The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 57: Cheng Zhongde's painting strategy is ruthless

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"Aspirational talent is short", Liu Dai is sure, "the county and the country are centrifuged", and yes, "the people hold grudges" is an exaggeration. Although Liu Dai was defeated many times by the Yellow Turbans and could not be safe in the territory, he treated the scholars preferentially and was not harsh to the common people. Shiwang in Yanzhou was quite good.

Therefore, Cao Cao could not make a decision on Bao Xin's proposal.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao lost his interest in discussing Xun Zhen's intentions with Chen Gong for a while, so he perfunctory Chen Gong said a few words. The mansion, go to Cheng Li's residence.

Cheng Li is a native of Dong'e. In order to show courtesy to Cheng Li and to use Cheng Li for his own use, Cao Cao built a house for him in Puyang, the county seat. Cheng Li assisted Cao Ren and others to stay in Dongjun until Cao Cao returned. , He also returned to Puyang from the front line.

Cheng Li is in his fifties, and he is old and talented. Liu Dai had previously named him the captain of the cavalry. As a "guest minister", he sometimes gave Cao Cao some advice.

Compared with Chen Gong, Cao Cao valued Cheng Li more.

Outside Cheng Li's house, Cao Cao dismounted and knocked on the door. After a while, a servant opened the door and welcomed Cao Cao inside. Cao Cao ordered the guards to wait outside the door and entered the courtyard alone. After waiting for a while, Cheng Li heard the report and came out from the backyard. After seeing the ceremony twice, Cheng Li invited Cao Cao to the hall.

The two sat down in the hall.

Cao Cao noticed that Cheng Li's hair on the temples was a little messy, and he smelled a little fragrance coming from his nose. This fragrance was not the fragrance of men's clothes, but the smell of fat powder. What's worse than a thrush?"

This is what Zhang Chang said in response to Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty. Zhang Chang said, "The joy of a boudoir is better than that of a thrush." ​​The implication is that it is the joy of fish and water.

Cheng Li knew that Cao Cao was light-hearted, that he was not as rigid as a Confucian scholar, and that he had no scruples in his words and laughs, because he was not squeamish, and answered calmly: "It's nothing to do with the cold weather. ."

Cao Cao nodded. Looking outside the hall, he asked, "Is your son not at home?"

Cheng Li has two sons-in-law, one is Cheng Wu and the other is Cheng Yan. Cheng Yan is young, and in Dong'e's hometown, Cheng Wu attends Cheng Li's side. Cheng Li replied: "At the invitation of Wu's son in the county, Ah Wu went to Wu's house to discuss scriptures."

Puyang is one of the prefectures of the Wu clan. The Wu clan in the county is prosperous and quite popular.

Cao Cao said: "The son of the Duke is diligent in self-cultivation and is well known by the county. I intend to appoint him as the right Cao Ye of the county government. Does Duke Zhongde think it is okay?"

"Awu, Wenzi Er, although he has a little knowledge of the classics, but he has no ability to reason and chaos, and is embarrassed. Meng De, with good intentions, let him accompany me at home."

Cao Cao's word Mengde, Cheng Li's word Zhongde, just from the word, the two are like brothers.

Seeing that Cheng Li was determined, Cao Cao didn't force it, so he didn't mention it again. The two talked for a while, how smart is Cheng Li? Seeing that Cao Cao had something on his mind, he said, "Meng De, you came here without telling me and suddenly went to the poor door, but is there something wrong?"

"There is something I want to hear from Duke Zhongde."

"What's the matter?"

Cao Cao looked outside the hall again and saw that no one was in the courtyard, so he took out Bao Xin's book, went down to the hall, handed it to Cheng Li, and said, "Please read Yuncheng's book first. "

Cheng Li read it carefully, returned the book to Cao Cao, stroked his beard and said nothing.

Cao Cao did not return to the seat, so he stood beside Cheng Li's case and asked, "Gong De Zhongde, what is the reason for the public's opinion?"

"Have you asked the public station?"

"Not yet."

"Why don't you ask?"

"If this matter is feasible, you should discuss it with the public platform. If it is not feasible, there is no need to ask him."

Chen Gong and Cheng Li are both wise men, but they are different.

Chen Gong became famous at a young age, and had many contacts with scholars in Yanzhou. Although Cheng Li was not a cold scholar, his family was not a noble surname, and he was not a hairpin for generations. It was not until the Zhongping period that he became famous for breaking the Yellow Turbans and recovering Dong'e, and he became famous with Yanzhou. The children of the famous clan and surname family are not very familiar with each other, which is a difference. The second difference is that Cheng Li is in his fifties, and his city is deeper than Chen Gong.

Therefore, Cao Cao did not show Bao Xin's secret book to Chen Gong, but came to seek Cheng Li's opinion.

After all, seizing Liu Dai's power was a big deal, and Cao Cao had to try his best to avoid leaks.

Cheng Li admired Cao Cao's cautious attitude, so he said to Cao Cao: "As an old man, I have received the trust of the king, and I am very grateful. Meng De, then I will say it directly."

"Please speak." After Cao Cao finished speaking, his eyes were bright and he listened intently to Cheng Li's advice.

Cheng Li covered his hands with his sleeves, patted the case lightly, and said, "It's possible, it's not feasible."

"Oh? Dare to ask the public to elaborate."

"As Bao Jibei said: Liu Gongshan is incompetent, and the one who lives in Yanzhou must be your ruler. This is feasible."

"Isn't it feasible?"

"Liu Gongshan has tens of thousands of people. Even if Zhang Mengzhuo and Yuan Boye can help each other, how easy is it to chase them? If Gongshan does not give up his power, there will be infighting! Now is the time, with the Yellow Turbans in the north and Xuzhou in the east, if you fight against Liu Gongshan again In the state, don't you hear 'snipe and clam fighting'? This is not feasible."

Cao Cao sighed: "This is also my concern!" He said, "If I were to fight with Gongshan in Douzhou, I would only make Zhenzhi 'get it and join him'." He unfolded Bao Xin's secret book and read two more Look, put it in the matching bag, and said, "I will write back to Yuncheng, stating that it is not feasible."

Cheng Li stroked his gray beard, narrowed his eyes, and said, "There's no need to rush back to Bao Jibei to say that it's not feasible."

"Prince Zhongde, what do you mean by this?"

"Qiao Yuanwei, who tasted the prefect of Yanzhou, was very powerful, and was murdered by Liu Gongshan; Liu Gongshan attacked the Yellow Turbans in northern Ji, and killed many of the captives, and was deeply hated by the Yellow Turbans. Meng De, all of these can be used. also."

Cao Cao was stunned, and immediately understood what Cheng Li meant. He took a deep breath and said, "Will this be too dangerous?"

"If you can't take risks, how can you solve Yanzhou's risks? How can you solve your king's risks?"

"Suppose if something leaked? Duke Zhongde, we will be pointed by thousands of people!"

"As long as things are done properly, how can it be leaked?"

Cao Cao pinched his chin and moustache, and walked away in the hall. Cheng Li'an sat on the seat and watched him pacing back and forth in circles, waiting for him to make a decision.

Cao Cao made a decision, and walked back to Cheng before filing the case, with murderous intent in his eyes, he clenched the hilt of his sword, and said, "The public statement is very serious. I will return the letter to Yuncheng and let him arrange it." After a pause, he said, "Prince Zhongde, this matter is important, whether it is successful or not, only the Duke, me and Yuncheng will know."

Cheng Li nodded calmly and said, "That's how it should be."

Bao Xin proposed to expel Liu Dai, but Cheng Li went a step further and suggested to simply kill Liu Dai. After negotiating the matter, the two discussed the details again and again. Then, after talking about what to do after the matter was completed, Cheng Li presented a whole set of plans. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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