It was vaguely formed a mighty

battle armor, of course, I really couldn't see it at the beginning

, but as the battle armor on the outside of this giant's body began to gradually condense, this

giant is no longer

a rock giant with smooth skin like just now, but like a living general standing in the terracotta army

This giant is now wearing armor, it is really a general's dress

, and the current situation can also be said to be a spoof of Hewen

, he made this thing according to the memory of his previous life

, it can be said that he borrowed some real characters from his previous life

to get such a big guy, he is not only the structure of his body is changing,

In the same way, even the long knife in the hands of this general

giant is constantly changing, and the weapon that has been

fighting for a long time at this time is not as delicate as it was at the beginning, but after fighting for a while

, he found that in fact, the two big guys are fighting each other, and the best thing to use is the powerful

giant sword, however, the newly condensed giant sword may be a little ugly

However, from now on, he directly began to change the new shotgun, from

the original pair of large giant swords that were not so much simple

, but rather directly said, the giant was holding a large door panel

, and now with the continuous fine control of Hewen

, the long sword in the hands of the entire giant is obviously changing towards the "and guard" on Hewen's waist, and even the "and

guard" The patterns on the sword looked very clear

, just like that, at this moment, a giant appeared in front of everyone present

, but in the end, the entire island that looked quite prosperous had completely disappeared

, and Douglas Barrett was the first to do it, which allowed him to seize the opportunity and

quickly let himself get more than half of the things on the island

He originally planned to try it again to see if

he could expand the remaining part of the island into his body as much as possible

, but before he could make a move, the person on the other side was not polite, and

in an instant, he also activated his Devil Fruit awakening ability

and obtained the other half of the entire island, but,

This is obviously a food grabbing activity, but it did not arouse the anger of Douglas Barrett

, after all, he has already occupied most of

it, and he vaguely feels that it is almost to his limit, that is to say, he tries his best to

control it, and he can only control so much, and the rest cannot be controlled at all,

if he doesn't know what to do, he is forced to control it

I don't know what kind of things will be led to

, so those things are taken by the other party, and they are taken, he will not have any expression, nor do he have any care

, but just fill these things that have been obtained into his giant,

so that this giant has become extremely exaggerated, and

the giant he has now synthesized is full of purple-black light

The eyes are blazing, but now it can no longer be called

a robot, and it is the same as Hewen, the whole robot has changed

its appearance, at this time, looking at his appearance, it seems to be a fight with Godzilla

, very powerful and majestic, full of violent aesthetics

, not only that, this big guy is also dragging a long tail behind him,

What made Hewen look at it was speechless for a while

, this is in the middle of the battle, not fighting a little monster, Hewen really can't figure it

out, what is the significance of Douglas Barrett doing

this, after all, the time has been long, he has vaguely forgotten the scene at that time

, but he roughly remembers this guy and there is such a thing

, he directly transformed half of the island into a part of his body,

At that time, since this giant came out, it brought a great shock to many people, and

at the same time, he also had a re-understanding of Doras Barrett's true

strength, but now things have taken a little turn

, originally when he was just combining a robot

, everyone was still nervous, because they didn't know what the strength of this giant was

But when Hewen also

made a rock giant of the same height as him to fight against him, everyone looked at everything was still very fresh

, but as time went by, they didn't think that there was anything special about this giant made by Douglas Barrett, but

they just wanted to fight a special battle, and

they no longer felt afraid of the fish-man giant created by Glass Barrett.

This is indeed a very, very good start

, the hearts of the people on the navy's side gradually calmed down, but the hearts on the other side were extremely restless

, Douglas Barrett was also stunned when he saw this change in Hewen

, and he almost couldn't control himself from jumping up,

he couldn't have imagined that the other side would give him such a kick anyway

This was originally planned by him, wanting to make a name

for himself in this way, but the opportunity is not so easy to take, no one knows that some accidents will happen later

, but today he himself has been too much surprised

, wave after wave of routines, as if someone has calculated him

to death, how he should go every step of the way, he is clearly calculated,

From the beginning to the present, every time he makes a little movement

, there will be something corresponding to him, which makes him feel extremely depressed,

but there is no way to suppress it, he can only endure it

, and the people watching the battle on the periphery are cold at the moment

, which is really terrible, especially the empress Boya Hancock and Moonlight Moria,

they know that Hewen and Douglas · The changes of Barrett and these two guys

can appear such changes, which proves that the other party has some unknown hole cards.

Even the yellow ape Porusalino was surprised by this situation

, he glanced at these two people who were also Devil

Fruit Awakening abilities with interest, and said directly: "Yes, Douglas Barrett actually has the ability to Devil Fruit Awakening

, it's really terrifying!" And as soon as he said this

, the people next to him were speechless, especially Moonlight Moria,

Originally, Moonlight Moria, who was doing what she liked on her own one-third of an acre of land,

was originally full of joy and felt that she had made a lot of money from her actions this time

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