After that, he spoke again: "This time, the top decision-maker of the world government, the Five Old Stars, thinks that the

threat posed by this Devil Fruit is too great

, so he ordered our navy to dispatch to retrieve

this devil fruit, no matter what method our navy uses, we must prevent this devil fruit from being above the sea."

caused too much turmoil, therefore, I think everyone here can also perceive that the whole thing has reached the point of uncontrollable

, so this is also our navy to do its best to deal with this big trouble

, I hope that everyone here is mentally prepared

, the time is very rushed, and the time for us to do it is also very short, after all, there are still a lot of civilians

, and there are many pirates who are also eyeing this concert,

The composition of personnel is more complicated than the few large-scale events we have dealt with before

, and there are more things to deal with,

and you have all read the information and have a clearer understanding of the incident,

so the generals who will go out this time will be appointed by Marshal Sakasky himself. Hearing

this, everyone present was in high spirits

, with the incomparably rich rewards brought by

the previous actions, they were also full of self-confidence in this action

, but they didn't know that this time the operation was not as safe as the previous ones, and

everyone was waiting for the next step of Sakasky, the admiral

Seeing that Branniu was able to explain everything clearly in just a few words

, Sakasky was also very satisfied, and what satisfied him even more was the mental state of everyone

, if they had such a mental state back, their navy would be able to

complete any work better and more efficiently, after seeing him explain all the information clearly

Sakasky began to give orders, and then one by one the appointments came out of his mouth

, and everyone in the assembly did not have any objection

, the appointment was very reasonable, after receiving one appointment after another

, these admirals rushed out

one after another, and went to transfer troops, it was really urgent, and had to do so

And Hewen

, the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, is like a bystander, he doesn't say a word, he watches quietly there, just like an audience

, in fact, there is nothing wrong with saying this, anyway, this time the matter has nothing to do with him, this

Admiral of the Navy Headquarters is now on vacation, and

he just wants him to listen to it to let him know about the recent big events in the Navy Headquarters

He is really not needed for other things, anyway, it is impossible for Sakasky to directly order him to go to the front line again

and lead the naval fleet to fight, because the first two battles were led by him

, and it was the turn of others, and this time, as expected

, the task fell on the two admirals of the Navy Headquarters

, that is, the two Yellow Ape Polusalino and Fuji Tiger Yixiao

And the remaining

Admiral of the Admiral of the Admiral, Green Ox Wasteland, hey, this one person doesn't mention it, in this regard, Sakaski, the Marshal of the Admiralty

, didn't think of him at all in this operation

, and wanted him to be the main military commander of the fleet, leading the personnel to encircle and suppress the ability of the Song Fruit - Uta,

it is better to continue to let him honestly guard the Holy Land Mary Joy

Just give them the navy a liaison officer with

the world government, and if it's okay, you can go to the world government's bodyguard again

, the navy headquarters has always been more tolerant of him, and no one asked him to do something

, and soon, Sakasky arranged the battle list

for this time, and this time, although it sounds very exaggerated,

But in the end

, their navy has a huge advantage, so soon, the naval headquarters will have countless huge ships dispatched

to their navy's destination of Eleguia

, and there are intelligence personnel who will feed back the information to

the naval headquarters and the expedition fleet, so that they can make the most correct judgment, and after hearing the deployment of the naval headquarters

Hewen also nodded, this is similar to the development in his impression

, in order to ensure the success of this operation, countless elite lieutenant generals of the elite naval headquarters were dispatched

together, and even the vice admiral of the flying squirrel who had been guarding the G-1 base was pulled out by them,

and let him, the base commander who started with the letter G, go to the encirclement and suppression together as the deputy of the military chief of the navy's operation this time

, mainly because the first two times Hewen did not take him with him.

Let him also be able to seize the time to rest in the base

, and when they left, Hewen also sent a task to Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel

, that is, let him help take care of the elite training camp

of the navy, although there is no one, but the most basic management also needs people to do,

this guy is one of the proudest disciples of the old man Zefa,

All aspects are extremely excellent, although they can't reach the top

, but there is no problem at all in dealing with some things

, which is why Hewen and the others can rest assured and boldly hand over everything there

to him, and after this time the matter is over,

Xiliu, Jinping and the old man Zefa, they all go back,

so the naval elite training camp is even if someone is in charge

There is no need for him to meddle in the management anymore, mainly because there is only a little Perona girl in the early stage

, they are really worried about these naval bigwigs, who let that little girl play too hard

, for fear that she will accidentally do something earth-shattering

, seeing this, Hewen also knew that there was nothing to hold in this meeting, and

Sakasky also gave some advice to the rest of the people

Let them perform their duties

, after all, this time the navy once again dispatched a lot of personnel to encircle and suppress, then it also shows that this time the heavy responsibility of optimistic about the various portals is to fall on them

, and the strength of the personnel who remain this time is not weak

, after all, all places also need the navy to guard

, although the overall strength has been withdrawn a lot, but even if they did not go this time,

Sakasky also promised them

that they would give them military merits, because it is also extremely important to defend their base camp

, and they are facing no less pressure than the personnel fighting in the front

, because there are always some pirates who can't tell the difference between the big and the small kings After seeing that the navy has fewer personnel

, they will provoke the navy, and want to make a name for themselves on the sea

, at that time the navy must punish each other with the most severe attitude,

Otherwise, it won't be able to play the role of killing chickens and setting an example for monkeys, so it's

just a little harder, just a little harder, as long as the benefits have their group

of people in the end, they will be satisfied, but the various branches and bases of the Navy are now in a state of high alert

, and when everyone is arranged, Sakasky naturally announced the dismissal of the meeting

, and at this time, Hewen and other people who could not be present also directly charged the phone and hung up,

They went to work on their own affairs, and when

the meeting ended, the empress Boyahan Cook, who was quietly listening to Hewen's meeting, showed a very surprised expression

, originally she thought that Hewen, the general of the naval headquarters, would become one of the main participants in the meeting

, after all, the status was here, and the relationship with Sakasky, the admiral, was good

Thinking that he would become the main

person of this meeting, but looking at the other party's meaning, the Navy Headquarters didn't want Ha Wen to do anything at all this time

, but just invited him to the meeting as a big mascot

, and watched the high-level officials of the Navy Headquarters hold a meeting, which doesn't seem to be too friendly to a Navy Headquarters Admiral, but the

person in front of him is accustomed to not saying it

also showed a very satisfied expression

, why is this, it really makes this woman incomprehensible, seeing the look of the empress Boya Hancock looking at herself

, Hewen, a shrewd guy

, immediately understood, and he said directly: "Are you particularly curious,

why did I join the meeting this time

,." But there was no speech, and the Navy Headquarters did not make any arrangements as if they had forgotten me

. Seeing that Hewen actually opened the topic by himself

, at this moment, in the heart of Empress Boya Hancook, curiosity finally overpowered her tsundere

, and finally she nodded unceremoniously and said: "

That's right, I just have this idea, as a senior admiral of the Navy Headquarters

, since you have participated in such a meeting, why don't you make some speeches."

Or go and express your own opinion, in addition, as a senior admiral

of the Navy Headquarters, you should be very active in all aspects of the operation

, but I see that you are dealing with it extremely negatively, which is not in line with your status at all

, or is it that you have been excluded by the Navy? Tsk tsk,

I didn't expect it to be the same everywhere. Hearing

this, she couldn't help it, and laughed out

loud, and I have to say that this person is still very careful in her observation

, and she can also see that the Navy Headquarters attaches great importance to this matter

, but just like Hewen, such a powerful master

, now she doesn't have any opportunity to speak, which also makes her feel very puzzled

Anyway, there is no one else, Hewen answered her question directly this time

, only to hear him open his mouth and say lightly: "What kind of problem are

you, it's not good that I have nothing to accompany you around, I have to do some things to fight and kill

, if I want to do those things, to put it bluntly

, you also want to go with me, so if that's the case

,." Your leisurely life will be gone, and your troubles will be made public,

which is not good. Hearing Hewen's slightly ridiculous words

, it made Empress Boya Han's face suddenly turn red

, but in the end, curiosity prevailed, and she blushed and said: "

Okay, now we don't want to tease each other

, I'm also a person who has been on the sea for so long, and

I have a lot of questions to ask you, I don't know much about the Devil Fruit of Gege,

But looking at you, it seems that your understanding of it is extraordinary

, and in the Navy Headquarters, I can roughly detect that there are actually many middle- and lower-level personnel

, and they still don't know about this thing, but you and those high-ranking people attach great importance to this fruit,

is there any mystery about it that we can't touch?"

Hewen smiled and said: "You are on the point

, I thought you would have to worry about other things for a long time

, in fact, this devil fruit is relatively secret, in the archives of the Navy Headquarters

, only a very, very few people can understand

, it just so happens that I am one of those few people, so I should be considered a comparative understanding of this devil fruit."

I think you should have more or less heard about

the destruction of the island of music, the destruction of the way of music, it can be said that it has a lot to do with this devil fruit

, everyone has to keep the incident a secret

, and many people have judged the situation at that time,

thinking that the destruction of Eleguia was the work of the red-haired Shanks,

Actually, no, according to my judgment of that person for so many years

, he should not be so cruel, and this guy does things with his own purpose

, and he will not destroy Eleguia for no reason

, there must be a reason for this, and I noticed this song fruit at that time,

so I have been studying this matter

Of course, everything I said next is based on my judgment, and

I can't guarantee that it is very accurate, you can just listen to

it, if there is a mistake or omission, you just treat it as a joke,

I personally feel that there must be this big problem

, I am afraid that this Devil Fruit may have some unknown abilities,

For example, when the entire music island of Eleguia was destroyed that day

, someone seemed to have seen a very terrifying unspeakable

thing, this thing may be related to the destruction of the entire island

, according to rumors, the song fruit should be able to awaken some horror

things, so it will cause some bad things, and this devil fruit,

There may be some other bad things, and those things may also make the world government more jealous,

especially those five old men who like to be suspicious when they have nothing to do.

Speaking of this, Hewen paused for a moment, and then slowly said: "

Of course, the analysis of the things I said above is all my speculation, and

it should probably have functions such as manipulating people's spiritual worlds."

Otherwise, just summoning a so-called unspeakable thing

, there is no need for the Navy Headquarters to be ready at all, and you have also seen the Navy Headquarters meeting just now, it

turned out to be the use of two Admirals of the Admiral, which shows the seriousness of the whole matter

, the Admiral must not be moved lightly, indicating that this time is a big event,

and the first two times when I took you together to dispatch,

The enemy you are dealing with, I think you should also know who it

is, first of all, it is Douglas Barrett, this

is a strong man in the old era, who has set off countless storms, and his prestige is widely spread

, and secondly, he is attacking the territory of Big Mom, the emperor of the sea, and similarly, the existence of that one is when the real emperor of the

sea attacks the territory of a strong man like the emperor

of the sea

Everyone is afraid that something will happen to it, so I will ask for more support from the fleet and a faster offensive breakthrough

, this time in order to deal with a person with the ability of the Song Fruit

, that is, that little girl, the navy actually has to dispatch two admirals of the Navy Headquarters

, which shows that the water is very deep, and it is estimated that it is not only the ability of the Devil Fruit,

There may even be other factors that could lead to this. Hearing

this, Empress Boya Hancock finally relieved herself, although Hewen's judgment was a little exaggerated, and what she said seemed to be very mysterious

, she herself was like listening to the book of heaven, but Empress Boya Hancock also knew that

this admiral of the Navy Headquarters acted in an extremely rigorous manner

, and rarely did such exaggerated things, and the other party said so

So nine times out of ten, there must be something wrong

with this Devil Fruit, and her own problems are still very small, only in this way can it arouse the jealousy of many

people, especially the Navy Headquarters, the real high-level people after hearing about the ability of this Devil Fruit,

that solemn look can explain a lot of problems

, and the two Admirals of the Navy Headquarters personally led the team, which can highlight the importance of this matter,

It's just that this matter didn't go

to the king to summon the seven martial seas, and the navy headquarters may also feel that it can't summon the king's seven martial seas to deal with everything

, after all, they have just been summoned to participate in two operations, and

it hasn't been long before

they are summoned again, isn't it a little too unkind to summon them again, but if I don't have any hesitation to summon you,

Therefore, this time the navy seems to have brought a little more people

, which requires them to complete the task as much as possible, and this little girl's ability needs to be recovered

, if the recovery is successful, she will be thrown directly into the city

, which can solve all the troubles, which is what the navy should do now

, if it doesn't succeed, things will be slightly difficult to tidy up,

The navy is also afraid that there will be any accidents in this matter, but judging from past experience

, when two admirals of the Navy Headquarters led the team

, there were basically no accidents in the incident, so this time they

didn't pay much attention to the appearance of accidents. And Hewen knows that this time things are very different

, after the navy dispatched such a large number of people, it was precisely an accident that could not be looked at

directly, and this accident had a very big impact on everyone

, but they didn't know it at the moment, and the empress Boyahan Cook was still very curious about the ability of the song fruit

, and in the end she still couldn't hold back, and

asked Hewen Dao again"By the way, Brother

Hewen, you also said that the ability of the Devil Fruit Ability is more mysterious

, so are you optimistic about your navy's dispatch this time?"

Hearing the words of Empress Boya Hancock, Hewen also shook his head

, only the two of them are here, so there is no need to take too much care of it

, he said directly: "I am not particularly optimistic about this guy's actions this time,

The ability of this song fruit may have a

backstage, and this backstage is very likely to be there, so this matter

does not seem to be simple at all at present. When she heard Hewen talk about the backstage

, Empress Boya Hancock was obviously stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that

this time the navy still dispatched two admirals of the navy headquarters

, which were one of the highest combat forces above the sea

, why did this person in front of him still feel that their actions would have twists and turns,

instead of a direct victory? This is very puzzling

And their navy still brought a lot of people this time

, and after listening to Hewen's explanation again, she knew what was going on

, and it didn't take long for her to see that the empress Boya Hancock had almost digested it

, and Hewen said lightly: "Hancock, haven't you noticed a little bit?

And when the island of music was destroyed, when the news came out,

it could be related to another person. Now

Hewen's hint is very obvious, the empress Boya Hancock suddenly thought of who Hewen was talking about

, this news has always been rumored on the sea

, but she didn't believe it much, but looking at Hewen's expression, she couldn't help but say in surprise: "

No, this little girl is really related to the emperor of Hehai,

isn't this matter a bit too mysterious." Seeing that Hewen nodded

, the empress Boya Hancock showed an unbelievable look

, it is really on the sea, how can anything be related

to the emperor of the sea, although this group of people is more active, but in her impression it has not been active to this extent,

how can any major event now have something to do with them,

And this sea seems to be revolving around these sea emperors at present

, looking at the shocked expression of the empress Boya Hancock

, Ha Wen laughed, and then the two of them packed their luggage while communicating, and Ha Wen made a simple meal on the boat, and the two of

them continued to talk about this matter while eating,

and as He Wen slowly said some secrets about this matter

It's really not clear to many people, and the Navy Headquarters also knows a little about what happened back then

, although Hewen is a guy who knows

the whole process of the matter, but he can't spoil the whole plot without knowing whether he is alive or dead

, therefore, most of the information he said is true,

but he still interspersed some of his own wrong judgments in the middle

It can't be said that something that has not been judged by such a large military organization

as the Navy Headquarters, let you guess so thoroughly that a figure who was not a Navy Admiral back then, so

many analysts of the Navy Headquarters

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