At this moment, the navy is not far from here

, and they have prepared everything before coming

, although both sides have their own careful thoughts, but in order to rescue the group of troublesome guys of the Draconians

, they also have to fight all in the early battle,

only in this way can they rescue the Draconians for that group of CP agents of the world government

And to attract the attention of everyone on the island

, this is a realistic thing, there must be casualties, but they have no way to ignore it

, and in the end they can only grit their teeth and rush forward, this is also the strategy specified by Hewen just when he came up

, requiring all the elite vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters to ensure the safety of the troops he leads,

he has long expected that he and others may lose some manpower here,

So let these elite lieutenant admirals of the Navy Headquarters do not have to keep their hands

, they can give each other a lesson, and calm the other party first

, which can also have the effect of delaying time, his purpose is to reduce the casualties

of the Navy, after locking this position, a group of people will not have any delay,

and they have wasted a lot of time on the road

Especially before coming, but he was urged by those people

in the Holy Land Mary Joya, these guys are not a good thing, and the navy side has to pay a lot of price in order to be able to rescue those unlucky Dracos

, but in the Holy Land Mary Joya

, the commander of the Knights of the Gods at this time, Figarand Garin Saint, was very abrupt

, and came directly to the power palace where the five old stars are located,

Needless to say, to be able to come to the palace of power unceremoniously and not be gifted

, there was no one else except this one, he swaggered in front

of the five old men, and at this moment, these few old stars, looking at the commander of the Knights of the Gods who came here, Figarand Garinsheng

, also frowned slightly, among them was the bald head with a knife, Izanbaron. V. Nashuro Saint opened his mouth and said: "

Garin, how is the matter we asked you to do?

Didn't I say that you should not come to us until you have completely rescued your men

, and then come to us when the matter is done

, don't you understand what we mean

, and look at what you have done this time, and how much trouble you have caused us

Do you know that we're also heartbroken in order to deal with these things about you.

And the commander of the Knights of the Gods who came here, Figarand Garin, said indifferently: "

Okay, you don't have to be so serious, I'm here to find

you something, you guys are broken or not, don't I know

, the real bothering should be the Navy and the group of CP agents of the world government

, what you do, I am already clear."

Do you say that your arrangement this time is really reasonable, or do you have other plans

for you, according to your past actions, I find that this time you seem to be planning to weaken

the navy again, is it true that the navy is as unbearable as you say

, and relatively speaking, in fact, the people I am more optimistic about are the navy,

rather than the group of world government cp agents who have not achieved enough and have more than enough failures

If this group of guys hadn't been raised by us, I really didn't want to give them a good face

, compared to those guys

in the navy, although sometimes they are more arrogant, but unfortunately they are also really doing things, are you doing things now a little bit

of putting the cart before the horse, although what you do a lot of times, some of them are hidden

, they don't know about the navy, but they can't stand what some people in our interior know,

Once this news spreads, it will inevitably alienate the navy from us.

"At this moment, the commander of the Knights of the Gods, Figarand Garin

, did not have a very bad feeling towards the navy as he showed before

, but showed a great trust in the navy,

and also showed a very disgust and even very, very disdain

for the group of CP agents of the world government who had been encouraged in his previous words

In fact, when he said these words, he was also asking these people why they would do this operation

, according to his understanding, if you really want to rescue your subordinates, you have to

rely on the strong strength of the navy, as well as several excellent admirals of the navy, the strength of

these guys has been confirmed in every battle, and

they are very reliable subordinates, so he said this

Those admirals of the Navy Headquarters saw that they didn't need to do anything

to show their strength in order to express their affirmation of their strength, this is the most obvious thing

, and now in his opinion, why treat the Navy and that group of CP agents of the World Government differently

like this, but in fact, the reason why he did this was completely due to the instructions of these five old guys

, and now he really can't figure it out, so he wants to come here and ask,

But by virtue

of his identity and status, in fact, to put it bluntly, he is not scared of these five guys at all

, and for the others, these people are the real Tianlong people, the nobles of the nobles

, so there is no difficulty in dealing with it, just with the relaxed attitude he just spoke,

you can see that his identity and status are among the Tianlong people,

It is also not low, in the face of the five old stars' questioning of him

, he didn't pay attention to it at all, the old god was waiting for the other party's explanation

, and Jay Golucia Satansheng on the side glanced at the old scoundrel helplessly, and

could only say: "Isn't it good for you to stay honestly this old guy?

And suppressing the development of the navy is a decision that we have always had

, some guys in the navy can't let them live too well

, these are all due meaning, we have been like this for so many years, and have been

suppressing the development of the navy, in fact, it is very, very important for our rule,

as for the centrifugal detachment you mentioned, there is no need to take it into account at all

If these navy men dare to do something unfavorable

to us, we can just rearrange a marshal, these guys are not stupid

, they know our intentions

, they are powerless to resist, they can only let it go, so we have no special worries about

the navy, the navy is a violent department we have established, and they can only move closer to us

No matter how difficult the task is, they can only rise to the occasion.

Hearing this, the one of Figarand Garinsaints frowned and spoke: "

It is very useful for our rule

, what do you mean, didn't you say that the navy is under our suppression

, and even the appointment of the admiral needs to go through your cooperation,

so what are you guys still worried about?"

Could it be that the navy can still rebel against us, this is generally impossible to achieve, does

he really think that there is only one force among our Celestial Dragon people, the Knights of God?"

Hearing this, the five old stars sighed helplessly

, sometimes they really didn't want to face this guy, he really didn't mean anything at all, and I didn't see that everyone present didn't want to deal with him a little

But with this scoundrel's temperament

, if they don't ask them about the result they want today, it is impossible to give up, even if they feel a lot of headaches at this time

, and they don't see why this guy suddenly has a good impression

of the navy, according to the past, the Knights of God will not interfere with the decision-making of themselves and others

They understand

that the world government led by themselves and others is the decision-maker above the sea, so basically except for the group of Tianlong people who only enjoy themselves every day

, the other Tianlong people who have the real combat power will not interfere in any decision-making of the world government

, and now this old man ran out to ask them, it seems that he also has a big question

Otherwise, he would not have come

, and in the face of the question of the commander of the Knights of the Gods, if he and the others did not give a suitable reason, it would be unreasonable, and

in the end, it was the bald five old star Topman Wochuli Saint who said: "

Okay, don't think about it so much, as I said before

, pressing the navy is one of the things we should mention, and these guys are developing too quickly."

Eggs can't be put in one basket, we pay attention to balanced development

, not to say that one is dominant, and when their power really grows to a certain peak

, maybe it will really give birth to some undesirable ambitions

, and what we do is to curb the growth of their ambitions,

so that they always have an opponent to alert them,

Just like before, although we don't worry about their centrifugal departure

, these guys have to rely on us to survive

, but once this group of people go against the sun, it's enough for us to stand

it, don't you see, these guys' recent strength growth is very abnormal

, through the investigation, we found that the navy has gained a lot in these operations

This was the case with the previous incident of the Golden Emperor Tezzolo, from which the

navy withheld a large part of the money and used it as its own military expenses to develop

, so it should not have been possible to ask us to continue to foster care, but these guys did not hesitate at all, they should ask

us to foster care, so they reached out and asked us to foster care, what does this mean?

Do you treat our world government as an ATM

, and if you have money, you will develop your own, and we have not prevented them from developing, but it is a pity that you reach out and ask us what we mean by asking for money

, and rely on your own military exploits to do anything wrong with us?

This is absolutely not allowed, so we have to suppress them

, and in addition, their recent expansion is also a little too fast

The territory of those pirates is now firmly in their hands, and they

want to digest them quickly. I have to divide a large part

of my energy, but now that it has reached a critical moment, these navies are developing their own forces

, how can this be allowed to let them come nonsense, can't they notice that the atmosphere above the sea is very wrong

, it is really they putting the cart before the horse, and we are also sounding a wake-up call for them this time

, and in the same way, you take a look at the group of CP agents of the world government,

So far

, there is no achievement, but it is declining more and more, this time there are people on that island, you know best

, before telling them, let them have no bottom in their hearts

, it is good to send a little more people to get there, no matter what

, this time the loss of the navy is certain, and at the same time, it is also necessary to warn them,

I also heard that the Navy Headquarters already has

a plan to recruit again next year, and we have no way to reject their plan to recruit

them, after all, such a large territory, and they have paid a lot of price

for these places, and if they want to firmly occupy these places and continue to serve the world government,

then we have to agree with some of their Navy's ideas

But they can't get such a big benefit in vain

, and after they completely control these territories

, the benefits obtained from them are very huge, and they have to let them hurt first

, only after the pain of the flesh, these guys know how to cherish

it, so we let their navy in this battle

, make a good contribution, otherwise we really won't put us in the eyes.

After hearing this, this Figarand Garinsaint gradually soothed his brows and continued: "

I understand some of your thoughts, it is true that you are right

, I usually don't care too much about the development of the navy, but their development is indeed too fast

, according to the traditional policy, they are to suppress the navy when it reaches its peak."

I understand what you think, but have you ever thought that

those pirates and the revolutionary army are united, are they planning something, and

the two sides who usually don't get along

with each other will unite there, this situation is unique, and the navy should cooperate sincerely with the agents of the world government CP

to carry out a devastating blow there, instead of being suspicious of each other as it is now

So how can we achieve an offensive and defensive alliance in the next operation, the

navy will lose too much in a difficult situation, and it will be impossible to absolutely suppress it in a short period of time

, have you thought of the situation I mentioned, and the revolutionary army and pirates have laid out such a big net there, you

don't let me tell me who there are

Let them suffer a secret loss first, but have you ever thought about what they will do in the future?"

Regarding the question of the commander of the Knights of the Gods, Figarand Garinsheng

, the five old stars present did not realize the seriousness of the problem at this time,

and they only wanted to use this action to severely weaken the strength of a wave of navy

looked at them with a disapproving look, although this commander also knew that there

were many top-secret weapons in the Holy Land Mary Joy, and these weapons would not normally be used under normal circumstances

, after all, they were their hole cards, even when the revolutionary army invaded the Holy Land Mary Joya

last time, they were not willing to take out these weapons and show

them, and now it is even more impossible for them to appear in front of the world,

But now there is a problem that this group of people gathered together

, definitely not just to give all of them an ugly

look, and now he has also reacted, he and the others recklessly broke in at that time

, it is very likely that they are on the other party's way, and the other party's original purpose is definitely not them

, then now things are up for debate, in the end, who those guys wanted to deal with when they joined forces at the beginning

You don't have to think about it to understand that if you

let both sides prepare in advance

, when you know what kind of big people are hidden in

them, there may not be too many casualties in the end, but this time it is

inevitable, no matter how carefully the navy prepares, casualties are inevitable

Maybe there will be big casualties, and the same is true for the CP agents of the world government

, is this really good, he looked at these five confident old guys with a helpless face

, and finally sighed and said: "I know these methods of yours

, it is nothing more than that the navy is developing too fast, and it needs to be contained

, so that they have a little loss, and then slap a sweet date,

." Agree with their next recruitment, and the addition of those new recruits

, it will take a while

to really form combat effectiveness, this period of time the navy will develop honestly

, and will not expand externally, and you can also continue to exert your influence naturally

, which is really true, but for the CP agents of the world government,

do you really fancy them?

Every year, the military expenditure is even more than the military expenditure

of the navy, and the result is that it has developed like this, looking at the admirals

of the navy headquarters, and then looking at the role of the elite lieutenant generals

in the navy, I even want to move the so-called elite training camp in the navy to us and

conduct special training for everyone, which is really a great help they have given the navy

Looking at the group of CP agents of the world government, they have also cultivated their own personnel since childhood

, but what is the current development? It's really stupider than pigs

, you value them

so much, what can they bring us, it's better to be honest and do their

own bodyguard duties, don't be so ambitious, what they are doing now is not like what a bodyguard should do at all

It really shouldn't be so sloppy to serve us Tianlong people.

For the accusations of this knight

of the gods, these five old men don't want to pay attention to it, but there is no way,

the identity and status of the people are not much worse than

them, and it will not end well if they make trouble with the one behind them

, and then one of the five old stars, Shepard ten Pitt, can only say helplessly: "

Okay, Garin Saint, you know everything you need to know,

." We have already told you about some arrangements

for the navy, just to let you understand that no matter what kind of forces

in the world, they must be honest in front of our world

government, and do not have

any careful thinking, so that they can survive, since they have any careful thinking, they will be punished

, the navy is a very good example, as for the group of world government cp agents,

To put it bluntly, their role is not only to protect our safety

, but also their existence is to contain the navy and drag the navy back, do you really think that we will count on him to do anything

, then you are completely thinking too much, they can't play any role here

, but will cause chaos for us, so their existence is to add blockage to the navy

The same is true for this operation, I let you hint to them

, that is, at this critical time, give the navy a stumbling block

, let their navy suffer a dark loss, and there is nothing else

, don't think that we suppress

the navy is not to let the navy develop, those guys have had a prosperous life in the past few years

, and we have not blocked it, which is a very clear example,

If we want to suppress the navy, it is impossible to let them live so happily these years

, okay, don't stay here, you can also leave

, wait for the good news, don't think that those revolutionary armies and pirates can make any difference together

, the Four Emperor Pirates are suppressed like this, which is also what we are happy to see,

and this can be regarded as the contribution of the navy to the rule of our world government

It's also the reason why we haven't completely suppressed

them, these guys are indeed doing things in the service of our world government

, so let them be honest, you go back quietly and wait for your members to be rescued. "

In addition, when the time comes, you have to think about how to explain

to that adult, after all, I also know about your actions this time, and

you dared to go out in advance without getting accurate information

, which I have to convince your courage, even I didn't dare to say that I broke into the lair of the two parties directly

This action of yours can also be said to be the biggest casualty of our Celestial Dragons since the Valley of the Gods

, you can explain it well, this time we want to help you and there is no way. Hearing

that these five old guys began to provoke people, but threatened themselves with such things

, this dignified knight of the gods Figarand Garin snorted very dissatisfied

, he understood that these five old men didn't want to let themselves ask again, revealing

so much to themselves, it was enough to save face

, and now they reminded themselves of the things they should pay attention to, how to explain to the adult behind them,

This is indeed a trouble, his arrogance brought about by the end of the fiasco

, this is an indisputable thing, now in fact, he is also a very headache

, in addition to coming here to ask why these people are so arranged

, I also want them to help the adult behind him to intercede,

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