Then what can you do? The trouble you caused, you have to solve it by crying, and at this moment, the above has already spoken

, let them solve this matter by themselves, there is no way, Rob Luci, who knows that he is at a loss, can only come to the naval headquarters Marin Fodo to meet the big boss of the navy - Marshal Sengoku.

At this moment, in the face of the ill-intentioned eyes of the marshal of the Warring States, Rob Lucci secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, after all

, how old is he, how old are others, this one has experienced more things than he has eaten salt, and they are not on the same level at all.

Even if Hewen and they had to be very careful when talking to the Marshal of the Warring States, let alone this young man

, in the end, Rob Luqi still endured the fear and told the Marshal of the Warring States about the events of that day, after hearing Rob Luqi's explanation, the Marshal of the Warring States was a little crying and laughing, he could actually guess a little reason.

In this society, it is mediocre not to recruit envy, and, for those talented people, it is often easier to be targeted by others, I didn't expect that this time, they would actually target a 13-year-old child

, it seems that the CP agents of the world government are also living more and more, thinking of this, the marshal of the Warring States did not want to embarrass this kid anymore,

so he said to him:" Okay, I know what you think, it's useless to compensate us, and it's not us who assassinated

, I'll call this kid Hewen over later, you can communicate with him and make up for his mental damage. Seeing

the Marshal of the Warring States who was still nervous there just now, his attitude has eased a lot, Rob Lucci is relieved

, it seems that his choice is still correct, if just now, he still put on the same set of world government, looking at nothing and being high

, now he can make the Marshal of the Warring States give him a good face, and he will be a ghost, maybe it will be light to be beaten out.

From the beginning, he planned to lower his value and apologize to the marshal of the Warring States, which seems to be very correct

, if the two sides eliminate the mustard this time, then in the future, the CP agents of their world government, if they need the cooperation of the navy, they will still be the same as usual.

Then, the marshal of the Warring States made a phone call to the elite training camp of the Navy, and at this moment, Hewen was training that group of recruits,

and after receiving the call, Hewen handed over the task at hand to Aladdin, and slowly came to the office of the marshal of the Warring States.

When he came to the marshal's office, he saw that Rob Lucci was still here, his brows furrowed, and he felt very surprised, but he still saluted the marshal of the Warring States first.

Then, after the Marshal of the Warring States nodded, he probably told Hewen what he and Rob Luqi had just said, and now he understood what the whole thing had happened.

But looking at the appearance of the marshal of the Warring States, he didn't want to make a big deal out of it, he intended to act as this peacemaker, and he didn't want the CPs of the navy and the world government to make too much trouble, which was also in Hewen's arms.

His wish now is to build his own ship as soon as possible, and anything else can be put in the back, so that he doesn't have to deal with it in a hurry,

and it just so happens that this time he looks at Rob Lucci's posture, and he wants to negotiate with himself about compensation.

Things are just as Hewen wants to see you, the Warring States Marshal has already helped him pave the way for the front, and then it's time for Rob Lucci to perform his own performance

, whether he can appease Hewen or not, it depends on their ability, just listen to him and say to Hewen: "This naval brother, I'm very sorry, this time, the most important thing is because of our CP organization

,." My own internal problems, and caused you a lot of trouble, in the next time, we will clean up this group of black sheep

, in addition, I came this time, but also to compensate for the losses caused to you this time.

I don't know, do you have any other needs? If so, you can bring it up to me this time, and if we can solve it, we will help you solve the problem.

After listening to what he said, Hewen smiled, glanced at him meaningfully, and said to Rob Lucci: "Brother Rob Lucci, the loss is negotiable

, I stay in the navy, and I don't lack anything, nothing else, but this time, I still want a little more treasure tree Adam, I don't know when this wish can be fulfilled."

Hewen's words did not exceed Rob Luffie's expectations, he had asked his subordinates to make countless plans before he came, and in the end, they still felt that this plan was more feasible

, and he could also understand the reason why Hewen wanted Baoshu Adam, who didn't want their ship to be built with the best materials, if you didn't have that condition,

It's okay to forget about it, but now that I've already obtained a part of it, and then I can get a part from the hands of this group of CP agents, and the rest of the small part, it's not a difficult task.

However, he couldn't show it now, he looked very anxious, and then he heard Rob Lucci say: "Okay, no problem

, I will give it to you this time, and double it on the basis of Treasure Tree Adam, as compensation for this treatment, and give it to you as compensation for this treatment, and the part of Treasure Tree Adam that I lost in the fight last time, this time, I have taken it all to the Navy Headquarters, and when you are free, you can take it away."

Hewen nodded, looking very satisfied, after all, what the CP agents promised this time was relatively simple

, first, there was no prevarication, and second, he did what he said, which made Hewen very satisfied.

The next few people had a general discussion about the details of the whole incident, and in the end, the Navy and their side also agreed,

and let Rob Lucci and them take away the group of CP agents who were imprisoned, so that the whole matter came to an end.

The marshal of the Warring States period saw that this matter had been resolved, and then he was also relieved, and then he drove Rob Luqi and He Hewen out

of the office, and then personally called the five old stars to report the results of this matter, and saw that the matter had ended satisfactorily, and the five old stars were also very satisfied

It seems that the navy boy is still facing them, and he didn't open his mouth to them because of this matter, and the treasure tree Adam is a treasure in the eyes of others

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