They can be regarded as winning this time, and the situation on the side of the Blackbeard Pirates is not optimistic at the moment,

although the Blackbeard Marshall · D. Titch's

attack was not directed towards them, but it also affected the actions of these people to some extent, but

they were also very discerning, and made evasive actions in advance

, plus the captain of their Blackbeard Pirates

, the main direction of attack was not them, so although there were some unlucky people,

They were pitted by their captain again, but the vast majority of them also survived by luck

, and this group of people who survived by luck could only chase after the empress Boya Hancock

, and when they left, Hewen finally breathed a sigh of relief

, and these people finally opened their minds, and took advantage of the opportunity they had created

, fighting and retreating, and retreating to their base camp - Nine Snake Island

As they gradually left this place, however, he was also very surprised that the people of the Blackbeard Pirates were able to continue to pursue

, and secretly wondered in his heart that this group of guys was so iron-headed

, this is really not afraid of death, it seems that this group of pirates will not give up if they do not achieve their goal

, and finally see that there is already a distance between the two sides,

and Hewen doesn't care about them, and he directly retreats while fighting

It's still quite chaotic now, he doesn't want to continue fighting

here, this will only hurt himself, he is a person who comes on vacation,

there is no need to pay for his own life for irrelevant people here,

he also quickly retreated in the direction of Empress Boya Hancock's Perfume Snake

, as long as the other party doesn't follow them immediately

There is a distance that is enough for the two sides to play a game

, this battle has lasted for a very, very long time from the beginning

to the present, it is time to end, and the blackbeard Marshall who saw the retreat of Hewen and others D. Titch is extremely unwilling

, this guy is also chasing, while taking out the phone to shake people

, it is bound to give Hewen and others an unforgettable lesson, all these ideas are good

, and the Blackbeard Pirates don't want to end this battle so quickly

, but in fact, things are not like this, with the retreat of Hewen and others

, soon the group of the Nine Snake Pirates also arrived in the windless area,

And the windless zone has no effect on the nine snake pirates

, and they are the two snakes that pull the boat from the pirate ship, which is also one of the sea beasts, and it is most suitable for them to pull the boat

, and the windless zone does not have any impact on them

, and now the two snakes are

running fast, and they are almost grinding off a layer of skin in the water

And the Blackbeard Pirates are a bit troublesome, only those few big ships have the ability to travel in windless areas, and

other small ships do not have such capabilities, so it slows down the Blackbeard Pirates' actions,

but it doesn't matter. For a tyrant like D. Teach

, in order to complete the task, everything can be left alone

, he quickly ordered everyone to abandon the small boat and board

the big ship, and continue the pursuit, this is not a big deal

, and after such a long time, the first round of support personnel from the empress Boya Hancock has also arrived, and

they were at the beginning, when they received the king of their own country,

When she was attacked by other pirates

, the island of Nine Snakes suddenly became a mess, however, there are people on this island who can quickly calm the chaos

, she quickly organized the first batch

of personnel to support, and the support personnel drove the boat and quickly rushed to the direction where their Amazon Lily King was besieged, and

it didn't take long for this group of people to sail to the empress Boya Hancock and them

They have protected this ship, so that they can quickly evacuate to their base camp island

, after all, no matter what, there is also a complete defense

, and it can kill the enemy very much, unlike here

now, what conditions are not available, and until now, the

entire ship can be said to be almost exhausted

There are still a bunch of lightly wounded and seriously wounded

, and if they continue to fight, the end will definitely be a way to defeat, and Hewen is also covering them to quickly retreat back

, and the Blackbeard Pirates are slowly following up, and they have been chasing

after them, wanting to take them down in one fell swoop, but this is not the case,

although the current situation makes Hewen feel more tricky,

But it didn't make him feel so difficult to deal with, once it seemed impossible for him to do

anything, then this guy would also decisively press the golden phone bug and

ask the personnel to attack, but Blackbeard Marshall · D. Titch

is also a guy who has no fear, he also slightly arranged some means in the surrounding seas

, it is impossible for him to only bring such a few people over, he also has to prevent emergencies

, this hero will definitely make all the preparations in advance

, he is actually playing with a time difference, although the golden phone bug in Hewen's hand,

After pressing it again, it can give him a lot of threat, but even if the naval personnel are in the nearby seas

, it is impossible to get here quickly

, and the transfer of the Demon Slayer Order is not a small matter

, it is necessary to rush over from the Navy Headquarters, so there is no way to calculate the time of going back and forth,

which is why he has no fear, and he has to want to mobilize quickly

It will take a lot of time, and organizing manpower

is also a relatively big problem, and the navy has just experienced two relatively large

operations, and these two operations have also made many people in

their navy already a little tired, and they were called over by the demon slaying order again

, so to speak, their navy is going through another big operation

This is extremely uneconomical, after all, what is the situation on the sea,

Blackbeard Marshall D. Titch knows better than anyone that

he wants to stir up the wind and rain, so he has to understand everything in advance

, and only after understanding it, he can achieve the goal in his heart

, he is sure that the navy is tired and needs to recuperate for a while,

but after he saw that the other party's personnel were replenished,

His face is also very ugly, which invisibly adds a lot of variables to his victory

, and at present, he can only attack the other party from time

to time, but his series of attacks have been resolved by Hewen and others one by one, Hewen

They are waiting for his attack, as time goes by,

the personnel of the Empress Boya Hancock's side have all arrived on the Nine Snake Island

At this time, they no longer pay attention to what is not allowed

on the island to be men on the island, it is almost time for life and death, how can there be time to worry about this kind of thing

, she immediately ordered the air defense and close defense system on the island to launch a fierce work

, and then these large-caliber artillery pieces played a role, and

countless shells poured towards the position of the Blackbeard Pirates

It also brought a lot of trouble to their Blackbeard Pirates

, that is, the island can have the current defense measures, and it is all thanks to

Hewen, when Hewen launched a fierce attack on their Nine Snake Island

, there was no way to organize a decent

defense on this island, which shows how weak the defense system on their island is

In the face of an attack by a strong man like Hewen, she couldn't even come up with a real means

of defense, and then the empress Boya Hancock also learned from the pain, and made up her mind to spend a lot of money to buy countless artillery pieces from the black market

, so as to arm the Nine Snake Island, she secretly made up her mind at that time

, whether her island was in a windless area or not, she could not relax in the defense

That's why we have the results we have now, of course, this is only one aspect

, after all, here it is a windless area anyway

, and the support of the large ships of the Blackbeard Pirates is also coming soon

, but at this moment, the empress Boya Hancock, other support has also arrived, and

these two strong men on the sea are not far from this place,

because they also plan to come here to avoid the recent limelight,

It's really a matter of the sea, it's too fierce

, these two are also afraid that they will be involved in something they don't know

, after all, it is not easy to have a stable life now, it is the

tacit understanding between all parties, so there is such a result

, if he is accidentally involved in these big events again,

It's not going to be as good as it used to be, and their current tranquility is the same as the former One Piece King Gore · D. Roger's death

only took them out of it, and when the time came, they were forced to join them, and the losses can be imagined

, and the masters of the Navy Headquarters did not have a good impression of the "Hades" Silbaz Reilly, and

this guy was very ruthless in the face of his own naval soldiers

, so the impression of the older generation of the Navy on him,

In fact, it's not very good, it's just that the Navy Headquarters has an order

not to provoke them easily when they are fine

, and the position where they have lived in seclusion for so many years, how can the Navy not find out

, don't think that their intelligence department is too weak, and the navy stationed on the Chambord Islands is also a general

If you don't even have a little perception of the strong, then you don't deserve to be stationed here at all

, everyone knows it, there are some things that are not broken

, in fact, the navy knows that once the two sides really break

up, the navy can find them at the first time and launch an attack

, at this moment, everyone is just turning a blind eye

Once he is involved in the whirlpool and causes a relatively large incident

, then when the navy deals with him, even if it loses some manpower

, it will not continue to let him go, this is

the bottom line of the navy, and he also knows some of the bottom lines of the navy, so he never touches

it, everyone has always been peaceful, you don't mess with me, I won't go to you,

It's not that this old man is afraid, it's just that people don't want to cause trouble

, no, he plans to come to Empress Boya Hancock this time, just to avoid the latest troubles

, unlike the original book, the original "Hades" Silbaz Reilly did not come to Nine Snake Island,

which may be related to the removal of the title of the Seven Martial Seas under the Empress Boya Hancock

After all, once her title disappears, they will become everyone's hostile party again

, which will cause everyone to covet it, and he will be

over-interpreted by others if he doesn't get it right, causing more trouble to many people

, so at that time, they can only wait and see from a distance

can't join it, otherwise, when the navy and the Blackbeard Pirates attacked

Nine Snake Island at about the same time, Empress Boya Hancock couldn't resist such a strong attack at all, she was defeated in a short time

, and before anyone else could make a move, these two received the news and rushed over

, it can be seen that they are also near this sea area, always paying attention to the situation on Nine Snake Island

Because they know that once the navy starts, it will only be a Nine Snake Island

, and it will definitely not be able to withstand such an attack of this intensity

, and now the situation is different, after all, His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas is an organization that cooperates with the navy, and

their group of people is also under the orders of the world government,

and they will do whatever they are asked to do

And the title appointed by the world government is always a relatively easy umbrella to use

, and when the blackbeard pirates

attack the front, they are blocked by the guy Hewen, and the flanks are due to the sudden appearance of the "Hades" Silbaz Reilly and others,

which also gives a great shock.

D. Tichy's face was gloomy, staring at these people, and

the person who could really cause a change in the situation finally said grimly: "

Hey, you are all planning to get along with my Blackbeard

, I just want to take away the Empress Boya Hancock

, why are you all blocking in front of me one by one,

do you really want to find death?"

Hewen and the others also have a bad face, and the guy on the other side is really very persistent

, but now Hewen and they know that he is already a strong introspect at the moment

, and he is always looking for a real retreat for himself

, and now this has come to this point, it can be said that neither of them can fight, and

the final result can only be to leave here, otherwise it will not be possible to face such a terrifying lineup in the end

The Blackbeard Pirates may also withdraw from the sea battle in advance

, and he doesn't know the true details of the "Hades" Silbaz Reilly

, but no matter what, it is an extremely uneconomical thing for him to continue

, and this strong man of the old era, Reilly, also saw the true reality of the other party, and

at this moment he also said unhurriedly: "Okay,."

Titch, I know what you, the little guy on the Newgate ship

, want to do, I'm

an old man who has no intention of organizing you to realize your dreams, but you don't

think I'm bullied, just with the current situation between

the two sides, do you think that if the two sides really fight, will your Blackbeard Pirates be able to retreat safely?

It's likely that

you'll die here, and if you really retreat now, we won't be attacking you fiercely, we'll let you go,

and if you don't listen to persuasion, you can try our skills and see if a few of us can stop your attack

, and don't forget, there's still a Navy Admiral here

I think he still prefers to do what he

likes to do if the navy raids your base camp Hive Island

at this time, just like the previous raid on Big Mom's territory, Cake Island,

do you think you can stop it? Or do you think that the former admiral of the Navy Headquarters who stays there

can give you a lot of help, and you should also cooperate?

But the premise of the condition is that the two sides must be equal, if

you don't have this condition, do you think he will still cooperate with you?" I don't know where the "Hades" Silbaz Reilly guy

got the news, and when he said it, he immediately asked Blackbeard Marshall to be reciprocal. D. Titch's face changed

, and after hearing the analysis of this old powerhouse, Hewen

also glanced at him differently, Kuzan joined the Blackbeard Pirates

, which is not a secret in the eyes of some big forces above the sea

, but it is still rare to be able to analyze things so thoroughly

, many people think that one betrayed the navy, but in fact, it is not

The specific situation is not very clear. But he also thinks things are not simple, and

in the end, the always shrewd Blackbeard Marshall Brown is not sure to do so. D. Tiqi could only punch with hatred

, slammed it on his boat, and then looked at the other party with a gloomy face

, and Ha Wen didn't care, no threat could threaten

him, according to his personality, it was basically impossible to appear elsewhere

, and his sister Perona Little Girl couldn't run around,

so all these threats to him were impossible

If he wants to find his own trouble, it's still early

, and even said that he is not qualified at all, and when everything is done

, the Blackbeard Pirates who can't get any benefits

can only leave the place in disgrace, and this time the operation ended in their failure, this group of people is extremely reluctant to go

, but there is no way, for their own lives, they can only leave here,

Once the time passes, then the final outcome is not easy to say

, in the absence of particularly elite backup, even their sea emperor's pirate group

, can only leave here, his blackbeard Marshall · D. Tić really has no confidence

, a person facing the admiral of the Navy Headquarters plus the right wrist of a One Piece, plus

the king of the previous generation on Nine Snake Island, this lineup is already very luxurious,

both are pirates who are hovering at the top of the old era, and one is also hovering

at the top of the new era, he doesn't want to fight with such a person, he is really only the kind of person who has nothing to do when he is full

will make such a thankless choice, therefore

, he can only be forced to give up his original plan

again, obviously he is also extremely dissatisfied, but now it has reached the point of fighting

to the death, no one will get used to anyone between the two sides, Ha Wen is also ready to strike again

, this time no matter what, he will be forced back, but the other party left like this,

The people present did not have any slackness

, they knew the meaning of the other party when they left, they glanced at them, and the eyes like poisonous snakes

reminded everyone all the time that they could not relax their vigilance

, but among the strong people present, which one

of them was simple, the expression was extremely indifferent, seeing the prestige of Hewen and

others, the others didn't know what to say, especially the empress Boya · The members of the pirates on Hancock's side

, they have always had a bad relationship with Hewen, after all, the injuries of their benefactor Rayleigh

were all caused by this guy

Hewen, of course, when Hewen led a group of people to attack Nine Snake Island

, he also suffered a lot of damage from the other party, although the navy wanted to take revenge and start a battle to the death


in the end, he was stopped, at this time, it was not over, but it was not over, it does not mean that the grudge between the two sides did not end, it can be said that the grudge between the two sides is not smaller than

others, in the later period on the Chambord Islands, Hewen and others can see his shot

, the reason why he can stand together calmly now

, that is, to deal with the same enemy, and after seeing the other party completely defeated,

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, watching the retreat of their Blackbeard Pirates

, the group of female warriors on Nine Snake Island, as if they were deflated balls

, all collapsed directly to the ground one by one, motionless

, and even the empress Boya Hancock was relieved

, knowing that she had escaped, which reminded her of how she felt when she was captured in the Holy Land of Mary Joy

Immediately made her mood terrible, and at the same time they were already tired

, now that the battle was over, and Hewen always felt a little embarrassed here

, because it might take a little effort for him to leave, who let his boat dock in

a relatively hidden place, his small boat is still outside the windless zone

, and now it is running to the windless in the middle of it, or in the territory of the Nine Snake Island

If you want to go back, it will take a lot of trouble, because this place is a windless area, and

if you want to reach it, you must have a special naval warship, or some special equipment

, but now you can only swim

in the sea, of course, he is also very skilled in swimming,

but it was before he ate the devil fruit,

Now after eating the Devil Fruit, you throw him into the water and take a look

, and you will know how stupid it is

, Ha Wen doesn't want to be thrown into the sea, and he can use the Navy Six style "shaving" to get out of here

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