Seeing this kind of scene

, the old lady crane who originally wanted to say something immediately appeared on her forehead

, and a big tic-tac-toe immediately appeared, and then, the phone bug in her hand was thrown at them fiercely

, and then these old men were immediately honest, and they pretended to attack there

, and when they finally got honest, the old lady crane finally breathed a sigh of relief,

This group of guys stayed here, it really almost her off

, and now I can finally listen to her explain, a group of reckless people only know that they are chic, and

they don't look at the actual situation at all, if they continue, they don't know how much effort they have to put in to complete the goal, if they don't

think about being able to make themselves a little more idle later,

She won't take the time to remind this group of people, and what she just

said should be played to the cow, if they don't listen carefully

this time, they must clean them up at that time

, and see if they have a long memory, although this one thinks so

, but the old lady crane who knows the seriousness of the matter, without any hesitation,

can only immediately open her mouth again and again What she just said,

Said again: "Karp, Warring States, the frequency of bombardment by the two

of you is reduced a little, don't let the other party feel that the defensive strength here is very strong

now, to a certain extent, to lower some of the other party's vigilance

, let them slowly move closer here, and wait until they get closer

, and then Hewen and you will drag on for a while, now our identity has not really been exposed,

." Let the other party be well known

, and the only thing that the other party really knows is Karp and the two of you, you two, go outside as soon as possible

to drag the time, drag it for as long as you can, and then have a low-intensity battle

, our task is just to drag

the other party here, and the time left to really engage the other party has not yet come

, and after the large army led by Sakasky arrives here

, Let's close it again, and remember that our target this

time is not the cadres of the so-called Blackbeard Pirates

, Sakasky has made it very clear in the previous phone call, our

target this time is Blackbeard Marshall. D. Titch

, if we can successfully defeat the other party at this critical moment

, then in the end, we don't know how much easier it will be for our navy to act next

, do you two understand what I mean?" Hearing this person's warning

, everyone present immediately nodded honestly to show that they understood,

while Hewen, this guy, looked indifferent

Now it's good to leave this small scene outside to the "SWORD" team

, they don't need to participate at all, if the other party can't resist this situation

, then it can completely prove that a conjecture formulated by their navy over the years is a complete failure

, and if they can't even win a war of this intensity, then what kind of strength can they show in the future battle,

just disband it directly,

Therefore, he didn't care what the other party was like now

, and the two guys Xiliu and Jinping were also idle

, manipulating the ship's artillery to attack, of course, they watched more of the drama

, who let when they were in the Navy Headquarters before, these old men

were in front of others, they all pretended to be serious, and only in front of their own people would they show such expressions

This is very uncommon, thinking of this, these two strong men of the navy also looked at it with interest

, and as the density of the defense on their side of Hewen

decreased, and the intensity of the counterattack also decreased, the whole situation was inexplicably weird.

D. Tiqi he doesn't know these twists and turns formulated by the

navy, he only thinks that the series of strategies he has formulated has played the desired result, and this is the best result, the more he thinks about it, the more satisfied

he is, and finally couldn't help laughing, for this time to be able to deeply fall the face of the navy

, that is to have incomparable self-confidence, but what everyone doesn't know is that Hewen and others are hoping that he has this idea,

Once he had this idea, the rest of the matter was well underway

, saying that the Navy had played a big game of chess, and was waiting for him there, and

now everything was going in the direction they had predicted.

D. Titch was still immersed in the completion of his plan

, and laughed out loud as he watched the naval ships that were gradually counterattacking and weakening towards their Blackbeard Pirates

, and then this guy waved his hand and

directly ordered these ships to increase their attack, and

at the same time conduct close combat at the right time, making sure to firmly surround this naval ship

Can't let him have any chance to escape, hear his

captain's order, and see the scene again, just as the captain of their Blackbeard Pirates

told them before they opened the station, the navy will definitely fall into the siege of their

pirates, this group of pirates who don't know the height of the sky, shouting to start the most fierce attack,

but they don't know that what awaits them will be the most brutal suppression of the navy

Seeing that his pirate group had firmly surrounded the dog-headed

ship of the Navy, and in this ship, the two guys he knew were still able to calm down and

not have the slightest intention of showing up. D. Titch's face was gloomy

, and now he had seen a little problem, it seemed that the navy was going to wait for them to come closer

, he was not stupid at all, when he was sure that the navy people were on this ship

, he would not let them play any more tricks, and then

, after thinking of this, he immediately said to his subordinates: ".

Okay, you do a good job of commanding here, and the rest of the people and I will go to the ship in front to guard it

, always ready to attack those two strong men

of the navy, no matter what, this time let them be in the base camp of the navy headquarters

, and lose face for a while, and we don't have much time to fight

, we can only hurry up to complete our combat objectives this time, and

no delay is allowed. After saying that, he stopped looking at his men, jumped

up sharply, and rushed in the direction of the ship where Hewen and the others were.

After receiving the notice, the others also rushed in the direction

of the ship, and Mrs. Crane was also very happy after seeing that their ship had successfully attracted everyone's attention

, and I have to say that dragging them here is the most important thing.

No matter how hard to lure them to attack constantly

, anyway, this time his combat target is a few of you, and

now it's time for us to show our faces, we haven't shown anything for so long

, this is not good, if the other party regenerates any other bad ideas,

it will cause a major obstacle to the implementation of the next plan,

Their cranky thoughts must be dispelled, and they must be kept firmly in this place.

After saying that, she

glanced at Hewen, seeing this one's arrangement, Hewen sighed helplessly

, at the beginning, he planned to take advantage of the Blackbeard Pirates' encirclement of him has not been directly formed, and

lead a group of people to evacuate this place directly from the gap

, anyway, this is not ordinary close to the naval headquarters

He believes that with the deterrence of the Navy Headquarters, no one is a fool who will attack directly

, and they are completely safe this time, but when he sees that the fighting desire of these people in front

of him has been hooked, then he can only be helpless to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman

, the more he thinks about it, the more he sighs, and finally has no choice but to take the two little friends of Xiliu and Jinping to go out

, after all, these little friends of his are also well-known to everyone,

No matter where he goes, he will go

out with him, this time it would not be good if he went out alone

, with Hewen and their group going out to act, then the next thing should be arranged

, Mrs. Crane then ordered: "Karp, it's up to you to prepare

, if they don't succeed in attracting the attention of the other party in Hewen,

." Then it's time for you to play in person, and the two of you must play the show well. And

the old man Karp, who heard that he was arranged

, picked his nose and said with a nonchalant face: "Okay, Xiaohe

, I know, don't be verbose, according to the current situation

, I think that just by relying on the strength of that kid from Hewen

, he can completely drag the other party down, and he doesn't need me to play at all

." I used to do this completely too much now, at this moment this old man is still thinking about continuing to compete with his old partner Warring States

, and finally see whose shells sink the opponent's ships more

, seeing this one or that absent-minded look

, the old lady crane can only angrily yell at him again

, and then the old man Karp suddenly wilted, and he didn't dare to say a word

Lowered her head and didn't dare to squeak, and then after she saw this thorn in the Navy Headquarters

and was suppressed by herself, the old lady Crane snorted coldly and said, "

Blackbeard Marshall · D. Titch actually came

here, so it proves that he also knows you, if you don't

make a move here, then he still thinks that our navy has other plans

, this is not good, you must make a move at the right time

, attract the attention of the other party, and cooperate with the Hewen boy to do a good job in this game,

do you hear? If this time the matter is played in your hands,

No one will let you go, think about who caused the trouble in the first place,

and you caused it yourself, and in the end, we asked us to clean up your tail. For

the old lady Crane this merciless number, a group of people were there to watch the play

, this time, this one no longer said anything gentle

little crane, and then he himself just wanted to be lazy and had no choice

, so he could only admit it in frustration, and said: "Okay, little crane

, I will take action to contain the group of pirates outside later, and

ensure that this time the scene is played beautifully." Hearing

the exact guarantee, the old lady nodded with satisfaction

, and then, the senior staff officer of the Navy Headquarters looked at the old man of the Warring States period and the old man Zefa and said: "

Don't be in a hurry to make a move, since you haven't revealed your identity,

then go and use it as a hidden backhand now."

Don't show your strength

too early, wait until the Hewen boys if they can't play before you make a move, if they can hold it, don't make any moves

, wait until the last moment, give them a heavy blow

, unless the strong man of the Blackbeard Pirates is immediately pouring out

, we will fight with them again, if you shoot too early,

If you go and scare these people away, then you won't be

able to fight in the later battle, have you two heard the same thing?" After saying this

, the old man of the Warring States and the old man Zefa immediately nodded

, indicating that they clearly understood that at present, they just need to continue to observe the battle outside

, and seeing that those people in the naval headquarters continue to hide in the ship and do not come out,

let Blackbeard Marshall· D. Titch

can't bear it, he already knows the hole cards you are hiding, what else do you have

to hide, wait for him to hit this dog-headed ship of the navy a few times

, it's all like this, see if they

can't make a move, want to hide and sneak attack their pirate group at a critical time,

how could he let such a thing happen, and just when he can't help but do

it, was indeed stunned suddenly, because he finally saw that this guy Hewen took the lead,

and it was really him and Blackbeard Marshall Brown. D. Tiqi thinks differently at all

, this guy never intends to keep his hands

, he wants to do everything possible to drag them down and give them a hard time,

this is true, but he doesn't plan to say that he has been standing still

, as long as there is the right time, he will not have any mercy,

but now his goal is not to start a high-intensity battle directly with the other party

It's to contain the other party without leaving a trace, which makes the requirements for him a little high

, but Hewen doesn't care, anyway, it's to delay the opponent's attack

, he can still do this, and then he immediately made a move

, forming countless pillars of different rules on

the sea, these pillars suddenly rose from the sea level,

directly making the ships of the Blackbeard Pirates who were charging ahead of them not catch up.

Hit these rising

pillars hard, and Hewen this guy is also full of bad taste

, the appearance of these pillars he made is full of stone thorns

, plus these stone pillars appear in large quantities from the sea

, giving people a terrifying visual sense of countless thorny jungles,

watching those unlucky Blackbeard Pirates crew can't stop the brake after crashing

The result was a direct shattering of bones, and in an instant, countless pirates cried and fell into the water

, they shouted for help, but unfortunately they were covered by the exclamations of more pirates behind

, and now everyone's attention was attracted by this thing that Hewen suddenly made

, that can pay attention to so much, and then some of the ships of the Blackbeard Pirates in the back,

Because there is a certain distance from

the ships in front of them, or it is relatively close to those pillars, the Blackbeard Pirates ships that can still stop the lock can still be stopped, they are still relatively lucky, and the number is relatively large

, so except for those unlucky people in front, to be honest, the casualties he caused to the Blackbeard Pirates

are not much, but this still gives the other party a lot of deterrence

The psychological pressure is not small at all, but at the moment Blackbeard Marshall · D. Titch's face

was not half annoyed, but showed a hint of ill-intentioned sneer

, if this strong man of the navy had been hiding and not making

a move, he would still be suspicious of what the other party was thinking in his heart

, but now after he made a move, it showed that they had really shown up

now, so the battle would be easy to go, but now there was only one person,

Then the next thing still needs to be carefully considered

, and the other party's intention is also obvious, that is, to fish in troubled waters

and find an opportunity to escape, so how can he let him get his wish

, now that the other party has made a move, it seems that

they are going to prepare to retreat, and now they have to plan well, and now they are facing the obstacle of Hewen


people of the Blackbeard Pirates can be regarded as having a hard time, and their current expressions are similar to their captains,

and with Hewen's move, the people of the Blackbeard Pirates also began to rush towards

Hewen, and in the face of so many attacks, although Hewen is not afraid,

he has to show an anxious look at the moment

Otherwise, how can he successfully attract them

, and then he saw this guy start to play on the spot

, after all, he has been thinking about these things in the elite training camp

of the Navy over the years, and he has always thought that this is very useful, even on the battlefield

, and now in the middle of the battle, you can see a general of the Navy Headquarters,

In the process of fighting, there is a lot of danger, and from time to time he will be hit by these shells

, although it can't cause damage, but the performance is too cheap

, and there is no reflection of the momentum of your dignified admiral of the Navy Headquarters

, according to normal circumstances, this guy Hawen will not be hit by such a cannonball at all,

think about it in Hive Island, it's just his might


many people did not know how many people were impressed, it was beaten I don't know how many people cried and called their mothers, but now they were so embarrassed by the shells

, as if the shot just now was just a flash in the pan, how do you make everyone believe that he is the admiral of the Navy Headquarters

, but Hewen also has his reasons, he is doing this to give the other party a false impression,

shows that when he was on Hive Island, he was also injured at the moment of the final retreat

, and he just wanted to give everyone such an illusion, in this case

, it would bring more illusions to those who were more complicated,

such as Blackbeard Marshall Brown. D. Tichy, but some rectum people don't think about it so much

, for example, the two around him, what he did made Xiliu and Jinping on the side look very puzzled

, at this moment Hewen's appearance of being strong and capable, also made them look puzzled

, these two guys clearly remember that Hewen

didn't seem to be injured at all when he fought with the Blackbeard Pirates, and after returning to the doghead ship of the old man Karp,

That's a vigorous tiger, not only trained people ruthlessly

, but he also formulated a series of follow-up plans, but now it seems that why is he so weak?

Could it be that he was really injured in the last battle, but it's not like it

, they took advantage of the gap between resisting each other's attacks and fighting back, and

used their own knowledge and domineering to perceive the specific situation that they were a good friend

After perceiving it through

the domineering perception of seeing and hearing, they didn't notice the slightest problem, but Hewen gave them the feeling that it was full of qi and blood, which really made them scratch their heads for a while, and Hewen was such a cautious person

, how could he not feel that his two friends were using the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing to detect themselves

, which made his face suddenly dark, this guy did this to confuse the enemy,

And without thinking so much, who would have thought that his two partners would be fooled

, it really made him very speechless, he could only grit his teeth and whisper to them: "

I did this to

attract the attention of the other party, just to attract them, not because of other willingness

, I am in good health, and I have not been hurt at all."

Hurry up and defend is the most important thing, don't think about anything else

, if you can delay here for a while, just delay for a while

, as long as it's at the last moment, catch Blackbeard Marshall. D. Tichy

, even if our task this time is completed, don't think too much about the rest

, now the two of them finally reacted, and at the same time secretly gave a thumbs up to Hewen

, this guy is really insidious enough, the real image of the act

, deceived them all, and deceived their friends into it,

so it also shows that other people will find Hewen's way,

This is not Blackbeard Marshall M. D. Tiqi looked at Hewen's slightly hypocritical appearance

now, and his brows were furrowed, he had fought with

Hewen, and he knew how strong this guy's strength was, but now he looked extremely realistic

, giving him the feeling as if Hewen was really injured,

which made him not know what to say, and finally saw Hewen This guy didn't change for a long time

This made him believe it, the other side seemed to have really been injured before, and it seemed

that he had not fully recovered, and his qi and blood were completely fooling, which showed that he was not completely out

of the Hive Island

, thinking of this, it was to make his eyes light up,

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