But before Hewen's idea could be put into action

, it was seen by the little girl Perona, who was really

her brother, she knew better than anyone else, looking at the little eyes in her brother's eyes that were already full of jealousy

, how could she not know what her brother was thinking

, and then, the little girl Perona snorted coldly and directly took the painting into her arms

When the time comes, she swears that she must find a good place to hide

the painting, and see how he still looks through his paintings, for this painting

, the little girl Perona is very satisfied, she really likes this style of painting, and after seeing her sister like this, Hewen also understands some of his careful thoughts,

which may be seen clearly by the little girl Perona

The eyes full of wisdom, staring at Hewen in a flash

, his eyes were also full of a hint of vigilance

, at this moment, he was also a little embarrassed, he could only retract his gaze

stupidly, and focus all his attention on the field of the navy elite training camp

, and at this time, their battle was about to kick off

Before the game, after the one-eyed leopard Pedro reported to the past

, the cat pit viper boss and the Duke of Inulan, the two guys who never met

, touched each other for the first time, these two kings of the furry principality

, one is in control of the day

, the other is in control of the night, it can be said that the old and the dead do not get along, but the contradiction itself is not so big,

But the personalities of these two guys are the same as artillery battles

, they always have to choke each other a few words when they meet, which is also their way of doing things

, but they are also not used to each other, and now they are really about to go out

, some of their own problems have been put on the table again

, one of them has lost a leg, and one has lost an arm

It also had a very big impact on the subsequent battle

, and these two strong men of the fur clan are also very headaches now,

after all, their own side is a little bit of lost strength, how to make up for

it, this is a problem, but at this critical juncture, they suddenly heard that

someone can help them weaken the side effects of their own clan in the state of "Moon Lion".

They were also shocked by this news

, yes, this is also a method, when it is time

to fight, choose a day suitable for their own clan to fight, then although there are some losses in combat strength,

but in the same way, the strength of the rest of them will be greatly strengthened,

what else have they heard? I heard that the top level of this naval headquarters

is actually trying to reduce their clan's in"

In their impressions

, the navy does not seem to be such a generous person, but now after the assurances of Pedro, the one-eyed leopard

, they also hesitated for a while, not sure if this can work,

so the two of them had a brief meeting

After discussion, although these two people still don't believe that the navy can have such good intentions

, but there is such a strong person for free

to help them solve the trouble, these two people are still very happy, and then they also agreed

, hoping that Hewen can give them some greater help at that time

, but in the same way, they are not able to help Hewen reduce the side effects

I have too much hope, after all, their relationship

with the navy is like that, not to mention that they fought with the navy at the beginning, but that is all about Chen Sesame and rotten grain

, and I don't know how many years have passed, but there are some times, some

things don't need to be asked, it will be forgotten,

under the guidance of the idea of being cheap and not taking advantage of it

They agreed to the proposal with the navy, and also agreed to let the little rabbit Garrot

show his own clan's "moon lion" form in front of the navy, but it was the last two people to think about it, although the "moon lion" form of their own clan, although it seems to outsiders to be more mysterious, but for those strong people who really know world history,

their clan's "moon lion


The form is just like that, this group of people is very clear about

it, and they know where their biggest shortcomings are, so they don't pay much attention to it at all

, plus their family, and then due to a series of things

, it must be intensively in the public eye

, so many situations are also impossible to do a good job of confidentiality

, and now it is just announced in advance, and in the days to come,

You just don't want to make it public, who let them face the opponent next

, it is extremely powerful, they can only use the power of their own "moon lion"

form, and the enemy to fight to the death, so that they have a form

, even if they don't want to show, then everyone already knows what the situation is

, so it's okay to show it now, but can make some changes in advance,

In order to reduce the casualties on his own side in the future battle in the country of Wano

, why not? After the one-eyed little leopard Pedro got the exact news

, he immediately replied to Hewen, and this time there was a battle

, looking at the moment the little rabbit Garrot had already brought his own weapon

, that is, that pair of claw gloves, and now the little rabbit Garrot showed a trace of fierceness

This trace of fierceness is actually her combat state, after all

, in fact, she usually behaves so cutely, if she doesn't show a little ruthlessness

, then the other party can't take her seriously at all

, just this, Hewen has a little shake his head

when he sees it, you have to use your own advantages to expand the results

, for example, your cuteness, the other party is not paying attention,

He will feel that your threat success is particularly small, play a trace of contempt

, so he will also relax his vigilance

, at this moment you sneak attack the other party, it must be a sneak attack on a quasi, you are now putting on a fierce posture

, but it will make the other party vigilant, you are now showing this way

, others know at a glance that they are going to fight, you must learn to hide,

To learn to control their emotions, the fierce appearance is to give the enemy behind his back

, although the little rabbit Garrot tried his best to make a very fierce look

, but with the blessing of the moonlight, her current form

, in the eyes of Hewen and others, does not have any threat, but is full of a trace of cuteness

, thinking of this, Hewen shook his head helplessly, and first taught him: ".

Little girl Garlot, you

made a mistake from the beginning, you know?" and listening to Hewen's words, the little rabbit who was still fierce immediately

became cute, his two ears instantly drooped, and

he looked at Hewen with a question mark, why hasn't he started fighting yet

, he just made a simple move, and the other party said that he had made a mistake

At this time, she was a little stunned, and Pedro, the one-eyed little leopard who was

watching from the side, immediately showed an embarrassed look, and the old man Zefa and the others, who were still watching the battle

, did not have any inappropriate situation, but showed a laughing expression

, "Isn't this obvious, you exposed your combat intentions too early,

you are obviously telling others that you are going to duel with the other party."

Hewen's words had a slightly educational tone, which made the little rabbit Garrot blind

, and then, this little girl of yours said ignorantly: "

Aren't we going to fight now?" And as soon as these words came out

, Hewen was stunned, yes, people do want to fight with you now

, so it's not wrong for people to put on this pose, but... Well

, some things can only be understood but not spoken

, and in the end, Hewen was speechless, and could only ask: "Is it true that you usually look like this when you are in the fur clan?"

The little rabbit Garrot nodded and replied: "That's right

, our clan is usually like this, by the way, Brother Hewen,

are you still fighting? Why do you say so many words." Well

, he was educated instead, and Hewen could only helplessly explain to him: "

Little girl Garlot, when you are fighting, you must not let the other party

see your combat intentions at the first time, but use all your means

to lower the opponent's vigilance, if you don't expand the results in the early stage,

you will weaken the opponent's overall strength in a short period of time as much as possible

." Then you will face a tug-of-war with a difficult taste

, I think this is not what you are good at in this situation

, and the method I am talking about, although it may be different from the usual fighting habits of your rough people

, but you must remember that sometimes reducing casualties is the most important thing,

and only then can you deal with all the unexpected situations in the future

Otherwise, you won't be able to face so many threats at that time

, for example, now you want you to use your own advantages to attack the opponent, and

you need to understand this yourself.

The little rabbit Garrot didn't understand much about what Hewen said, but the one-eyed little leopard Pedro did understand

, and then, he sighed helplessly, and said to the old man Zefa on the side: "

I'm very sorry to let you see the joke, it's really this way of fighting that makes you laugh." The

old man Zefa shook his head and said: "This is Hewen's problem, it's

really this guy who sometimes calculates some things too carefully,

but." In fact, there is nothing wrong with him saying

this, you have to understand one thing, that

is, when you are fighting with the other party, you must remember that you are aiming to defeat each other

, not how beautiful it

is to win, you can completely ignore this aspect, this is your life-and-death battle

, you can only be more shameless than the other party compared with the other party, then you can have the last laugh,

Impulsiveness is a big no-no. Hearing this senior's admonition to himself

, the one-eyed little leopard Pedro immediately nodded yes, this is a very valuable suggestion, and

the most sincere advice, he is teaching you

a mentality on the battlefield, what the old man Zefa said can largely represent the combat mentality of a group of people

, which is also the best reminder to them, after a brief conversation

At this moment, Hewen should have finished saying everything he wanted to say, so it was left to fight

, and at this moment, Hewen could be regarded as really seeing what the strength of

the fur clan was, and clearly understood what the "moon lion" form of the fur clan was, and

how big was its overall increase?

The gap between the two is too

big, although the side effects are not much worse than the side effects of the banned drugs taken by the guys

of the fish-man clan, but as long as they go through careful pranayama, they can completely recover

, and they will not leave a particularly big sequelae, which I don't know how much stronger than the fish-man Hoddy Jones

, and there is another point, that is, the "moon lion" form of their fur clan

Although it will go crazy after using it for a long time, but the average pirate is really not necessarily

, when you can meet them crazy, in most cases

, you can't resist a few rounds of attacks from the other party, treat such an unreasonable person

, fight to the end, there is only a dead end, this is one

, and the second is the strength of his fur clan

, which is not too weak, and it can be seen as it is, as long as you don't have a problem,

When I met a character like Peropero, the candy minister of the Big Mom Pirates

, the pirates generally said that it was ugly, and they were not necessarily their opponents

, and in the same way, why would they be a little better than the forbidden drugs of the Fish-Man Clan

, there is also a very important reason, and this important reason

is that their "Moon Lion" form is also very limited

It's like today is on the fifteenth

, that is, the night of the full moon, and there is a night sky, it needs to be cloudless

, the visibility is very high, there are no obstacles such as dark clouds

, it can be said that it is a very, very bright night, only in this way can

they stimulate the "moon lion" form in their body, if there is that kind of foggy, cloudy situation

Or that the moon is not at that round time, it will not be said at all to let them

awaken the "moon lion" form in the body, so their "moon lion" form

, although the combat power is strong, but there are also quite a lot of restrictions

, in a large case, you can't use it in battle,

so you don't have to be afraid of what kind of burden these sequelae will bring to yourself

As long as the pranayama is good, their situation is extremely rare

, so there is no need to be afraid, it will really bring any bad effects

, and the forbidden drugs of the group of fish people do not have this characteristic

, that is, how much to eat, after a long time, there will be a strong dependence, and

when you encounter the kind of enemy that you can't beat, you have to eat yourself until you die

In this case, Hewen has always thought that it is extremely undesirable

, no matter what, it cannot be used as a condition to consume his own lifespan to

obtain that seemingly powerful power, which is like a castle in the air

, and will be destroyed sooner or later, so Hewen still affirms the situation of his fur family

, and will not really produce a particularly large dependence

And at the beginning of the battle at this moment, Hewen

also conducted an investigation on the little rabbit Galot's physical skills, originally Galot's little rabbit was afraid that his weapon was too sharp

, and he would hurt the admiral of the naval headquarters in front of

him, after all, this one is also his benefactor, not to mention his good food and drink

, and let himself make friends of other clans, which is a very great kindness,

But in the end, she thought about it completely, maybe this weapon of hers

can play a very big role when dealing with other people

, but this small scene is really a small scene for Hewen, it is really a small scene

, how can this man who has played the armed domineering, seeing and hearing domineering and Devil Fruit to the apex

, how could he not be able to prevent the attack of this little girl,

For her attack, Hewen is more of a guide

, but, to be honest, this one's attack is really a little fierce, don't look at her as just an ordinary, soft and weak little girl

, but when it comes to fighting, once she enters the "Moon Lion"

form, I don't know if it's this form, bringing too much self-confidence to their fur clan or what

The attack was rampant, without a little discipline

, and Hewen shook his head when he saw it, in this regard, he reminded her many times in the

battle, which also made this little rabbit, in this battle, learned a lot of knowledge, just like just now, this little rabbit was covered with lightning

, and in

an instant, he came to Hewen's back, and unceremoniously attacked Hewen with one claw

But in the face of such an attack, Hewen just dodged

with a slight dodge, and then at the same time as he dodged, a knife in his right hand hit the little rabbit's wrist

, which almost made the little rabbit cry, and then immediately evacuated

, it seemed that she wanted to open a distance from

Hewen, but she just made a move, and then Hewen also left the place with a dodge, as if she had predicted her next move

Then he kicked her again

, and kicked her out directly, of course, this is just training and guidance

, it is definitely impossible to use

all his strength, if Hewen adds strange power, and fights with all his strength, even if it is a mountain in front of him, it has to be broken into several pieces

, but in this way, it has already made it difficult for the little rabbit Garrot to parry,

and then Hewen looked at her next series of actions and shook his head,

Directly and very seriously, he said: "Garrot,

your attack speed and strength, after opening the form of the "Moon Lion", have increased exponentially

, but your move attack is too simple, but anyone with a little experience

can see your attack intent at a glance, this is not good

, you must learn to hide yourself, and you must not let the other party detect your offensive intent."

When dealing with weaker than you, these problems are not obvious

, but when you have to deal with people who are almost the same as

your strength, or higher than your strength, this will be very fatal, and your control is too poor

, obviously you only need to use one point of force to solve the matter

, but in your hands, it is used two points, three points,

so don't you feel that your body's consumption is very large,

This is something you need to pay attention to as well. After saying

this, Ha Wen began to attack, and he also had to exercise the little rabbit Garlot's defense and reaction

skills, after all, it was now in the meaning of the full moon, and at such a good time, it

would be a pity if he didn't train her hard and deepen her understanding of some skills, and there didn't

seem to be many opportunities like this in Ha Wen's impression

In addition, she usually trains her

the most, that is, the little leopard Pedro, and his strength is like that in the eyes of Hewen, he can't do a good education and work

at all, and the vision of people like Hewen is not at the same level at all

, so it is the most important thing to hurry up and train,

because Hewen also clearly remembers the battle of Ghost Island

Above the sky is the night of the full moon, although in the attic below will block part of the moonlight

, but it still does not delay their group

of fur people to use the "moon lion" form, at that time, the "moon lion" form will be the biggest help for their family, and the cat pit viper boss and the Duke of Inulan are also relying on the "moon lion" form of their fur clan,

to be able to deal with Perospero and "drought" Jack

And seeing Hewen attacking, the little rabbit Garot was also quite nervous at the moment

, and the claws in his hands kept waving

, in order to resist Hewen's attack, and he saw that her paws flashed with cold light, leaving a cold shadow in the air

, in order to defend, but don't forget who taught Hewen's

physical skills, that is the real master, to be honest, his physical skills in a sense,

It's not worse than his swordsmanship, it's even stronger

, he fights with his bare hands, it's still majestic

, it's really Hewen's guy, and he doesn't allow himself to be the kind of guy

who becomes a waste once he loses his weapon

, he needs to have his own achievements in many aspects

, so in terms of training, he has never been just a single training,

Other training can also keep up

, and the little rabbit Garrot is unlucky, in the face of Hewen's sharp and strong attack, the little rabbit Garot can only be tired of coping

, it is really Hewen's attack is too sharp

, making it difficult for the little rabbit Garot to deal with

, after a period of attack, Hewen also shook his head helplessly,

It seems that their fur clan lives too comfortably on the back of Xiang Zuo

, from the battle to the present, he can feel very clearly that

when the little rabbit Garrot uses the power of the "Moon Lion" clan

, he never knows what is called reasonable distribution, and it is usually used lavishly, and

a lot of power is wasted in it, which is very unreasonable,

In the future, she must be reminded of how to preserve her precious strength in battle

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