The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 17: partial military strategy to earn cover

Xun Zhen immediately ordered Liu Bei to lead his headquarters to Rencheng, join forces with Chen Bao, and join forces with Li Zan and Jiang Hu to block the reinforcements from Yanzhou. Liu Bei received the order and moved westward on the same day. He marched very fast and arrived in Rencheng County the next afternoon. Chen Bao went out to greet him, and the two joined forces and stationed together.

In Hexiang County, as soon as Liu Bei left, Sun Kang was demoted again, and Xun Chang, who had just been promoted to the commander of the heavy army, became the chief general, and the Yellow Turbans of Lu, who were in control of the time or violated the border, were given to Liu Bei, Chen Bao and Jiang Hu were transferred to transport equipment. Although this was the first time that Xun Chang had led the army alone and shouldered a heavy responsibility, he had been in the army for a long time before, and he was orderly and disciplined in order to deal with matters.

Xun Zhen looked at the military reports of him and the other generals in the Hexiang camp, and saw that he acted prudently and in an orderly manner, and was very happy, because he felt relieved.

But he said that Xun Cheng used Guo Jia's plan, he was anxious to show his slowness, and he was close to show that he was far away. He led the main force to attack the enemy stationed on the northeast hill of Gai County, then abandoned the camp that night, personally led Chen Wu and Sun Guan's troops to Gai County, and sent Chen Wu to attack the camp outside the city overnight and half a day.

There are more than 700 Taishan soldiers stationed outside the city of Gaixian. It is one battalion, all of them are elite, called "Chongjian". When Yingshao attacked the Yellow Turbans on Mount Tai earlier, this battalion of soldiers made great contributions. One of the following brave trilogy.

In this way, the two armies faced each other on the battlefield. Although Chen Wu was one of the "three Chens" in Xun's army, he was the leader of the school captains, and was known as Shen Yong. "Fortified camp" was defeated, or defeated, but I am afraid it is not easy, but now with Guo Jia's strategy, they came in a sudden attack, and the strong camp was not fully prepared, and he was smashed by him.

Not only was the Chongjian Camp not fully prepared, but the guards in the city were also caught off guard. Wei Wen wanted to force his troops out of the city to rescue the Chongjian Camp, but was dissuaded by his officers.

The military officer persuaded him to stop him and said: "Xuzhou soldiers suddenly attacked, and the city was in a panic. At this time, it is not appropriate for Duke Ming to send troops. He should first make the city calm, and then discuss to break the enemy. Also, I look outside the city and attack and charge. The strong camp is only a part of the Xuzhou soldiers, and the flag of its leader has not been moved. If Xun Zhongren mobilized his troops to attack the strong camp when Duke Ming left the city to rescue and attack the strong camp, how would it be?"

Wewin thought he was right.

Because, although he was unwilling, he could only watch the Chongjian camp being defeated by Chen Wu. In order to prevent Xun Cheng from attacking during the gap, when the Chongjian camp was defeated, he ordered that the city gates not be opened. More than 700 soldiers of Chongjian died, and there was no way to retreat. A few died in battle, some fled, and the rest abandoned their weapons and surrendered.

Xun Cheng really had the intention of taking the opportunity to attack the city, but seeing that the gate of Gai County had been closed and never opened, he could only put out this idea.

If the enemy camp at the ferry port southwest of Gai County was not transferred back to the city by Wei Wen, as Guo Jia expected, it would still be stationed at the ferry port and defeated the Chongjian camp. Destroy this Ferry Enemy Camp. Afterwards, leaving Sun Guan's troops to guard the city, Xun Cheng ordered Chen Wu to lead his troops to the foot of the southeast of the city, and join forces with Wu Dun to attack the defenders on the mountain.

Chen Wu fought mountain battles. Like Zang Ba and Sun Guan, Wu Dun's works are also from the mountains. Many of them were originally "thieves" in the mountains. Both of them were battle-hardened veterans, and with their absolute superiority, even though they attacked from below, it only took more than a day to attack the top of the mountain, eliminating the defenders on the mountain.

So far, according to Guo Jia's plan, the step of "cutting its wings" has been successfully completed, and the rest can be calmly besieged Gaixian city. Chen Wu and Wu Dun led their troops to return to the army in victory. Together with Sun Guan's troops, they surrounded Gai County under the leadership of Xun Cheng.

On the way out of the city to inspect, Yangbi heard that all the camps outside the city were destroyed and Gaixian was besieged. Shao, who had more than a thousand soldiers from the county, led them back to Gai County.

Wei Wen has some ingenuity. He knows that Gaixian is the gateway to the northeast of Mount Tai, and the strategic position of this place is very important. Ying Shao will definitely send troops to help him, and from the mouth of Yang Mi, he learned that Ying Shao has already sent people to the south. , to counter the affairs of Zang Ba, Chang Xi and others. Therefore, even though all the camps outside the city were destroyed by Xun Cheng and Gai County was besieged, he remained relatively calm.

Although he was calm, the hearts of the army and the people in the city could not be calm.

In order to stabilize the hearts and minds of the army, Wei Wen cheated and claimed that he had obtained a letter of archery, that is, a letter shot in by arrows from outside the city, saying that General Ying Shao would personally lead reinforcements to him, and he also cheated that Zang Ba and Chang Xi were rebelling. The Ministry must have had the heart of the army to float, and must not be able to surround and build the city for a long time. The military heart and people in the city are at ease. Wei Wen built a high platform in the middle of the city, and placed the bowmen on it, shooting Xun Cheng's camp outside the city.

Xun Cheng was in camp.

Xun Cheng, Guo Jia, etc. had just received a military report from Tanxian County. The shogunate outlined in the military report how Chang Xi failed to rebel and died instead. Along with the military report, there was also a handwritten letter by Xun Zhen.

In this book, Xun Zhen explained to Xun Cheng and Guo Jia the contingency measures for sending Zang Ai and Xun Pu into Zang Ba's camp to fight the war. Guan and Wu Dun can use it with confidence.” The judgment was also told to Xun Cheng and Guo Jia.

Of course, this handwriting was a secret letter, and only Xun Cheng and Guo Jia could read it.

The two watched, Xun Cheng asked Guo Jia for advice, and said, "My brother thinks that if the Fu army is safe, then the second Colonel Sun and Wu will also be safe. Zhonglang agrees, what do you think?"

Guo Jia pondered for a moment, then replied: "The military officials of Mount Tai have always served only the Zangfu Army, the Changba, although they bravely conquered the camps of Mount Tai, but when it comes to mighty virtue, they have nothing. The judgment of the lord is very , As long as Zang Fu's army is not in chaos, Sun and Wu will have no dissent."

"Second lieutenants Sun and Wu don't know about Changxi's rebellion. Should I tell them now, or will I tell them after Gaixian is overthrown?"

"I heard that when the General was in Langya, he often enjoyed banquets with Sun Xiaowei. The general should have a good personal relationship with Sun Xiaowei?"

"It's ok."

"In this way, the general can trust his heart and show the sincerity of Sun and Wu Second Colonel."

Xun Cheng understood what Guo Jia meant, and he immediately adopted it. He first summoned Yang Cong, Gaotanglong and other important civil and military officials to inform them of the Changxi rebellion, and then sent officials to invite the three captains Chen Wu, Sun Guan and Wu Dun to see them.

Chen Wu, Sun Guan and Wu Dun came one after another.

Sun Guan was the last to arrive. He took off his sword from outside the tent, walked into the tent, made a military salute, and met Xun Cheng. Xun Cheng called him to the table. Sun Guan sat in the seat, looked at Chen Wu and Wu Dun who were present, then looked at Guo Jia, Yang Cong, Gao Tanglong, etc., and then looked at Xun Cheng again, and found that except for Xun Cheng and Guo Jia , the expressions of the rest of the people are a bit wrong.

Chen Wu's eyes were bright, Wu Dun was sweating on his forehead, Yang Cong, Gao Tanglong and others sat up straight.

Sun Guan's heart moved, and he thought, "Could it be that something happened?" He asked Xun Cheng, "The general has summoned Guan to come, but have important military orders?" He asked tentatively, "Are you going to attack the county town? "

Xun Cheng said: "There is no rush to attack the county seat. I have something I want to trouble you and Wu Xiaowei to do."

"Dare to ask the general what's the matter? Please give me instructions."

"I want you to rebel against Captain Wu."

Sun Guan said in surprise: "What does the general mean by this?"

Xun Cheng motioned Yang Cong to hand over the military newspaper of the shogunate to Sun to watch.

Sun Guan only read a few sentences, then he was dripping with sweat, and he immediately understood why the expressions of the people in the tent were different. He got up, bowed down to the ground, and said, "General Mingjian, Changxi Gouzi, this rebellion was done by him alone, and Guanshi doesn't know about it!"

Xun Cheng also stood up, walked in front of Sun Guan, helped him up, and said with a smile, "I have been with the captain for a long time, and the captain is loyal and I don't know? Why does the captain do this! I My brother has a book with me. In the book, my brother also said: The opposite of Changba has already been found out, and it has nothing to do with Zang Fu’s army and all the lords. Not long ago, my brother ordered Zang Ai and Xun Chang to go to the Fu army camp. Let’s attack Tainan. If my brother is suspicious of the army and the king, why would he do something like this? … Captain, don’t be too careless, what I said just now is definitely not a lie, but what I really want.”

Sun Guan bowed down to the ground again: "Jun Hou, general Ming Rui, watch the liver and brain on the ground, and can't report it."

Wu Dun also left the table and bowed, and said: "The liver and brain are on the ground, so I can't report it."

Xun Cheng called them both to get up. After the two got up, they didn't dare to sit down. Xun Cheng pro-pressed the two of them back to the table. When Xun Cheng also returned to the table and sat down, Sun Guan had guessed what Xun Cheng had just said and asked, "What the general said just now, do you want Guan to cheat with Wu Xiaowei?"

"The scout spy knows that Yang Boshen, the head of Mount Tai, has led more than a thousand troops and is already on his way to aid Gai County, and it will arrive in two days at most. Guard Wei Wen, who is a little cunning and cunning, has challenged me many times, but he closed the city. If I don't go out, I can only send soldiers to climb high and shoot arrows and disturb our camp. Gaixian is not a golden soup, but there are 2,000 soldiers, enough food and equipment, and if you attack them suddenly, it will be difficult to defeat them within three or two days. , I expect that the army's morale and morale in the city will be greatly boosted, and its internal and external correspondence will be more difficult to attack! Therefore, Fengxiao has a plan for me: I can use Changba to rebel against the rebellion, so that you and Wu Xiaowei will deceive and rebel against the city. Pass the book and lure Wei Wen to attack. In this way, it is better to build the city."

Sun Guan and Wu Dun bowed down and said, "Guo Zhonglang's clever plan, Guan dare not to be ordered?"

Xun Chenggu smiled at Guo Jia, Chen Wu, and the others: "This plan works, and Gaixian is in my palm."

Yang Cong heard what Xun Cheng said about the approaching reinforcements of Yang secret leader, volunteered and said to Xun Cheng: "Boshen, Cong Zhi is my brother. Cong dares to ask the general to persuade him to surrender."

Xun Cheng was overjoyed and said, "It's just what you want, but you don't dare to ask me!"

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