The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 277: Political self-righteousness, Xun Taishou

After a rain, the hot weather for several days cooled down slightly, Xun Chen came first to resign, and Zhao Yu followed.

Liu Deng, Dong Zhi, and Wei Weng had already made preparations. Xun Zhen ordered them to pass. Liu Deng led his troops to leave Lanling and went to Tan County to meet with Dong Zhi, Wei Weng, Liu Ye, Jiang Qian, Xun Qi, Xin Tao, and Zhou. Taiju was in the prefecture, and accompanied Xun Chen. Went to Guangling, and hired troops to join him. Xun Chen led the tribes and scholars, turned to the southwest, entered the eastern part of Jiujiang through Tangyi, and then went west for more than 200 li to reach the Yinling of the county government.

On the third day of arriving at the county, Xun Chen issued five orders in succession.

The first order, Xun Qi was the chief of Zhong Li, and Xun Qi went to Zhong Li to take office on the day he received the order.

Zhong Li originally had a county magistrate, so it was difficult to expel him, so Xun Chen declared him to be the captain of the northern part of Jiujiang.

The second order of arraignment stated that Liu Ye was the Jiujiang Prime Minister.

Jiujiang also had a prime minister, Xun Chen declared him to be the commander of Jiujiang, and ordered the army to move southward to suppress the thieves along the Huai River.

In the third order, Jiang Gan was appointed as the county chief, ordered to cross the Yangtze River secretly, sent an envoy to Wu County, invited Shengxian, and signed a covenant.

In the fourth order, he was recruited into Zhenquanjiao, Liu Dengjin, and Xiacai, and he led Dong Zhi and Wei Weng to Yinling.

Quanjiao is in the east of Jiujiang, with Guangling in the north, the Yangtze River in the east, Fuling County in the south, and Liyang, the state government, to the south.

Xiacai is in the west of Jiujiang, on the west bank of the Huaihe River. To the west is Yuzhou. To the southeast, it faces Shouchun, the capital of Fuling State, across the Huai River. To the south is the border of Lujiang County. These two places are adjacent to the Yangtze River and the Huai River, both of which are relatively important strategic locations in Jiujiang.

The fifth order, dismissing the old and weak among the county soldiers, ordered Zhou Tai and Xin Tao to recruit the loyal and brave in the county, intending to rebuild the county soldiers.

There were more than 2,000 county soldiers in Jiujiang, but because the two successive prefects did not know the soldiers, their combat strength was not high, and many of them were reckless. Although not as good as before, the combat power has been significantly improved.

He handed it over to Dong Zhi and Wei Weng, so that he could practice hard and not be neglected.

After the five orders were issued, Xun Chen followed Liu Ye’s suggestion and sent someone to Danyang to greet Tao Qian, in order to show Yang Shi Xun Zhen’s generosity and nostalgia. He had an audience with the governor Chen Wen, and Xin Tao had an audience with Xu Jing.

Ping'a Jiang's family is the crown clan of Jiujiang County, Jiang Gan is from this clan, Jiang Zhen is Jiang Gan's father, and he is quite famous in the county. Yang, go to see Chen Wen, after all, Chen Wen is the prefect of Yangzhou, so he needs to meet him.

Xu Jing and Xu Shao did not get along, so although they were equally famous, Xu Shao went to Xuzhou to join Xunzhen, but Xu Jing came to Yangzhou to join Chen Wen. Xun Chen and Xu Jing had known each other for a long time. As a native of the prefecture, sending Xin Tao to visit him was considered a good corporal to show Xun Zhen.

During the half-month period in the county, Xun Chen inspected the county officials, dismissed those who were mediocre, promoted them to be excellent, and among the excellent ones, Cang Ci was the best, and moved him to the post of the county governor, ordering him to patrol the middle of the county and supervise the counties. He also listened to the recommendation of the county officials, and recruited a group of prestigious scholars in the county. If they refused to obey, Xun Chen did not force them, and treated each other with courtesy. When it was time to harvest the wheat, Xun Chen personally went to the fields to urge the counties to harvest them, and also inspected the county jails and released the wronged.

With the help of strong soldiers, the government is clear and bright and loves the people. In less than a month, Xun Chen has won the support of most officials and scholars in Jiujiang County. The situation in the county stabilized, and Liu Ye left the county and headed south, first to Fuling and then to Chaohu, and began to implement the two strategies he gave to Xun Zhen.

These are Xun Chen's affairs in Jiujiang, so there is no need to say more.

However, after Xun Chen resigned, Zhao Yu also came.

Xun Zhen persuaded Zhao Yu on the grounds that "Chen Guozheng is in a war, the public will go to fear danger", but Zhao Yu did not listen. Xun Zhen had no choice but to go with him. He originally wanted to send hundreds of soldiers to **** him to Chen Guo to take office. To avoid encountering thieves on the road, Zhao Yu refused.

He said to Xun Zhen: "In the past, he was a general and a minister, but now he is a minister of the imperial court.

When Xun Zhen saw that he insisted on it like this, she didn't force it.

Zhao Yusui took only four or five followers, and went west on a bicycle, heading for Chen Guo to take office.

Xun Chen and Zhao Yu were sent away, Liu Deng, Wen Pin and other ministries were gone, and the prefecture lost another 5,000 troops.

Long Shi Yuan Sui was in charge of the soldier Cao Ye, who was in charge of conscription, and he was in charge of this matter. Xun Zhen ordered Sima Xuankang of the shogunate, and Xu Ji, the state soldier, to be the auxiliary. The power and function of the commander is the State Army of the Ministry of Commandery. Xuan Kang is in charge of the shogun's shogun and knight shogun.

Xun Zhen also passed an order to Jiang Qin, ordering him to select the elite and strong old soldiers in the field army without affecting the harvest of wheat, and the number was limited to 5,000. Ji is responsible for choosing from them.

When Zang Ba heard that Xun Zhen wanted to recruit troops, he offered himself up, and asked himself to send someone back to Mount Tai to recruit Taishan Jingyong for Xunzhen. People's power is the most precious. If a certain number of soldiers can be recruited from Mount Tai, then the consumption of Xuzhou's people's power can be reduced. Xun Zhen readily promised. Gao Tanglong had returned to the prefecture from Langya, succeeded Xun Qi, and took up the responsibility of the city of the state of the state. Compared with the state of the state of the state, the matter of recruiting troops was more important. Xun Zhen asked him to temporarily assist Zang Ba and ordered him He also went back to Mount Tai, and there was no limit to the number of troops he and Zang Ba could recruit.

After arranging the recruitment, Xun Yu asked Xun Zhen to advise him to visit the county.

Xun Yu said: "For a long time the army has been in turmoil at home and abroad, and Xuzhou has fought several battles. Today, the general has been conferred the honor of the court. It is advisable to patrol the prefectures for Xuzhou animal husbandry and general Zhendong to appease the people, so as to show the prestige of the Han family. "

Xun Yu spoke tactfully, and Xun Zhen understood it clearly.

The so-called "to show the majesty of the Han family" is just an excuse. Xun Yu's real intention was to "show the majesty of Xun Zhen". By patrolling the prefectures and counties, the county officials, scholars, and the common people can know that the court worshipped Xunzhen for the sake of Xuzhou animal husbandry and Zhendong generals, so as to appease the locality, deter misbehavior, and unite the people's hearts.

At present, the speed of information transmission is very slow, especially in the countryside, Xun Zhen received the news of the imperial court's veneration. So far, the officials at the three levels of the prefecture, county and county are known, but there are still many people who don't know, and it is indeed necessary for Xun Zhen. Zhen went on a tour to show the local knowledge.

In addition, when it came to harvesting wheat, in order to show the importance of farming, Xunzhen should also travel to the prefectures and counties.

The water conservancy facilities built under the supervision of Puhu are taking shape at the beginning, the military colony has just expanded to the whole prefecture, and the civilian colony proposed by Xun Yu is not long in the pipeline. Although the prefects of the prefectures have all the experience of managing and administering government, they are all first-timers when they are appointed as prime ministers. Xun Zhen also had to go to each of their prefectures to see with his own eyes and check their respective political achievements.

And now that he is the shepherd of Xuzhou and the general of Zhendong, who is worshipped by the imperial court, it is time for Pengchengguo to solve it completely.

To sum up, Xun Zhen accepted Xun Yu's advice, left Xun You to guard the prefecture, ordered Zhao Yun and Zang Bazhen, summon Xin A to lead five hundred cavalry, plus more than a thousand tiger soldiers from Dian Wei's department as squires. Yu and Xi Zhicai accompanied each other and left Tan County in early June, first in Donghai County.


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