he did not intend to mention these two people.

Of course, given the importance of Xun Zhen's love for Zhuge Jin, if he named these two people as filial piety and honest, he might be able to obtain it as the person who made the statement: it would make Xun Zhen satisfied—in fact, Chen Deng didn't take it seriously. In his opinion, with Xun Zhen's valor and wisdom, he would never ignore state affairs because of selfish love. However, the other meaning of the person who spoke was right. Having a good relationship with Xu Yi and becoming the leader of the two of them may be able to help them in the future, but this is not the way to be loyal.

At this time, Xun Zhen ordered Xiaolian to quell the state assembly caused by salt, so in the election of Xiaolian, it is necessary to make the elected person meet the prefecture's standard, so that the scholars in the county can divert their discussions and praise them instead. Xun Zhen's purity and fairness are the way of true loyal ministers.

Langya County has a population of less than 600,000 for a long time, and two Xiaolian can be named. Chen Deng has to carefully consider and make a decision on the quota of these two Xiaolian.

The candidate for Xiaolian should not be hastily decided Xun Zhen's other letter, ordering the county to report to the honest officials, Chen Deng can complete it now.

He picked up a pen and wrote down a few names. Because he was the former captain of Diannong in the prefecture, he was familiar with the subordinate officials of various counties and counties. Therefore, the few people he recommended were not only from Langya, but also from other counties. Once written, he was sent to the state capital immediately.

After finishing this matter, Chen Deng rubbed the saber on the side of the case and thought about another matter.

He thought: "Xuzhou salt officials are mostly in Langya. The combination of Donghai and Guangling is not as prosperous as Langya's salt giants. I sent people to inquire, and I have learned that their generation's salt officials are connected with Taishan soldiers. Although Zang Ba was captured The Lord has moved Donghai, but there are still four battalions of Taishan soldiers and horses in the county, and there are thousands of people in total. Everyone in Changxi has a reputation for bravery. I need to prevent them from colluding and causing chaos. I should discuss this with General Xun again. thing."

Xun Chengdu, the military governor of Langya, was stationed in Kaiyang, in the same county as Chen Deng.

Chen Deng immediately got up and went out of the room, called someone to prepare a car, and went out of the city to see Xun Cheng in the camp.

When he arrived at the camp, Xun Cheng was talking with Gao Tanglong, and when he saw him coming, he got up to greet him.

Gao Tanglong came to Langya the day after he was appointed. It wasn't long before he arrived, but Chen Deng, as the head of a county, had already met him.

After seeing the ceremony, the three of them took their seats.

Xun Cheng said to Chen Deng: "Your arrival is just in time. I have discussed military affairs with Lord Gaotang, and I just want to hear your high opinion."

"What is being discussed is the military affairs of Mount Tai?"


"The reason why I came here is precisely for this. I heard that Mi Zifang has already started to buy Yanfang in Quxian County. There are few salt houses in Quxian County, and there is no foreign aid. When he comes to Langya, where there is a lot of salt, and he is connected with the commanders of the Taishan Army, I am a little worried that there may be a rebellion."

Xun Cheng asked, "Do you have a solution?"

"After thinking about it again and again, think of two strategies."

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