It made these people feel more happy, but in this happy mood,

finally, that thing came...

After seeing the arrival of the matter, everyone did not have the original anxiety

, but relieved, really, you know that the other party is going to sneak attack

, but you can't see the other party, that kind of grievance makes them angry

, and now a trace of unusual coming, it means that this thing is coming

, and in the field, no one is simple, they can feel that the scene is unusual,

Then, these people immediately got up and packed up their things

, and Lieutenant General Karp, an old man, did not forget to take it easy before leaving

, and secretly stuffed some snacks made by Hewen into

his arms, and then entered the cabin to prepare

, and carried out the next large-scale battle, and finally,

the entire ship Frudt was also sounded the alarm

After hearing the alarm, all the people immediately ran

to their positions, they were full of fighting spirit for the next battle

, the navy side, after finding out that there was a trace of wrongness, they decisively went to prepare

, and the pirate side was also relieved, this group of damn navy

, can be regarded as arriving, their own preset ambush location,

it is not in vain that they waited for them for so long here,

In order to wait for the arrival of

this group of navies, they are waiting for the flowers to thank them, but they are looking forward to it, and now this group of people is finally

able to experience the troubles of waiting

for others, usually when they miss the appointment, there is no feeling, but when others miss the appointment, they become the one

, when they are about to wait for someone, that feeling is not to mention how sour,

Now watching the navy sway, finally arrived at the designated position

, which also marked the beginning of a duel, and then, the people who had been waiting impatiently

quickly headed towards that location, so

on the surface of the sea, there were many small

black spots, and the number of small black spots was still increasing.

On a certain day in a certain month in the 15th year of the 13th year of the sea calendar, the weather was cloudy, and above

the sea, the wind swept up the dark clouds, and between the dark clouds and the sea... No, no, it's skewered.

In a word, the weather is not very good, and this weather also indicates the situation on the scene, not very good

, with the strong men on the navy side, with the domineering of seeing and hearing

, feeling that there are countless black spots in the distance, and then their own radar

, also sensed a lot of people, and

drove towards them.

As a result, the navy has been prepared in advance

to meet the group of damn pirates, and the pirate side

is also quickly in place, compared to the navy, it seems that they are better than the number of people, you

can see that there will be a steady stream of ships on the sea,

towards the huge Flute battleship surrounding,

Although these people's

ships are not big, they are better than a large number, and in the face of these, I don't know the so-called siege of pirates, Hewen and his father-in-law Zefa, the chief instructor

, the two of them are now in the bow, looking at these "brave and fearless"

pirate ships, and then, they showed a look as expected,

it is really these pirate ships, in their expectations, the

people who came are not really big shots,

It seems that the big man has not yet appeared, in the face of this group of miscellaneous, Hewen this guy is not polite

, he directly ordered, and his subordinates let their subordinates use the cannons of the Flute on

the ship to directly attack these people who came to attack, and the pirate ship bombarded the past

, and sometimes you must be decisive in doing things, you must know that the first strike is strong

, and then the first attack suffers, knowing that the other party is here to find trouble for yourself,

I am still stupid, waiting for the approach of the opponent's ship

, this is not one, what a good commander does,

as long as the opportunity is right, it is time to strike first, regardless of whether it is right or wrong, and directly subdue the other party.

Moreover, those people also faintly raised, different pirate flags

, this is not very clear to tell others, these people are pirates?

So in this case, there is no need to be polite, and then, Hewen condensed four

dragon heads in the bow of the ship, and these dragon heads were violently towards the ships in the distance, quickly spitting out large stones,

and constantly bombarding these small pirate ships

Its role is not necessarily to sink these ships, but to break up their

formation, Hewen's tactic is a bit disgusting, his lethality is not great

, but, in the face of sudden stones, which ship can maintain a complete formation.

More or less, every

ship deviated, a little bit of its own course, and it didn't matter if he deviated from a little route, under normal circumstances

, there were no other ships, and if it deviated, it would deviate, and now this situation is

slightly different, a large group of pirate ships are crowded together

, and they surround

it, which also leads to the fact that once the ship in front of them travels wrong,

Just to the road of the boat behind, to block it tightly

, no, Hewen's four big dragon heads, kept spitting huge stones around,

forcing the ships to deviate from their own course

, and the boat behind, without understanding the situation, can only move forward

, the result of this is to collide directly with the ship in front

, resulting in a ridiculous thing happening, before it starts to fight,

Many ships have been damaged to varying degrees, and

some places have not been done, and even some ships have been directly sunk

, but there is no way, things have come to this point

, this time, this time, there is no official start of fighting, the momentum of their own side

has been weakened by three points, but it doesn't matter

After all, they didn't have many other ships, even if they lost some

of them, in the end, they still surrounded this ship of the Navy Elite Training Camp

, and then they saw that on one of the larger pirate ships

, Shi Shiran walked out of a man, and this man walked quite strangely.

No, he shouldn't be described as walking, but floating

, just see this man, with yellow hair, a cigar in his mouth, walking with floating, with the wind behind

him, and a strange rudder stuck in his head, this is just a strange part of him,

the most strange thing is that his lower body does not have two calves,

and the calf part is replaced by two sharp knives

People who have seen these two knives must remember him, among them

, and these people include Ha Wen, these two famous knives are not other knives,

they are "Dead Wood" and "Sakura Ten".

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